The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1928, Image 9

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I will sell at public sale at my place3*4 miles south of Opportunity; 6I/2
miles north and 6 miles east of O’Neill fair grounds, at twelve o’clock on
Wednesday, Oct. 31
Kirwin & Ritts Lunch Wagon will Serve the Lunch.
10 Head of Horses
One black horse, 9 years old, weight 1200; 1 bay horse 10 years old, weight
1100; 1 smooth mouth mare, weight900; 2 two-year-olds; 2 yearlings; 3
suckling colts.
10 Head of Cattle
One registered Angus bull, 3 years old; 3 milch cows, 3 to 6 years old; 3 stock
cows, 3 to 6 years old; 3 calves.
10 Head of Hogs—
2 Red Sows and Eight Pigs
Machinery and Miscellaneous
Two narrow tire wagons; 1 rack; 1 one-horse drill; 1 Great Western
Spreader; 1 P. & O. lister; 1 Admiral hay press; 1 Ford truck, in good
About 100 schocks of corn fodder. 40 acres corn stalks.
TERMS—Nine month’s time will be given with approved security drawing
10 per cent interest. $10 and under <^sh. No property to be removed until
settled for.
Everett Siders, Owner
I will sell at public sale at my place, known at the Wallace Johnson farm,
20 miles north and one mile west of O’Neill, beginning at twelve o’clock,
Monday, Nov. 5th
Kirwin & Ritts Lunch Wagon will Serve the Lunch.
11 Horses and Mules
One team white mules, weight about 2200; 1 bay mule, 9 years old, weight
1000; 1 brown mare, 10 years old, weight 1200; 1 matched team brown
mares, 1 and 2 years old; team matched gray mares, 5 and 6 years old, weight
2000; 1 black and 1 sorrel Shetland ponies, 2 and 3 years old, fine for
children; 1 brown saddle horse.
2 Extra Good Milch Cows
Machinery and Miscellaneous |
One box wagon complete; 1 McCormick mower nearly new; 1 rake; 1 4- j
shovel cultivator; 1 two-row eli; 1 lister; 1 corn planter; 1 garden
cultivator; 1 saw frame; 1 feed grinder; 1 Edwards gas engine with <
adjustible power , V/2 to fi h. p.; 3 sets work harness; saddle; 1 large stock I
watering tank; 20 rods new poultry garden fence; 1 racer body for Ford
car; 2 Ford engines complete in good condition; 2 hog crates; 1 Economy
King cream separator.
3 dozen pullets mostly White Leghorns.
Household Goods: 2 cupboards; 1 box heater; 1 organ and bench; 1 table
and six chairs; 1 oak kitchen cabinet; 1 library table; 3 beds and springs,
complete; 1 bureau; 1 wash bench; 1 oil heater; 1 Majectic range, good as
new; some canned fruit; some cabbage; fruit jars and many other articles.
TERMS—12 months’ time will be given on sums over $10 with approved
security and 10 per cent interest. $10 and under cash. No property to be
removed until settled for.
Mrs. Ed Hubby, Owner
Elmer Hull recently purchased a
Nash Tudor Coach.
William Hubby called on Cecil
Griffith Saturday evening.
Miss Martha Mitchell made a trip
to O’Neill Sunday afternoon.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Worth is quite ill at this writing.
Mrs. Ella Karr, is staying at the
Bob Worth home at the present time.
Walter and Clarence Devall called
at the Griffith home Saturday after
Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil called
at the Roy SpinJler home Sunday af
George Weldon left on Monday for
Harlan, Iowa, where he expects to
husk corn.
Merridy Hubby left Monday ex
pecting to be gone several weeks,
picking corn.
Alex Borg trucked cattle to O’Neill
on Monday for Will Kaczor, who is
shipping them.
Mrs. Eric Borg and son, William,
called at the Alex Borg home Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith visited
at the Herbert Rouse home near In
man on Wednesday.
Miss Gertrude Bedford came from
Rapid City, South Dakota, for a few
days visit at the home of her isster,
Mrs. Albert Kaczor.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Borg and Marvel,
Merridy, William Hubby and Mr. and
Mrs. Virgin Hubby were Sunday
visitors at the Rouse Bros. home.
A baby boy was born on Tuesday
to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders. A
trained nurse from Norfolk is caring
for Mrs. Sanders, who has been quite
Mrs. A. L. House and children and
Harry House, of Ponca, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Searles and children were
Sunday visitors at the A. L. Borg
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse and
daughters, Lelia and Marjorie, and
sons, Walter and Marvin of Inman,'
and A. L. Rouse, of O’Neill, visited at
the Ralph Young home on Sunday.
The twin children Leone and Leroy
of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Spindler had
their tonsils removed last week by Dr.
Finley. The children are getting
along nicely, although Leroy stood the
operation much the best.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Newton and
children, Mrs. Harvey Lamb and son,
Mrs. Henry Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. New
ton and Emerson Goodfellow came
Wednesday from Sago, Montana for
a visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Cora Hamilton visited the P.
A. Grass home Thursday evening.
MONEY in bank here means
you have cash for instant use at
any time, while we assume the
responsibility for keeping it safe
ly in the meantime.
The O’Neill National
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
• Profits, $125,000.00
This bank carries no indebted
ness of officers or stockholders.
Edward Grass, wife and son, Lau
rence, spent the week-end at the P.
A. Grass home.
Mrs. Joe West went to Plainview,
Thursday, where she is under the care
of a physician.
Mrs. C. A. Grass autoed up to
O’Neill, Wednesday, and spent the day
with Mrs. L. K. Hough.
Claude Hamilton and Clyde Streeter
attended the Rhodes sale last Friday.
A good sale is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder and
Linley Crumley spent Tuesday even
ing at the Hamilton home.
Dr. Johnson, of Plainview, was call
ed to see Mrs. Joe West, Wedensday,
she is recovering from the after ef
fects of the flu.
C.. A. Grass and family and several
families from around Page autoed to
VVayne Sunday and enjoyed a picnic
dinner with the young people from
i around Page that are attending school
in Wayne
Arthur Evans and sister, Charlotte,
were in Stuart Saturday.
Mrs. Mae Warner is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Maring.
Mr. and Mrs. John Warner and son
spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
Hannah Richard and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and
Mrs. Youngburg were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammerburg.
Miss Charlotte Evans is home from
her school in South Dakota on ac
count of a quarantine for Scarlet
Friends of Albert Klingler gathered
at his home to remind him of his birth
day anniversary on Monday evening.
Luncheon was served.
The smart, new Erskine Six
f. o. b.
is the finest, fastest car
under $1000
Champion of its class=
1000 miles in 984 minutes!
Drive it 40 miles an hour the day
you get it
62-mile speed later,
Cnange oil only at 2500-mile intervals!
Telephone 162W
W. H. Stein,
O’Neill, Nebraska