I 1' isn t the pipe that causes these embarrassing moments, Mr, Put! It’s the tobacco. Isn’t it time you dis covered Sir Walter Raleigh—patron saint of pipe smokers, who discovered how good a pipe can he? His favorite smoking mixture really it milder. It reallv is just alxrut the richest, mellow-, est, mildest hlcnd of choice Burleys you’ve ever sinoked. How to Take Care of Your Pipe (Hint Ms, 2) When hi raking in a new pipe, smoke your first few pipefuls slowly Don’t let your pipe get hot. Fast bunting discolors and bums the wood and bakes the oils in the to bacco before ihe pipe is pioperly‘'seasoned." Send foi out free booklet, "flow to Take Cate of Your Pipe." Brown Ik Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Louisville, Ky Dept. 9S. _ Sir Filter Raleigh Smoking Tobacco I Roofing and Repairs NATIONAL ROOFING CO., Inc. Omaha-Sioux Clty-Slonx F ills-Council Bind* Write for I Mlmnte, Tito Only Original “W'luit are the seven wonders of the world?" “My wife's llrst husband was one and it doesn't matter shout the others. They slid; Into Insignificance.”— Florida Times-Union. Detour Fan "I understand your husband can’t meet his creditors." “I don't believe he wants ft* particularly." WhenRtod Sours Lots of folks who think they have "indigestion" have only an ucld condi tion which conld be corrected in five or ten minutes. An effective autl-acid like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals. It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleas ant preparation to take! And how good it is for the system! Unlike u burning dose of soda—which Is hut temporary relief at best—Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes inauy times its volume iu add. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought ou the least dia comfort, try— of Magnesia t THE MASTER MAN BY RUBY M AYRES Author of •‘The Phantom Lover," "The Girt Next Door." ate. 1 “But I thought;’’ Michael be gan, then stopped. “She’ll be home this evening, of course?” be added aft r a moment. “No, sir.” The g.rl shook her head rather sadly. “Miss Rolf said good-bye to us all, sir, ami took all her luggage; she said she was not. coming back to Clayton any more, sir,” “Not coming back any more!” There was utter incre dulity in Michael Rolf’s face and voice. 11c stared at the giri blankly for a moment; then he laughed. “Oh, but that's absurd!” he said. “There must be some mis take! Why—why, she hasn’t anywhere in the world to go.” The words escaped him be fore he was aware of it, and she hastened to retract tuem. “Of course she has friends— many friends, but—oh, There must be some mistake,” he said again, impatiently. The girl shook her head. She did not think there was any mistake; she knew Patricia very well in some ways, and she could understand the impulse that had prompted this flight. “If you were to see her room, sir, you’d know that she didn’t mean to come back,” she said impulsively. “It’s all upset— she's taken everything that was hers—all the tilings Mr. Rolf gave her. ‘They’re mine, at least,’ she said, when I asked if I was to pack them.” Michael turned his heel and went into the dining room. Where in the world could she have gone? he was asking in anger. It was like her to further embarrass him. She probably knew how lie would feel about it. Had she gone to friends? lie doubted it. From what lie knew of Patricia she was not the girl to risk another snubbing such as she had received from Effie Shackle ; and yet—how was it possible for her to live alone? What money had she? Very little, he was sure. The maid followed him into the room. “Can I get you some lunch, sir. she asked diffidently. “No—no, thanks, I don’t want any.” Michael swung round from the window. “How long is it since Miss Kolf left the house?” “She went to London by the ten o’clock train, sir.” He must have passed her on the way. Why the dickens had n't he come straight here in stead of calling to see Philips? He ought to have guessed that she had some such mad-brained scheme in her head. Of course it was all doue to annoy him. “Who drove her to the sta tion?” he asked. “Did she have the car? Which of the men drove her?” “Miss Rolf hired a cab from the village,” the git'l told him hesitatingly. “1 ordered the car, but she refused to use it.” There was a touch of anxiety in her voice. “I hope Miss Kolf is all right, sir,” she added tim idly. “All right! Of course she's all right,” Michael answered. “She'll come back in a day or two. Of course, she’s all right.” “Miss Rolf said she should never come back,” the girl in sisted. Michael laughed. “She will,” he said. He went out again and drove away. He was at his wits’ end. what to do or where ta> look for Patricia. He fully realized how difficult it would be to trace her once she had got to Lon don. He drove to the station and asked a few questions of a por ter there who knew Patricia. Yes. it was quite true that Miss R IS BEST i; Your health is too important! You cannot afford to experiment with your delicate bowels when coated tongue, bad breath, headache, gas, nausea, feverishness, lack of appetite, no energy, etc., warn of constipation. This applies not only to grown people, but more particu larly to children. That’s why a family doctor’s laxative is always the safe choice. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is prepared today under strict labora tory supervision from fresh laxative herbs and other pure ingredients, and exactly according to Dr. Cald well’s original prescription. Today, millions of families rely on Dr. Caldwell’s judgment in the selection of their laxative. For Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, in bottles ready for use, sold in all drugstores, is now the largest sell ing laxative in the world 1 Help Your Kidneys Deal Promptly with Kid ney Irregularities. IF bothered with constant backache bladder irritations and getting up at night, help your kidneys with Doan » Pills. Used for more than 40 years. En dorsed the world over. Sold by dealers everywhere. 50,000 Users Endorse Doan’s: Jamas A. McClard, Retired Merchant, 90S Hobion Avenue, Hot Springs, Ark., says: “My kidneys didn't act right and my back ached for quite a spell. The use of Doan’s Pills quickly rid me of this attack.*’ Our Next Problem It Is estimated that the lack of ef ficient and economical distribution ;osts the country not less than seven >r eight billion dollars a year.—The American Magazine. IniuouJf. Iff 1 Take DATUM'S MK1BT £ I m M —W—tonight. You’ll be “fit t ffM J and fine” by morning— f I tongue clear, headache gone. £ * appetite back, bowels acting pleasantly, bilioua attack forgotten. For constipation, too, Better than any mere laxative. At druggists—oafy 25c. Make the test tonight FEEL LIKE A BULLION. TAKE “Although I am only 22 years eld, I have four babies to care for. Before my first baby was born my mother urged me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound because l was so terribly weak. I had to lie down four or five times a day. After three bottles I could feel a great improvement. I still take the Vegetable Compound whenever 1 need it for it gives me strength to be a good mother to my family.”—Mrs. Vem L. Dennings, 510 Johnson Street, Saginaw, Michigan.