Private Sale To be sold at once at private sale: One Chevrolet Coach Piano Furniture Stoves Rugs I^amps Dishes Curtains Kitchen Utensils And all household Equipment. Mrs. Clifford B. Scott THE FRONTIER D. H. CRONIN. Publisher W. C. TEMPLETON. Editor and Business Manager ■tiered at tbe postoffice at O’Neill. Nebraska, as second-class matter. EDUCATIONAL NOTES The law does not allow Free High School Tuition certificates to be is sued for the ninth grade for any pu pil who has not taken the State Eighth Grade examinations. A transfer into a city school dis trict from a rural district, by the new law will transfer the High School pu pils as well as the grade pupils of the transferred family. No Free High School tdttion certificate will be is sued to the High School pupils of families transferred into a High School district. According to the new Compulsory Education law, no district may hold less than a seven month term of school. Miss Viola Henning, of Atkinson, has organized a 4 H Cooking Club in her community. These are very fine for our children and we need more of them for the boys and girls in this County. jA DOUBLE WEDDING IN THE GRANT FAMILY Currnan-Grant Hanson-Grant Raymond L. Currnan of Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Miss Vivian Josephine Grant, and Virgil Hanson of Decatur, Nebraska and Miss Inez E. Grant were participants in a dou ble wedding ceremony at the Dorsey church Wednesday, June 12th. Rev. H. H. Beers, pastor of the Presby terian church of O’Neill performed the ceremony. The brides are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grant residing near Star. Following the wedding a reception was held at the Grant home at Star. GRIIMES-GAISER One of the most prominent andj interesting social affairs in manyi months was the beautiful wedding of( Miss Vada Grimes of Chambers and Paul Gaiser of Lincoln which was ' solemnized at the Methodist Church Ht Chambers Monday evening, June 10th. Immediately preceeding the I ceremony Mrs. Kenneth Adams very sweetly sang “Oh Promise Me.” | Promptly nt. 8:.'i0 o’clock began the j wedding march with Miss Latrelle j Grimes at the piano. The bride, who entered the church from the rear, i was very beautiful in a handsome | gown of coral pink georgette. She i carried a shower boquet of ophelia | roses. She was attended by little | Patsy Grimes who was lovely in a dainty little frock of pale green crepe-de-chine; Patsy acted as flower girl; she carried a basket of rose I buds. At the altar the bridal pro cession was met by the officiating minister and the groom, who wore a dark suit, and little Keith Newhouse, in a black velvet suit, who carried the rings nestling in a rose. The i wedding party with its back ground of ferns and potted plants truly gave the appearance of a beautiful picture. The double ring ceremony was per formed by the Rev. David Scott. A reception was given at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. T. E. New house, immediately after the cere mony. Congratulations and best wishes were offered the happy young couple and a dainty buffet luncheon was served. The out-of-town guest was Mrs. Chas. Gaiser, of Lincoln, mother of Sweetheart Cakes Rich and Delicious )Ot)iC will visit with Mrs. Spindler’s sistei and also attend the Commencement exercises at the Tech High where Mrs. Spindler’s nephew in one of the graduates. They will also visit Mrs Spiudler’s mother, Mrs. Blair, at Glenwood, Iowa. Mrs. Harry Fox entertained the small friends of her nephew Ralph Rousch, on Saturday afternoon Those attending were Laurence and Lloyd Rouse, Leonard, Thelma, and Edward Young, Leone and Leroy Spindler, Howard and Leonard Devall j and Neva June Schelkopf. The chil j dren had a jolly time and a dainty lunch was served. An aeroplane circled this locality all day Wednesday causing much curiosity by moving back and forth in almost the same route. It was made ! known later that it was a brother of Mrs. Charlie Hull, who with his mo ther came from Dakota for a short visit with his sister and incidently to give several neighbors an aeroplane ride. Some at first thought it was Lindy on his honeymoon. 'SURROUNDING AND PLEASANTVJEW ITEMS Meta Singleman visited home folks near Spencer Sunday. Mrs. Hannah Richards and son were in O’Neill Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson were in Atkinson Monday P. M. Mr. Nolie and son Henry Hagel, Jr. were callers on Albert Klingler Sunday. Mr. Wm. Abbott was elected Mod erator in Dist. 160 at the meeting Monday P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Shannon of S. I), are visiting her mother, Mrs. Em ma Ries and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Niezgocki Sunday evening. Deloris Storejohn of near Phoenix spent Sunday with her grand parents MY. and Mrs. Wm. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wherly and fa mily spend Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller were dinner guests of Albert Klingler’s Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klinger visited at the home of Mrs. Tena Winkler and husband Monday evening. Lloyd Evans called at the home of his sister, Mrs. Vincine Peterson and family Monday evening in Atkinson. John Alf befan the building of his new residence in O'Neill Monday. Charley Spann of Atkinson is car penter. Mr. and Mrs, John F. Warner and son Jackie and Opal Rossman visited Mrs. Hannah Richards Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Aulton, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bessey and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jenzing, Jr. apd son, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wink ler called on Herman Jenzing, Sr. who is sick. They report him very weak. His many friends wish hjm a speedy recovery. BARTHELMESS SCORES HIT AS SINGING CON VICT IN HIS LATEST FILM Unusual Plot of “Weary River” Give* Star Most Appeal ing Role. Richard Barthelmess again! Again in a hit—one of the biggest in his career of hits. The First National star who gave us “The Patent Leather Kid” and “The Noose,” will appear at the Rwal Theatre in “Weary River,” on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights of next week. “Weary River” has given Barthel mess an unusual role to play. He has been given an exceptionally dra matic story to tell, a real, living, breathing character to portray, and situations brimming with extraordin ary histrionic opportunities. And he takes full advantage of every one of them. “W'eary River” is the story of a man who was framed, sent to prison, disillusioned, inspired, finding him self in song and music, winning fame, fortune and love via the radio. It is strictly modern, teeming with action and movement and altogether de Lyric Theatre ATKINSON, NEBRASKA Sun.-Mon., June 16-17 GEORGE JESSEL ♦ -in “Lucky Boy” Singing, dancing, dialogue Thurs.-Fri., June 20-21 “THE YOUNGER GENERATION” | One of the greatest talking pictures ever seen or heard of. Sun.-Mon., June 23-24 “Molly and Me” Belle Bennett’s lirst all talking and singing sensation. COMING ATTRACTIONS Mary Bickford in 100'r talkie, "Uoqiiette”, June 30, July 1, 2. “Broadway Melody”, July 7-8-9-10 100' .■ Singing, Dancing, Dialogue A new improved speaker has been installed, giving perfect voice effect. “—Dad, You Look Swell!—” Of course he does— his suit has just been dry cleaned by The Harty Laundry. It surely makes a big difference when your clothes are neatly pressed and free from dirt and spots. Phone us today for a pick-up. 24-hour Service, if requested The Harty Laundry Cleaners and Pressers signed as a great picture. In the cast we are given Betty Compson, that always dependable ac tress, who gives one of her finest performances. Frank Lloyd’s direc tion is of superlative calibre, and we are happy to be informed that he will also direct the next Barthelmess opus. The balance of the cast render themselves worthy of the general ex cellence of the feature with outstand ing performances by George Stone, Louis Natheaux, Edwards Davis, Gladden Jamts, Raymond Turner, Robert O’Connor and others. FACTS ABOUT NEBRASKA The bill that made Nebraska a ter ritory was introduced by U. S. Sena tor Augustus Caesar Dodge of Iowa but was passed at the insistance of Senator Stephen A. Douglas. The bill was amended to admit the terri tory of Kansas as well as the terri tory of Nebraska, to gratify the am bitions of two men, Rev. Thomas Johnson of Missouri and Hadley D. Johnson of Iowa, to be delegates to congress. Paroles and commutations were is sued during the last two years to 417 wrong-doers in Nebraska. Of these only 47, or 13 per cent, violated the trust. The M. E. Ladies Aid will hold a food sale at the Robt. Morrison gro cery Saturday afternoon. 3-1 Fireworks Chinese Firecrackers 10c package ... Fresh Yeast Foam, 10c package Jell-O, all flavors Package Tobacco, Horse Shoe, pound _ Alaska Salmon, 2 tall cans _ _ Coffee, McCord Brady Co. 50c grade, pound .. Cascade Cocoa-Hard Water Soap, 2 large bars .... K. C. Baking Powder, 25c size can___ Bottles, extra strong, dozen ._...__ Prima Malt, Large can 5g 5g 7g 55c 34c 37c 12c 13c C3c AO. Men’s Suits Made to Your Order. Price, $2 4 John J. Melvin Sells lor Less 57 Steps —and after Housecleaning . . . OF course it’s a joy to have a Hoover at housecleaning time—to have its deep, thorough cleaning of rugs, its efficient dust ing of draperies and furniture. But after housecleaning is over you’ll ap preciate it all the more, for the thorough way it keeps flour coverings and^ransbiogsdcaSL Positive Agitation” is the secret of it* wonderful cleaning ability. Won't joa let HI bring a Hocxver to your Jborar&nd show you the dHSeacnce this amazingprlncip(ieaM&£3.? Well also show you the new populaj-priced Hoover. Liberal allowance for tow did deaner. 9&HOOVER f# BEATS -- as it Saraap* ms tt Ciaaws I Only $625 doom^ Balance monthly Interstate Power Co. ■fl I