The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 01, 1928, Image 9

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are the
of your
Snake-Saving Campaign
To save harmless snakes from be
Ing killed by small boys, bunted bj
picnickers and destroyed by farmers.
C. Edward Roehrig, a California
physician, has started the Herpeto
loglcal Society of California. Signs
have been placed along the road In
the society s educational campaign
Informing the public that the only
dangerous snake indigenous to the
state is the rattler, and that all
others should be spared because of
their economic value.
If Kidneys Act
Bad Take Salts
Says Backache Often Means You
Have Not Been Drinking
Enough Water
When yon wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region
It may mean you have been eat
ing foods which create acids, says a
well-known authority. An excess ol
such acids overworks the kidneys Id
their effort to filter It from the blood
and they become sort of paralyzed and
loggy. When your kidneys get slug
gish and clog you must relieve them,
like you relieve your bowels, remov
ing all the body’s urinous waste, else
you have backache, sick headache,
dizzy spells; your stomach sours,
tongue is coated and when the weath
er is bad you have rheumatic twinges.
The urine is cloudy, full of sediment,
channels often get sore, water scalds
and you are obliged to seek relief two
or three times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable phy
sician ut once or get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad
Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys may then act
fine. Tills famous salts is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lltliia, and has been
used for years to help clean and stim
ulate sluggish kidneys, also to neu
tralize acids in the system, so they no
longer irritate, thus often relieving
bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in
jure and makes a delightful, efferves
cent llthla-water drink. Drink lots of
good water.
Aerial Taxis Predicted
Will buildings in American cities
continue to be built higher and higher?
Architects say yes, that in the cities of
1975 the buildings will rise half a
mile into tiie air. Air taxicabs will lie
rigidly supervised by the traffic de
partment and because of so much air (
travel and high-up living there will
be public oxygen baths in the parks.—
Capper's Weekly.
Reply of a Benedict
Ilowell—“Do you believe in trial
marriages?” Powell—“1 believe that
marriage Is a great trial.”
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound Strengthened Her
Elkhart, Ind.—“I had a tired feel
ing and was unable to get out of bed
niimiin me «eip
of my husband.
We heard of the
Vegetable Com
pound and de
cided to try it.
I am still taking
it and it cure is
a help to me. I
can do my work
■without resting
before I am
through. I know
that if women
win give me vegeutme v-ompounu a.
trial they can overcome those tired
and worn-out feelings. I cannot ex
press the happiness 1 have received
and how completely it has made over
my home.”—Mrs. D. H. Sibeht, 1326
Laurel 1st.. Elkhart., Indiana.
Carter's Little Liver Rids
Rent* Vegetable Laxative
•Mitt nature in it* digestive
duties. Many time* unc ot
incar nmc pun i»»cn liter mem ui neanme
will do wooden, especially when you have
overeaten or are troubled with constipation.
Remember they are a doctor's prescription
and can be taken by the entire family.
AW Druggists 25c and 75c Red Packages
By Williams
Out Our Way
Pick up capbage;
a wimT i ‘Suppose,
PAR-V^f l€> ‘5>'tAKlO\Kj'
A‘ X RAK T'TelI- A
s<OR mot y ;'h)
me u 8 pat orr Oi»«. •> mi kmvicm. we /«•■»«
Preserving the Pedestrian
From the Worcester Telegram.
The city solicitor’s opinion that
the city government is without pow
ed to pass an ordinance punishing
jay-walking pedestrians bears out
the correctness of former Mayor
Sullivan’s course a few years back
In vetoing a measure which would
have given the police control of
pedestrian traffic. It appears to be
the inalienable right of the man on
foot to pop out into the traffic any
where at any time. To deprive him
of that privilege might prolong his
days but would be an unwarrantable
invasion of his sacred liberties.
As vehicular traffic increases, the
pedestrian adds to its complexities
and to his own jeopardy. In Wor
cester he has contempt for cross
walks and for traffic lights. He
crosses Main street anywhere, dart
ing from behind parked cars. He
strolls fearlessly toward mid-high
way while the green light sends ve
hicles on—and for that you can't
olame him much because what with
■ight turns on the red he never sees
the way clear before him. He is ap
parently as indifferent to the
chances of a nudge by a five-ton
truck as he is to the elbowing of a
fellow walker. He survives surpris
ingly, but he makes a lot of peril for
himself and a lot of nervousness for
Of course the pedestrian gets the
first consideration He is entitled
to it. There are still more of him
than there are of car operators, al
though it is not sure that this con
tinue indefinitely. He can’t hurt
anything by bumping into it and it
is necessary that he go about his
lawful occasions. New York arrests
him now and then for “obstructing
traffic” as he attempts street navi
gation when and where he should
not. Boston is preparing to deal
with him a bit. There are other
cities which restrain him by charg
ing him with “disorderly conduct”
or “breach of the peace." but in the
main he does as he pleases. The
problem is to give him the full
measure of his rights, to afford him
the fullest possible facilities for
movement, but still keep him alive
and keep at the minimum the num
bers of homicide charges against
It is not an easy problem to solve,
particularly when one finds as in
Worcester that there must be no
oppressive legal interference with
the pedestrians prerogative to butt
his head against a radiator. Our
excellent chief of police can only
hope for more “co-operation.” Our
Safety Council can only counsel
caution. Our city solicitor can only
point out that we cannot punish by
pinching. The facts are the facts
and the law is the law.
