Children will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there’s al ways one sure way to comfort a restless, fretful child. Castorial Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its trentle action soothes a youngster more surely than some powerful medicine that is meant for the stronger systems of adults. That’s the beauty of this special children’s remedy! It may be jjiven the tiniest infant—as often as there is any need. In cases of •colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb ance, it is invaluable. But it has -everyday uses all mothers should It la easier to know mankind In penerul Ilian mun Individually.— La Sto chefoucuuld. understand. A coated tongue calls for a few drops to ward off consti pation ; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don’t eat well, don’t rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that’s needed to set everything to rights. Genuine Castoria has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. «■ Automobiles enable farmers to get to town four hours before the circus parade. A COLD As soon as you realize you’ve taken cold—take some tablets of Bayer Aspirin. Almost before your bead can stuff-up, you feel your cold is conquered. Those aches and pains you felt coming on will soon subside. Belief is almost instantaneous l Even if your cold lias gained headway, and your temples throb and your very bones ache, these tablets will bring prompt relief. It is better, of course, to take Bayer Aspirin at'the very lirst sneeze or cough—it will head-off the cold and spare you much discomfort. Get the genuine, with proven directions for colds and headaches; neuralgia, neuritis, sore throat, and many important uses. BAYEil A SI P I IS. I HI Aspirin is tho trade mark of Uaycr Manufacture of Monoaceticacidostor of Salicylicncid Entertainment **Whnt'do you want with four gal lons of horse liniment!” •It’s for a hunt hall." Possible Scandal Elln—Atlas supported the earth. Stella—I hope Mrs. Atlas didn’t hear about It. 5218 Happy People Give up Their Secret TUST suppose you could get 5000 joy J ously happy people together in one big hall and could ask them what made them all so full of pep. Suppose, strangely enough, that all of them had discovered the same way to be happy. You would feel that here, if anywhere in the world, was the secret of how to get joy out of life. This is just what has happened i during the last few weeks. Wo knew ! there were millions of people who had found the secret of happiness in the same way, and we asked them in one or two small announcements in the magazines and newspapers to tell us their story. Letters came to us from practically all over the globe. ' All of them said “The secret of happiness is health.” • How to get this health? The way chat all of these people had dis covered was not some magic medi cine, not some powerful drug, not some difficult course of training — but only a simple, harmless, natural method. It was to keep the body in ternally clean, sweeping its natural poisons away each day, regularly as clock work—by the use of Nujol. ‘These people had made a great discovery. They had found out that Nujol contains no drugs; that it is as tasteless and colorless as pure water; pleasant to take and forms no habit; that it cannot hurt you, no matter how much you take; that it is non fattening; not absorbed by the body; L * They have found the way to Buoyant, Zestful Health, and the Joy that goes with it that it is only the internal lubrica tion your body needs, just like any other machine. i It sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it, to be well and happy so easily? Well, all you need to do to find out if these people have made a real discovery is to get a bottle of Nujol today at any drug store and take it for two weeks. It costs but a few cents and it makes you feel like a million dollars. The sure way to happiness is through health. • ■ 1 - .. 1 ■ i ■■ Lfro Cuticlira A household preparation for over half a century. Those who know the secret of skin health and beauty use Cutieura Soap and Ointment regularly to keep the skin and scalp in good condition. They also find Cutieura Talcum ideal for every member of the family. Soap 2Sc. Ointment 25*. adl SOe. Talcum 25c. Proprietors: Potter Drag A Chemical Corporstiuo, Malden, Maas. IMMUNIZE AGAINST LOSSES While the Immunization of hogs against hog cholera h£s been an established procedure for many years, we still find a large percent age of swine producers who still be lieve that they can produce hogs successfully without immunizing them. The result Is that at infre quent intervals these farmers who do not Immunize their hogs exper ience