SUPERVISOR'S PROCEEDINGS. O’Neill, Nebr., July 9th. 1929. 10 o’clock a. m. Holt County Board met in regular session and pursuant to adjournment, all members present. Board called to order by the chair man. Minutes for June 27th, 1929, read and approved. The following claims were audited and approved and on motion allowed on the General Fund: Mrs. Clark Hough $ 74.00 LeRoy Richards 6.25 C. & N. W. Ry Co. * 3.11 C. P. Hancock 10.00 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 10.00 Mrs. Mary Zastrow - 35.00 James Davidson . - 215.08 On motion the matter of change in a portion of the county road from Stuart to Swan Lake was postponed until the next regular meeting. 12 o’clock, noon, on motion, board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. John Sullivan, E. F. Porter, Chairman Clerk O’Neill, Nebr., July 9th, 1929. 1 o’clock p. m. Holt County Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members pres ent. Board called to order by the chairman. This being the hour set for hear ing on the matter of the division olf the valuation of the Northern Nebr aska Power Company between School Districts No. 13 and 142, the mutter was taken up. Mr. Lowery and Mr. Black appeared for District No. 142 and Mr. Hull and Mr. Witte appear ed for District No. 13. Motion by McKim, seconded by Gibson that the vaulation of the Northern Nebraska Power plant be divided equally between District No. 13 and 142. Upon the motion being put to vote by the chairman it was declared car ried and so ordered. Delegation from Chambers appear ed before the board in the matter of the appropriation for county fairs. No action was taken; the matter was postponed to a later date, 6 o’clock p. in. On motion the Board adjourned until July 30th at 10 o’clock a. m., unless sooner called by the t’leik. John Sullivan, E. F. Porter, Chairman. Clerk.. O’Neill, Nebr,, July 30th, 1929. 10 o’clock a. m. Holt County Board met pursuant to adjournment; all members pres ent. Board called to order by the chair man. Minutes for July 9th, 1929, read and approved. In the matter of the Distribution of Taxes for the year 1929 between School District No. 142 of Holt County, Nebraska, and School Dist rict No. 13 of Holt County, Nebras ka. To the Honorable Board of Super visors