The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 12, 1930, Image 8

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    LOW !
* ’.
In addition to daily round trip rates for tickets bearing all
summer return limit, there will be on sale EVERY .SATURDAY
special low-rate round trip tickets with 30-day return limit to
New Yprk, Washington and principal Long Island and Jersey
Coast resorts only 50r/r higher than the one way fare.
I will be glad to assist you with plans
for your summer vacation trip.
L. E. DOWNEY, Ticket Agent
Cyril Peter visited at Wm. Hall’s,
Sunday evening.
Win. Hall was over to Jim Peter’s
Tuesday morning.
Violet Engelhaupt visited Mrs. Nel
lie Fleek, Thursday.
Raymond Hoffman was a caller at
Jim Peter’s last week.
Frank Peter and family were Sun
day visitors at Cyril Peter’s.
Mis Frances Peter visited Miss Ag
nes Peter Sunday afternoon.
Mis Emma Hitman was visiting
Miss Esabel Kifer last week.
Miss Irene Peter, left for Wayne,
Sunday to attend summer school.
John Peter Jr. and family called on
Leonard Griffith. Sunday afternoon.
Grandma Peter, has been on the
sick list but is able to be about again.
Isabel Urban, of Ewing, was in our
vicinity looking for a school, recent
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaw report
a 9*4 pound baby boy. born last Fri
It looks as if we won’t have any
summer at all if it don't turn warm
Ralph Mellor was in our vicinity
last week, fishing; he had pretty fine
M iss Nellie Gaughenhaugh was at
Cyril Peter’s, Sunday, to see about a
Miss Anglia Erychleb is here from
Stanton, Nebraska, visiting relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brown and fam
ily, also John Brown visited Carl Nie
mund last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peter and son
Stanley, also Mr. and Mrs. John
Peter called on Grandma Peter, Tues
• day afternoon.
Will Walters, Pete Brown and his
• daughter. Miss Marie, came home
from Stanton last week where they
’< visited relatives and friends.
A number of young folks attended
the dance in Chambers last week; all
report having a nice time and are
hoping for another one soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kifer and their
• daughter, Miss Esabel, spent Satur
day and Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Michel, at Stafford;
Miss Ido accompanied Miss Esabel
home for a visit.
1 _ *■ \ • i ■ h • v t
Cecil Griffith called oil Rouse Bros,
Thursday evening.
Cecil Griffith helped A. L. Borg
mow alfalfa, Tuesday.
Miss Martha Mitchell left Monday
to attend Wayne Normal.
Miss Maude Rouse returned to her
home in O’Neill, Saturday.
Several gathered in the Johnson
pasture to play ball Sunday.
Miss Biukard, of Lynch, is visiting
her aunt, Mrs! Oscar Lindburg.
Mrs. R. I). Spindler has been on
the sick list the past few days.
Ardis Worth is staying with her
aunt, Mrs. Roy Karr, for a few days.
Clyde Thompson, of Lynch, was an
over night visitor at the Griffith home
Huzel Mae Rouse spent last week
end with her grandmother, Mrs. E.
H. Rouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rouse, Hazel
Mae, Rose Marie and Bernard spent
Sunday with Mrs. Elmer Rouse.
Mrs. Libbie Nelson returned to
O’Neill after a weeks’ visit at the
home of her son George and family.
Raymond Johnson purchased a
Chevrolet coupe with a rumble seat.
Wonder why he needs the extra seat?
Cecil Griffith, George Weldon and
I Miss Martha Mitchell were supper
I guests at the Gus Johnson home Sun
; day.
! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
| daughters, Florence and Lavonne,
| s^ent Sunday at the Arden Johnson
| home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
daughters and Miss Manzie Rouse,
| called at Rouse Bros., Thursday
i afternoon.
Mr;-, and Mrs. Eric Borg, Marvel
and William Hubby, were Sunday
dinner guests at the J. K. Ernst
home, near Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Karr and Mr.
and Mrs. Wicker came from Grand
Island, Saturday for a visit at the
Bob Worth and Roy Karr homes.
