The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 16, 1929, Image 4

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■L* ^E^Hk
^BPr gBHi ^W
Value >r Value
Price yorPnce/
nfu COACH If you are considering the purchase of an auto
jn* mobile, you owe it to yourself to check the new
Chevrolet Six against any other car-value for
value and price for pricel
Here, in the price range of the four, is offered a
smooth, powerful, six-cylinder valve-in-head
», leu motor—which delivers better than 20 miles to
ftoAorrut ... w-j fhe g(jW{m gasoline-and whose smooth, quiet,
£&xton .... .*525 velvety operation, with its complete lack of drum
riw . *595 ming and vibration, is a revelation. Here are
"ur*.beautiful bodies by Fisher-wlth fittings by Tern- j
I&an.stedt . . . rich, deep-tufted upholsteries and
£fSRfoi'ET...*695 adjustable driver’s seat. And throughout the
nt remit*- «725 entire chassis are found numerous examples of
/^landau. .. '** advanced engineering—such as quiet, non-lock
.*595 ing 4-wheel brakes . . . ball bearing steering
rh#ci»ht *400 mechanism.. .and automatic acceleration pump.
-... .*545 But no mere recital of features can give you any
Tjui'ATon *{,50 conception of Chevrolet’s value leadership. So
«^,uwiu.c«b we urfte ou to come ant| 8ee for yourself
Al,¥uZ')uuh/£n0rT why over 500,000 people have chosen the new
Chevrolet Six since January 1st!
Arbuthnot & Reka
Dealers, O'Neill, Nebraska
D. U. CRONIN. Publisher
Editor sod Business Manager
•ntered at the postofTke at O'Neill.
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
Display advertising on Pages 4. 5
and 8 are charged for on a basis of
25 cents an inch (one column wide)
par week; on Page 1 the charge is
40 cents an inch per week. Local ad
vertisements, 10 cents per line first
Insertion, subsequent insertions 5
cents per line.
• ■". f
Lee Osborne, of Bassett, Nebraska,
and Miss Florence Clevish, of this|
city, drove to Neligh, Nebraska, Wed
nesday when* they were married by
County Judge J. Q. Ingram, at three
o’clock in the afternoon.
They were accompanied by Miss
Pearl Clevish, sister of the bride, and
Charles Wyant, who officiated as at
tendants during the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Clevish of this city; she en
joys a wide circle of friends. Mr.
Osborne was a resident of O’Neill for
a couple of years but is now at Bes
sett where he is'assisting his brother,
Harry T. Osborne, in the promotion
of oil possibilities.
They will reside in Bassett, Nebras-,
ka, for the present.
The Frontier extends congratula
The final meeting of the club year
will be held at the club room next
Wednesday, May 22nd. As some im
portant business is to be transacted
a good attendance is desired.
We are now equipped to let
ter in the Cemetery.
Marker $25 and up.
G. Stannard
The members of the senior class of
the public school who took part in
the “sneak day” activities a few weeks
ago, enjoyed an eight o’clock banquet
at the Golden hotel Wednesday even
ing. A number of invited guests were
present. Covers were laid for forty
three. A short after-dinner program
was enjoyed which was followed by
dancing in the dining room.
Miss Angelina Abdouch was the
guest of honor at her home Friday
evening at a surprise shower tendered
her by the Business Girls Club of this
city; complimentary to her approach
ing marriage to Mr. Bert Boutrous, of
Bismark, North Dakota.
The evening was spent informally.
Refreshments consisting of fruit,
ice cream and cake were served.
Dr. C. H. Lubker spent Sunday in
Arlo iliutt is in Winner, South Da
kota, this week.
Another nice rain visited this vici
nity last Friday.
State Sheriff W. C. Condit was in
O’Neill Monday evening.
Mrs. Fred Vitt went to Omaha Tues
day to consult a specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Surber and
children spent Sunday in Waterbury.
Mrs. Walter Warner and daughter,
Miss Gloria, spent Thursday in Nor
Ed Burge and Herbert Rouse have
joined the Maytag family during the
past week.
County Judge C. J. Malone spent
Sunay with his daughter. Miss Flor
ence, in Omaha.
The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy!
Warner on west Everett street is near
inf completion.
O. H. Sanddager, of Fremont, claim
agent for the C. & N. W. was in!
