The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 12, 1929, Image 3

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    ——1 ■' m m i — ■ !■ —
Tne only really great scenic
routeto California
* f y Royal Gorge
Through Pullmans daily from main line points
via Denver, Pikes Peak, Royal Gorge, tkc
Colorado Rockies and Salt Lake City.
(Last Week)
Arthur Rouse called at the F. H.
Griffith home Friday evening.
Mrs. A. L. Borg called on Mrs.
Harry Fox, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby visited
at the Albert Kaczor home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Kloepper and
baby spent Sunday at the Will Devall
Mrs. Orville Harrison and daught
er Mary spent Sunday at the Ed
Thomas home.
Doris Robertson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Robertson, is ill
with chicken pox.
Several from here attended the
“Aunt Lucia” play in O’Neill Tues
day and Wednesday evenings.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Korab and
children, of Phoenix, spent Tuesday
at the Orville Harrison home.
Miss Dorothy Harrison came from
Atkinson last Wednesday to spend
Thanksgiving with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox and Char
lie and Ralph Rousch called at the
Griffith home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harrison and
daughters, Mary and Dorothy, spent
Friday at the Clarence Hicks home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hicks and
son Merril and daughter Twilla,
spent Thanksgiving at the Ed Thom
as home.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith entertained
Miss Maude Rause and Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Spindler and family at Thanks
giving dinner.
Miss Gertrude Bedford came up
from Mead, Nebraska, Tuesday fora
visit with her sister, Mrs. Albert
Kaczor, and other relatives.
Miss Martha Mitchell held a very
good program and box social at her
school on Thanksgiving eve; a large
crowd attended and enjoyed it very
William Hubby motored to Bassett
on Wednesday after the Misses Wil
ma and Ila Marks, who visited a few
days with their sister, Mrs. Merriady
Rev. Marks, of Bassett, will begin
a series of meetings Sunday evening
at Paddock Union church; we hope
the weather will be so that all who
care to may attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Dude Harrison and
daughter Fern and son Billy, of At
kinson; Mr. and Mrs. Burton Harris
on of Meadow Grove spent Thanks
giving at the Orville Harrison home.
Insist on The Frontier printing
Your Sale Bills.
For rent, furnished apartments for
families. Also sleeping rooms by day,
week or month. 20 rooms in my
house.—Julia E. Parker. 47-tf
Buy one book at 75c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it for
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
Don’t forget—there is a place in
O’Neill where you can sell for Cash,
Hides, Pelts, Wool, Fur, any kind of
old Metals and old cars not good for
anything only wrecking.
We have on hand a fairly complete
stock of used Auto Parts and Tires
19 O’Neill Hide & Metal Co.
6-hole enameled range; malleable
steel top; water front; practically
new; priced to sell.—Inquire at Bow
en’s Store. 28tf
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
Cockerels, bred for type, color and
production; extra choice birds, $2 at
farm until Jan. 1st.—O. A. Hanlmer
berg, Atkinson, Nebr. 28-3
The residence property of the
Charles Wrede estate; third house
east of the Galena lumber yard, is
for sale and must be sold to satisfy
the heirs of the estate. The 2060
acre ranch of the Charles Wrede es
tate is also for sale and must be sold
in order to clear up the estate.
Charles and John Wrede,
28-4t Executors.
. ————•
As Personal as Your Photograph
Mother and other dear ones back home
wouid be glad to hear from you occasion
ally by “long distance.’’
Your voice is as personal as your photo
graph. Both of them arq you.
Just call “long distance” when
you wish to enjoy a visit with
anyone, anywhere, at any time.
L_ . M
Stewart-Warner Radios. Come ir
and hear them.—W. B. Graves. 28ti
For Sale: Heating Stove.—C. C
Millard 21
For Sale—Good Piano.—A E
Bowen. 29-tf
For Sale: Nearly new hard coal
stove.—Geo. W. Davies. 19tl
Business lots, west of Chevrolet
garage.—Phone 270. 28tf.
