It May Be When your " Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby Is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors’ word for that! It is a vegetable pro duct and you could use it every day. But it’s In an emergency that Castoria Weans most. Some night when consti pation must he relieved—or colic pains —or other suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, unopened, to make sure there will al ways be Castoria in the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. For Caked Udder and Sore Teats in Cows Try Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Mono? back for first bottle If cot suited- All dealers. Would Label Every Baby If a movement started by William €e Graaf, Pasadena, Calif., succeeds, there will be no “unknown soldiers’ ” graves, mistaken identities, or pass port GifticulLies in the future. De Graaf would have congress pass a law requiring all parents to tattoo the date, place of birth and name on their infants’ bodies. “Such a marking would serve as a living passport,” the promoter asserts. “It would al ways be a ready means of identifi cation and in later life would keep persons from going where they would he ashamed to be found.”—Capper’s Weekly. 'Attend the Party In Spite of Cold! Don't despair some day your social calendar is full, and you awake with a miserable cold. Be rid of it by noon! You can, If you know the secret: Pape's Cold Compound soon settles any cold, yes, even one that has reached deep in the throat or lungs.—Adv. Variety of Era* Anno Domini 3928 corresponds to tile year 334G-47 of the Mohammedan era; 2587-88 of the Japanese era; 8H88-89 of tiie Jewish era; and 743G 37 of the Byzuntine era. If time Is money the lazy man’s time must be counterfeit. Makes Life ■ Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetli' brenth, or acrid skin gives evidence of sour stomach—try Phillips Milk of Magnesia! Cct acquainted with tills* perfect an ti twin the Isles of Quern ey and Jersey, the wealth of farmers will be in in ured by the »iae of the manure pile In the barnyard. Conserving the fertility value of the manure produc'd in Dv.*ir » *f Is an Important part of every dairy farm program. A GOOXK REI.I Hll The gorse will relish a feed of bolted potatoes oocaslmallv *nd wane heads of clover, etc. from 'he bare Dorothy 9z Mother Proves Claim Children don’t ordi narily take to medi cines but here's one that all of them love. Perhaps it shouldn’t Ite called n medicine at nil. It’s more like a rich, concentrated ifood. It’s pure. wholesome, sweet to the taste and sweet In your child's little stomach. It build* up nnd strengthens weak, puny, underweight children, makes them eat heartily, brings the roses back to their cheeks, makes them playful, energetic, full of life. And no bilious, headachy, constipated, feverish, fretful baby or child ever failed to respond to the gentle Influ ence of California Fig Syrup on their little bowels. It starts lazy bowels quick, cleans them out thoroughly, tones nnd strengthens them so they continue to act normally, of their own accord. Millions of mothers know nhout California Fig Syrup from experience. A Western mother, Mrs. J. (5. Moore, 115 Cliff Ave., San Antonio, Texas, says: “California Fig Syrup is cer tainly nil that’s clitlmed for It. I have proved that with my little Doro thy. She was a bottle baby and very delicate. Her bowels were weak. I started her on Fig Syrup when she was a few months old nnd It regu lated her, quick. I have used it with her ever since for colds and every lit tle set-back nnd her wonderful con dition tells better than words bow it helps." Don't be Imposed on. See that the Fig Syrup you buy bears the name, “California" so you’ll get the genu ine, famous for 50 years. Costly Omelet What Is believed to be the largest omelet ever served was dished out on an Amador county highway near Jack son, Calif., for $25 without coffee. Manuel Lopez was driving along In his automobile with 120 dozen choice eggs packed In the car when there came a collision with an automobile driven by J. H. Williams. Williams was forced to pay for the omelet which resulted from the Impact of the cars. The price agreed upon was $25. Estopped “When unexpectedly called on to speak at the banquet I couldn't open my mouth.” “Why not?” “It was full of spinach.” A method of putting out fires by freezing the flames with solid carbon dioxide at 100 degrees below zero has recently been devised. No Getting Awry From Defilement of Pitch When a man with a hitherto good character gets mixed up with some scandal, or allows Ids name to be as sociated with a shady transaction. It Is often said, “You can’t toucli pitch without being defiled.’’ Pitch Is one of those singularly adhesive things which, touch It ever so lightly, leaves, if not a stain, at least an odor. The correct quotation is, “He that foucheth pitch shall be defiled there with," and many people would he In clined to look for It in the hook of Proverbs. It Is not In the authorized version of Hie Scriptures, but forms the verse of Chapter XIII of the book of Eccleslastlcus, one of the books of the Apocrypha—those sacred writings which arc not Included In the cation of Scripture. Seeing the Signs “Do you know anything about palm istry, George dear?" the sweet young thing asked her suitor. “Well, not very much,” lie answered, with an air of becoming modesty. “But the other evening I laid a remarkable experience which might he called an example of the art." “Oh, George." enthused the girl, "do tell me." “Well," said George, "I looked at a friend's hand and predicted that lie would shortly have some inoivy. Be fore I left him lie laid quite a use ful jun: given him!" “And you foretold that from his hand, dear?" asked the girl. “Yes; lie had the ace, king. Jack nnd ten of trumps In it." Monkey* in Dentitt’* Chair Twelve husky, grinning monkeys nre undergoing treatment at the college of dentistry of the University of Cali fornia, at present having their teetii straightened. They nre kept espe cially to observe the olTcct of diet on teeth. Their teeth are much like chil dren's, having the same number, and two sets, milk and permanent, hut tlie monkeys differ in a vital respect. They like to go to the dentist. The doctors report that tlie monkeys throw back their heads nnd open their mouths cheerfully and seemed to chatter with interest nt the goings-on. Goggle* for Dog Motorists Thousands of pairs of goggles for dog motorists are being sold in Lon don. Fond owners have learned that their pets love motoring, but dislike the grit that gets into their eyes. Well known nnd popular canines such ns the prince of Wales’ Corn, Lord Birkenhead's, Jane, and Tallulah Binkhend's Napoleon, are nil experi enced motoring fans. Few people are wise enough to L^now tliut Ignorance Is bliss. rrs dangerous ground JUU BUll.U UU—wiui a cough, a cold or grippe, and your blood impoverished. You must do something! Dr. Pierce's Golden , Medical Discovery enriches the blood— builds health and strength. Si Us If. Eldson. Route 5, Box 4, St. John, Kans., re marked“I have used Dr. Pierre’* Golden Medical Dis covery, ‘Annric Tablets’ and ‘Pleasant I’elleta’ and I sure ly can say that they have done wonders for me I had whooping rough and pneu monia when I was 19 years ana wii troumrd ever since with indigestion, constipation and kidney trouble. I tried doc tors but did not get relief. I had given up alt hopes, but thank t'.od J am a well man today. I certainly can recommend Dr. Pierce’s medi cines to lie ail that ia claimed for them." All druggists. Tablets or fluid. Send Hr. Tierce, Ruffalo, N. Y., 10c II you desire a trial pkg. of tablets. __i__ Headache? Instead of dangerous heart depres sants take safe, mild and purely vegetable NaTurE’s Remedy and get rid of the bowel poisons that cause the trouble. Nothinglike Nf for biliousness, sick headaches, and con stipation. Acts pleasantly. Never gripes. Make the test tonight— t lMjAi1! i;llT ^ h A 1BL*I ul*J N J " 1 At Druggists — only 23c FLORESTON SHAMPOO-Wcal for nse in connection with Parker'* HalrRalgam. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. SO cent* by mail or at drug gist*. Hiscox Chemical Work*, Patchoguo, N. X. Marvelous flllmate — flood Hotels — Tot,rise (lamps—Splendid Hoads—l.urgeoua Mountain Views. The imnderfut deeert mortnf the Wee f Better "How is the new bridge getting on?” "Written reports by the contractor are glowing.” “Tell him to send some photo graphs.” children should eat KARO on cereals, » IEADING physicians now recommend Karo as the ideal J energy-giving food for growing children — Not only is Karo delicious aud fully satisfying to a child’s craving for sweets— > But Karo does not cause a child to develop an abnormal i taste for sweets—nor does it affect the digestion or appetite. , There are 120 calories per ounce in Karo —nearly twice the energy value of eggs and lean beef, weight for weight. Serve the children plenty of Karo — keep them strong, heullhy and happy. j Compare the price of Karo, ^ pound for pound, urith other m I staple foods. Isn't Karo economical ? _ _ « I . .- -'