The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 11, 1929, Image 1

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    The Frontier.
NO, 46.
Home of Good Pictures
- Thursday, April 11th -
The big: act is on! You sit on the
edge of your seat! You hold your
-Frida> -Saturday, April 12-1.1
Benefit St. Mary’s Basket Ball Boys
Holt, Ralph Graves and Dorothy
Revier in
The greatest and most spectacular
<»f all sea pictures. It will thrill you
* very moment. See the Navy in
action! Visit a Submarine!
-Sunday-Monday, April 14-1."»
Colleen Moore in
Another good one with a star who
never made a poor picture.
-■—Tuesday, April lfith
Reginald Denney in
Eight bells and all’s well—except
that he had to live on goat’s milk
while he yearned for steaks—the girl
he was chasing around the world
thought he was a thief. 10c Night.
- Wednesday, April 17th -
Bob Steel in
He’s better than a rodeo. See—the
battle with the wild horse, the running
fight with the renegades.
Bring the family.
- Thursday, April 18th -
Jftanne Eagles—Famous stage star
>f ’’lain” in
From the smashing stage success by
W. Somerset Maugham, author of
10c Night.
- Friday, April 19th -
Richard Barthelmess in
Richard plays a devil role and does
>-ome wonderful acting.
- Saturday, April 20th -
Wm. Bovd and Jacqueline Logan in
She was a beautiful vamp who was
out after the stuff.
3. H. McPharlin is on the sick list.
Gene Kilpatrick has been on the sick
list during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Scott were
visiting” in Lincoln last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rasley were
were in Omaha last Saturday.
L. G. Gillespie and son Bennet were
Verdel, Nebraska, visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rasley were
visitors in Norfolk Tuesday evening.
Wm. Stratmeyer is driving a new
Chevrolet “six” coupe recently pur
chased from Arbuthnot & Reka.
A daughter was bom Monday to
Mr. and Mrs. John McClellan of Joy.
Mrs. Roy Griffiin submitted to an
operation last week in an Omaha hos
John A. Harmon went to Omaha
Monday, as a delegate to the state
convention of the W. O. W.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Zimmerman, Mr. i
and Mrs. O. F. Rummel and Harold
Zimmerman drove over to Lake An- i
des, South Dakota, last Sunday.
L. G. Gillespie and son Bennet drove
to Alliance, Nebraska, last Friday,
where L. G., was looking after matters
before the Receiver in the land office.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burge and
family drove to Omaha last Thursday
for a visit with the former’s brother,
Ralph and Walter Burge and their
Elmer Ennis came up from Omaha
Wednesday and is visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ennis. He
expects to return to Jacumba, Cali-1
fomia soon.
Miss Uella Harman, miss Lueua
Lewis and Miss Marie Bruegman spent
the week-end at the home of the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F.
Bruegman near Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dimmitt came
up from Lincoln last Sunday lor a
short visit at the home of Mrs. Flora
B. Lewis, mother of Mrs. Dimmitt,
and with other relatives.
The W. C. T. U. will meet in the
al Worker present in the near future
to talk to the people generally on the
benefits of prohibition. Date and place
will be given next week.
Mrs. George A. Miles went to Oma-j
ha the first of the w'eek as a delegate j
to the Woodmen Circle convention
She expects to visit relatives at Har-j
lan. Iowa, before she returns.
Victor M. Roth, Illuminating en
gineer for the Interstate Power Com.;
pany, was looking over the lighting
arrangements in the various business
houses in O’Neill the first of the week.
T. 0. Miller was a passenger to
Omaha Tuesday for a visit with Mrs.
Miller, who is in an Omaha hospital.
He expects to drive out a new Ford i
car for the Mellor Motor Company.
The teas given by the ladies for the
benefit of the Cemetery Association!
have not been so numerous during the
past week; only three teas this week;
they were given by Mrs. Ed Leach,
Mrs. J. S. Ennis and Mias Pearl
Ray A. Emerson has been elected j
superintendent of schools at Cedar
Rapids, Nebraska, and will have su
pervision over the two school build
ings which are new and modernly
equipped. For the past five years Mr.