Partly modern six room house and
acreage.—Mrs. E. F. Roberts, phone
270. 28tf.
Half section of good wheat and
grazing land, all fenced, and 75 acres
in cultivation; located on the Great
Northern R. R. between Enid and
Richey, Montana. Only three miles
from town. Clear; will exchange for
land in Holt County, Neb., or sell on
very favorable terms; want some
thing nearer home. Write or call
John A. Robertson, Joy, Neb. 27-3t
One Popcorn Machine with Peanut
Roaster attached, all electric.
1 10x15 Gordon Job Press.
4 Krag Rifles.
1 1923 model Overland Sedan.
17-tf Mrs. E. D. Henry
Soft Drink Parlor, fully equipped.
2 Ford cars, one is a Sedan.
1 barn 16x20, in good repair.
One of the best little farms in Holt
county; will consider a stock of mer
chandise on farm in trade.
26-tf. G. A. Fox.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
Dressmaking: One block north of
M. E. church.—Clara Aim. 24tf
ing.—W. B. Gnaves. O’Neill, 80-tf
Shoe hospital. Honest goods and
* square dealing. L. L. Cornell. 5tf.
I have private money to loan on
choice farms. See R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebraska. 27-tf
Will buy all kinds of grain. Get
i our prices before selling. J. B.
Ryan. 8-tf.
l)r. Edw. J. Norwood, O. D., the
Expert Eye Specialist from Sheridan,
Wyoming, will be in O'Neill Decem
ber 20th at Golden Hotel. See him
and see better. 28-2t
Anyone wishing to subscribe to or
renew their subscription to the La
dies Home Journal, Country Gentle
man or Saturday Evening Post, call
290.—Mrs. C. P. Hancock. 26-tf
H per cent, no commission.—F. J.
Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock
Land Bank. 17-tf
Headache, blurring,
weak or watery eyes,
, dizziness, styes, etc.,
indicate a need of
correct glasses. See Perrigo Optical
Co. at Golden Hotel, Saturday, De
cember 14th. 27-2t.
I Any Kind That You May Want |
jj JJ
15'® to 25% Saved on Insurance Policy
H --- f
Insure against Loss from
: Plate (Jlass insurance
in a strong company
Every car owner should !•
Insure against
Public Liability and
Property Damage
Court Bonds
Contractors Bonds
Notory’s Bonds written
1 -SEE
| L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency §
:: O’Neill, Nebraska.
Our Slogan
“Service and Prompt Settlements”
Sale Bills—The Frontier
when,tsZero Hundred
\ .
You Get Protective Lubrication With
Conoco Germ-Processed Paraffin Base Motor Oil
Conoco Germ-Processed Motor Oil retains its fluid
ity at sub-zero temperatures. In fact, there is no prac
tical operating condition in winter that will affect its
ready lubricating flow.
Due to the Germ process and the select, premium,
paraffin base crude stocks used, Conoco Germ-Pro
cessed Motor Oil positively does not break down under
be most intense cylinder wall heat.
A climb, high speed, heavy load, the temperature—
none of these conditions affect the ready lubricating
qualities of Conoco Germ-Processed Motor Oil.
This oil is different from all other oils in one out
standing respect. It actually penetrates metal surfaces.
The oil never leaves the bearings. In effect, a fracture
proof film—a carry-over film—is always on duty,
lubricating your motor from the instant you put your
foot on the starter.
When the temperature drops down to the sub-zero
zone protect your motor by using Conoco Germ
Processed Motor Oil. Know the satisfaction of realizing
that your motor is well lubricated even before you
start it.
Drive in at the nearest station displaying the Red
Triangle now, today and have your crankcase drained.
Your winter driving will change from one of worry to
one of pleasure and satisfaction.
CONOCO ~iflf
Germ Processed .If
A. and R. Service Station
Chevrolet Garage