The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 10, 1930, Image 7

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    There’s scarcely an ache or pain
that Bayer Aspirin won’t relieve
promptly. It can’t remove the cause,
out it will relieve the pain! Head
aches. Backaches. Neuritis and
neuralgia. Yes, and rheumatism.
Read proven directions for many
important uses. Genuine Aspirin
can’t depress the heart Look ior
the Bayer cross:
Should Say Not!
Clerk—Do you want kid gloves?
Tommy (first long punts)—No, 1
want men’s gloves.
True dyes are
easiest to use!
Dresses, drapes or lingerie look
Hew when they’re re-dyed with Dia
mond Dyes. No spotting or streak
ing; neves-, a trace of that re-dyed
look. Just rich, even, bright colors
that hold amazingly through wear
and washing.
Diamond Dyes are the highest
quality Dyes you can buy because
they’re so rich in pure anilines. That’s
what makes them so easy to use.
That’s why they’ve been famous for
50 years. 15 cent packages—all
Highest Quality for 50 Years
Ant*’ Mental Power*
The mental powers of ants, which
Darwin referred to as perhaps more
marvelous than those of man, have
been the subject of close study by
numerous observers.
A Sour
In the same time it takes a dose
of soda to bring a little temporary
relief of gas and sour stomach,
Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acid
ity completely checked, and the di
gestive organs all tranquilized.
Once you have tried this form of
relief you will cease to worry about
your diet and experience a new
freedom in eating.
This pleasant preparation is just
as good for children, too. Use it
whenever coated tongue or fetid
breath signals need of a sweetener.
Physicians will tell you that every
spoonful of Phillips Milk of Mag
nesia neutralizes many times its
volume in acid. Get the genuine,
the name Phillips is important
Imitations do not act the samel
of Magnesia
Most statistics used in arguing are
utterly worthless.
Don’t Risk
Kidney Disorders Are Too
Serious to Ignore.
TT 7ATCH your kidneys! Sluggish
W kidneys fail to rid the blood
of impurities and permit slow poi
soning of the whole system. If
troubled with backache, bladder
irritations and getting up at night,
don't take chancesl Use Doan s
Pills at the first sign of disorder.
Used for more than 50 years.
Praised the world over.
50,000 Users Endorse Doan’s:
Mrs. O. A. Winter, 1145 N. Topeka St., *
Wichita, Kant., uyn "I had such severe
backaches 1 could hardly do my housework.i
Headaches were frequent and my kidneys
were irregular. Doan's Pills strengthened
my back and regulated my kidneys."
SIOUX CITY PTC. CO . NO. 15-1830.
^ —^—
Out Our Way By Williamj
T-V hamDS mat must muRT Cue am J / Be Av.u TV
BuT TVs is TV TmE "tp \ V WA\T DM | PR\OE , »F
|k.-TvKE\R PRIDE. A MOSS X /V \emOuG\V SO ,
| lii^ _x |^KMow( o^y
*' V—_ 1 '■ j. Rv*lU*MS
\ n*a.u »pat.orr. t-Ah-V-V v._
Bringing Electricity to Holy Land
on, it will be bringing power,
light and prosperity to the people
of Palestine. After many years of
planning, the ambitious project of
the Russian engineer, Rutenberg
is at last to become reality, and
the Holy Land will be the scene
of one of the largest electrical
enterprises in Europe.
Since the Palestine mandate be
came effective the Holy Land has
seen steady influx of poulation.
And modern methods in working
and living are fast superseding
primitive conditions in even the
smallest settlement. And so the
hum of the dynamo is to sound its
State May Provide Walks.
Prom Detroit News.
The humble roadside pedestrian
who has been walking on the rough
ill these years to avoid being
pumped ditch-ward, and has been
groping in the motorized public’s
dust to follow the old-fashioned
sport of seeing the countryside on
foot, finally has been offered a kind
ly hand in the form of the state
committee of the American Society
for Municipal Improvements.
