Rheumatism? Quick relief from rheumatic pains without harm: . I To relieve the worst rheumatic pain if a very easy matter. Bayer Av>m« will do it every time! It's something you can always take. Genuine Aspirin tablets are harmless. Look for the Bayer Cross on each tablet BAYER ASPIRIN How the War Started She—Anybody would think I was nothing but a cook in this household! lie—Not after eating a meal here! —J udge. HEALTHY COMPLEXIONS come from healthy systems. Free the body of poisons with Fccn-a*mint. Effective in smaller doses. All druggists sell this safe, scientific laxative. pzm 1111 FOR CONSTIPATION Carry Your Medicine In Your Handbag 35 70 4oeee tablet# Our Vegetable Compound is also sold in chocolate coated tab lets, just as effective as the liquid form. Endorsed by half a million women, this medicine is particularly valuable during the three trying periods of ma turity, maternity and middle age. 98 out of 100 report benefit LtjfdiaE.Pteakham's Vegetable Compound crnA i wwHMt m&icJNC ax urn* mas4 The Fate ef Man Every now and again we become quite pessimistic, knowing as we do that there is a time in the life of man when he either gets hardening of the arteries or softening of the bruin.—Judge. Makes Life Sweeter Children’s stomachs sour, and need an anti-acid. Keep their sys tems sweet with Phillips Milk of Magnesia! When tongue or breath tells of acid condition—correct It with a spoonful of Phillips. Most'men and women have been comforted by this universal sweetener—more mothers should invoke Its nid for their chil dren. It is a pleasant thing to take, yet neutralizes more acid than the harsher things too often employed for the purpose. No household should be without it. Phillips is the genuine, prescrip tional product physicians endorse for general use; the name is impor tant. ‘ Milk of Magnesia” has been the U. S. registered trade mark of the Charles H. Phillips Chemical Co. and its predecessor Charles H. Phillips since 1875. Phillips *, Milk . of Magnesia l -'ir ■■ ----3 Sioux City Ptfl. Co., No. 18-1930. Out Our Way tfy William* I l iT VMOUV-O ©E \ , HUMOOOOS »F j / Taat poop ex' Jo*->m ( I SuPPGO am' f F.U OM \\ -fv-^CvT SKinj Ak|‘ \ \ 1 0Oc. THAT «E> ) \ FoviM'-/ AimT iT / ' ^Ovr* vouwe tf . «T vvjOolO M'-Vjfr 0££k* TO Afe F. T>-\ v/mH€ \£ »_ 6t\hV^O' of the “parrot fever’ scare in Denmark has ruled that ships from South American ports shall be subjected to the same quar antine measure normally in force for the control of cholera and plague. $10,000,000 besides. In another year he will have recouped much more. It all goes to show that however defective Mr. Ford’s understanding of public affairs he has one of the best understandings of business that the world has ever aeen. Q. What language did the an cient Ethiopians speak? J. L. T. A. They spoke a language known as Ethiopic, also called lesana Ge’ez, the tongue of Ge’ez. It ts closely allied with the languages of south ern Arabia and represents the southern division of the Sem lan guages. Old and young can take this family laxative; free trial bottle! The next time you or the children need a laxative, try this famous doctor's prescription which aids the bowels without doing any harm. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, containing p-:re senna and laxative htrb*. is effective in a gentle and helpful way. Its 3Ction is thorough, but it never weakens the bowels. It stimulates muscular action and is thus^ actually good for the system. So remember Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin when coated tongue, fetid breath, headaches, nausea, jaded appetite or biliousness tells the need of a thorough cleansing. Druggists keep it in big bottles, or write Dr. Caldwell s Syrup ’>tpsin, McniiceUa, III., for a free trial bottle. -M.l ■ f •I’''1* ^ f Docs much to hero a good clear complex ion, no matter what the weather! / -d' 8o«p He. 0;rt»*r« Xt. »oH fI Tilrutn r8r. Pr»ipriatori: Fitur 1 Em* * Ora'ftl C»rp.,K»M«, lhu. x\ |l|l liMIJUmWPK WWIttlDWliS1 I Fish Freeze to Deeth Tliat fish were frozen to death In l'A« North Boa during the spell of Arctic weather in February, If KM), hd* Just been disclosed. Fishermen who trawl there noted many strange hup penlngs in an area of about KMmbi miles In the vicinity of Denmark. They wiy their strangest experience wa* trawling up large numbers of dead fish, evidently killed by the cold. These included soles, brill, rod, con ger dabs and placie. One skipper re ported having thrown overboard 1,500 pounds of dead sole In a week’s voyage. {Retain {four Good {Cooks • Iiow frequently a woman thinks, "Am I still attractive?" How much thought and study she devotes f to her looks! That's natural. A woman