The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 03, 1930, Image 3

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    Honor Students in Annual Daisy Chain March
■MBIMilTin—THiiMii mmmm i iwi 1111111 ■■■ 111 ■■■iimmiiii—W—fTMTrmnMl—T«—M
The twenty-six sophomores who
won the honor of bearing the
daisy chain in the annual class
day exorcises at Vassur College.
.a;- ■>: agsg..-sgsai
IN. Y., are shown on the beauti- •
ful campus during the com
mencement festivities. The two
leaders are Nancy Uatson, of
► Louisville, Ky. (l«ft), and Jan#
Chapman, oi' Rocheste*. N. Y.
(luiat uAUonAl New*te«l)
> ins High Honors at Pin,burgh Pastor Heads
Military Academy Presbyterian Church
From Printers' Devil
to College President
Charles Durant Maine?, first ser
geant of “A” Company at the
Peekskill Military Academy, New
York, is the highest rated Cadet
if his class among the junior mili
tary schools throughout the United
States. He is 17 years old. Cadet
Maines has won high honors for
the third consecutive year at the
Hudson River Military School.
(International Ncwnratl)
Walter William? ha? risen from a
lowly printer's devil to the presi
dency of the University of Missouri
without benefit of sheepskin. Al
though he has never received a
college degree, President Williams
founded tha Missouri School of
Journalism. At the age of 66 he
now replaces Dr. Stratton D.
(lnt»rn»llar.a) N«w»r»«l)
A recent portrait of Dr. Hugl
Thompson Kerr, pastor of a Pitts
burgh church, who was elected
Moderator of the Preabyteriae
Church in the United States by the
delegates to the 142nd General
Assembly at Cincinnati, Ohio. He
rucceeda the Rev. Dr. Clel&nd B.
McAfee of Chicago.
United States New i emple ot Justice
This magnificent structure has
been proposed by Cass Gilbert,
architect, as n fitting home for
the United Sta‘es Supreme Court
in the national cap.lal. Work
• on its construction is expected
to begin within a few months,
and it will require three years
to complete the project. The
architect estimate* that the
• building; will cost $9,740,000,
exclusive of furnishings. It 1«
of classic style, and will be in
tho form of a quadrangle.
{International Newt >eV
Pan-American r nen(Islnp
. . - "-1-1
Professor Elected Head
of N. C. University
President Herbert Hoover greet
ing Ur. Enrique Olsiy&i pri'si
dent-elect of Colombia. Ur.
Olaya is one of the most popu
lar men in South America to
0Aji, Vitim lleusa emissariea
♦ and diplomats of foreign na
tions were among the welcom
ing group as the two ex
changed token* of Pan-Ameri
can friendship.
Professor Frank Graham has ben
elected president of the Univcr
sity of North Carolina, to succeed
Dr. llarry W. Cliasa, who recentlj
resigned to become head of tin
University of Illinois. Dr
Graham has been professor of his
lory at the institution since 1914
us ivatttMiti
E.nplre Slate Chief
Salutes the Flag
A close-up of Governor Franklin
D. Roosevelt as he stands in his
automobile with his head bared
while the colors of the New York
National Guard passed In review
at Van Cortlandt Park, New York.
Tho review was held on “Gover
nor’s Day” for the first time in
fifteen years.
(IntornatlonaJ Nuirirtil)
Commander-in-Chief of
Confederate Veterans
General L. W. Stephen*, of
Coushatta, La., a distinguished
Confederate aoldier, was elected
Commander-in-Chief of the United
Confederate Veterans at the con
clusion of the fortieth annual re
union held at Biloxi, Miss.
(InUrnaiiunal N«w«r««l) j
Mary Pickford
Onjy Says “No!”
|_r _S3U
With four snort negative answer*,
Mary Pickford, screen star, on the
witness stand in Municipal Court,
Los Angeles, denied reports she
lad given a $10,009 Liberty Bond
o Bactapp* Raw, Hindu seer, who
s on trial charged with grand
ax cany.
{iat*r»att*e*l KsfWMl) j
Bush Weds ‘Angel of Bowery’ „
Miss Marion Spore (right), bet- 4
ter known as the ‘‘Angel of the
Bowery" is now honeymooning
with her husband, Irving T.
Kush (left), president of the
Hush Terminal Comjviny of New
York. Bush married Miss Spor®
a few hours after he won hia
marital freedom fr^m Mrs.
Maude H. Bush.
ItutarnatlouiJ Ntw •)»*(}
Sergeant of Lake IIlover Selects Iowan
Forest Police Dept. As Minister to Canada
Lake Forest, 111., north shore sub
urb of Chicago, known as the home
town of millionaire*, is efficient in
more ways than one. I’hoto is of
Marion Huntoon. desk sergeant of
the Lake Forest Police Department
for more than three years. Her
duties are the same as those of any
desk sergeant.
(International Naware*!)
IffWtHEfcV. ."ft*; ^
Hanford Macnider, of Mason Cit)
Iowa, has been selected by Presf
dent Hoover as United State* Min
Ister to Canada. 'Hie name ha
already been approved by the Ot
tawa Government and is not
awaiting the approval of l.ondo
and the United States Senate. N«
opposition is expected.
(linuiuai.unil Nisiimi
Vaudeville King Wins Figlil
Victory crowned the leng and
hitherto vain battle of Alexan
der Pantagea for release from
prison on bail, when the State
Supreme Court ordered his re
kase pending decision of the
» Appellate Court on his appeal.
Photo shows Pantnges in hiseell
prior to leaving on ha:l (left to
j right) Alex. Pantages, Mrs.
Pantages and Carmen
I Pantages.
I Internat ional Naaa.a*
Critically Injured in Crash
Henry "Buddy" Bughmcyer,
noted parachute jumper (inset),
and .Clifford Muchmore, well
hnawn pilot, were critically in
-.. Mil
. Jured when this plane crashed
on a farm near the Long Island
Motor Parkway, not far £*om
.Uicksville, L. I.
t s m t *mmm t immmJ