O’Neill Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warner were
visiting relatives in Stanton, Nebras-1
ka, a couple of days last week.
Elmer Warner accompanied by Mr.'
and Mrs. Walter Warner and daugh
ters were in Wayne, Sunday.
The city ctreet man, D. D. Hunt,
has been putting in considerable time
the past ten days getting the streets!
lined up.
| The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Mamie Ritts Tuesday
afternoon May 31st at,3 o’clock.,
■ _' ■* i
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will
Abbott, residing ten miles north of
Emmet, on Monday of last week.
Mrs. Lettie Keller, of Hot Springs,
South Dakota, came last week for a
visit with her nephew. L. G. Gillespie.
George Lefter, representing the
Farmers Mutual Insurance Co., is
looking after losses in this vicinity
The Country Club held their open
ing dance Monday evening with the
Staniford orchestra furnishing the
Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt were visit
ing at the Jerome Maring home in
Yankton, South Dakota, on Sunday of
last week.
S. J. Weekes returned home on Fri
day of last week from Rochester,
Minnesota, where he has been receiv
ing treatment in the Mayo Clinic.
A son who tipped the scales at
eleven pounds was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Ross E. Hams, at the Dr. Gilli
gan hospital last Friday morning.
Editor Ross Welton and Mrs. Wel
ton of Hooker County Tribune, pub
lished at Mullen, Nebraska, spent Sun
day visiting with O’Neill relatives.
George Hanley has been quite ill
recently at a hospital in Omaha. He
is recovering nicely and will soon be
able to return to his college studies,
Mrs. Bernard Matthews will close a
successful school year in District 23,
Friday with a picnic near the power
dam on the Niobrara river north of
C. E. Yantzi of this city and L. K.
Proudfit, of Chariton, Iowa, were up
in Cherry county last Tuesday look
ing over ranch lands owned by Mr.
George Murray, of Lead City, South
Dakota, arrived in O’Neill last Sun
day for a visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Murray, and with
other relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. C. N. King is expected to ar
rive home Saturday evening from Chi
cago, where she has been visiting since
she returned from the Medeterranean
cruise a couple of weeks ago.
Dr. and Mrs. ,T. P. Gilligan went to
Tekamah, Nebraska, last Saturday;
where they were guests of the latter’s
sister, Mrs. Ed Latta; they also visit
ed with their son, Dr. John Gilligan,
at Nebraska City, before going to
Omaha Tuesday where Dr. Gilligan
was in attendance at the state medical
convention Tuesday. Wednesday and
The prize winning essays onerea Dyr
:he W. C. T. U. to the Seventh and
Eighth grades on the topic: “Milk
Sottle verses Beer Bottle” will be read
it this meeting. Everyone interested
s cordially invited.
Henry Grady accompanied Tom
^olan and his father, John Nolan, to
Denver, Colorado, Tuesday, where he
will visit for several days with his
listers. Miss Mayme and Miss Kath
*ryn Grady. The trip was made by
Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman enter
tained twelve little girls and boys
From four until six o’clock Monday
afternoon at her home in west O’Neill,
in honor of the fourth birthday anni
versary of her daughter, Miss Lois
Miss Mary Carney returned home
jn Sunday of last week from a month’s
visit with her brother, Lieutenant J.
V. Carney and family at Pensacola,
Florida. Lieut. Carney is an in
structor in the aviation branch of the
Chas. Meyers, Garland Bressler,
Francis Tenborg, Robert Lamb, Elwin
rhompson, Earl Herrick, Harold Sex
smith, Howard Medlen, Dick Robert
son, Virgil Johnson, Chas. Graham,
Chas. Green, Clyde Burge and Rieh
ird Tomlinson.
A birthday party was given for Miss
Wilda Wolfe at the C. E. Zimmerman
pome Tuesday evening honoring her
’ourteenth birthday anniversary.
Twelve young ladies were present,
The evening was spent at games.
Luncheon was served.
A number of friends of Miss Flor
ence Clevish tendered her a shower at
the home of her parents in the south
eastern part of the city, Tuesday even
ing, in honor of her approaching mar
riage to Lee Osborne. Many useful
gifts were given Miss Florence.