“Pedestrian sidewalks” are pro
posed by John W. Reid, Detroit’s
commissioner of public works, who
s chairman of the committee, to
check what he terms the ‘ appalling
increase of pedestrian slaughter.”
In a communication to the League
pf Michigan Municipalities, Mr.
Reid asserts that the killing of ped
estrians has created “a nationwide
iemand for pedestrian rights on the
oighway, particularly through vil
lages, parks and scenic drives which
pedestrians have a right and a nec
essity to use.”
"Although organized motordom
pas devoted the greater part of its
power and attention to the improve
ment of highways for vehicular use,
mankind still Is created with feet
instead of rubber tires," he wrote to
he league.
The suggestion for pedestrian
sidewalks was Indorsed by the safe
ty and traffic committee of the
Detroit Automobile club when it
passed a resolution proposing a pro
gram of activity to provide such
Cole Blease As Type.
Prom Kansas City Star.
The Senate debate upon the
imendments to the tariff bill, which
.vill restore a modified form of cen
crship over imported books, should
disclose to this country its true pa
triots. There is Senator Cutting of
Mew Mexico, fcr example. Who can
etain confidence in his patriotism
after he has taken the leadership in
i fight for the dangerous principles
af tolerance and free speech? And
Senator Wheeler of Montana and
Senator Tydings of Maryland, how
dare we trust the conduct of affairs
to men like there, who actually be
u«ve that the American people can
■note of progress, and Jerusalem is
to bask in the glow of the arc
The turbulent waters of the
Jordan, which at some points falls
100 feet, are to be utilized, and in
addition to the harnessing of this
power, 25 foot dams are to be
erected in this river and the Jer
muk River just above the con
fluence of the two streams. A lake
750 feet wide and 6 miles long
is to be built in order to hold the
water necessary to generate the
water power. After three giant
turbines have done their work, the
water will be turned back to the
rivers. It is estimated that there
walks in congested areas in Michi
Mr. Reid pointed out that al
though only two states in the un
ion have laws permitting the con
struction of sidewalks along high
ways at state expense, Holland and
other European countries that have
reached a population density such
as America is fast approaching,
have learned the expediency of side
walks along main highways.
“Gas" Tax Cut Is Sought.
Prom Atlanta Constitution.
The motorists of the nation are
beginning to utter vigorous protests
against the large gasoline and
license taxes imposed upon them
by the state legislatures. They
claim they are being made the
scapegoats for other people who
should bear a larger share of the
load of taxation
In pre-Volstead days it was a
favorite resource of legislators to
get additional revenue by raising
the license fees of liquor dealers,
until in many states the liquor peo
ple entered politics to elect friendly
legislators in self-defense. Now the
gasoline tax affords a ready re
source and income states the tax
per gallon has been hiked steadily
to four, five and even six cents per
In Pennsylvania the tax is four
cents, with a provision that it shall
revert to three cents on July first
next. A fight is promised in the
legislature between those who wish
read a book without overthrowing
their government
But this country is not wholly
abandoned to such menaces. There
are still patriots among us. There
is Cole Blease. How proud the citi
zens of South Carolina must be of
this sturdy advocate of the best
American traditions. And their sen
ator is proud of them.
In the course of the same discus
sion Mr. Blease remarked, 'Tf a man
comes into this country and says,
•Damn America,’ he ought to be
hanged tor it. It Is treason.”
We seem to remember that Mr.
Blease was quoted as having ex
claimed at a conference of govern- j
will be an excess current of 6,301
volts, and this power will be trans
formed to high tension and be thei
conveyed to the principal trans
former station. From this point
the power will bo conveyed U
Haifa and the settlement of Te)
Aviv, the all-Jcwish city.