Miss Hazel McDonald and Miss
Josephine Joslyn left Sunday to at
tend summer school at Wayne; Al
bert McDonald took them down to
Quite a crowd from this vicinity
attended the dance at Riverside,
Wednesday night. Dad Parker’s or
chestra, of Norfolk, furnished the
music; an enjoyable time was had.
.fahn A. Robertson purchased 840
acres of land on Eagle Creek last
Saturday and sold 520 acres of it to
Charley Ross the same day. The farm
was known as the Joe Harrison
Any Kind That You May Want i
15% to 25% Saved on Insurance Policy
I Insure against Loss from
I Fire
I Lightning
I Tornado
i Plate Glass insurance
| in a strong company
Every car owner should i
Insure against
Public Liability and
Property Damage
Court Bonds
Contractors Bonds
Notory’s Bonds written
| L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency ;
| O’Neill, Nebraska.
Our Slogan
“Service and Prompt Settlements” j
Mr. and Mr3. Eric Borg, Marvel, I
md William Hubby, called on Mrs. A. |
Borg, at the Spencer hospital on
Puesday and then motored to Fair-!
ax, for a short visit at the Dave
lansen home.
Mrs. Henry Walters entertained
he Ladies Aid on Wednesday after-1
loon. A very large crowd attended,
drs. Walters, assisted by her sisters,
Urs. Ralph Young and Miss Maude;
louse, served a very dcdicious lunch.
Those working on the basement of
Joy Karr’s garage are John Crandal,
denry Kaczor, Charley Fontaine and
5teve Hicks. The work is going on
ir.e and it won’t be long until they
rill be ready to start the building,
vhich will be 24x32 feet.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.
Li. Borg, at the Spencer hospital, on
5a: iday, June 7th; all concerned are
loiug tine except Axel, and we think
ie will recover.. We suppose his hired
nan will soon have to turn over his
iob rf driving the tractor, to the boy,
Hewett’s oil truck made the usual
:rip, Tuesday.
Homer Fullerton is shaking hands
with his many friends.
Miss Pearl Steskal spent Sunday
in Atkinson with Grandma Diehl.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller visited
it the Miller and Surrey homes Sun
Wayne Warner Jr. and Jim Abbott
were dinner guests of Albert Kling
ler’s, Monday.
Elmer Warner and A1 Strube, of
O’Neill, called at the Hannah Rich
irds home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Anderson of
Atkinson made a business call at the
Diehl ranch, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler were
iintier guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey
Miller, Friday evening.
Tom Troshynski was re-elected in
Dist. 89; Anna Early was re-elected
treasurer in Dist. 145.
Mr. and Mrs. August Brinkman
»nd family visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Ries, Thursday evening.
Relatives and friends of Emil
[>ronke received word of his death at
Lead, South Dakota. Thursday.
Robt. Fullerton was elected Treas
urer and Wm. Murphy, Moderator,
it Dist. 160 Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler were
linner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa
Wherley and family, Sunday night.
Mrs. Chris Glazeg and daughters
attended the birthday party on Mrs.
Luben, in Emmet, Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bessey return
ed home Thursday evening from a
visit in Omaha with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Jones visited Mr.
and Mrs. John Delosch, near Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bougue, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Ries were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ray
mer, Sunday.
Grandma Roth and the Baum fam
ily; Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller, vis
ited at the home of Paul Roth and
family. Sunday.
Mrs. Hanah Richards and son made
a trip to O’Neill, Monday to get
their chickens, which were hatched
at the Hatchery.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heyne and fam
ily, of Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Karo; Mr. and Mrs. Max Karo and
family; Mr. and Mrs. August Brink
man and family and Clyde Moore
were Sunday visitors of John Naber.
Sr., and family.
T. D. Smith, of Norfolk, was in
town one day last week.
