The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 11, 1929, Image 8

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    natocr of evnu mutobs
The “fifth wheal," *»
accurate speed mess
" urini device, has
proved that Pontiac has the
highest top speed and the fastest
acceleration available in any
low-priced si*. As for power,
Pontiae la the most powerful of
all low-priced sixes, a fact which
can be proved by the dynamo
meter, a scientist’s measuring
stick for brake horsepower.
-- -|
Try to match theme Biy Car featurem
offered at no increame in price —
b.^'areiijjine. •
g Car lubrient
mg Nystnn* • • • t • b. rontiae. Michigan
nvr-rAMENOKi door
llig I ar brukos i*lyiumitbin«#<n
19 aaeri dedrablr big car quality
and la neat available In a wide
variety of col are—tha Pan time
Kill I ar fuel feed ,*^S.r?K T2JST
” payment* KmmyLmonthIyitarmmo
Fontioo Big Sim. $745 to $99$. f*
Big Car cooling arr rhargmv. Bumper*, tpring
w raver* and Loerjtry thoch ob
■vafum aorhara regular equipment at
Siein *Ught astro coal. General
v Mater* Time Payment Plan
available at minimum rata.
a _■ __aadhAH ratnUar tha dallrared price oa
ADO many owner aall aa tha Ibt Drier whan aaae
* poring eu ton tool la valuea • • •
Big Car advance- ^ll^Yhk
w charge, for handling and for
- __Ana firing when tha Time Pay*
■lienl« ment Plan la need.
Smith & Warner Motor Co.
Dealers, O’Neill, Nebr.
A. D. Under Norfolk
For Sale at Auction
Sale to be held at 10:00 o'clock a. m. in front of the
Court House in O'Neill, Nebraska on—
For the purpose of closing the Thomas Carlson
^estate there will be sold at public auction two hun
dred and forty acres of farm and dairy land. This*
If arm joins the City of O’Neill and is one of the best
all around dairy farms in Holt county. The Elkhorn
river runs through it, and there is a small lake on it
and plenty of timber. It is an ideal place for raising
stock.—Terms will be announced when the sale is
J. F. GALLAGHER, Administrator
C R E A M . . . .
.... but you can’t beat
Call 240
(Continued from page five.)
afternoon to celebrate. Charlene
and Halla Hauts took their places
in the Findley car going to Spencer.
Charlene and Halla Houts, in com
pany with a bunch of young folks
from the M. E. Epworth League of
Atkinson, are attending the League
Institute at Chadron State park.
They will be gone all this week and
a part of next week.
The farmers around here are
pretty light hearted nowadays. The
weekly rains are encouraging. They
are thankful that they did not get
any of the hail that fell at Atkin
son Sunday afternoon, although it
didn’t do any serious damage. The
only thing that is discouraging is
the old machinery which will hardly
hang together and thus delays the
Sunday, June JOth Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Johnson and son Lowell left
their home west of Emmet for a
vacation trip. They drove to Yank
ton and then to Akron. Iowa, where
they visited nephews of Mr John
son. They also visited the Morrison
family who recently spent a vaca
tion at the Johnson ranch here and
whose home is at LaMars, Iowa. At
Sargent Bluff they visited at the
home of Walter M. Thompson. Wal
ter is a young man whom Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson reared. Mrs. John
son says that she greatly enjoyed
the trip but most of all she enjoyed
the clean house when she returned
home. Sewell Johnson remained at
home to run the ranch and surely
did a goto job, says his mother. The
Johnsons returned home July 4th.
(Too late for last week)
A wedding dance was given for
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carrigan at Pat
Barrett’s last Friday evening. A
large crowd attended and seemed to
enjoy the evening.
A dandy rain fell her Sunday
night. The cut worms have taken
their departure and what corn there
is left looks fine. Some small grain
j has already been cut but the majori
ty is not quite ready yet.
The Emmet baseball team was
| badly defeated by the Atkinson ball
; team at Emmet Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are staying at
the Sam (Jennings farm west of Em
I met. Mr. Smith is helping gravel the
new highway south of Atkinson.
Dean Beckwith, York League ball
pitcher, has had several rides in an
airplane from York to Lincoln and
from Lincoln to Seward and back.
He says that when he gets two
Leagues higher he is going to have
a plane of his own.
Emmet friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Jeff Davis who formerly operated a
general stor e at Emmet and are
now taking a vacation trip, received
word last week that they had been
fishing in the Ozarks of Missouri.
