I I THANK YOU IN THE NAME OF f* LI Y\ Thank you for the immediate and tremendous response^*^ I 1 to our challenge, on the introduction of Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil. Thank you many thousands of /* Conoco challenged the oil Regular Customers as well as the many thousands of new wor,d ,a** November with the users who have flocked to Red Triangle stations, until ccIs’ecCMotor "on. Definite^ if has kept all of us on the jump to drain and refill crank the first fundamentally better cases with this remarkable motor lubricant. Because of £ Sw°f.m.*h?nTm sak,°reL* unprecedented demands for Conoco Germ - Processed X ords. No reasonable person Motor Oil, it has been difficult for our refineries to keep will use any other oil once he all our stations adequately supplied, but now stocks are oiV and^i^“PeZtritive "lZ moving faster and you can depend on quick and efficient bricity.” We invite you to atop •ervicc at any station displaying the Conoco Red Triangle. ?'the s'