Can Make Immediate Delivery Oil New Superior j Whippets 4’s or 8’s W. H. Stein ST. An i paid c Steel C 1928: On .* rants ' J. E. Waite gra J. E ’ tra' J. E trr 1 r V T r , SL CREEK TOWNSHIP. mized account of all money by the Township Board of aek Township during the year ly a, 1928, the re paid: ley, road work . ■Vilcy, road work with following war 151.45 28.20 ley, road work with 89.30 t work with 60.00 80.75 25.50 60.63 •ley, road work with f Wiley, road work with r iley, grading awman, roadwork 64.00 inter, servit \s on board 6.85 onms, services on board 3.10 kley, road work 87.50 n. 2, 1829, the following war ire paid: lith Lumber Oo.t are kley, road work iley, road work __ ’iley, grading %-tnile ' i .. ’arrand, road work 'erbe, road work _ . ley, road work >ic, road work 3rbe, road work 10.05 130.00 29.05 r~ 43.75 12.80 5.70 65.45 24.00 21.00 W. C. Farrand, road work 12.60 R. E. Nightengale, rent of school house 5.00 C. L. Brady, road work 4.00 Irish McKone, road work 11.45 Lee Coakley, road work 47.70 R. E. Wiley, service on board 2.00 B. R. Thomas, service as treasurer — 8.80 F. P. Hunter, service as clerk 5.55 Total Expenditures _ $996.08 Balance on Hand 63.35 $1,059.43 An itemized account of all money received by the Town Board of Steel Creek Township to be used as General Funds during the year 1928: Jan. 5, 1928, Balance on hand $359.43 May 11, 1928, Drawn from County Treasurer 500.00 Dec. 13, 1928, Drawn from County Treasurer . 200.00 Total Amount drawn - $1,069.43 F. P. HUNTER, Township Clerk. WANTED Wanted—A goad ivgroved farm or ranch close to O'NeiU, Nebraska. What have yea? Give full description and price in first letter. Write Box 464, Elgin, Nebraska. 28-10 The Modern Home” ELECTRIC lighting was once the “last word” in a modern home. Today everyone uses electric lights and a really mod ern home uses electricity for many other purposes just as nec essary as lighting. Electricity has become the general house servant. It cooks, washes, irons, r’eans, refrigerates and does many her tasks. Your “Electric Bill” may now be somewhat larger than your “Light ing Bill” used to be yet small as compared to the valuable services per formed. iterstate Power Company FOR SAI.E For Sale—Fox Terrier pups.—E. D. Henry. 32-4 For Sale—Good Piano.—A. E. Bowen. 29-tf — For Sale-MDne spotted male hog.— | Frank Benash, O’Neill, Nebr. 32-3 I __ For Sale—One ton truck, in A. No. 1 shape; all new rubber.—Phil Ziemer. J9-tf For Sale—registered Hampshire boars and gilts; immune.—Harry Res sell. 21-tf For Sale or Trade for Farm Ma chinery—A 15-30 International trac tor.—Dais Potts, Opportunity. 32-2p For Sale Full blood S. C. Rhode Island Red i ckerels, A. No. 1 grade. —Mrs. D. D. Hunt. 33-1 H \Y FOR SALE. Feeding hay, Six to nine dollars per ton, fresh baled. 32-2 J. B. RYAN. 160 acres with excellent improve-1 ments, all good farm land. Three miles from small town, 16 miles from Sioux City. Will sell or trade for a good ranch.—Address owner, O. M. Sinotte, 815 8th St., Sioux City. Ia. 25 FOR RENT. Sleeping Rooms for rent.—Mrs. E. D. Henry. 32-4 For Kent—640 acres of land. In quire of Henry Losher. 33-lp For Rent—2 large unfurnished rooms.—Mrs. D. D. Hunt. 33-1 For Rent—Front bedroom.—H. J. Zimmerman. 33-tf For Sale—Ancona roosters, $1.00 each.—Frank Benash, O’Neill. 32-3 For Rent—Nice, newly furnished rooms in new steam heated home.— Mrs. Selah. 31-tf For Rent—Furnished six-room resi dence, in block west of Presbyterian church.—Mrs. Catherine Smith. 33tf For Rent—800 acre farm and ranch combined; I also have for rent a 960 acre hay and cattle ranch.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 31-tf 5% INTEREST NOW. I have private money for choice farm loans at 5% interest. 6% R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 5% l STRAYED TAKEN UP. Taken up on January 1, 1929, at my place, 5 Mi miles east and 3 miles north of Opportunity postoffice, three head of horses—one dapple gray mare, one bay horse and one black horse. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertising and keep. ORA L. ROBINSON, 32-3 Opportunity, Nebr. MALE HELP WANTED Man wanted to run McNess business in Holt county. $7 to |12 daily—year around work—experience unnecessary —unusual offer. Write at once.-Furst & Thomas, Dept. T., Freeport. 111.-33 miscellaneous Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf KODAKS. FILMS, KODAK FINISII ing.