This is an ideal place to fish judg
ing from the following extract taken
from "Successful Farming: “Fish
there are by the hundreds, the thou
sands, the millions; bass, small
mouth and big mouth, crappie, gog
gle-eye and sunfish; game channel
cat, jack salmon, or wall-eyed pike
from six to ten pounds in weight;
rainbow trout, and perch, and what
ever they all might be."
Tuesday morning the team with
which Vern Beckwith was cultivating
ran away. He let them stand while
I he went to count the remaining rows.
When he looked around his team was
homeward bound. Vern ran after
them but when he got almost near
enough to grab the lines the horses
gave a leap and were gone. The rat
tling machine frightened them as
they rushed onward. When they ar
rived at the barnyard they dashed
through a steel gate. One horse
broke loose and the other lay kicking
amid broken machinery and bent
gate, but finally scrambled out of
the mixup uninjured, nor was any
body hurt.
W. O. James, the village black
smith is repairing some machinery
for Greenwood and Johnson at the
Johnson forge.
A nice rainshower fell here Satur
day morning and another one Sun
day which was accompanied with
quite a wind.
Rev. Rasmussen preached to a
large and attentive gathering at the
J. V. Johnson home Tuesday evening.
There will be services again Tues
day evening July 16.
Charlie Fink and Chris Hinkel
called at Johnson’s Monday. Mr.
Fink bought a truck load of shoats
from Johnson which were delivered
A heavy rainstorm went over this
community and vicinity Sunday night
with severe hail in Atkinson and
Phoenix. The hail in Atkinson de
molished several car tops.
Miss Alpha Johnson returned Tues
day from a four weeks visit with
her brothers, Elmer, Albert and Stan
ley and other relatives at Oakland.
She reports they had a severe hail
storm few days ago which damaged
the crops considerably.
Tinker, Tinker, W. O., a lot of re
pairing to make it go, hammer and
hurry to make it straight, harvest is
coming and cannot wait. Hillard’s
comes first and then J. V.’s, everybo
dy is busy as buzzing bees. Horses
on the trot, we’re farmers all, and we
are listening to the reaper’s call.
Rev. Rasmussen and wife called
at the Johnson home the other day
and while there saw a sight that
should appeal to any preacher, likely
in honor of the occasion, a lot of
Mrs. Johnson’s young fries duti
fully collected at the kitchen door.
They evidently wanted to enter the
The Fourth was celebrated safely
and sanely by most of the neighbors,
but not altogether without a mishap.
A few of the neighbors had a picnic
dinner at Scotts. A number of chil
dren were playing and having a good
time in the barn on the hay mow
floor when Josephine Scott wanted to
do a little climbing on the hay rope.
She missed her hold and fell to the
floor and knocked her left arm out
of joint at the shoulder. She was
ta]<-en to the doctor immediately who
put it back in place.
Frank Snyder and Claude Hamil
ton spent the Fourth at Neligh.
George Fink and wife spent the
4th at Elk Creek.
Clyde Streeter and family spent the
4th at Neligh.
Lura Grass was on the sick list
the last of the week.
Mrs. L. K. Hough of O'Neill spent
the afternoon at the Claude Homilton
Mrs. Frank Snyder has been visit
ing with her mother in Tecumseh the
last two weeks.
Lena and Anna Job from Sascatch
awan, Canada visited Sunday at the
C. A. Grass home.
C. A. Grass and family enjoyed a
picnic dinner at the Stevens home
with other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fink and
Mrs. Cora Hamilton returned to their
homes Friday bringing Mrs. Frank
Snyder and grandson home.
Algie Sarchet’s wife and children
from Sascatchawan, Canada, are vis
iting with Algie’s parents and other
relatives in and near Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Algie Sarchet and
son of Canada and Mr. and Mrs.
Sarchet of Page and Mr. and Mrs,
C. A. Grass visited Sunday with Will
Sarchet at Stuart.
George Fink and wife autoed to
Tecumseh a week ago Sunday. Mrs.
Cora Hamilton went with them as
far as Lincoln where she visited with
her daughter Elsie and other rela
(Too late for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller.
Mrs. Emma Abbott called on Mrs.
Lillie Steskal Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone autoed to
Norfolk, Tuesday.
Jim Abbott is working with the hay
crew of Dugal Allen near Emmet.
Mrs. Siebert and son, William call
ed on Mrs. Hannah Richards Monday.
Grace Abbot is assisting Mrs. Vern
Harding this week.
Mrs. Tena Winkler and husband
visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler
Sunday evening.
Henryetta Dexter of Wayne spent
Thursday at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Emma Ries.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes and fam
ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Barratt and family.
