NERVOUSNESS * A Household Remedy ' For External Um Only Hanford's - Balsam of Myrrh ■mo tack ter tint tattle H eet celled. Ml taclct*. Strauss’ Death Chamber The Austrians are inclined to muke fun of everything, even their famous musicians. Of Richard Strauss I heard many amusing stories. Thus you may, if you are fortunate, be shown the handsome apartments of the greatest liviug Austrian composer, and finally be taken into his bedroom: "Here,” the lady guide will say with bated breath, "is the room in which the great Richard Strauss will die.” It is probably a uuique experience to stand reverently, by anticipation, in the future death chamber of a living celebrity 1—From “Europe in Zigzags,” by Sisley Huddleton. The World’s Lepers Dr. David McConaughty of New Tork, who has made a world tour of the leper colonies, disbursed $225,000 among these institutions, which, he aays, Is entirely inadequate. The statement is made that there are 1,000,000 in India and 3,000,000 lepers la the world. There are 21 in New X©rk city, but with two exceptions, they are very mild cases and are at liberty, moving around under super vision. The two cases ara In a sett able hospital. Wheel Rum for 115 Years An old-fashioned wooden water Wheel that far outlived its builders quit working recently at Greenville, Ontario, Canada. Workmen repairing Its axle, which had collapsed, discov ered that the wheel had been running for 115 yeurs, says Popular Science Monthly. During this period of serv ice the one-ton wheel furnished power for a paper mill. Clerks Taught to Shoot Bank clerks at Portland, Ore., are given class instruction in disarming holdup men who may present them selves. A cashier’s window has been erected on a rifle range and the can didates are given instruction In shoot ing at long and short range. There is nlso a Japanese instructor who gives Instruction in the matter of close en counters and in disarming an oppo nent. Churches Change Names Following the union of churches in Scotland, a new nomenclature has been adopted by some of the churches In Inverness. The High church is nhw the “Old High," the tJ. F. High church has become “St Columba High church,'’ and the D. F. West church Is now called “St Mark’s (West) church.” Start and Finish 3ushlng Ingenue—I’m thrilled to hear you’re a dramatist When was the last performance of your play? The Dramatist—On the firat night. —Passing Show. The cowardly dog barks more vio lently than It bites.—Curtius. WFEEL DIZZY? Headachy, bilious, constipated? I MM Take M? — NATURE’S RIMKDT — £ 3 M tonight. This mild, safe, vageta- K ble remedy wiH have you feeling £ m fine by morning. You’ll enjoy £ W tree, thorough bowel action with § out the slightest sign of griping I or discomfort. JJjj* Safe, mild, purely vegetable— at druggitu—only 25c TEEL LIKE A MILLION, TAKE FLORESTON SHAMPOO—Ideal for In connection with Parke r's Hair Ha,earn. Makes the hair soft and Duffy. 60 cent* by mail or at drua eista. Hiscox Chemical Work*. Patchogue, I pisos mUJgffm gives quick, lBIiIiMiIvI effective relief. Pleasant, sooth ing and healing. Excellent for ——- children —contains no | opiates. Successfully used for 65 yt«SB» 35c _,_ and 60c sizes. Marvelous Climate — Good Hotels — Tourist Gam pa—Splendid Roads—Corjreou s Mountain Views. The wonderful desert re tort of the West P Write Crce A Chaff*jr dim Sprinsjm _CALIFORNIA ^ 8'0UX OITY PTG. CO., NO. 50 -1921. Out Our Way By William* —-p- 7-\rr-\| / Mere's ok»e ^well-a worm Oh , worse. \ FOR MOO— wmT A Soil OKI iH’Ki -them!, V \MMAT IS Th’ Mis TUMMV 1 KNOW—W€> , MOST MELpLOS, AikiT SO MUCH a GOM WEARlKi , OSE.V_E.SS "TMlKjer GOOD, tR A HlS SUKtOAV V iki -TM' world" Pickpocket »m shoes t' work X. * a Poor hoose while Mis • --- V DOKlT do mock OIHERS is up * \^ER A FER R£pAlRSv --aaC*£fl --* ''9Srr * 04UY HAUF 'THetRE.. n**.u. ».r*T.orr. ©>•»«. •* ■»* ww*. ■*. l ....... - ■ - . . .. - — ■■ ■ " " Science Creates Lightning Bolts to Protect Aircraft rJai.rvrrrKiiM^iHiM f—iniihibdn iwmww—mtu nun... > Lightning is manufactured at this "Lightning Farm” at Barberton, Ohio, for the purpose of testing the immunity of various