The matter of impeding vehicular
traffic is by comparison unimport
ant, but the matter of hazaid to
life is serious. It seems to be or
dinary common sense that in some
way people should be persuaded or
compelled not to attempt the cross
ing of heavily travelled streets at
other than established crossings and
not to attempt crossing even here
when traffic light and traffic officer
are speeding on the vehicles. For
our own part we haven't much faith
in anybody’s powers of persuasion.
Others’ Views
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Paraphrasing Horace Greely, O
R. Sweeney. of Iowa State college,
advises young industry to “go west. ’
Millions of tons of the raw ma
terials from which 3C.G00 different
articles of commerce can be profit
ably manufactured, are now going
to waste in the middle west, he
points out.
What Mr. Sweeney has in mind is
the great variety of waste farm
products disclosed by recent labora
tory discoveries as potential basic
materials for industry production
Paper of many grades, rayon, wall
board, fireproof tile, synthetic lum
ber. insulating materials, furfural
and other useful commodities can be
fabricated out of cornstalks, corn- j
cobs, oat hulls and other farm waste
and Mr. Sweeney, addressing the
American Chemical Institute a while
back, estimated this waste at 1,000,
000 000 tons a year.
Utilization of an annual waste
of l.OOO.OPO.COO tons of agricultural
products would, of course, be of in
calculable benefit to the farmers of
the northwest and middle west.
But this is not the only benefit
for agriculture, and for the rest of
us, inhering in a speeding up of
the westward trend of industry.
A herding of industries on the
Atlantic seaboard far from the
sources of industry's raw materials
and far from the sources cf the
foodstuffs required by industry’s
millions of workers, invo’ve a sheer
waste of transportation that Is very
More than half the food for thes»
workers is carried to them long dis
tances from points of origin in the
Mississippi valley. Nearly half the
raw materials which these workers
process are carried to them long
distances, from points of origin in
the Mississippi valley. And heavy
percentages of the finished products
turned jut by these workers are
then carried long distances book to
the Mississippi valley tor sale.
Any tense in all this needless
hauling back and forth? Not much.
Some Climate* Are Bad
Ellsworth Huntington in Harper's
Among the various climatic lim
its those of indivdual existence, re
production and civilization are es
pecially mportant. So far as civil
ized man is concerned, the climatic
limit of individual existence is prob
ably not reached on the earth’s
surface. No place s so cold or hot,
so dry or wet, so windy or still, so
monotonous or so variable, that In
dividuals cannot survive.
In primitive times and in the
glacial period, however, half of the
earth's surlace may have been ao
wad that unprotected savages wuuld ,
Western producers and consumers
pay for this waste
Press Comment
Prom Chicago Tribune
The renunciation of office by
President Calles is unique in Mexi
can history and has lew precedents
in the history of the Occident,
though in China there have been in
times long past some remarkable
abandonments of high place. Senor
Calles will not retire to write coup
lets or epigrams upon human des
tiny. at least we understand he has
more prosaic interests, yet we can
hardly believe he will find it possible
to disentangle himself from Mexican
politics, however sincerely he may
wish to do so. Whether he will
compelled to return to active lea
ership or will be able to exert a con
trolling influence by counsel as Jet
' ferson in our political history did
long after his retirement from office,
only time will tell. Meanwhile we
doubt that the Mexican people have
arrived at a stage of political de
velopment which promises success
for such a regime of free party com
petition and parliamentary govern
ment as he invites them to try.
Ssnor Calles has made a splendid
gesture. Doubtless it would be fairer
to say he has set an inspiring ex
ample. Certainly what has oeen
mo t obviously and decisively wrong
in the history of the Mexican repub
lic has been the lack of disinterested
public spirit. Spanish colonial rule
did not prepare men lor republican
responsibilities as the experience of
the American colonies prepared the
American statesmen who framed the
constitution and conducted our af
fairs during the difficult formative
years of the United States, and we
shall be surprised if Mexico today
finds leaders who ere at once compe
tent and disinterested, to say noth
ing of a body politic W'hich is pre
pared for republican responsibilities.
