The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 07, 1929, Image 6

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Scientist Shows How It Is
Done With Magnetized
Atlanta —Cable dispatches telling
ot a demonstration given by a young
London scientist of ills discovery of
a method of overcoming gravity
were read with added interest here
after a similar demonstration had
been g.ven by Dr. Sergius P. Grace,
vice president of the Bell Telephone
Labui atories, Inc., New York.
The experiment was given in the
office of Evelyn P. Harris public
relations representative of the
Southern Bell Telephone company.
Dr. Grace made it clear he did
cot wish in any manner to detract
from the claims of ths English
scientist, but merely called atten
tion to the fact he could duplicate
the experiment—as described in the
dispatches—with apparatus brought
here lor demonstration in his ad
dress before the regional convention
of the Am Tican Institute of Elec
trical Engineers.
Dr. Grace used in hi? private
demonstration a piece of cobalt
■teel cbout four inches long and
about one-fourth of an inch square.
This he held above a aim1 Ur piece
of metal encased in a w'ooden block.
He then released his hold on ths
heavy metal and. believe it or not,
It remained suspended in the air.
The scientist smiled at the
amazement of his audience of two.
‘‘You see,” he explained, gravity
humbled before science. Cobalt steel
is capable of supermagn$tiz,ation,
The. e supermagnetlzed pieces of co
balt steel have been placed with the
positive pole of one over the posi
tive pole of the other. The natural
repulsion causes the upper bar to
remain suspended.”
Reversing the ends of the upper
bar, Dr. Grace caused it to adhere
closely to the wooden bloc!: encasing
the lower bar, showing how great
was the attraction with ths poles
"Of course," lie said, "I don’t
know, from what I have rend in the
newspapers, what principle the
vounp Britisher is using in hi; tests
i would under no circumstances
from this far distant point, say one
word derogatory to his claims."
The scientists asserted that
science, for all its advancement, has
not yet determined what cau ed ' .19
historic apple to fall from Lh'1 tree
and bump Sir Isaac Newton on this
"We frankly do not know what
gravity Is," he said.
■—- ♦ ♦ —•—
Naval Bugaboos.
Professor William Starr Myers
professor of politics at Princeton, is
one oi our ablest and bpst informed
expounders of history. His views cn
public questions always command
and deserve attention and are
usually light. In a recent address
lie spoke strongly In favor of the
P'teen-cruissr bill, and herein he
followed too easily, we tear, the
bland persuasiveness of the sena
tors and of men of even lows;’ than
senatorial calibre.
Professor Myers thinks the bill
would be an asset valuable for
trading purposes, and regards the
president’s truculent Armistice day
speech as a great state paper. If
holding a grant of authority to
build fifteen cruisers puts the ad
ministration in a good position to
make a horse trade, why stop at
fifteen? Think of the fist we could
shake if there were a law author
izing the building of a hundred
cruisers! The kaiser with his justly
famous shining armor, in which he
proclaimed himself to be standing
side by side with his great and good
friend Franz Josef, could hardly
have been more persuasive. Nor
would authority to build fifteen or
a hundred cruisers be as effective a
"trading argument” as fifteen
cruisers actually on the ways, and
these in turn would not be so ef
fective a trading argument as lif
tecn cruisers in commission, nor
these as fifteen battleships, nor
these rs twenty-five battleships, and
so ad mflnitum.
Thr ‘ trading argument" might be
and is used to justify any and
every increase in naval construction,
no matter how ill-advised or use
less or even silly the proposed in
crease may be. Whatever worth
authority to build more cruisers
might have as a trading argument
Is insignificant in view of the as
sured activities of a restless and
ns: ute lobby to make the authority
fructify in action; a lobby wherein
contractors, manufacturers, navy
leaguers and vocal patriots would
all be adequately represented.
We have certain naval needs. A
nation of the extent, possessions
and responsibilities of the United
States needs at the least something
wav a floating police force.