Rev. R. Poe left for Lincoln, Mon
day where he will take courses in
Theological work for the next two
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neilson, from
north of O’Neill, were here Sunday,
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Conger.
Misses Emma Anspach, Esther
Fraka, Ruth Keyes and Regina Ruth
er, all left for Wayne, Monday, to at
tend summer school.
W. Wr. Watson and son-in-law and
little Miss Marjorie Ward, of Lin
coln, are here visiting at the E. L.
and I. L. Watson homes.
Mr. and Mrs. James McMahn are
moving here from Lyons, Nebraska,
this week and will reside in the prop
erty owned by Mrs. Halloren.
Mrs. Henry Wellman and son Al
bert Ward, came from Royal, last
week and spent a few days visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Car
Judge and Mrs. C. J. Malone and
Mrs. Bronsen, of O’Neill, and Mrs.
Brooks, of Atkinson were Sunday
guests at the home of Mrs. Mary
Miss Doretha Kelley, who has been
attending school in Norfolk the past
year, is here visiting her grand-par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Brombough,
and friends.
Chester Fowler, who has been
teaching in the schools at Sioux City
came home Saturday to spend the
summer. Chester will teach in Sioux
City again next year.
Mrs. A. L. Anderson, who has
spent the last several months here
with her daughter, Mrs. R. Poe, left
for Emerson, Monday, where she will
visit with another daughter.
Next Sunday the Methodist Sunday
School wil present a Children’s Hay
program. The Sunday School wiil
convene at the usual time and the
program will be at the church hour.
The Royal Neighbor lodge met at
the home of Mrs. Forest Smith last
Wedensday afternoon; a good crowd
was present and a delicious lunch was
served at the close of the afternoon.
Rev. Poe, with his Sunday School
class of about 10 boys went to Nio
brara river dam last Friday, where
they spent the day. They took a
picnic dinner along and the boys all
report a “swell" time.
Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor and
daughter, Miss Ava. of Wakefield,
care Monday for a couple of days’
visi* with friends. Mr. Taylor was
Riverside Park
Lewis Bishop and his
Acccordian Orchestra
Dad Parker of Norfolk
Ball Game Sunday
at the Park.
Come and have a good
a former pastor of the Methodist
church here; they will go to Bartlett
and then to Seward, visiting daugh
ters at both places.
Rev. R. Poe, pastor of the Metho
dist church, went to O’Neill, Thurs
day evening and delivered the ser
mon at a meeting held at the Meth
odist church at that place. He was
accompanied by his brother-in-law,
Rev, Gilbert Anderson, who also took
part in the service.
The members of the Epworth
League sold popcorn last Wednesday
and Saturday nights, the proceeds to
be used to pay expenses at the Ep
worth League Institute to be held at
Madison, Neb., commencing June 23.
The League plans to hold a food sale
next Saturday afterpoon and evening.
For Sale: Rug 8-3x10-6. Call 202.
For Sale: One Refrigerator.—In
quire at this office. 49
For Sale: Four-burner oil stove,
with oven.—A. E.'Stevens. 51
A ', , » _ .
Used pianos, $50 and up.—A. E.
Bowen. " ' Ht
For Sale: Home Comfort Range,
nearly new.—Carrie N. Gibson, Op
portunity, Neb. 48tf
Tomato and Cabbage Plants for
sale; grown in open air.—First door
north of Library. l-3tp
Piano for Sale at the lowest pos
sible price. Cash or monthly pay
ments. Apply at this office.
A few good gray does, bred or
open; reasonable; also young does
and bucks; visitors welcome any
time.—Mitchell Rabbitry, O’Neill. 41f
$4.50 for 60 pounds. Sample at
Hatchery.—Ralph N. Leidy. 44-!
Buy one book at 75c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it tot
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
Dressmaking.—Clara Aim.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tl
ing.—W. B. Gsaves. O’Neill. 30-tf
Shoe hospital. Honest goods and
square dealing. L. L. Cornell. 5tf.