Leo Steskal. Sr., of O’Neill, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stes
kal Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Warner and
son, Jackie, were Sunday guests at
the home of Mrs. Hannah Richards.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bessey and son,
Don Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Chris
ten, sister and brother of B. H. Bes
sey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wengel and
three daughters of Sessington, S. D.,
were guests at the Bessey home re
turning to their homes Friday.
Roy Scott and mother and Mrs.
Etta Wehrly, of Davenport. Nebr.,
spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wehrley. Mrs.
Etta Wehrley is Asa’s mother. Asa
Wehrley joined them at a Sunday
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Krutchman. The Daven
Riverside Park
Sunday Night
July 14
JACK MILLS and his Orchestra
in “Si* Foot of Song”
Ball Game Sunday, July 14th
Riverside vs. Bonesteel
Ed. Hoover
port folks leaving Sunday evening Jor
their home.
A. Klingler was a caller of Wm.
Evans’ family Tuesday.
The Dorcas Ladies Aid met Wed
nesday with Mrs. A. Klingler.
John Schrunk, Sr. was a caller at
the Karr home Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Tom Bessey of Omaha is a
guest at the B. H. Bessey home.
Mrs. Joe Niezgochi, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan O’Connell were guests of the
Lutz folks near Stuart Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth spent
Sunday P. M. at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bailey Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton
called on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fuller
ton Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Sorrey were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller Sunday.
Mrs. Hannah Richards was a visit
or of John Warner family .Friday P.
Charley Richards spent Monday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.loe Keebik.
Mrs. Tena Winkler and husband vi
sited Mr. aod Mrs. Albert Klingler
Sunday eve.
Henrietta Dexter of Wayne spent
Thursday at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Emma Ries.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott and Miss
Meral Murphey and Bro. visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steskal
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Tena Winkler and husband
autoed to Yankton, S. D. Thursday
and visited WNAX station. They en
joyed the trip hugely.
Mrs. Gertie Pester of Lincoln spent
the week end with her cousin Tena
Winkler and her aunt, Mrs. Eva Les
samon in Atkinson returning to her
home in Lincoln Saturday.
160 acres good hay land 10 miles
southwest of O’Neill, mostly timo
thy and clover. Write or call.
7-2 T. J. Joyce.
One yearling, branded with inver
ted E with J connected, and two
suckling calves. Liberal reward for
any information.
7-1 Ed. Early.
HI For Rent j|
Furnised apartment for light house
keeping for rent. Mrs. Ella Riley. 6tf.
For Rent—sleeping room in modern
home; one block from main street.
Call 189J. 6-2
Nice cool, newly furnished room in
a new modern house, for rent
6-tf Mrs. Dean Selah
For Rent, three large rooms with
kitchenette; stall for car. J. H.
Shultz, O’Neill.
For rent, furnished apartments for
families. Also sleeping rooms by day,
week or month. 20 rooms in my
house.—Julia E. Parker. 47-tf
For rent, my residence containing
8 rooms and bath; all modern but
heat; also have barn for rent. Call
and see me.—Mrs. Viola Morgan,
O’Neill. 7-2
Buy one book at 76c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it for
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
HI Miscellaneous
Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 84-tf.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
Girl wanted for general house
work.—J. B. Ryan. 7tf
Washing Wanted. Mrs. A. A.
Revell., Box 316. 5-3
Shoe hospital. Honest goods and
sq«~re dealing. L. L. Cornell. 6tf.
per cent, no commission.—F. J.
Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock
Land Bank. 17-tf
ing.—W. B. Gnaves. O’Neill, 30-tf
I have private money for choice
farm loans at 5% interest.
5% R. E. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 5%
The Frontier $2.00 per year.
For Sale—Good Piano.—A. E.
Bowen. 29-tf
I ^________________________
For Sale—Male Fox terrier pup
pies.—Elizabeth Henry 3-tf
Police pups For Sale.
4-5 W. B. Lamb.
Resident property for sale on
I monthly payments.—Peter Reifer.7tf
For Sale a Monarch range, Hoover
kitchen cabinet, table, duofold, rug,
dresser. Mrs. C. E. Zimmerman
For Sale—I have 4 choice business
lots located in the business center of
O'Neill, to sell; or I will build new
store buildings on*them to suit tenants.
—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 36-tf
I have several Choice Mortgages
on good Farms and City Property,
for sale. I have loaned my own
money on these and they are a First
and only mortgage.
They draw good interest and
plenty of Choice real estate
$1200 on well improved 160 farm.
$1800 on well improved 160 farm.
$4000 on well improved 320 acres.
$800 on City Property.
$750 on City Property.
It is my line of business to loan
my own money to these people,
then sell the mortgages to people
that want their money at interest.