\\ hen it geU be,vend that we come
imo a region whose most striking I
characteristic is its swiftly chang
ing aspect The submarine, aero- 1
nautics and modern chemistry are
revolutionizing everything we knew
about the sale carriage of men
goeds and munitions at sea and
about exposure to foreign attack. It
**. *'° .JJ** rapid developments
rat iei than to the tonnage of for
eign cruisers and battleships that
we should give concern
The weakness of the cruiser bill
lx .hat its fundamental thesis is
childish and archaic. That funda
mental thesis Is that the United
Stales must maintain a fleet of
naval vessels equal In strength to
that of Great Britain As a ma*ter
of fact the strength of the British
navy Is not of the slightest concern
to us. Its strength Is determined by
ltx government's views of ‘.he needs
of a tiny but rich and powerful
Island for whose people it Is of vital
necen.ty to protect their foreign
trade, a trado wi'hout which thrv
would perish. No such measure
exists for us.
— - - »»-—• —
Quite Impossible.
From Ladies' Home Journal.
The teacher waa telling a story
to the kindergarten and interest
wax intense
"So that night the wicked red
fox came and stole a chicken. The
wxt night he came and '.tnle an
other And the next night he came
and at<>ie another chicken And
dramatic pause.."what do
you suppose happened the next
"<">h teacher'" panted Peter
"'Did he git another chicken*"
Anything that has to do with con
verting the feeds grown on dairy
farms and those purchased into
higher values and greater net re
turns strikes at the heart of the
business side of dairying. All dairy
men are looking lor higher vaiues
and greater net returns for the
things they sell. Not ail dairymen,
however, have equal skill in feeding
cows. This is another way of say
ing that some dairymen convert
feeds into higher values than others, I
They do this partly because of their
better knowledge of feeding. It l
costs money to grow feeds lor cows, j
On inosi dairy farms quite a large
pait of the crops grown are market
ed through cows. The kind of crops j
grown and the way these are fed j
have a lot to do with their ultimate
value when marketed as dairy prod
ucts. It is true, of course, that she !
kind of cow fed has much to do
with establishing the value of the
feeds used but the right kind of skill
in feeding cows avoids the sending
of good crops to market through
poor cows. The dairyman is there
fore responsible, to no little extent,
for the way In which he markets his
crops. The cost oi maintaining
cows is best shown bv example. A
dry cow weighing 1,000 pounds, if
maintained on corn silage and clov
er hay, would require dally 20
pounds of sila>e and 8 pounds of
clover hay. This does not appear
to be much, but a herd of 12 cows of
similar weight would require in a
year 43.8 tons of silage and 17.5 tons
of hay If fed throughout the year
on these two roughages. If no more
than this was fed there would be
very little milk produced if the cows
were kept in good condition.
A cow weighing 1.200 pounds pro
ducing 30 pounds of 3.5 per cent,
milk daily would require daily 38
pounds of corn silage. 12 pounds of
clover hay, 3 pounds of ground corn,
2 pounds of ground oats, 1 pound of
wheat bran, 1 pound of linseed
meal, and one pound of gluten feed
to supply the required nutrients for
maintaining her body for produc
ing the 30 pounds of milk where the
feeds named are used. Of the total
nutrients required, 52.C per cent,
would be used to maintain the cow’s
body and 47.4 per cent, would be
available for making milk. It costs
money to maintain cows whether
they produce little or much milk.
Because of this fact It is important
that some attention be given to
weeding out the cows not worthy to
bo maintained in a herd Quite
often it is not the fault, of the cow
that she fails to increase the values
of the feeds given her. Sometimes
jhe is underfed, even 'hough the
feeds used are of desirable kind and
proportion. A ccw weighing 1,000
pounds, capable of produc'ng 50
pounds of 4.5 per cent, milk daily, if
fed to produce not more than 15
pounds of milk daily, would make
the following percentage division
of the nutrients supplied. For main
taining her body she would use 59 6
per cent, of the nutrients supplied
and only 40.4 per cent, would be
used for making milk. This same
cow adequately fed to produce up to
her ability would use 30.7 per cent,
for maintenance and 69.3 per cent,
for making milk.
This startling comparison Indi
cates clearly one of the ways of in
creasing the value of the feeds used.