an outbreak of this disease which often results in extremely heavy losses. There has been a con siderable amount of hog cholera this past year in many communities where I have been privileged to travel, and it would seem that since history repeats itself so often with reference to this disease, that the swine producer would no longer at tempt to produce hogs without im munizing them against this disease. A few years ago we were of the opinion that best results in immun izing hogs would be secured if the pigs were not immunized until weaning age. Many veterinarians preferred to immunize the pigs shortly after they were weaned. Ex perimental work lias demonstrated that pigs can be immunized when only a few days old with satisfactory results. I have frequently immunized pigs, says a leading veterinary, as young as one week with very satisfactory results, in fact apparently as satis factory as those pigs that were 8 or 10 weeks of age, but just this fall [ immunized one fitter of pigs that were only 72 hours old. The results were uniformly successful and these young pigs suffered no ill effects from the Immunization. There is no doubt in my mind but that a care ful veterinarian can very successful ly Immunize pigs under field condi tions at 2 or 3 weeks of age without experiencing any difficulty. Im munizing pigs at such a young age does not give them any setback, be cause they are depending entirely upon nursing the dam, and the ex pense is considerably less that it would be if the pigs are Immunized after they have been weaned. -M SOME SANITATION RULES A recognized authority on poultry raising 1ms laid down ten rules for poultry sanitation, which, if fol lowed, will help to keep flocks healthy and free from disease. The rules are as follows: (1.) All mature birds should be oonfined to a limit ed area by the double yarding sys tem. and not allowed to range with the young stock. (2.) Houses for mature birds should be equipped with concrete or board floors. (3.) Houses for mature birds should be equipped with dropping boards and a one-inch wire mesh should be at tached to the bottoms of the perches. (4.) Houses for mature birds should be cleaned regularly and the dropping boards should be cleaned twice a week. (5.) All ma ture birds should have acoes3 to the outside during the afternoons of fall and winter—regardless of the weather. (0.) All mature birds on the farm should be tested for bacil lary white diarrhea by the aggluti nation test. Those which react should be removed immediately i and the poultry yards and houses given a thorough cleaning. A new ys.rd is preferable. (7.) Egg3 from blood tested stock should not be hatched In the same incubator with eggs from untested stock. (8.) All breeder houses should be thorough ly cleaned before placing chicks in them and should be cleaned once a week thereafter. (9.) All chicks should be grown on ground where no chickens of any age were allowed to run the previous year. A three year rotation is preferable. (10.) The droppings and litter removed from all poultry houses should be placed on ground that will never be used for poultry. THE HOG BUSINESS Par 100 years hog production has been an industry of considerable promlnanoe. With the development of the corn-growing section, the hog became the most profitable animal upon the average Combe It farm. But still hog improvement has for all this time been upon h/it-or-miss basis. We know approximately the type of finished hog the markets want, and, within a wide range, we can recognize profitable and unprof itable feeding hogs. But hog produc ers are not aware of the fact that carcass values of hogs vary a great deal. They do not know that some times when two hogs of the same weight are sold at the same price there may be as much as $1.50 dif ference in the value of the carcasses. We have had no accurate standards, as the Danes have had, to guide us in breeding hogs. We have been se lecting and breeding hogs on pedi gree and external appearances No one can determine the money value of a hog carcass until it has been cut up, and there is no argument to oontradiot the statement that the principal reason we raise hogs Is because of the value of the meat they produce. It is equally clear, aft er a little thought, that we have not been going about the improve ment of hogs In this country with an accurate measuring stick. We have used superficial instead of funda mental standards to guide us in hog production. Denmark has demon strated the great, value of accurate guides in getting more profit from hogs. Why not bake a few lessons from them? GROW BEST FEED CROPS. It takes time to discover and weed out inferior farm animals