They draw good interest and you
have Real Estate for security.
Let me show them to you.
R. H. Parker. O’Neill. Nebr. 45-tf
Buying a farm, I will sell or trade
my CAFE. In a good location, and
a good businss.—John Hamling,
Spencer, Nebr., Box 355 7-2
(first publication, July 11th)
Estate No. 2097
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty. Nebraska, July 11th, 1929.
In the matter of the Estate of
Asher E. Holcomb, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limited
for presenting claims against said
estate is November 15, 1929, and
for the payment of debts is July 11,
19^0 and that on August 15, 1929,
and on November 10, 1929, at 10 o’
clock A. M. each day, I will be at the
County Court Room in said County
to receive, examine, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections duly
(County Court Seal)
7-4 County Judge.
Get Sale Bills at Frontier office.
Courtright Sidner, Lee & Gunderson,
Fremont, Nebraska
N O T 1 C E.
Henry G. Weller, Ethel Weller, The
heirs, divisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other per
sons interested in the Estate of
James L. McDonald, deceased, real
names unknown; The heirs, di
visees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives, and all other persons
interested in the Estate of Vernon
W. McDonald, deceased, real
names unknown; All persons hav
ing or claiming any interest in the
northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter of section 1
two, township thirty, range f if - !
teen, in Holt county, Nebraska, i
real names unknown.
You and each of you will take notice
that Florence M. Bitney, plaintiff,
has filed a petition and affadavit for
service by publication in the above
entitled action, the object and prayer
of which petition is to quiet the title
in the plaintiff to the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter and
the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section two, township
thirty, range fifteen, in Holt county,
Nebraska, and for a decree that none
of the defendants have any lien on
or interest in said real estate, all as
more particularly stated in said pe
tition. In said action the court has
made an order for service on all de
fendants by publication. Defendants
are required to answer said petition
on or before the fifth day of August,
1929, or said petition will be taken as
true and decree entered for the
Courtright, Sidner, Lee & Gunderson,
Her Attorneys.
First Publication June 27, 1929.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Public
Works in the State House at Lincoln,
Nebraska on July 18th, 1929, until
9 o’clock A. M., and at the time pub
licly opened and read for Oiled Sand
Surfacing and Incidental Work on
the O’Neill-Bartlett Project No. 313
A, Federal Aid Road.
The proposed work consists of con
structing 9.5 miles of Oiled Sand
The approximate quanities are:
100,176 Sq. Yds. Oiled Sand Sur
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and informaton
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska or at the
ot August 1st 1929 andoffice of the
office of the Department of Public
Works at Lincoln, Nebraska,
equal to 100 pier cent of his contract.
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
Certified checks made payable to
the Department of Public Works for
not less than five per cent (5 per
cent) of the amount of the bid will
be required.
This work must be started previous
to August 1st,- 1929, and be completed
by September 1st, 1929.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
Long Time
Loans On Live
Stock Wanted
Tri-State Agriculture Credit
John L. Quig
Local Agent
R. L. Cochran, State Engineer
E. F. Porter, County Clerk
Holt County.
5~'i *
First Pub. 5-27-1929
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, June 21, 1929.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Ernest D. Henry, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested in said estate that a peti
tion has ben filed in said Court for
the appointment of Birdie S. E. Hen
ry, as Administratix of said estate,
and will be heard July 18, 1929, at
10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court
Room in O’Neill, Nebraska.
(County Court Seal)
C. J. Malone, County Judge.
Estate No. 1803
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, June 28, 1929.
In the matter of the Estate of John
Horiskey, Deceased.
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that the admist
tratrix of said estate has filed in said
court her final report and petition
for final settlement and distribution
of the residup of said estate; and that
said report and petition will be heard
July 25, 1929, at 10 o’clock A. M. at
the County Court Room in O’Neill,
Nebraska when all persons interested
may appear and be heard concerning
said final report and the distribution
of said estate.
(County Court Seal)
C. J. Malone,
0-3 County Judge
Uhl Brothers
Heavy Hauling Specialties.
Service at any tiaM.
Physician and Surgeon
Special attention given to
disease of the eye and cor
rect fitting of glasses.
Phone, Office 28
O'Neill :: Nebraska
Graduate Veterinarian
Phone 304. Day or Night.
O’Neill, Nebraska
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
One block South 1st Natl. Bank.
-—Phone 78
| Dr. C. H. Lubker
Douglas Methods
| Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb.
John N. Stauffer
City Dray Line
Dray and Transfer
Piano Moving. Phone 325
O’Neill Nebraska
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Phone 13, Page. Neb.