A number of the teachers of the
public school spent mothers day last
Sunday with home folks. Miss Flor
ence Biegley was in Norfolk; Princi
pal R. V. Jones, Hastings; Miss Opal
Turner, Marquette; Coach F. J. Brok
enicky, Lincoln; Miss Ruth Kraemer,
David City.
Coach F. J. Brokenicky accompanied
the tractsters to Butte today (Thurs
day) where they will take part in the
triangular track meet between the
towns of Stuart-, Butte and O’Neill.
Principal R. V. Jones attended the
meet as an official. The following are
those who attended:
Miss Bernadette Brennan returned
home from Columbus, Georgia, last
Saturday, where she has been visit
ing with her brother Captain Francis
Brennan and family for the past six
months. She was accompanied home
by two nephews, John and Neil Fran
cis who will visit in O’Neil.
James Davidson is arranging to'
erect a tile building 22^x40 feet, one j
story high, on his lots adjoining the
plumbing shop on the east; the build
ing used by Jack Davidson as a ear- <
penter shop that occupied the site has
been moved to rear of lot on which
the plumbing shop stands and will be
used as a carpenter shop.
John Nolan departed on Wednesday j
morning for Denver, Colorado, where j
he will spend the summer; later he \
contemplates going to Los Vages, Ne- \
vada, where he expects to reside with i
his son, Thomas, who has opened a j
law office. He was accompanied to j
Denver by his son, Thomas, and Henry
Grady in the Tom Nolan car.
Several state prohibition officers
were working in this vicinity last
week; they brought Ed Hood and An-i
drew Wytoski to O’Neill last Thurs
day evening where they were held un
til the following day they were re
leased and were ordered to appear
Saturday, May 18th. No charge has
been filed against them at this time.
House Roll 421 as passed by the j
Legislature says that every taxpayer
must file an intangible return before
the last Monday in May. Failure to
do so may be punishable by fine or im
prisonment whether they have any in
tangible property or not. If not filed
by the last Monday in May they may
be called before the State Tax Com
missioner or his agent and may be
Inman Leader: Miss Geraldine Da-j
vies, a member of the junior class of!
Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Mis
souri, assisted at a tea given by the
Societas Latina on Thursday after
noon, April 25. The Y. W. parlors!
were transformed for the occasion;
into the “Picciollo Piazza” of modern,
Italy. Miss Davies appeared in pro-j
gram in the becoming costume of an
Italian peasant, and assisted as host
ess to the guests who were escorted
through a flowered arch to little tables
where they were served salad, sand
wiches, olives and coffee.
Home of Good Pictures
—Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
May 16-17-18
with Dolores Del Rio, Ralph Forbes
and Karl Dane, Harry Carey, Tolly
Marshall, Emily Fitzroy, Tennen
Holtz, Russel Simpson, Cesare Grav
ina, George Cooper, John Down, E.
Alyn Warren, A. Robert, W. Service
-Sunday-Monday, May 19-20-.
BIG SPECIAL—Lyade Putti and War
ner Oland in
Here’s the last word in motion pic
ture plots—the drama superb! YouTl
like it.
- Tuesday, May 21st -
Hoot Gibson in
The biggest thriller Hoot ever
made—a 100 per cent western.
- Wednesday, May 22nd ■ ■
George O’Brien and Lois Mpran in
The best Lois Moran ever made and
she never made a poor one. Bring the
-— Thursday, May 23 ■ —■ ■
Rich, sparkling comedy with a fresh
unhackneyed plot and characters you
meet every day
10c Night.
- Friday, May 24th ■■
Tim McCoy in
A real McCoy picture.
—- Saturday, May 25 ---
Milton Sills in
Resounding to the Call of an Empty
Heart! Crash of steel against steel
as two trains meet in a head-on col
Hj for plowing
Hi I ami harrowing
tied Crown Gasoline is Ne
braska’s favorite fuel for
tractors. It gives lots of
flower at low cost.
/'i I /I
Kprf Crown Ethyl Gasoline
cures carbonized motors of
gas knocks and gives motors IPolariiie
more flexible power. Trv it
For economy and 1 ' Prevent* w ear
power buy pasoline ill truck, I radOF and flUS
and motor oil at the (;hart fvr corrttci
Red Crown Sign. S(‘llg(T Car. grade.
"A ISeltrnsIni Institution”
"The Balanced /aCltex /'fTcSnX Knocks out
Gasoline jjjFrQ&flSESBfaUtftm*?