and it takes time to tune up a farm for the production of large yields per acre of the best crops for feeding live stock. If one has not already made a beginning in this he will continue to find his business on the short end of his purse strings. In each section of the country some feed crops are better suited to soil and climatic conditions than others. It is good live stock farm manage ment to find out which crops will supply the most nutrients per acre of desirable kind and set about pro ducing them. In this connection it EGG YIELDS AND PROFITS There is perhaps no better single indicator of probable profits from a poultry flock than average yearly egg production. Unless a favorable egg yield is obtained the profits are sure to be rather low. whether the Hock in question is a small farm flock or one of commercial size. As an illustration of the close relation ship between egg yield and profit, the results obtained on 234 farm flocks in Illinois may be mentioned. The average number of hens per ilock on these farms was 167. When the records were sorted on the basis of egg yield it was found that i3 important to hear In mind that legume hay is the most important single feed crop for dairy farmers to produce. Fortunately one or more legumes will do well in almost ev ery section where dairy cows ara kept. To be successful in the pro duction of feed crops and then pen alize one’s success by feeding these crops to scrub stock or in such a manner as not to get the greatest good from them is the mark of eco nomic folly. Some dairy farmers keep too many animals for the feed producing capacity of their farms Among the animals on these over stocked farms are many of such quality as to make profits impos sible. In such cases the problem ol intelligent adjustment is to reduce the number of animals by weeding out those that have inherited pooi talent for converting feeds into products in a profitable manner. -♦» ■■ — -- HEALTH FOODS. The discoveries of dietitians in recent years have meant much to the people of this nation. They hava pointed out that certain foods, which may be termed “protective, are essential in a well balanced diet The physical condition of our young men who were examined foi army service revealed that whila this nation had an adequate supplj of food and people were eating lib eral quantities, many diets were not well balanced. The outcome was that about 30 per cent of these young men examined were found to ba physically unfit. Diet, of course, wraa not responsible for the entire num ber, for inheritance and other fac tors were responsible. However, tha stubborn fact remains that if wa take the protective foods, which ara milk, fruit and vegetables, and usa them in the diet in the propel quantities, we have, so far as oui knowledge goes at present, provided a balanced ration for human be ings. Leading medical authorities advocate a quart of milk a day foi growing children and a pint a daj for adults They also recommend eating some green vegetables and a i salad twice a day. This done, anj | person, unless he has seme physical defect, may eat such things as will satisfy his taste. The people on the farm find meats, potatoes, and bread staple foods and highly de sirable. Certain food fod lists taboc white flour. This is a mistake. There is no real reason that this import ant product should not be used in bread making. It, of course, does not contain all the elements necessarj for a properly balanced diet but wfl do not know of any food that does except milk, and that is cnlv com plete for the infant. Even for the infant, orange or tomato juice is rec ommended at a very early age. II has been found that supplementing white flour with powdered skimmiH provides a food that is difficult to excel. Sklmmilk contains a perfect protein, rich in mineral substances; and milk sugar, one of its constitu ents, is a food par excellence. Bread made with white flour and powdered sklmmilk is one of our best food products and there is little rhyme or reason for discouraging people from using wheat flour or a liberal use of potatoes or meat. What wa should emphasize in all our diets ii the use of a proper quantity of milk j vegetables and fruit If we will bui supply the diet with a sufficient quantity of these health foods, wa need have little worry about the other foods in the diet, providing, ol course, they are nourishing and palatable. STOP SOFT SHELLED EGGS. Thin and soft shelled eggs are a | constant problem to poultrymen particularly to those who ship td market. Thin shelled eggs break in transit and cause loss of profit and goodwill. Eggs of this type are a sure indication that an importanl ; element is