hates to think she is grow ing day by day less charming and attractive. DR. PIERCE’S FA V O R I T F. PRESCRIP TION helps to preserve m a woman the charm and health of youth. It contains no harm ful ingredient. This splendid herbal tonic is sold by all druggists in both fluid and tablets. Write to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., if you desire free medi cal advice. For 10c Dr. Pierce will lend you a trial package of tablets. Defies Intense Heat One of Hie constantly occurring problems of industry Is the demand r!or crucible which will stand the In tense heat temperature required in some brunches of metallurgy. The experiment station of tlie bureau of mines has been giving this matter some attention. As a result crucible for holding molten mixtures of Iron sulphates and oxides for 45 minutes at a temperature of 1,500 degrees centigrade without appreciable seep age have recently boon developed. Out of Tun# “Wliat’s your objection to her sing ing?" “She doesn’t practice what she screeches.” For Barbed Wire Cuts Try HANFORD’S Balsam of Myrrh All dealers are authorised la reload r««r Boat; lor tha first bottle if not sailed. All married men are grout invent ors—of excuse*. Some men don't seem to come to I life until they go downtown. When 4 are upset Baby ills and ailments seen* twice as serious at night. A sud den cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea—a con dition it is always important to check quickly. How would you meet this emergency—tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? There is nothing that can take the place of this harmless but effective remedy for children; nothing that acts quite the same, or has quite the same comforting effect on them. For the protection of your wee one—for your own peace of mind —keep this old, reliable prepara She Lott 19 Pounds of Fat in 27 Days During October a woman in Mon tana wrote—“My first bottle of Kruschen Salta lasted almost 4 weeks and during that time I lost 19 pounds of fat—Kruschen is all you claim for It—I feel better than I have for years.” Here’s the recipe that banishes fat and brings Into blossom all the nat ural attractiveness that every woman possesses. Every morning tnke one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a gluso of hot water before breakfast. Be sure and do this every morning for "It’s the little dally dose that takes off the fat."—Don’t mlsa a morning. The Kruschen habit means that every particle of poisonous wnste matter and harmful adds and gases are expelled from the system. At the same time the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are toned up end the pure, fresh blood containing Na ture's six life-giving salts Is carried to every organ, gland, nerve and nbrs of the body and this Is followed by "that Kruschen feeling” of energetic health and activity that. Is reflected in bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vivacity and charming figure. If you want to lose fut with speed get tin 85c bottle of Kruschen Salta from any live druggist anywhere in America with the distinct under standing that you must be satisfied with results or money back. Kill Rats Ill Without Poison A New Exterminator that Won’t Kill Livestock, Poultry, Doga, Cats, or even Baby Chicks K-R-Ocan be used about the home.barn or poul try yard with absolute safety as it contains M deadly poison. K-R-O is made ofSquIll.as recotjimendedby U.S.Drpt of Agriculture,unde, the Connable process which insures mulmum strength.Two csns killed 578 rata at Arkansas State Farm. Hundreds ofother testimonials. SoM on s Money'Back Guarantee, Insist on K-R-O, the original Squill exter minator. All druggists, 75c. Large sire (lout times as much) $7.00. Direct If dealer canno/ eupply you. K-R-O Co., Springfield, O. _KILLS-RATS-ONLY_ PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Remove* Dandruff Stops Ilair Falling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair COcand $1 00 at Druggist*. HIicot: Cheir. Wka., Futchogqe.N.T, FLORESTON SHAMPOO - Ideal for use in con nection wi th Parker’s H air Balsam. Makes tha hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug gists. iiiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue.N. Y. Now! 'Tve been Married ten years.” "Oh! I thought you were naturally round-shouldered.” alcohol-iltRCIHt 1**1 l>» Mj* W 1 O TMrefcy !*•«•«<»« OMp** awtiwiW”* fjW ntl.Txr Ootam. V UIhphIN OT NXhcotic \l * <■' > itrtMtfflrt* lUl ||| Sr Tvj Coin!ll|5£^wS'SS'rtJ* iX ««1 Fr^rtrf m"*" VI CoasocSLBiv • Sil jfo ill tion always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. AW druggists have Castoria; the genufrw bears Chas. H. Fletcher'* signature oa the wrapper.