types of aircraft Above is depicted a bolt of manufactured lightning striking an exact model of a transport plane, to determine the path that a real bolt would make through the ship. Below is the wreck of a transcontinental plane supposedly struck by lightning during a recent storm. Inttrnfttionfc) NewtrMl nOMETIMES lightning does strike twice in the same place. One of these places is at the “Lightning Farm,” located at Bar berton, Ohio, where lightning is manufactured for several experi mental purposes. The various types of aircraft in use to-day are putting up a great battle against the elements, but lightning has proved the nemesis of more than one plane. Out in western New Mexico a few weeks ago a transcontinental passenger plane offered through its battered wreckage and dead passengers, i frightful but eloquent testimony to its lack of immunity against a lightning storm. Winds, fogs, driving rain storms, it could con quer, but its great bulk, and safety appliances were helpless, against a bolt of lightning. And just recently the racing plane of Major John Wood, which was on a non-stop flight between Los Angeles and Cleveland, is reported to have be«o totally destroyed by lightning. At the lightning farm, both model planes and full sized ships are used International Newsreel for the purpose of determining by manufactured bolts the exact path traced by a bolt from nature’s lab oratory when it strikes a plane, and its course is minutely charted and compared with the results of sim ilar tests. In this way, it is hoped that science will be able to discover a method whereby aircraft will be immunized against danger from lightning bolts. The full results of these useful and fascinating experi ments have not yet been divulged but it is known that excellent prog ress is being made. Kcserve System Profits. From The Economist. In times such as this it is easy to suggest some drastic remedy that is sure to cure a particular evil, but in curing one evil the remedy may create two or three new ones. Such a suggestion is made by Senator Carter Glass for increasing the membership and strengthening the structure of the federal reserve system. Senator Glass would make mem bership in the system attractive to banks by making it profitable. He would amend the federal reserve act to provide that 25 per cent of the profits of the federal reserve banks go to the government as a franchise tax; that 25 per cent to restrained by the banks until sur plus is equal to subscribed capital; DOCUMENTS CORRECT ERROR CONCERNING NATIONAL ANTHEM Washington—The historical error, .equently repeated, that Francis 'cott Key wrote the national an hem on board a British man-of var in Baltimore harbor in the War f 1812. has been denied by Francis Tey-Smith, great-grandson of the omposer, a resident of Washington. In a speech at Baltimore, Mr. Key-Smith produced documentary .-vidence to prove the "Star Scan and that the balance be paid to member banks as a dividend. Undoubtedly, this would make the system immediately attractiv-e to many banks that are not now mem bers. Small banks always have pro tested because they were required to maintain reserves with the feder al reserve banks and earned no re turn on those reserves. A dividend that would offset this loss would immediately increase federal re serve membership. But there is another aspect of the problem! Even though the federal reserve board appointed bv the president is omnipotent in all fed eral reserve matters, the actual management of a federal reserve bank is in the hands of its member banks. Such a scheme as Senator Glass proposes would Inspire man gled Banner” was written on board an American ship. He had letters of his great-grandfather and docu ments from the state department to prove his contention. Tbe great-grandson related how Key several hours oeA>.v» dawn on . the morning of Septemt>*r i4. stood at the rail of the American s'.oop in the harbor and watched the American shore. The British fire had ceased. On the back of an envelope. Key made the first draft of the inspiring linos to the national an them. The words subsequently were revised