lacking in the diet. This ! element is calcium carbonate, thfl mineral that makes eggshell. It ii present, to a certain extent, in food and water, but for maximum pro duction of thick shelled eggs it should always be available to youi poultry as a separate element. Keep a plentiful supply of crushed oyster shell in the hopper. By doing so you give your hens free access to cal cium carbonate in its purest form. ?t is not wasteful to do thi3, because the hens will eat only as much aa they actually need- Be sure to get properly washed, dried and screened oyster shell. It will be clean, pure and economical. If it has been cor rectly sterilized, it will be free from rat-gathering odor. The daily use of pure crushed oyster shell increases egg production by 30 to 50 eggs per hen in a year. Its important bear ing on your profits emphasizes the importance of getting the best. Soft shelled eggs indicate a lack of egg shell material in the diet. Keep pure crushed oyster shell before youl birds all the time and soft shelled eggs will disappear. Egg production also will increase. FEEDS THAT POISON HOGS There are two feeds that are very fine for hogs when given In suitable quantities, and yet which, if given in excess, will, in many instances, poison the animals. One of these, salt, is a very essential element in the upkeep of the herd, but it can be overfed, especially when the hogs fail to obtain an abundance of wa ter. When salt poisoning occurs, the hogs exhibit Intense thirst and rest lessness, and become weak even to the point or prostration. They should immediately be given a strong emetic and then a dose of castor oil Cottonseed meal is highly nu tritious, but ir hogs eat too much, the system becomes poisoned and they lose their appetites. They not only are weakened, but suffer blind ness and manifest several nervous symptoms. In rare cases they over come the trouble, but there is no known cure. Hogs which have ac cess to plenty of green feed and wood ashes are rarely affected by cottonseed meal. _____ top~one fifth of the flocks, with an average yield per hen per year of 125 eggs or more, showed a profit per hen of $1.66. The correspond ing profit per hen in the low one fifth, those flocks with an average egg yield of 80 or less, was only 65 cents. These results, and similar data from other groups of farms in other sections of the country, seem to justify the conclusion that the flock owner who has mastered the principles of feed-ng and breeding for egg production so that he can get a high egg yield from his flock is reasonably certain to make a good profit, _^.4 Japan Comes First in Cru3ade Against Kiss The antikissing crusade, which started in Russia some time ago, ap pears to be spreading. Kansas lias now taken up the cudgels against the kiss. “Don't kiss In crowded places or in badly ventilated rooms,” is one of the warnings that has been issued to tiie citizens of this American state. Another is: “Don’t kiss a person who has a chill or is fevered.” But Japan Is still the real paradise of those who want to abolish kissing. The kiss is In such disfavor there that it cannot iven be shown on the cinema screen. iSome day, perhaps, the anti-kiss cru saders will publish statistics to show that in Japan people are much health ier than anywhere else In the world. That would be a big point in their favor—if the tigures could really be interpreted in this way. But perhaps they can’t; and, anyway, it isn’t likely to make any difference.—Montreal Family Herald. Girl at the Top in Health Test Millions of boys and girls all over the world, thousands of them right here in the West are being restored to health and strength by the purely vegetable ton ic and laxative known us California Fig Syrup and endorsed by physicians for over 50 years. Children need no urging to take It. They love its rich, fruity flavor. Nothing can compete with it as a gen tle, but certain laxative, and It goes further than this. It gives tone and strength to the stomach and bowels bo these organs continue to act nor mally, of their own accord. It stimu lates the appetite, helps digestion. A Kansas inotlier, Mrs. Dana All gire, CIO Monroe St., Topeka, says: “Bonnie B. is absolutely the picture of health, now, with her ruddy cheeks, bright eyes and plump but graceful little body and she stands at the top !n every health test. Much of the credit for her perfect condition is due to California Fig Syrup. We have used it since baby hood to keep her bowels active dur ing colds or any children’s ailments and she has always had an easy time with them. She always responds to Its gentle urging and is quickly back to normal.” Ask your druggist for