Cows must be adequately fed. May
it be said that this should be done
before any cows are eliminated from
the herd because it is clearly unfair
to any cow to place upon her the
indictment of “poor producer" until
she has had a fair chance, and this
means an adequate ration. It Is
not enough to feed cows plenty of
feed in quantity without giving some
consideration to the kinds of feeds
used. A cow produeng 10,000 pounds
of average milk a year produces 350
pounds of protein, 300 pounds of
fat, 480 pounds of milk sugar, and
70 pounds of mineral matter. She
not only must have enough nutri
ents to make the quantities of pro
ducts above indicated but she must
also have them in the right propor
tion required in milk making. Neith
er cow nor man has the ability to
change the composition of milk
very materially and if it is made at
all 'it must be made according to
nature's formula. Let us feed to a
1,200 pound ccw. capable cf giving
30 pounds of 3 5 per cent, milk daily,
a ration composed of 36 pounds cf
corn silage. 12 pounds cf timothy
hay, 4 pounds of ground corn, and
4 pounds of ground barley. In quan
tity. succulence, bulk, variety, and
total nutrients this ration meets the
requirements of this cow to produce
30 pounds of milk daily. But she can
onlv produce about 10 peurds of
milk daily. Why? Became there is
too much of one kind of nutrient
and not enough of another kind.
The limiting factor in this case is a
kind of nutrient called protpin. Of
the total amount of digestible that
vhich the cow can use> protein in
the above ration, the cow uses: 0 34
round for maintaining her body and
has remaining for milk mak nsr 0.53
round The queston now comes as
to how much milk testing 3.5 per
:ent. fat will this 058 pound of di
{estible protein make It will make
a little ovev 10 pounds. Whaf does
It cost to make 100 pound' of milk
rn this basis? With silage at $0 per
ton. hav at *15 per ton. corn at St
per bushel, and barley at 80 cents
;rer bushel, the feed cast will be
13.26 to make the 100 pounds of
milk Let us take the same cow. feed
her the same quantity of feed at the
same cast, and see what happens.
Let us make only one change in the
ration bv substituting 12 pounds of
red clover hav for the timothy.
Prom this ration the cow will have
sufficient nutrients to produce 20
(rounds of m'lk and *he feed cost
per ion trounds will be t\ 63. Again
taking the same cow. the rune
quantity of feed at the same cost,
and substituting ‘he red clover with
alfalfa hay. what is thp result? Thr
Ml< It INK M HOIS l S POP1 l \lt
Electric motors and gas engines to
operate hay carriers when unload
ing into the barn ©r a hay rick are
becoming popular In hav growing
area* A man or boy U eliminated
from the haying crew in this way,
as the man on the load operates the *!
hoist, doing awav with the necessity
of a team and driver un the hav
rope Small motors and engines are
•**° used to operate elevators for
unloading baled hay.
It Is much Ch. iper u» pro-lie
warm hog houses than to attend the
money for extra feed to keep up
heat in the hn»»
cow will produce 27 pounds o. miiic
dally at a feed cost of $1.21 per 10J
But this cow U capable oi pro
ducing 30 pounds of milk daily. By
.substituting one pound of wheat
bran for one pound of corn and by
substituting one pound of the ltn
seed meal for one pound of the bar
ley, the cow has sufficient nutrients
to produce 31 rounds of railk daily.
Wi'h bran at $30 and linseed meal
at $15 and the silage, hay, corn, and
barley priced the same as !n the
other cases cited, the feed coat of
100 pounds of mi^k is *1.13. The
milk from the firs* ration given,
if sold lor S3.20 per 100 pounds,
would Jus* pay the feed cos*, at the
prices given. The milk produced
from the ration in wh'ch alfalfa
was substituted for timothy, if sold
for $3.26 per 100 pounds, would re
turn $10.20 per ton for silage. $40 50
per ton fo" hay, $2.70 per bushel for
corn, and $2.16 per bushel for barley.
Remember tha* the same number of
pounds of silage, hay, and grain
were fed in each of the ra*lons lust
discussed. What made th“ differ
ence? One ration contained 142
pounds of total d gestible nu'rients:
tlie other ration contained 2 34
pounds of digestible protein and
19.17 pounds of to al diges !ble nu
trients. It is seen from this if our
cows are to return good prices for
the feeds they consume, a wage for
our labor, something wl*h which to
pay the other costs and a profit be
sides, they must have the right
kinds of materials to work wi'h.