Perhaps the surviving generals or
military leaders whose day is done,
according to Senator Calles. will
consent to elimination under the in
fluence of his example. But even
have frozen to death had they tried
to live there. Even now in regions
like Greenland and Auntactica the
well equipped, vigorous, adult white
man stands an extremely good
chance to remain year alter year
In such places families cannot
survive. Until our skill increases
very materially, it would be suicidal
to attempt to raise a family on the
antarctic ice sheet where the in
trepid Scott froze to death. It would
be almost equally foolish to make
the attempt in Death Valley where
the thermometer rises above 135 de
grees, and the summer is one long
jiiEComfort because one’s tissues call
that, while highly desirable and oven
necessary to the initiation af a civil
state, is only one itep forward. End
less political faction is less cruel but
little less futile than military disor
der, and well wishers of Mexico will
hope not only that the caudillos will 1
retire from the arena but that po
litical factionalists will find some
way of composing a party peace for
a iew years such as gave a little
breathing space to our own nation
during the first years of the republic.
That space was brief with us. It
was barely enough. Mexico will oe
lucky indeed if her politicians give
any peace whatever and we think
the release of authority and direct
control of Senor Calles does not bet
ter the slim prospect. All that he
said in his patriotic address before
congress is true, but are the control
ling elements in Mexican public life
ready to receive such a message and
live up to it?
By Edgar A. Quest
Here you are at your journey’* end.
Sent to me by a faithful lriend.
Out of the factory you have come.
Your keys untouched and your let
ters dumb.
And J wonder, you manufactured
What tales you'll tell and what
songs you’ll sing.
Had you by chance to a lawyer
Bills of indictments and pro and
To-wit, whereas and heretofore
Were all you’d have known till you
life is o’er.
Bills of injunctions and common
Would have been the fruit of your
glistening keys.
Had you come into a doctor’s hands
You'd have written papers cn thy
roid glands,
And your types had labored with
curious terms
And the horrible names of horrible
But I haven’t a doubt you’d have
done it well
If the doctor who used you had
learned to spell.
But now you are mine and I look
you o’er
And wonder what verses you have
in store.
What lines lie hidden among those
And when you have written them
will they please?
For, word bv word and line by line
You will translate every thought of
But had vou gone to a wiser man
Who can ‘fashion thoughts which I
never can,
Then ever your platen there might
have flowed
A deathless lyric, a living ode.
But this I am fearful will never be.
Because you have happened to
come to me.
From Weekly Scotsman
Brown was an easygoing old fel
low. He believed in taking things
as they came. Not so Mrs. Brown.
"Don’t you think," she remarked
one Sunday afternoon, "that we
should be considering Mary’s fu
ture? It's time she was married;
she is already 34!"
"Oh, I shouldn't worry,” replied
old Browm. “Let her wait until the
right sort of man comes along.”
“Why wait?” returned Mrs.
Brown. “I didn’t!”
From the New' Yorker
A process server has sued Glon.
Swanson for $25,000 for slapping
him. That is not the way to feel
about the touch of a woman’s hand.
Q. How tall is Emil Jannings and
how much does he weigh? W. A S
A. Emil Jannings is six feet, one
inch tall and weighs 220 pounds.
for water no matter how much one
may drink.
Men can live there, but not moth
ers and babies; the climatic limits
of reproduction are more narrow
than those of individual existence.
Butter and Egg Money.
From Judge.
“Where are you going, my pret
ty maid?”
“I’m going a-gold-digging, sir,”
she said.
“Then I can't wed you, my pret
ty maid.”
“That’ll cost you $50000, sir.”
she said.
Enter Mr Liverwurst
for Kind-Hubby Medal
Old Mace l.lverwurst whs asked
why he didn't hurn pus at his home.
He dared up and said that was no
one’s business and went on to state
that he was burning wood for the rea
son that It gave his wife some out
door exercise when she chopped It. He
“You know she Inhnles lots of steam
while washing clothes, nnd then when
she has to cut the wood she puffs It
All out npain, consequently her lungs
are kept as clean and spotless us her
lie then made the statement that
he was going to try to make tills the
most prosperous summer for his wife
that she ever lias experienced —Hint
lie had already hustled three new
wash customers for her and expected
to get two more before the end of the
week. Mace says the hotter it is the
better his wife likes to work, nnd
when she sweats freely he knows she
Is enjoying the best of health. lie Is
certainly a kind nnd loving husband.