I have private money to loan on
choice farms. See R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebraska. 27-tf
Stewart-Warner Radios. Come in
and hear them.—W. B. Graves. 28tf
For rent, furnished apartments for
families. Alsa sleeping rooms by day,
week or month. 20 rooms In my
house.—Julia E. Parker. 47-tf
The Federal Land Bank of Omaha
announces that they are anxious to
secure farm loans at this time. All
those desiring a loan, call on Jas. F.
O’Donnell, Secretary, and submit an
application. 35
Head-ache, blurring,
weak or watery eyes,
styes, etc., indicate a
_ need of correct glass
es. See Perrigo Optical Co., at Gold
en Hotel, Thursday, June 19. 2-2t
Furnished House for rent, near
the Presbyterian church.—Mrs. C.
Smith. 2-tf
For Rent: 800 acre hay and cattle
ranch; low rent.—R. H. Parker,
O’Neill. Neb. 47tf
The Frontier $2.00 per year.
"and trade-marks
C. A.SNOW & Co.
Successful Practice since 1875.
Over 25,000 patents obtained
for inventors in every section
of country. Write for book
let telling how to obtain
a patent, with list of clients
in your State.
710 8th St., Washington, D. C,
You can’t beat our Milk
but you Can Whip our
The Best by Test
For sale by
John Kersenbrock
Or call 240
The Frontier $2.00 per year.
! ____
Wre are competing with far-away
hatcheries on price and giving you
better quality chicks without the haz
ard of long distance shipping. Chicks
every Sunday or Monday. Please or
der in advance if possible. Peat Lit
ter, Brooder Stoves.—O’Neill Hatch
Get your Baby Chicks at the At
kinson Hatchery. $12.00 per 100 for
purebred heavys, $10.00 per 100 for
mixed heavys. K. F. Siemsen. 37
Nebraska Accredited Chicks, heavy
breeds $14.00 per 100, $67.50 per 500;
Leghorns $12.00 per 100, $55 per 500,
$100.00 per 1,000, postpaid. Live de
livery guaranteed. Hatch each Mon
day.—Elkhorn Valley Hatchery, Bat
tle Creek, Neb. 34tf.
(First publication June 12, 1930)
Sealed bids will be received until
the evening pf June 28, 1930, by
School District No. 15, Grattan
Township, Holt County, Nebraska,
for the erection of a . school house
32x24 feet, 8 foot studding, with an
entrance 10x14 feet. Plans and speci
fications may be seen at the Seth
Noble Lumber Yard in O’Neill, Ne
braska, or will be shown by any of
the members of the school board.
The board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Fred Grandorf, Moderator
James Kelly, Treasurer
3-2t Mart Stanton, Director.
(First publication May 29, 1930)
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Public
Works in the State House at Lincoln,
Nebraska, on June 20th, 1930, until
9 o’clock A. M., and at that time pub
licly opened and read for Grading,
Culverts and incidental work on the
O’Neill-Bartlett Project No. 313-B,
Federal Aid Road.
The proposed work consists of con
structing 4.0 miles of earth road.
The approximate quantities are:
41.000 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Ex
14.000 Cu. Yd. Stations Overhaul.
18.000 Cu. Yds. Top Soil or Sand
Clay Surface Course.
3.000 Cu. Yard Miles Hauling Top
Soil or Sand Clay Surface Course
135 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excava
tion for Culverts.
120 Lin. Ft. 18” Culvert Pipe.
304 Lin. Ft. 24” Culvert Pipe
40 Lin. Ft. 30” Culvert Pipe.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information se
cured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, or at the
office of the Department of Public
Works at Lincoln, Nebraska.
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100% of his contract.