During the last 15 years or sp,
the majority of farmers have come
to the conclusion that deep culti
vation of corn is harmful rather
than beneficial. The id-:a of shallow
cultivation was first advocated bv
some of our experiment stations
that carried on tests for several
years comparing deep with shallow
stirring of the soil. Some years ago
a growers’ bulletin stat:d: ”A.? an
average of 16 tests in eight years,
killing weeds without cultivation
porduceJ a gain of 17.1 per cent, or
6.7 bushels per acre, over ordinary
Prior to that time the theory was
that maintaining a dust mulch on
tlie surface prevented evaprration
and ther fore conserved the soil
moisture. This theory was undoubt
edly correct and still it, but as a
matter of fact, by the time corn iu
five weeks old the root system has
spread through a space two and a
half feet on all sides of the corn
plant but only to n depth of six cr
eight inches from the ton end by
the time corn has reached maturity
the roots have spread over a radi
us of four feet and to a rhpth of
seven or eight fed,, depending upon
the consistency of the soil. In a . oil
that is so full of roots comparatively
little moisture pets a chance to
evaporate from tiro surface. Mi ft
more Is taken up bv the roots and is
then pumperl out trough th” leaves
The main ob'ect in cultivating
corn, therefore, is not to conserve
moisture but to b p down the we^ds
and prevent them frsm pumping
water out of the soil and of ap
propriating plant feed. Weeds also
shade the corn thereby preventing
it from getting the full benefit of
the sunlight, which Is the active
agent in converting into plant sub
stance the elements absorbed from
the air through the leaves and the
mineral matter taken up by the
roots from the soil. In a nine-year
test- conducted at on? experiment
station, corn cultivated to a depth
of one and one half inches yielded
an average of four bushels more per
acre than that cultivated to a depth
of four inches. In a three-year test,
at the same station, ordinary culti
vation brought a crop of 94 bush
els per acre, while shallow cultiva
tion produced an average of 93
bushels p:r acre.
During the last few years the
rotary hoe, which merely cultivates
the soil at the surface, thus insur
ing shallow cultivation, has become
very pomilar in some sections. No
doubt its popularity is due to the
fact that there is no danger cf in
juring the root sjb.em of the corn
with this machine, vet it destroys
the weeds while they are small
Then, too, one can cover_ more
ground in a given time the
rotary hoc tfcon with a two-rew cul
tivator and do it with much less
work. Shallow or two-inch cultiva
tion gives the roots of the corn a
lot more feeding space and leaves
them undisturbed to do their ut
most in absorbing moisture and
plant food. One cannot cultivate all
soils alike, of course, a stiff clayey
soil that tends to form a crust ever
the surface after rains must neces
sarily be cultivated deeper than a
loose, triable soil that does not form
a crust.
The aim should be not to culti
vate deeper than is neeessa-y to de
stroy the we ds and to keep the
soil’in a friable condition so that
air may circulate t'reilv between tne
soil particles. When rrots are cut
and broken the corn ; injured to
that extent. The practice of work
ing corn with a cultivator time or
four times is a well c«t9b’i*hed cus
tom ar.d one that, she aid net be
abandoned without the most carc.ul
The proportion of malis to fe
males depends on the activity of
tlie breed, the siz»> o. the fleck, the
season, the vitality of the niale,
the age of the breeding stock, and
whther the birds are penned or on
With small, active breeds such as
Leghorns. 20 femiles when on range
and 15 females when oenred may b*
mated to one male. With the
breeds. 15 females on range and 8
or 10 females when penned mav be
mated to one male. When mating
out of season, or with old stock,
fewer temaies can b- mated wth
one male. More females can b* mat
ed with one male in large flocks
than in small ficcks.
♦ •
One way to Insure a heal hv litter
of pigs ta to feed alfalfa hay *.o the
brood sows up until farrowing time.
Let the sows eat hay directly frem
the rack, or add frtm five or ten
pounds of chopped alt vita or al
falfa leaves to 100 poin ds o! grain
• •
Soft food, bv wh.-h we mean
ground grains nn^d wl*h ;n ik or
water, should never tie fed to tur»
key* because th*y cau*» d.gtstlve
troubles, which will aoonar or later
lower the vitality of the birds and
caii'e keavv losses
“Sunny Spain” Country
of the Imagination
We ore always hearing of “sunny
Spain.” Southern cop.srnl Spain is nat
urally sunny and semi tropical. but a
large part of Spain is n high table
land. flanked by lofty mountains, and
the people know what it Is to suffer
from cold—especially slucc fuel is ex
ceedingly scarce.
