Special Friday & Saturday Mothers’ Best Flour ... $1.70 Grapes, pound . 10c Campbell’s Soups, all kinds . 10c Pineapple, Peaches, Pears and Apricots, 4 large cans . 95c 2- lb. Box Crackers 30c 15-tbs. Sugar.$1.00 Grapefruit, 3 for.25c 3- lbs. P. & G. Coffee ... $1.00 Fancy Cookies tb..25c Raisins, 6-lbs. 50c Prunes, lb. 10c No. 2 Tin Asst. Vegetables Very Special.15c Sweet Potatoes, 6-lbs.25c R. R. Morrison EDUCATIONAL NOTES. The Annual Meeting of the Nebras ka State Teacher’s Association will be held for the third district at Norfolk Nebraska from October 31st to No vember 3rd. The purpose of these meetings is to raise the efficiency of the teacher of the state to the highest possible standard by enabling them to hear lectures by the best educators of the country, to come in contact with their fellow teachers and to exchange ideas with others of the profession. The week of November 5th to 11th has been set aside as American Edu cation Week to be observed by all schools in the United States. Teach ers are asked to make a special effort to get their school officers and patrons to visit their schools during this week. American Educational Week is ob served each year during the week that includes Armistice Day. This is a week of rededication to the cause of universal education. Its purpose is to develop a fuller understanding of the schools, their ideals, achievements, and needs. The program, arranged by the National Education Association and the American Legion, is ' **ilt around the seven objectives of educa tion, namely: Health; Worthy Home Membership; Mastery of the Tools, Technics, and Spirit of Learning; Vo cational and Economic Effectiveness; Faithful Citizenship; Wise Us. of Leisure; Ethical Character. Monday, November 5, Health Day, directs attention to the fact that health is the foundation of personal and social well-being. Tuesday, November 6, Home and School Day, emphasizes that home is the central institution by which civil ization is advanced. Wednesday, November 7, Know Your School Day. has for its central thought the school itself. Thursday, November 8, School Op portunity Day, stresses that work is the foundation of progress. The ad vance of the individual and of the na tion depends upon discovering the special talent of each worker. Friday, November 9, Citizenship Day, calls attention to the fact that schools train the youth of America to become good citizens. Saturday, November 10, Community Rummage Sale will be held at the Western Hotel Lobby Friday and Saturday November 2nd and 3rd By Presbyterian Ladies Guild A Christmas surprise for grandma 1 ind grandpa—a new photograph | of the children. Just look at those i last pictures and you'll agree they were outgrown long ago. We suggest you bring the children to the studio now before the rush of Christmas sittings begins. Frames made- to order. O'NEILL PHOTO CO. The Texas Company announces the opening of anothei 7 exaco SenuVr* ^"on Te convenience of local motorists. This new station, situated on— Douglas and Second Streets —will be ready to welcome motorists a week from Saturday. The Texas Company extends to all owners and drivers a cordial invitation to inspect its facilities and appointments. i Every provision has been made for convenience, prompt" ness and comfort. Pull measure pumps dispensing the new and better Texaco Gasoline. Comparoscope tanks giving visible evidence of the clean, clear, golden Texaco Motor Oil. S rvicing equipment for chassis lubrication, renewing gear lubricant or changing oil. Broad driveways, free air and water—and courteous attend ants alert at all times to please every customer. Remember the date and make it a point to visit this new Texaco Service Station on the opening day. THE TEXAS COMPANY, Texaco Petroleum Products TEXACO The NEW and BETTER GASOLINE 77>^£LEAN, CLEAR, GOLDEN MOTOR OIL 3 FREE ON THE OPENING DAY A coupon, good for two quarts of golden Texaco Motor Oil, will be presented, free, to all who make an initial purchase of five gallons or more of Texaco Gasoline on the opening day. Texaco Motor Oil ie a clear, golden color because it ia free from all cylinder stock, tars, paraffin wax and other impurities. It is a perfect lubricant, full-bodied iu all grades — snd does not form carbon or gummy resi dues in the engine. Less engine wear and better performance are certain. ca Day, emphasizes that education is a lifelong enterprise. To improve com munity standards schools cultivate taste in art, music, literature, and sports. Sunday, November 11, Armistice Day, provides an opportunity for les sons in patriotism and citizenship. County Superintendent. WALDO A. GROVES. Waldo A. Groves died very suddenly sometime last Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Oscar Dixon, residing seven miles northeast of O’Neill. Mr. Groves had been en joying fairly good health. Sometime during the early morning. Mrs. Groves endeavored to awaken him and found that he had passed away. The deceased was born in Mt. Ver non, Iowa, April 18, 1850. He was united in marriage to Miss Eliza C. Saylor, at Saylorville, Iowa, October 21, 1871; to this union twelve child ren were born, Orren A., Flagler, Colorado; Austin A., Spokane, Wash ington; Ira C., Port Angles, Wash ington; Alvin T., Rrainard, Minneso ta; llayden L., Grand Blanc, Michi gan; Eear C., San Antonio, Texas; Vein A., O’Neill; Mrs. Sara Coan. Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. Oscar Dixon, O’Neill. One son and one daughter died in infancy. He came to Holt county six years ago from Knox county. Funeral services were held fr mi the Oscar Dixon home Wednesday morn ing at ten o’clock, conducted by Rev. O. A. Fortune, pastor of the Metho dist church. Burial was in Prospect Hill cemetery. WOMAN S CLUB PROGRAM. The Woman’s Club met at the club room Wednesday afternoon when the following very interesting program was given. Piano Solo Mrs. Clifford Scott Discussion of the Nobel Prize by Mrs. J. J. Harrington. Miss Mary Horiskey gave a talk on “Poetry” from the beginning of Poetry to our Modern Verse. A parliamentary drill was conducted by Mrs. H. E. Coyne. THREE LADIES ENTERTAIN AT THE GOLDEN HOTEL Mrs. Ben J. Grady, Mrs. Clinton Gatz and Mrs. Charles Downey enter tained a large number of guests at a six o’clock dinner, followed by whist, at the Golden Hotel, Monday evening. The honors at cards was received by Mrs. Clifford Scott. Mrs. H. E. Coyne was given the consolation and Miss Anna O’Donnell the all-cut. EGGER-PILZ. John Egger and Miss Elsie Pilz were married September 12th at Lewis town, Montana. Mr. Egger is the son of Peter Eg ger, of near Meek. He has resided at Lewistown for the past three years and has been engaged at the carpenter trade. John's Holt county friends are ex tending congratulations. — NIELSON-FESLER. A very pretty wedding was solem nized at the manse of the Presbyte rian church Friday afternoon, Octo ber 19th, when Fred E. Nielson and Mrs. Verda Fesler, both of O'Neill, were united in marriage by Rev. H. H. Beers. Beryl Congor, of Inman, brother of the bride was best man; Mrs. Beryl Conger was matron of Honor. Mrs. C. P. Conger, of Inman, mother of the bride was present at the cere mony; none of the relatives of Mr. Nielson were present. -The newly wedded couple will make their home for the present in the resi dence of Mrs. Nielson in O’Neill; they expect to move to a farm in the spring. The Frontier extends congratula tions. TEACHERS’ CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT NORFOLK NEXT WEEK The annual convention of District Three of the Nebraska State Teachers’ Association will be held at Norfolk, October 31, and November 1-2, 1928. The program for the convention prom ises to be the best in the history of the association. Among the prominent general ses sion speakers are Dr. Herbert Martin, Professor of Philosophy, University of Iowa; Hattie Moore Mitchell, Dean of Women, Kansas State Teachers’ College; Dr. Frank Slutz, Principal Morraine Park High School, Dayton, | Ohio; Dr. Henry Suzzalo, noted edu i rational writer and lecturer; Dr. C. I A. Phillips, University of Missouri; Madam D’Pirie Beyea, State Depart ment of Health, Des Moines, Iowa; Elbert K. Fretwell, Teachers’ College, | Columbia University; Dr, F. B. | Knight. University of Iowa; and sev ! eral others. r > Specialists in every line of school work have been secured to take part in the sectional and departmental meetings. Special attention is being given to the program for rural school teachers. The state superintendent has urged school boards to close school for the days of the convention that teachers may attend. Through the courtesy of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce the teachers will be privileged to hear Madam Bal assa and her company of Royal Gip sies, a group of musicians and artists from Budapest, in a musical perform ance one rarely has the pleasure of hearing in this country. This program is complimentary. A get-acquainted luncheon for school men and Norfolk business men will be one of the features of the convention.] The Nebraska Educational Women’s Club will also hold its annual dinner at convention time. The convention will be held in the Norfolk senior high school building and will open at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening, October 31. It is understood that the city of Wayne will extend an invitation to the teachers to hold the convention at Wayne next year. Free dance at Oak View Park Sat urday night, October 27. Everybody cordially invited. Third annual mas querade dance on Saturday, Novem ber 10. 22-1 Car box wrapped apples on Burlington track, at O’Neill. MICHAEL L. ENDUES Democratic Candidate for State Treasurer Michael L. Endrea was born July 28, 1875 In Bavaria, Germany, came to this country In 1889 at the age of 14, came to Omaha In 1898, was In Business for 15 years, was elected County Treasurer of Douglas County In 1916 and served o years. This Office Includes City Treas urer, Board of Education and Metropol itan Utilities District. Received and dis bursed over 120 Million dollars during his term. Served so efficiently the people elected him Sheriff and he served 4 years, did not run for reelectlon, was nominated for State Treasurer without a contest In the spring of 1928. His motto: "EWcU ency, Honesty and Economy In Public Affairs.” ft Vote for M. L. Endree*—Nov. *