—W. B. Graves. O’Neill, 30-tf FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND Vi per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17 ti ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND One hundred thousand dollars ($100, 000) to loan on live stock for from one to three years; lowest interest rates. Also some registered, pure bred, Double Standard Polled Shorthorn milk strain cows, bull and heifers, for sale. (28-26) Call John L. Quip:, O’Neill, Nebraska. FOR SALE OR RENT. 2700 acres of land for sale or rent. Wood and running water, 14 miles northeast of O’Neill on Redbird.— Charles Wrede, Sr. 24-13p MEEK AND VICINITY. Roy Karr is driving a new Buick Sedan. William Hubby called on Cecil Griffith Tuesday evening Roy Karr trucked hogs to O’Neill Monday for Fred Lindburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Clauson call ed at A. L. Borg’s, Monday. A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen, January 1. Elmer Rouse, who has been ill for the past week, is better at this writ ing. Several from here attended the skat ing party at J. K. Ernest’s Thursday and report a jolly time. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and children spent Sunday at the Clark Young home at Opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Griffith called at the S. J. Benson home Thursday evening. Misses Doreatha and Geneva Grady and their brother, Jack, called at the F. H. Griffith home Thursday after noon. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Char lie Linn Wednesday afternoon. Ow ing to sickness several members were absent. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen and Mrs. Clarence Hicks and daughter, called at the Frank Griffith home Monday. Mrs. Roy Spindler, who has been visiting at Omaha, and Glenwood, Iowa, for the past week, returned I i I home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Jones, of San Francisco, California, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Griffith and Cecil, were dinner guests at the George Bay home in O’Neill on Wednesday Miss Dorothy Harrison, who has been home for the past two weeks, during vacation, returned to Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Har rison and daughters, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas and children went with her and visited at the Duder Harrison home while there. NOTICE. Notice to voters of Willowdale Precinct. The annual meeting will he held at the regular voting place on January 15, 1929, at 2 o’clock p. m. E. C. YVARTZ, Township Clerk. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP MEETING. The Grattan Township Annual meeting will be held at the public li brary building in O’Neill, Tuesday, January 15, 1929, at two o’clock, for the purpose of making the township levy and for tthe transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. JAMES KELLY, 33-1 Township Clerk. SHIELDS TOWNSHIP ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 1920, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the Town Hall. For the making of the Tow’nship Levy for the coming year and any other business that may come before the meeting. J. B. DONOHOE, L.2-2 Township Clerk. (First publication Jan. 10.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2010 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 5, 1929. In the matter of the Estate of William F. Clevish, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the ad ministrator of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a peti tion for final settlement and distribu tion of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard January 30, 1929, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear-and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. (County Court Seal) C. J. MALONE, 33-3 County Judge. (First publication Jan. 10.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2011 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 5, 1929. In the matter of the Estate of Eliza beth A. Clevish, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the ad ministrator of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a peti tion for final settlement and distribu tion of the residue of said estate; and that ;-aid report and petition will be heard January 30, 1920, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. (County Court Seal) C. J. MALONE, 33-3 County Judge. (First publication Jan. 10.