I ♦ ♦ Last Chance to get these I Unusual Bargains! j At the old stand. | We are moving in a few days to j the building the first door west j of the Royal Theatre and are of- j fering our Dresses in values at [ 19.75 >015.75 I $1675-10.75 $6.75-$4.751 A few beautiful Suits at the same 1 j j reduced prices, regardless of cost. | ! ' * All Summer Hats Below Cost. Chapman Style Shop , THE FRONTIER_, D. H. CRONIN, Publisher W. C. TEMPLETON, Editor and Business Manager [ Entered at the Postoffice at O'Neill, , j Nebraska as Second Class Matter, jl FRANK CAMPBELL t __ j Frank Campbell passed away at1 his home in this city about nine * t o’clock Wednesday evening of heart j disease. He has been in failing health | for several months but was able to transact business until a short time ago. Mr. Campbell was born in Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, January 7th, 1849; he was eighty-one years, five months and twenty-five days old at j the time of his death. He was united in marriage to Eliza beth Winterer in 1879; to this union nine children were born; they are: Clarence, A., Omaha, Neb.; Harry J. and Hugh J., Los Angeles, Cali fornia; Ed T., O’Neill; Mrs. Mae Devine and Miss Grace, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Frank P., Walter M., and Miss Maude, deceased. Mr. Campbell was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Funeral services will be held from St. Patrick’s church Friday morning at nine o’clock. Burial will be in Cal j vary cemetery. | Further obituary notice will be ! published next week. FUNERAL OF DAN GRADY HELD IN WICHITA FALLS (Wichita Falls, Texas, News) The following is taken from the Wichita Falls (Texas) News, and tells of the death of Dan Grady, for merly of this city, who passed away on Thursday of last week: “Rites for Dan Grady, 63, Electra oil operator who came to Wichita County during boom days and was active in developing Sunshine Hill pool, were held Saturday afternoon at Wichita Falls. His death Thurs day at Mineral Wells followed a long period of ill health. Surviving him are his wife, four nephews, Ben and Henry Grady of O’Neill, Nebraska; Tom Grady of Norfolk, Nebraska; John Grady of Seattle, Washington; five nieces, Rose, Katherine and May 300,000 GET MORE ’ FOR THEIR MONEY ■k IN SKELLY GASOLINE _ /v I I 1 ] ] 1 / ! « ] [HAT'S why we’re glad to pay more for Shelly gas oline than wo would pay for ordinary gasoline: Because we’re! certain many of those 300,000 (and the number is growing fast) are coming to our pumps again and again, . getting more for their money. Being certain of a larger volume of sales of this higher goal* ity gasoline, we can afford to pay more, yot sell to you at nothing extra/ Slcelly Oil Company makes Refraction* ated Gasoline by higher cost refining, | to give greater power^complete i gasification, and smoother allA ! around performance. And that's why you and the more than *300,000 are getting more for your money* < GASOLINE SSL Mellor Motor Co. J. B. Mellor & Son J eill Creamery I Makes An Announcement Now that the Creamery is running in full force, we will be pleased to I have 11. and any people of O’Neill, neighboring towns and in fact all Cream Producers, or Consumers, to come in and visit the new plant. We opened for business on June 30th. But just as in old times we are going to have a house warming and everyone is invited to come. There will be Ice Cream Cones, Fresh Buttermilk and Souvenirs for all who attend. We wish to thank the people who have already sold cream to us, those in town who have remained on our Milk delivery, also those who have phoned in and brought in their orders. At this same time though we are asking you folks to do a little missionary work among your friends and neighbors. This Creamery mlust be a success. The following