The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 16, 1930, Image 7

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I have purchased the Deep Rock
Filling Station of Mr. McMillan and
have taken possession today. I re
spectfully invite ail the old customers
as well as the general public to call
and see me when in need of gas, oils
or grease as well as tires and tubes.
We will give you the same generous,
courteous and pleasing service that
has always been our policy.
The County Board is busy settling
with the county officers and transact
ing other necessary business.
People of This Country Sending
Medicine to Relatives and Friends
i n England, Scotland, Ireland,
France, Canal Zone. Norway, Swe
den, Cuba and Many Other Distant
If you had found a medicine that
was of such benefit to you that you
would go to the trouble of sending it
to relatives and friends in distant
countries, you would have to be con
vinced in your own mind that it pos
sessed real merit, wouldn’t you ?
That’s just whHt thousands of peo
ple throughout the United States
have been doing with Sargon.
From all over Amiricu and wher
ever Sargon has been introduced,
thousands of letters have been re
ceived from grateful users telling of
the gratifying results that have been
accomplished by this celebrated medi
on ivovemoer z<in, a ieuer oaieo
November 23rd, Whs received ut the
Sargon offices advising that in one1
week one drug firm alone had receiv
ed orders for Sargon to be shipped
to Cavite, Phillippine Islands, Coca
Solo, Canal Zone; Helebrook, Ireland,
and Paris, France.
Only recently u well known resi
dent of Denver, Colorado, who had
been restored to health by Sargon,
sent a full treatment to London, Eng
land, to his sister, who is the wife of
an executive of one of the greatest
retail drug firms in the British Em
pire. •
During the past month there ap
peared in the Toronto papers the
statement of a well known world war
veteran whose health had been great
ly Impaired while in the service, who
stated among other things, that he
owed his restoration to health to two
bottles of Saigon sent him by a
friend in Minneapolis.
From the Northwest, many letters
of this kind have been received ad
vising that users of Sargon are send
ing it to relatives hack in their old
countries of Norway and Sweden.
Many such letters and endorse
ments have been received from men
of prominence, including former gov
ernors, business and professional
men, mayors, state and county offi
cials, and even ministers of the gos
pel have deemed it their duty to come
forward and tell what Sargon has
done for them.
These are only a few of thousands
of such cases and not a day nor a
week passes that does not bring hun
dreds of statements from the people
concerning the good this medicine is
doing, and reciting case after case
that would convince the most skep
tical. r
Sargon’s fame is built un actual re
sults—not empty promises, and only
those who have put it to the test
know its real powers.
Sargon’s aim is not mere tempor
ary relief, hut new and ahundnnt
health. No wonder/ it is now called
the medicine wjtfh a million friends.
Chas. E. Stpfut, Agent.
Margie Zeller missed school Mon
day forenoon.
Harry Irwin spent Friday evening
at the Crumley home.
Gus Robertson 3pent Thursday
evening with <foe Werts.
Lura, Ronald and Kathryn Grass
autoed to O’Neill Sunday.
Bobby Perkins missed school Tues
day on account of the snow storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perkins and
son Bobby autoed to Brunswick Sun
Claude Hamilton and mother spent
Saturday evening at the Frank Sny
der home.
P. A. Grass has been on the sick
list the past week but is able to be
around again.
Mrs. Clyde Streeter and children
spent Sunday in O’Neill with R. H.
Murray's, leaving Elaine to resume
her school work.
Ed Steskal and family visited at
the Wm. Abbott home Sunday.
Clyde More, of near Pierce, spent
last week here among old friends.
Arthur Evans called at the home
of his uncle Charley Bausch in O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barnes and son
spent Saturday evening at the Guy
Alton home.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Miller and son
were dinner guests of his parents on
Monday evening.
Mrs. Henry Kuhlar and son John
antoed to Atkinson Monday and call
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin VanCleve; Mr,
and Mrs. Ralph Ries were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bougue
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller and Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Cone were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth,
Little Helen Borg is suffering with
the whooping cough.
George Bay called at the Will Knc
7.or home on Tuesday.
George Weldon is visiting at the
Griffith home at present.
Dr. Bennett was vaccinating hogs
for A. L. Borg, Tuesday.
Will Devall and son Elmer, called
at F. H. Griffith’s, Monday.
Rev. Marts was a guest at the
Fred Llndburg home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merriady Hubby vis
ited at the A. L. Borg home, Sunday.
Will Gallentine, of Spencer, haul
ed wood for Albert Karzor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen and fnm
ily called at the Eric Borg home on
;.!v. and Mrs. Will Walters spent
Saturday evening at the Sam Robert
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and
children visited at the Henry Walters
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and
baby, called at the Henry Walters
home on Thursday.
Frank Anderson came from New
Yoik for a visit with his sister, Mrs.
Sam Schultz and family.
Orville Lowery trucked corn sever
al days last week to the Charley
Wrede place, for Clarence Hicks.
Relatives from a distance who at
tended the funeral of Mr. Karr were
Mrs. Herb Worth, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
Worth and children, of near Wake
Mrs. Wadsworth and sons came
from Minnesota for a visit at the
May McGowan home. Mrs. Wads
worth is a sister-in-law of Miss Mc
The cold weather and snow is mak
ing it hard for people to attend the
meetings at Paddock Union,and those
who do not get there are missing
some very interesting sermons.
Quite a large crowd attended the
sensational new
• at • > rind} ft <
a - > o£Ji i -** ’>•- ii ,-c , ■
Those who seek the utmost in motoring
satisfaction—at sensationally low prices—
should see and drive the Greatest Chevrolet
in Chevrolet History . . . now on display in
our showrooms!
An improved 50-horsepower six-cylinder
valve-in-head engine! Four Delco-Lovejoy
hydraulic shock absorbers! Fully-enclosed,
internal-expanding, weather-proof brakes!
Heavier and stronger rear axle! New non
glare windshield! New dash gasoline gauge!
And scores of other features!
■ . At A *
Come in today and see this car. Drive it. Note
how comfortable it is—how easy to handle—
how flexible in traffic. And remember that it
is now available—
— at greatly reduced prices!
•- ■ . ■
The ROADSTER .$495
The PHAETON.—.$495
The COACH . $565
The COUPE ..—.. $565
The SPORT COUPE---$625
The CLUB SEDAN..$- >
The SEDAN ... $675
1 y„ TON CHASSIS.-.... $520
11/2 TON CHASSIS with Cab..$625
All <prices f. o. b. factory, Flint, Michigan
Arbuthnot & Reka
rffls ssft STbjrs,«p Ira “as? rsjj th.i r»“ SxStE
S ^..ST^int X SSTffi: ”1, iu. 1,0 miose.l by many.
mrnttnmnntttttntmamnnttttmmmmumtmmmtBtmi ' |
. „. . Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, j
Opening Picture T m in 11
Eddie Quiiian, in.... January 19-20-21
ttntntttttaa*m*****m*****»*m ************************************** j
Wednesday and Thursday j
Sue Carol in WHY LEAVE HOME |
1 Friday and Saturday jj
I LILA LEE . .. in ... WISE GIRLS \
3 [