Emerson has been superintendent of
the consolidated schools at Phillips,
Nebraska. He was born and raised at
Dorsey, Nebraska, but has been
teaching out of the county for a num
| ber of years.
it easy for yon
to enjoy
Now it is easy for forward-looking people
to satisfy their desires for a finer automo
bile. The New Pontiac Big Six makes it
possible for them to enjoy the style,
luxury and performance of a big car with
out paying a big car price. It enables them
to step up the quality of their cars without
stepping out of the low-priced field.
PrfoM $74S to tins,/, o. k runtime, Mich., plat dMtmry char got. Bumixn,
raring CMrl and locator •hack ahatrhart regular equipment at .U.M
artra coBt. Chock PontUc dallxarad prlc..- .
chmrg;. Canarml Hotara Titna taywaantrlant
Smith & Warner Motor Co.
Dealers, O’Neill, Nebr.
A. D. Under Norfolk
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Jones departed
last Thursday for their home in
Green, Texas. They have been the
guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Griffith, at Meek, for the
past winter.
A daughter, tipping the scales at
eight pounds, was born to Mr. and
Mrs. T. O. Miller Wednesday noon, in
the Nicholas Senn hospital in Omaha.
Late reports from the hospital are to
the effect that the mother and daughter
are getting along nicely.
The Mellor Motor Company, Ford
dealers, have recently sold cars to the
following: Holt County, Model A A
truck complete: Wm. J. Froelich, se
dan; C. J. Gatz, sedan; Den McCarthy,
sedan with trunk; Geo. B. Gross,
traveling salesman, sedan.
Miss Ella Cnffrey was called to
Minnesota last Friday by the death of
a brother-in-law;she accompanied the
remains to the family home at Orleans
Nebraska, for burial. Mrs. F. J. Dish
ner is teaching the second grade in the
public school during the absence of
Miss Caffre.v.
George Bay and Henry Kaczor left
for Richey, Montana, last Wednesday
night, in response to a message tell
ing of the ill health of Charles Kac
zor. While waiting between trains
at Chadron they learned that Charles
was much improved; Mr. Bay returned
home from Chadron.
Merl Hanna has resigned as travel
ing salesman for S vift & Co., and has
accepted a similar position with Ar
mour & Company. He will be located
in Ft. W’orth, Texas, to which place
their personal effects were shipped
this week. Mrs. Hamm has been in
the Texas city for the past three
weeks. F, B. Jackson, of North
1’latte will assume the position vacated
by Mr. Hanna.
me t\mgnis or ooiumnus are ar
ranging to present an entertainment
and banquet complimentary to the St.
Mary s Academy basket ball boys at
the K. C. hall tonight. The boys were
awarded a “cup” for being the most
courteous and the best behaved con
testants in the tournament at Sioux
City a few weeks ago. The cup has
just arrived and will be presented to
the boys this evening.
Miss Mary E. Carney departed on
Tuesday for Sioux City, Iowa, for a
short visit with her sister, Mrs. L. F.
Curtis befoi-e leaving for an extended
visit with her brother, LieutentfBGtfe
V. Carney at Pensacola, Florida. Lieu
tenant Carney is an instructor in avia
tion at the Pensacola Naval Air Sta
tion. Miss Carney expects to be ab
sent from her duties at the postoffice
for about a month. She contemplates
visiting with friends at New Orleans,
La.; Atlanta, Georgia; and Chatta
nuga, Tennessee, enroute.
_ The members of the board of super
visors were in Lincoln last week in
consultation with state engineer Roy
Cochran in regard to road matters.
We are informed that arrangements
are completed for the construction of
a state aid bridge across the Niobrara
; north of Stuart on the road to Naper
at the site known as Grand Rapids;
the bridge will be built next year if
j present plans materialize. It has been
arranged for considerable road work
on the old grade south of the project
now being completed south of O'Neill;
the road will be graded and put in
fairly good condition this fall. Some
I gravel will also be spead during the
j summer.
State Prohibition officers obtained a
still at the David Armstrong farm
residence near Phoenix postoffice Wed
nesday afternoon. As the officers
iT°Ve Armstrong farm
they met Fred Fox driving away with
an old Lord car; the officers searched
the car and found about ten gallons of
what they term “shine.” Fox was
brought to O’Neill. Armstrong was
not at home at the time of the raid.