It is expected that the Rueten
berg project will bring much pros
perity to Jerusalem and plans an
being made for factories ant
plants on an ambitious scale as
calculated to bring the Holy Land
in line with progress and modem
achievement. Work is being rushed
and it is hoped to complete th«
various units bv the Spring.
(international Newxreet)
to keep the four-cent levy on anO
the motorist associations that de*
mand the promised reduction. If
seems that the three cents levy wil)
produce, with the license fees, some
$55,000,000, w h i c h is mors
than the highway department can
well employ upon the load con
st. -action and maintenance in a
year. So the motorists appear to
have a strong argument for the
But gas taxes are too easily gotten
and too increasingly large to be
lightly gicen up by the legislators
who want easy money to distribute
about among their constituents.
The fight that is on, therefore, in
Pennsylvania will be watched with
cnsiderable interest by motorists
in other states who feel the weight
of their gasoline expenses.
•-♦ ♦ .—
Q. When did the husking bee go
oui cf existence? D. M. S.
A. The husking bee has not gone
out oi existence. In fact husking
today is just as popular and due to
the recent prizes offered more prof
itable '.han in former times. It is
true that husking bees are not the
big social event of the fall season
as they were a generation or so ago.
Radio, automobiles, and good roads
have chang'd the social life of the
farm, but today husking is on a
highly competitive basis, and sev
eral states make a feature of the
com husking contest
ors in 1912, “To hell with the con
stitution!” And maybe there is some
thing to be said for his 1930 sug
Harrisburg. Pa.—A party Is a nice
place to spend the evening, Bozo
Opacich believes, but he doesn’t like
them when they get boisterous. He
recently attended one at Chocken
hill near here and had a fine time
until the guests started whooping
things up. Just to make the par
ty interesting, they commenced to
throw dishes, one of which caught
Opacich on the noee and cut the
end of it off. ’
Mothers find it
magic for scuffs
One touch of the dauber and scuffs disappear.
Smooth, uniform color comes back to faded
shoes. More than 50 marvelous shines—50
cents. Colors for black, brown, tan and wliite
•hoes—a neutral polish for others.
\necdote That Recalls
Farm Life of the Past
President S. H. Thompson of the
.Unerlcun Farm Iturenu federation
said on Ills return from Europe,
where with .TO farmers lie had been
studying European agriculture:
"European farmers know nothing
about motor plows or electrical inllk
era They are living now pretty
much like the farmer's wife of n
generation ago.
"A generation ago a preacher hold
up t farmer and said:
"‘How’s your wife today?’
"'About the same, reverend. Cei
tnlnly no better.’
“‘Dear oie! Too bad. What seems
to be the matter with her?*
“‘Well, reverend, I can hardly .<*11
ye, but if she don’t get better pretty
quick me and (be bort'l) he all
knocked out doing her work.’ ’’—
Detroit Free Press.
Intrct-Catching Plants
AH plants have interesting dinr
scterlstlcs, but few are so endlessly
mysterious nnd fascinating as are
the insect-catching and insect-de
vouring plants, of which Florida has
an especially large number, com
prising species of butterworts. sun
dews, pitcher plants, nnd biudder
worts. No less than five species of
pitcher plants grow In Florida, says
Nature Magazine, and t tie large
flowers ore so remarkable in form
that a writer in 1072 aptly called
them “fantastical flowers.’* Yet the
hollow, trumpet-shaped leaves, dot
ted and veined with white nnd red
and purple, nre even more fantastic
than the flowers, and most fantastic
of all are the means by which these
handsome leaves lure nnd capture
nnd devour their living prey,
Sava the Surface
Figgly—Is my face dirty, or Is It
my Imagination?
Wiggly—Your face Isn't; I do*’'
know about your imagination.—West
ern Christian Advocate.
Got tip Must Be Siieecesl
"Before Fame’s report ea» m
heard," said Hi Ilo, the sage at
Chinatown, “the tongue at gossip
must grow silent through v^rineam*
—Washington Star.