Certified checks made payable to
the Department of Public Works for
not less than five per cent (5%) of
the amount of the bid will be requir
This work must be started previous
to July 15th, 1930, and be completed
by December 1st, 1930.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
Department of Public Works,
R. L. Cochran, State Engineer
E. F. Porter, County Clerk,
l-3t. Holt County
(hirst publication May 2b, lyju)
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Public
Works in the State House at Lincoln,
Nebraska on June 20th, 1930, until
9 o’clock A. M., and at that time pub
licly opened and "ead for Grading,
Culverts, Driveway Culverts, One
Bridge and incidental work on the
Deverre-Atkinson Project Ne. 639-A,
State Road.
The proposed work consists of con
structing 8.5 miles of earth road.
The approximate quantities are:
72.000 Cu. Yards Unclassified Ex
30.000 Cu. Yd. Stations Overhaul.
19.000 Cu. Yds. Top Soil or Sand
Clay Surface Course.
75.000 Cu. Yd. Miles Hauling Top
Soil or Sand Clay Surface Course
50 Cu. Yds. Uuclassified Excava
tion for Culverts.
42 Cu. Yds. Class “A” Concrete for
Box Culverts and Headwalls.
3,900 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for
Box Culverts and Headwalls.
28 Lin. Ft. 18” Culvert Pipe.
16 Lin. Ft. 18” Culvert Pipe^ for
Driveways Bridge at Station 446.
1—21’ Span Treated Timber Tres
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska or at the
office of the Department of Public
Works at Lincoln, Nebraska.
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100% of his contract.
Certified checks made payable to
the Department of Public Works for
not less than five per cent (5%) of
the amount of the bid will be requir
This work must be started previous
to July 15th, 1930 and be completed
by December 1st, 1930.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
Department of Public Works,
R. L. Cochran, State Engineer
E. F. Porter, County Clerk,
1- 3t Holt County
(First publication June 5, 1930.)
Estate No. 2168.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, May 31st, 1930.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Joseph L. Wither wax, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons interested in said estate that a
petition has been filed in said Court
for the appointment of Priscilla
Witherwax as Administratrix of said
estate, and will be heard June 26th,
1930, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the
County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne
(County Court Seal.) . ,
C. J. MALONE, ' <
2- 3t Coupty Judge
(First publication June 5, 1930)
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the School
District of the City of O’Neill, Ne'-1
braska, up to the hour of six o’clock
P. M., on Saturday, June 21st, 1930,
for the furnishing of material and
installation thereof for remodeling
the heating plant in the school house
jf said District in the City of O’Neill
Nebraska. Plans and specifications
for such material and installation
are on file with the secretary of the
Board of Education of said District
and may be inspected by any person
iesiring to bid. Said bjds shall b§
mailed or handed to the’unders'igned;
Secretary of the Board of Education
af said District before 6:00 P. M., on
June 21, 1930. Said bids will be open
ed at a meeting of th,e, JJoard of Edu
cation to be held at 8 o’clock P. M., on
June 21, 1930. Said Board of Edu
cation of the School District of the
City of O’Neill, Nebraska, reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
The successful bidder will be requir- .
ed to furnish bond in the amount of
his bid, conditioned for the perform
ance of said contract, and the pay-j:
ment for all labor and material fur-;
nished in the completion of said con-;:
tract. All bids shall be accompanied'
by certified check for 5% of the?"
amount of the bid. i-‘
Secretary of the Board of;
.. . Education of the City of
2-3t O’Neill, Nebraska.
Long Time
Loans On Live
Stock Wanted
-U •• -• ■}. »-4-—iN,
i g ti , •*
Tri-State Agriculture Credit
'• « '•» ; . r !• • i
Farm and Ranch Loans Again
John L. Quig
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
One block Sooth 1st Natl. Bank.
-Phone 71——
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ft.... >
Dr. F. A. O’CONNELL i j
• »
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Dr. J. P. Gilligan Dr. J. P. Brown
Res. Phone 10 Res. Phone 223
Graduate Veterinarian i
Phone 304. Day or Night.
O'Neill, Nebraska
; Dr. C. H. Lubker
Douglas Methods
Phone 316, O'Neill, Neb. j
Phone, Office 28
j: O’Neill :: Nebraska