and given to the public. Mr. Key-Smith said the name of the , agert of the banks always to be reaching for profits; and it would f‘(m that that should be the last thing to be considered by a central bank. One of the most valid criticisms of the federal reserve system today is that it has vastly exceeded the functions originally Intended for It and is directly competitive in the commercial banking field. When the federal reserve board, of an in dividual federal reserve bank, makes a decision as to whether securities ought to be bought or sold, as to whether the discount rate should be raised or lowered, or as to its at titude toward business, the stock market, or the world of finance, that decision should be based solely upon *nose factors of central bank ing which those which have to do with Institutional profit. American sloop with his great grandfather abosrd had never been historically established. STUDY ESKIMO HONES OTTAWA—Bones of Eskimos, be lieved to be ihcuiandi a/ years old, are destined to create as much ex citement in the scientific world as the tones in the Valley of the Kings cr buried in the ruins of Aztec vil lages. The Rockefeller Foundation has displayed Interest in the find ing of ancient E'kimo bones In Canada and plans a series of“*n vestigations Atwater Kent RADIO ICKIKN-OII » {nwi'uiiiVt J-ILICflO-DTJIAIIU radio—fine! but an Atwater Kent — that s great! IN CABINETS — The beat American cabinet maker*— famoui for sound design and ainecre workmanship-are cooperating to meet the demand for Atwater Kent Screen-Grid Radio in fine cabinets like these. A l*o in compact table model*—For hatteriei, $*it. For houie-rurrent opera tion, from to* to too. Electro-Dynamic table speaker, $T7. Fricei ilightlg higher uest of the hockiet, and in Canuda. H H "A On tbe Air—Atwater Kent Radio Hour, Sunday Evenings, #:l» (Eastern Time), WEAK network of N. B. C. Atwater Krot Mid-Week Program. Thursday Evening*. 10 oo(EasternTime),WJ£networkofN.Ii.C. Even young folks know the difference. Just watch their eye* glow when they discover their new radio ia an Atwater Kclitl Why is it that this one name in a radio means so much, particularly to those who live on farms? Perhaps it’s because Atwater Kent Radio asks for no time out for trouble. Perhaps it’s because Atwater Kent never offers any improvement in radio until it luvs first been thor oughly tried and tested. . You’ll enjoy a real sense of sat isfaction in owning the greatest radio Atwater Kent has ever built — the new Screen-Grid, Klcetro Dynamic, operated either by bat teries or from the high line. The two types contain the same proved improvements, giant power, needle jxwit selectivity, purer tone, and a choice of cabinets or table model. Why not, this Christmas, join your home to the largest radio family in the world,* who get the great 1>ro grams of the air with Atwater Cent Hadm ? •Nearly S,000,000 Atwater Kent Seta eoU to date. ATWATER KENT MANUFACTURING CO. A. Alwatfr Kent, I’rmitUnt 4S2S Wieeahickon Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. All He Got “Where haa Zeb been?" “Huntin’.” “What did be Ret?" “Docked a day'a pay.** Not That Silly No, no; the nag that spoke In Hlbla tlinea didn't spend SO minutes Intro ducing the speaker of the evening.— Brooklyn Times. ■ ■■■"■i Complete your toilet with Cuticura Talcum AFTER a bath with Cuticura Soap, there is nothing more refreshing than Cuticura Talcum dusted over all the body. Antiseptic and fragrant, it is an ideal powder for every member of the family. Talcum 2X. Soap 23c Ointment 2k- and 30c. Sample each bee. AdJrm: "Cuticura," Dept. B7, Malden. Maaa. lii ii r ’ 'UK "mmmm—i Daughter of Mr*. CaduHu Iamatfa Box 72, Mohawk, Michigan **After my daughter grew into womanhood she began to feel rundown and weak and a friend asked me to get her your medicine. She took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound and Lyaia E. Pink ham’s Herb Medicine, Her nerves are better, her appetite is good, she is in good spirits and able to work every day. We recommend the Vegetable Compound to other girls and to their mothers.”—Mrs. Cath erine Lamuth* D