is a list of folks who have delivered Cream to the Cream ery in the short space of time that we have been operating: John Bellar Geo. Simpson L. G. Summers Chas. Preston Tom Griffin Joe Gokie Ed. Murray M. C. Hull John Hickey F. Grandorf Arnold Stewart L. Barrett I. V. Simonson Jim Gaughenbaugh E. Allen J. E. VanAvery S. Simonson I. S. Givens Peter Eggert Chas. Kalena L. Hull Walter Brennan Anna Dierks Preston Jones Ray Kurtz J. Juracek F. Murray Ackley Van Ed. Jardee John O’Malley T. J. Donohoe Floyd Johnson Joseph Fernholz Walter O’Malley L. C. Snyder Joe Jureske J. B. Meyer Ed. Bushart Pat Regan W. F. Moyer H. Lansworth Wm. Anderson Bert Shoemaker Herb Alder Pat Keys C. McDonald F. Fallon Joe Wagner Ed. Heeb John Welch J. J. Hynes Casper Wegman VV. Clauson Joe Sobotka J. K. Bellar James Flemming J. Nickels Ed. Recken Henry Storjobn Frank Nelson Fay Pucket T. J. Donohoe John Llddy j c Curran VVm. Grutsch T W. Harding C. T. Keltz Jas. E. Brennan John Clauson Joe Welch . Tom Donohoe Andy Wetlaufer ^Ick Hubert Theo. 1’horson F. P. Hunter Clarence Farr G. H. Grimes Tom Griffin W. E. Grothe Phil Allendorfer H. Vequist J. J. Mulligan If the people of this community are interested in good prices for their Cream, they should investigate and find who put the top on price of Cream. It raised from 28 cents to 31 cents when we opened. Orders have been coming in exceptionally good the last few days for Mik, Cream, Eggs and Butter. But there are a few people in O’Neill who are interested in building up O’Neill who have neglected to phone in their Milk, Cream and Butter orders. Phone them in, we will take care of you and satis faction is guaranteed to you. Everyone in the county should help build up the county seat regardless of whether they live in O’Neill or the surrounding country. Watch For The Grand Opening! Full particulars will be in next week’s paper, July 12th will be the date. THOS. J. BRENNAN .. - - ^ ne Grady of Denver, Colorado; Mrs. i lerbert Hammond, O’Neill, Nebras ;a and Mrs. Ambrose Dotherty of Valde, Wisconsin. The Rev. Father J. F. O’Bierne, >astor of Sacred Heart church, offi iated in funeral services and pall learers were Pat Gaffney, S. B. Mar hant, H. C. Lindley, R. N. Richard on, Electra, and A. L. Hallofield, Dallas.” rHE LIONS CLUB MET AS USUAL TUESDAY The Lions Club held another of heir usual pleasant noon luncheons ast Tuesday noon. The next meeting of the club will *> the noon luncheon at the Western lotel next Tuesday at 12:10,5 at which time a program will be given: SCOTT—MONSON Elmer Scott, of Norfolk, Nebras ka and Miss Evelyn Monson, of Vausa, Nebraska, were married at he Presbyterian manse on Wednes lay afternon by Rev. H. D. Johnson. LOCAL NEWS. Miss Lois Ruth Templeton came lome Tuesday from Hastings, Ne >raska, where she has been visiting ler brothers Kenneth and Carroll rempleton. The contract was let for the chang ng of the heating system of the pub ic school, to A. V. Virgin for $2260, tt a meeting held for that purpose >n June 21st. Mrs. I. E. Hugos, accompanied by ler children, Marjorie and Millard, ame Saturday for a two week’s vis t at the home of her parents, Mr. md Mrs. C. C. Millard. A. E. Gwin has resigned the posi ,ion which he has held with the Mel or Motor Company for several weeks and has returned to Monmouth, llinois, because of his wife’s health. Mrs. H. J. Zimmerman and grand laughter, Miss Betty Jane Zimmer man returned to Hastings, Nebras- j ta, Monday. They accompanied Mr. ind Mrs. Anton Nemic, of SpeneeT. Mrs. Pearl Harding, accompanied jy her three children, Kenneth, [)uaae ^nd Luella left Monday morn ng for Belle Fourche, South Dakota. < Twine: Twine! j We have all kinds I of Binder Twine, from 12zC up. See us before you buy. All prices. t We have only two used Binders left. j Warner & Sony