California Fig Syrup and look for the word “California” on the carton so you’ll always get the genuine. Alaskan Bears’ Winter Quarters Steam Heated Lured into the valley of many smokes by volcanic warmth, some of Alaska’s big brown bears delayed go ing into hibernation over two months, reports a hunting party returned from the Alaska peninsula. Just as dogs pick for their hods the hottest place behind the coal range, tracks and signs showed plainly that bears likewise selected warmed rocks in the steamed area for lounging quar ters. Ground around the moist fumaroles held the claw marks of the big bruins when the hunters passed them. It was not unusual to find bear tracks lead ing straight up to one of the large open vents. In one place the hot ground apparently excited a bear’s cu riosity, for he had clawed away the cast-off minerals about the hole, leav ing deep claw marks. It is believed many hears have tak en up winter quarters in the steum heated region. CuBsedness? Several contemporary authors have admitted that they dislike to write. We have suspected that some of them do It out of pure cussedness.— Florence (Ala.) Herald. NERVOUSNESS IMpfully tr.ated with This Famous Aid B your nerves are Jumpy and every mt!-> K&ssffira sss^isarvK Wiirlil-famou*. tried and tested medtolnal aid ha3 successfully proved itn great bene flclal worth In the treatment or Sleepless SSSVkm?1^ and Herrons Irritability. Agencies All Over the World. AT ALL DRUG STORES Generous FREE Hnmplo Bottle Seat on Request Koenig Medicine Co, i Dept. H j 1045 No. Wells St.' Chicago, HL ^ BO Formerly “Pastor Hi Koenig s Nervine** -^---“ _ Coined New Word Add rheology to your vocabulary. It is the name of a new branch of sci ence, the science of flow. Chemists and physicists interested in why and how paints, lacquers, oils and other plastic substances deform and flow gathered at the United States bureau of standards In Washington recently and christened the new science by or ganizing the Society of ltlieology.— Kansas City Star. ( New England Land Idle We have millions of idle acres la New Hampshire and in all New Kng iand says the forestry primer of the American Tree association. The for* esters will tell you this Is fitted only for forest growing, hut it Is idle, doing nothing. There can he no pros* perity for long where there Is Idleness, whether it be the Idleness of man or of iund. -:-3 —tonight. Your eliminative tj organs will be functioning prop- t : erly by morning and your con- E; stipation will end with a bowel ^E' ' action aa free and easy as na ture at her best— positively no pain, no griping. Try it. afcf Mild, safe. purely vegetable— at druggist* omly 25c FEEL LIKE A MILLION. TAKE Sunshine **• * * —All Winter Long At the Foremost Desert Resort of the West—marvelous dimato — warm sunny days — clear starlit nights — dry invigorating air —• splendid roads — georgeous mountain scenes-—finest hotels—the ideal winter home. Write Cree A GAattOy PALM SPRINGS California BUY A SPOTTED POLAND CHINA SOW Produce large litters, good mothers, easy to fatten. • Grand l'htui|)ioa I Over All Hr**eOTTKD POLA.MIJ 1II13A IIK(OKU, U*lnbrldge, Ind. Father of Many Honored Chakaldayi, ninety-five-year-old for est keeper at Eskisherhr, Turkey, who has 59 children and grandchildren as well as many sons-in-law and daugh ters-in-law living under one roof, has been given a money grant by the gov ernment. Chakaldayi is known as “the terror of the jackals.” He started to work at 12 and is still bright, robust and vigorous. His memory is good, but he cannot remember the names of all his progeny. Setting Pop Right Pop—“You kissed my daughter un der my very nose.” Percy—“Pardon me. sir, under her nose.” . - ■ ■ ---- ■ ^ As We Grow Older We Should Keep Careful Watch of our Kidneys. KIDNEY disorders are too serious to ignore. It pays to heed the early signals. Scanty, burning or too frequent kidney excretions; a drowsy, listless feeling; lameness, stiffness and constant backache are timely warnings. To promote normal kidney action and assist your kidneys in cleansing your blood of poisonous wastes, use Doan’s Pills. Used and recommended the world over. Sold by good dealers everywhere. 50,000 Users Endorse Doan’s: Mil. Alica Gunnia, 3440 Harrison Av®., Detroit, Mich., says: "I suffered with a dull ache across my back that bothered me a great deal when I was doing my housework. When stooping, my back pained so that it was a task to straighten up again. My kidneys acted very irregularly. but>f ter taking Doan's Pills 1 felt 6ne again and the backache left me. 1 gladly recommend Doan’s.’* Doan’s Pills >> A Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys -4* 4i