1 The snow and rain of Tuesday nigh
fi?deAo43, °f an inch of moisture t
the 1.98 that fell during March. Dui
mg the month of January .65 of a
inch and in February .86 of an inc
of moisture from the snow was record
ed by Registrar Harry Bowen; a tot*
of almost four inches so far this veni
Ten children from ten years old have
organiMd a club. The name of the
Club is “R. R. C’s,” Ruby Riv Club.
enna Thomas, ape 13, president; Lil
lian Nightingale, age 12, vice-presi
dent; Dorotha Thomas, age 12, Treas
urer. Other members are Matia Suv
erkraubbe. age 15; Francis Suver
Mary Emerson, age
in2ioIz* app 11: Euby Emerson,
**3 n°’ T.heroesa Nightingale, ago 11;
and Cecelia Suverkrubbe, age 11.
1 7-he I°2? *ale conducted by the
ladies of the Cemetery Association at
the Ross Hams grocery last Saturday
afternoon was a financial success; the
.•>ale netted the ladies $64.60
Tony Lech of Amelia, and Miss
Anna E. Johnson, of Emmet, were
united m marriage last Monday bv
Miss Anna Nelson, pastor of the M.
E. church at Emmet.
For One Full Year
WHBN we place a ttandard quality tire on
your car, you receive an INSURANCE
CERTIFICATE that protect* you again* EVERY
ROAD HAZARD for one full year.
The tire also came* LIFETIME GUARANTEE,
protecting it for Life again* defects.
We assume all the risk and guarantee you abso
lute satisfaction at lower prices than you have
been paying for ordinary unprotected tires.
Only A National Tire Store Can Offer Yon Theie Low Prices
Standard Quality
29x4.40 _$ 6.95
30x5.25 .- 11.65
30x6.00 .— 13.45
All Service Balloon*
29x4.40 ...$ 5.7*
30x4.50 .. 6.45
31x5.25 _ 9.9*
30x3 H Economy
29x4.40 Economy
' Balloon —..
30x3 ta or 29x4.40 Tube **
St.mJ.ird Quality
30x31* O. S. $ 5.95
30x3*2 E. O. S. 6.95
32x4 10.95
All Service Corda
30x3 V> . * 4.85
31x4 8-85
33x4 9.95
cTVatwnal | i RE o tores
O’Neill Service Station,O’Neill
A daughter weighing 9 3-4 lbs. was
bora Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. El
win Kloepper residing ten miles north
west of O’Neill.
The Pleasantdale P. T. A. of Dis
trict 157 have postponed their play,
“Fun on the Podunk Limited” until
Friday, April 26th.
The W. C. oT. U. will meet in the
basement of the M. E. church Tuesday
afternoon at three o’clock. Everyone
interested is cordially invited.
" before you buy your
next automobile _
The _ »C?e
ROADSTER » • 4 .
PELVETON < 1 « *525
SEDAN «.«.«•.
The Sport
71i» Coiwrrt- C
•bfc LANDAU * . ILO
Sedan IWi»«T
The Li«ht
Delivery Ch>e« . TUU
The »CJC
IH Ten dnaii . .
The IMTon *A<n
Ounu with Cab .
AU price* f. o. b. factory,
Flint. Mich.
. *595
the delivered price at well a*
the list price in considering
automobile valuei. Chev
rolet's delivered prices include
only reasonable charges for
delivery and financing.
learn whi| over
have already
chosen the New
Chevrolet Six
Since January first, over 300,000 people have chosen
the Chevrolet Six. And every day sees an increase in.
this tremendous public acceptance—
—for the new Chevrolet not only brings the enjoyment
of six-cylinder performance within the reach of every
body everywhere, but gives the Chevrolet buyer a
greater dollar value than any other low-priced car.
Just consider what you get in the Chevrolet Six! The
smoothness, flexibility and power of a six-cylinder
engine which delivers better than twenty miles to the
gallon. The beauty and luxury of bodies by Fisher with
adjustable driver’s seat. The effortless control of big,
quiet, non-locking 4-wheel brakes and ball bearing
steering. Then consider Chevrolet prices! And you will
discover that this fine quality Six can actually be
bought in the price rar.gejo/jtfie four! [Come in. Let us
prove that anyone who can afford any car can afford
a Chevrolet Six!
Arbuthnot & Reka
Dealers O’Neill, Nebraska