—Altoona (Kan.) Tribune.
Los Angeles Boy
Needed Help
Leroy Young, 111f
Georgia St„ Lop An
geles, is a “rcgiilni
fellow,” active I r
sports, and at tlie top
in his classes at
school. To look nt
him no\v, you’d think
he never had a day's
siesness nut ms mother says: "When
Lorry was Just a little fellow, we
found his stomach and bowels were
weak, lie kept suffering from con
stipation. Nothing he ate agreed with
him. lie was fretful, feverish and
“When we started giving him Cali
fornia Fig Syrup his condition im
proved quickly. Ills constipation and
biliousness stopped and he lias had
no morj trouble of that kind. I have
since used California Fig Syrup with
him for colds and upset spells, lie
likes It because it tastes so good and
I like It because It helps him so won
derfully !“
California Fig Syrup hns been the
trusted standby of mothers for over
V) years. Leading physicians recom
mend It. It Is purely vegetable and
works with Nature to regulnte, tone
nnd strengthen the stomach and
bowels of children so they get full
nourishment from their food nnd
waste Is eliminated In a normal way.
Four million bottles used a year
shows bow mothers depend on it. Al
ways look for the word “California"
on the carton to be sure of getting
the genuine.
Peace Work
Secretary Irving F. McMasters, of
th« Anti-Profanity lengne, said at a
league banquet in Spokane:
“We advocate, of course, tolal world
disarmament, for that alone can give
us universal peace.
“Let us work then, friends, with
all our might towards this end, for,
friends”—and Mr. McMastera struck
the table a smart blow—"for we won't
get universal peace unless we work
our arms off.”
When Dr. Caldwell started to pmotk*
medicine, back in 1675, the needs far %
laxative were not as great aa today.
People lived normal lives, at# plain,
wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh
air. But even that early thero w*r#
drastic physics and purges for the rrliof
of conRti|>ation which l)r. Caldwell did
not belie*o were good for human Soingw.
Tho prescription for constipation that
he used early in his practice, and which
he put in drug stores in 1802 under tho
name of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepoin,
is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended
for women, children and elderly nnoplo,
and they need just such a mild. «uf«
bowel stimulant.
This prescription has proven its worth
and is now the largest selling liquid
laxative. It has won the confidence of
people who needed it to get relief from
Headaches, biliousness, flatulency indi
gestion, loss of appetite and slonjy bad
breath, dysjiepsia, colds, fevera At ymr
druggist, or write “Syrup lV-pota.’*
Dept. BH, Mouticello, Illinois, for tim
trial bottle.
\ Do Not Neglect
| Nervousness
j Irritability
E Pastor Koenig's Nervine
2 Has Been Used Successfully for _
• 40 years. Sold by ull Drug Store*
— 1045 N. Wrlls St. CHICAGO. ILG.
Alcohol From Pest i
Bengal's pest, the wuter brarioth,
may be converted Into power by a
process Unit tins been announced by
the Science college of Calcutta. TTsa
(lower, wlticli h:is stopped ranay wa
terworks by Itg heavy growth. In be
ing used in connection with tho puc
wu tree, which also grows wild In
Bengal, and can be obtained in tare*
quantities. The new methods which
have been worked out to produce al
cohol from the water hyacinth wot
only give a new source of power, bat
will help toward clearing the water*
Righto I
Teacher—If you stand facing the
north, what huve you on year Mt
Billie— Fingers.—Glasgow frislny
10 minutes
mm ■
Remember all the things people used to do for headaches? Today,
the accepted treatment is Bayer Aspirin. It gets action t Quick,
complete relief—and no harm done. No after effects; no effect o*
the heart; nothing in a Bayer tablet could hurt anyone. (Your
doctor will verify this.) For any sort of headache, neuralgic pains,
rlieumatism just try Bayer Aspirin. Taken soon enough, it can
head-off the pain altogether; even those pains many women have
thought must be endured. At all druggists.
Aspirin t» Hi* trad* mark of Bayer Mannfacturt
of Koooaoctlcacldestvr of Sallcjtlearld
Ui*tins£iii*li<k<l for Excellence
lor fifty year*
The Soap to cleanse, purify and beautify
The Ointment to soften, soothe and heal
A world famous and dependable treatment for the skin and hide
Bold •Ter^nhert. Soap 25c. Ointment 2Sc. and 50c. 1'ulcaan 25e. latnplfl each free.
•• Cuticura,” J>cpt. 115, Malden, Mah. ^VT CuUcnra 8!kftvlng «Utki0lk