Arc You
Krum tlic day tliat •
yOL'tiK man carts out Is
seek his lira position t»
me er.ti ot ni*
business life. b«
health nnd per
sotul appearance
have a world t#
do with his tuo
cess. If you are
not physically
up to the mark
—appetite uncertain, digestion poor, in*
a general sense of incapacity and weak
ness. take I)R. PIERCE’S GOLDEJf
the blood with the vital life-giving red
corpuscles and promotes robust health,
a clear skin, energy, pep. Get “GlIDf*
from your druggist in either fluid or
tablets. Ingredients printed on label.
Market DUcumi**
“Affairs of this company seem %m
have turned the corner.1*
“Going which way?”
Poverty Is n great crime—matri
monially speaking.
Boschee’s Syrup soothes instantly, ends
irritation quickly! GUARANTEED.
•## Never be without
\irrf n Boschee’s! For younc
W l II€ and o)d,
druggists Syrup
Happy Woman Tells How She
Lost 19 Pounds of Faf in 27 Days
During October h woman In Mon
tana wrote—“My first bottle of
Kruschen Salts lasted almost 4
weeks and during that time 1 lost
19 pounds of fat—Kruschen Is all
you claim for It—I feel better than
I have for years.”
Here's the recipe that banishes fat
and brings into blossom all the nat
ural attractiveness thut every woman
Every morning take one half tea
spoonful of Kruschen Salts In a gluss
of hot water before breakfast.
Be sure and do this every morning
for “It's the little dally dose that
takes off the fat."—Don't miss a morn
ing. The Kruschen habit means that
American Jewish Farmers
The Jewish Agricultural society
has estimated that there are 80,000
Jewish farmers operating a million
acres of farm land In the United
States. It is largely due to the ef
forts of this organiaztion that the
number is so large. Thirty years
ago, at the time of Its inception,
there were barely a thousand Jews
on American farms. The agricul
tural society not only offers scien
tific advice, but lends money and as
sists the farmers in many Instauces
Id securing a suitnble location.
It is one’s duly to be gay, occa
sionally, to keep people from classi
fying him ns a grouch.
every pnrticle of poisonous waste
matter and harmful ucids and gasew
are expelled front the system.
At the same time the stomach, liver,
kidneys und bowels are toned up int
the pure, fresh blood containing Na
ture's six life-giving salts are carried!
to every organ, gland, nerve and fibre
of the body nnd this Is followed bp
“that Kruschen feeling" of energetiw
health and activity that Is reflected la
bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vi
vacity and charming figure.
If you want to lose fat with speed!
get un 85c bottle of Kruschen Salta
from any live druggist anywhere la
America with the distinct under
standing that you must he satisfied!j
with results or money back.
ichy, bilious, constipated? 1
This mild, safe, vegeta
sdy will havo you feeling
morning. You’ll eajay
rough bowel action with
ightest sign of griping
So/e, mild, purely vegetable—
at druggitU—only 25c
3L-I-.... ' " " 1 "■ "■ <g
A reporter gets as tired hearing
faked up stories us a judge on tfea
bench. ,
Babies will cry, often for no
apparent reason. You may not
know what’s wrong, but you can
always give Castoria. This soon
has your little one comforted; if
not, you should call a doctor.
Don’t experiment with medicines
intended for the stronger systems
of adults! Most of those little
upsets are soon soothed away by
a little of this pleasant-tasting,
gentle-acting children’s remedy
that children like.
It may be the stomach, or may
be the little bowels. Or in the case
of older children, a sluggish, con
stipated condition. Castoria is still
the thing to give. It is almost
certain to clear up any aiinofl *
ailment, and could by no possi-i
bility do the youngest child th«
slightest harm. So it’s the firs4
thing to think of when a child bao
a coated tongue; won’t play, can’t
sleep, is fretful or out of sort si
Get the genuine; it always has
C has. H. Fletcher's signature am
the package.