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 1561. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 9, 1929. In the matter of the Estate of William Wilder, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executor of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the resi due of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard January 30, 1929, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill. Nebraska, when all persons interested may ap pear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. (County Court Seal) C. J. MALONE, 33-3 County Judge. (First Publication Jan. 10.) NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT. TO D. A. DOYLE: You will take notice than on Decem ber 19, 1928, The Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, a corporation, filed a petition in the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, against you and others, the object and prayer of which is to fore close a mortgage given by F. J. Dish ner and wife in the sum of $8,000 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum on the delinquen cies and at six per cent per annum on the balance of said mortgage, making a total amount due the plaintiff on December 1, 1928, of $8,364.71, and asking interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent from December 1, 1928; said mortgage is asked to be estab lished as a lien upon the W% of Sec tion 24-29-12 West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, and to sell said premises to satisfy the amount due the plaintiff together with costs and to bar and foreclose all defend ants of all right, title, interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before February 18th, 1929. THE LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. By FRED M. DEWEESE, Its Attorney. 33-4 (First publication Dec. 6.) (Re-Publication to Correct Error.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska, Dec. 3, 1928. NOTIICE is hereby*givcn that Karo lina Micus, of Amelia, Nebraska, who, on November 16, 1923, made Stockraising Original Hd. Lincoln 02976, Allianee-020581 for Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 6, T. 26 N., R. 13 W.; and also made Stockraising Addl. Lincoln-03000, Alliance-020598 for SWVi NW',4, Sec tion 15, Township 27 N., Range 14 W., 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register United Sta’os Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 16th day of January, 1929. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank W. Pierce, Hannah M. Riley, 5. J. Widman and Thomas Doolittle, all of Amelia. Nebraska. JAS. H. H.' HEWETT, 28-6 Register. Bet! ^ ou can get a jrood i oom for enly 125 HO‘iT£3. VVeuikgton O' AH A HA HOC MG WITH OATH—$2.SO rre* Giragt 1 Let Me Cry Your Farm and Livestock Sales 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE IS MY GUARANTEE Write or Call at This Office Col. E. Wallen, Auct. O’NEILL, NEBR. W.E.Wanser (BUV) Auctioneer GENERAL AUCTIONEERING Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 13, Page, Neb. (27-tf) Acres 240 O’Neill, Nebraska Thurs. January 17 Sale will be held at the farm 14 miles north of O’Neill, V/j miles south of Meek store; this place is known as the R. E. Maw Farm, held at 2:00 P. M. IMPROVEMENTS 4-room house; barn 32x40 with room for 8 horses and 6 cows and grain bin for 300 bushels of grain; garage; hen house; corn crib; two good wells; fine grove; 50 a<;res fenced hog-tight with new steel posts. Balance of farm all fenced and cross-fenced with 3-wire fence These are on the quarter. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 8 and the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, all in Township 31, Range 11 West, Holt County, Nebraska, be ing 14 miles north of O’Neill, % mile to school. WILL BE OFFERED IN TWO TRACTS We will offer this farm in two tracts—the 0 and the 80 and then as a ole. There is 100 acres in cult ttion on the quar ter and ab> ; 0 acres of alfalfa. This quarter u nearly level and of black sand soil. 35 acres in sweet clover sown with oats last year. 55 acres cultivated on the 80. 5 acres in alfalfa. This is all level. Fine spring in the pasture. TERMS—15 per cent of Purchase Price day of sale, 25 per cent March 1, 1929, when deed and poses sion will be given. Balance will be carried on land if purchaser so desires. F. M. Forsyth Owner Neligh - - Nebraska cr J. C. PRICE, St. Louis, Mo. IM ORE, O’Neill, Nebr., Aucts.