It is difficult to write of Spain In
' goijornl terms because not nil Spain
j Is nlike. There is scarcely a state
ment tlint can be made about south
! ern Spain which would also hold true
| for northern Spain. The Spain of the
mountains is one Spain and the Spain
of the coasts another. The Spain of
the stage nnd the movies is a wholly
fictitious Spain. All Spain la rapidly
changing—trying to snap out Its old |
lethargy, trying to live down Its ropu- |
tntion for laziness, etc.— Pathfinder
uLucile is the
Happiest Girl**
I So many mothers
nowaday* talk about
giving their children
fruit Juices, ns If this
were a new discov
ery. As a matter of
fact, for over fifty
years, mothers have
been accomplishing
results fnr surpassing nnytliing you
can secure from home prepared fruit
juices, by using pure, wholesome Cali
fornia Fig Syrup, which is prepared
under the most exacting laboratory
supervision from ripe California Figs,
richest of all fruits in laxative and
nourishing properties.
It's marvelous to see how bilious,
weak, feverish, sallow, constipated,
under-nourished children respond to
Its gentle Intlueree; how their breath
clears up, color flames in their cheeks,
and they become sturdy, playful, e-n
ergetlc again. A Western mother,
Mrs. H. ,T. Stoll, Valley 1*. O., Ne
braska, says: “My little daughter,
Itoma Luelle, was constipated from
babyhood. I became worried about
her and decided to give tier some
California Fig Syrup. It stopped her
constipation quick; and the way it
improved her color and made her pick
up made me realize how run-down she
had been. Site is so sturdy and well
now, and always in such good humor
that neighbors say she’s the happiest
girl in the West.”
Like all good things, California Fig
Syrup is Imitated, hut you can always
get the genuine by looking for the
name “California” on the carton.
When Henjnmin Franklin recom
mended a plan for daylight saving,
more than 1 T*0 years ago, the Idea was
For Colds
How many people you know end their colds with Bayer Aspirin!
And how often you’ve heard of its prompt relief of soce throat og
tonsilitis. No wonder millions take it for colds, neuralgia,
rheumatism; and the aches and pains that go with them. The won
der is that anyone still worries through a winter without theso
tablets! They relieve quickly, yet have no effect whatever on the
heart. Friends have told you Bayer Aspirin is marvelous; doctors
have declared it harmless. Every druggist has it, with proven direc
tions. Why not put it to the test?
fiticwa 5*p
Dbrived from Daily Use of tht
The Soap, pure and fragrant, to cleanse
the skin; the Ointment, antiseptic and
healing, to remove pimples, rashes and
irritations; and finally the Talcum, smooth
and pure, to impart a pleasing fragrance
to the skin.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. Talcum 25c
Sample each free.
Address: "Cuticura," Dept. B6, Malden. Mass,
mr* Cuttcura Mmviuj; Stick 25c.
Drop a nickel in the toy bank to
day and have 5 cents’ worth of exer
cise trying to get it out tomorrow.
connection with I’arkcr’a llairBaifnm. Makes th*
liair soft ami linlTv. r.n cents by mad or at <lrng
eigts. iiiacoi Chemical Works, I’atchogne, N. Y.
Today is yesterday’s pupil.—Frank
...KARO contains almost
twice the energy value
of eggs... poundJbrpound
here are 120 calories per ounce in Karo — almost twice
the energy value of eggs and lean beef, pound for pound —
And, of course, this means that Karo is not only a delicious
syrup but a great energy-giving food.
The energy Karo gives is supplied immediately — with
out taxing the digestive system —as in the case of many
other foods.
Convince yourself that Karo is very economical too—com
pare the price of Karo per pound with other staple foods.
Serve lots of Karo to the entire family — especially the
children, who like Karo and who thrive on it.
Keep them strong, healthy and happy.
Pa n c a k. e s
Hot Biscuits
Waffle s