THE FRONTIER D. H. CRONIN. Publisher W. C. TEMPLETON. Editor and Business Manager Entered at the postofflce at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of sub scribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated ■nbacription price. Every subscriber muat understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract be tween publisher and subscriber. ADVERTISING RATES: Display advertising on Pages 4. 6 and 8 are charged for on a basis of 25 cents an inch (one column wide) per week; on Page 1 the charge is 40 cents an inch per week. Local ad vertisements, 10 cents per line first insertion, subsequent insertions 6 cents per line. EVADING THE TAX ISSUE. Friends of Charles W. Bryan are continually advising the voters of Ne braska to compare their last year’s tax bills with those they paid while Mr Bryan was governor. This is a not very subtile attempt to evade the tax question as it has ap peared in this campaign. Mr. Bryan’s friends know who is responsible for the increase in state taxes last year. They know, or they would know if they consulted the state records, that Mr. Bryan when he left the governor’s office also left a deficit of more than $1,600,000 which he had1 made no pro vision to pay. A subsequent adminis tration had to levy the taxes and pay it for him. That is one of the reasons why taxes were higher last year than they were four years ago. The other is that the legislature passed a law against any more deficit levies. The levy now ha3 to be large enough to cover the state appropriations. Mr. Bryan’s deficit producing levies are a thing of the past. Neither Mr. Bryan nor his friends make any effort to meet this issue. Why don't they ? It is very apparent to any one who has consulted the state records that the reason is it can’t be met. The evidence is there in black and white. ,HOOVER\ Works for Hoover Senator Gerald P. Nye, of North Dakota, who has been in Washington for about a week, has departed for hla home state to put In the time be tween now and November helping the Hoover campaign. Work By MRS. RAYMONO ROBINS National Director of Republican Cam paign Among industrial Women THE higher wages, shorter hours and social gains which the American working man and woman now enjoy will be challenged in the next tour years, and can be protected only by the election of the right President For twenty years my husband and 1 lived on the top floor of a Chicago tenement. I know what poverty means to little chil dren and mothers in tenement houses. In my opinion, Herbert Hoover, too, understands fully the haunting fear of losing one’s Job. He Is the first candidate for Presi dent who has ventured the assertion that poverty can be abolished. Smiths for Hoover Formation of a Smithsfor Hoover League predicates that All Smith Is not for A1 Smith. L. C. McKim Republican Candidate for Supervisor District No. 2. Election, November b, 1928. i Please Stand j I I> ” I By J \ How often have you heard it over your radio ... “Please stand by”. Foretelling something new and different about to come to you over the air. And now Oakland says ... “Please stand by**... for the announcement of a new car. Oakland will present it soon ... a magnificent successor to a justly famous name ... a New All-American. A IVEWvAIL-Americaii \ / HOW CAMPAIGN LOOKS TO A BUSINESS MAN American Government Viewed as Business Organization Needs Hoover, Says Straus. CANDIDATES ARE COMPARED Head of Nation Must Be Man of Wida Knowledge and Experience Both at Hr ne and Abroad. By HERBERT S. STRAUB Prominent New York Merchant. To a business man, this campalg# makes a particular appeal. It is my conviction that the American people must act at election time as if they constituted a great business organiza tlon. By this I do not mean that the nation should be without sentiment or without heart, but that the great necessity of today is for the con* tinuance of a growing prosperity, not only for our own good, but that we may maintain our influence in world affairs. We can best visualize the situation if wo think of the entire American people as constituting a group of stockholders about to Belect a new head for a vast enterprise of which we are all a part. Let us call this organization “The American Company,” with 111,000,000 stockholders. Let us suppose it manu factures and distributes many pro ducts and has branches in every state of the Union. It looks not only to the markets of this country, but to the markets of every country in the world for the distribution of its output. The products which we manufacture are made to sell at various prices to suit the needs of every pocketbook. Now what are the specifications that we would require of a chief exec utive for an organization of this type? What should bo his character and background, his education and experi ence, his persotnllty? You will readi ly see that race, religion, social graces and sartorial perfection are of no im portance, and you will also under stand that in the specifications it will be equally unimportant as to how he stands on the lSth Amendment. People Are Stockholders Wo must further suppose that our organization has millions of employees on its payroll, that the next incumbent must be well-informed on the eco nomic problems of every state in tho Union and every country in the world, must have his hand on the pulse of relationship between employer and employeo and the modern movements along this line,—in short he must tie a student of ecouomlc and social problems, as well as thoroughly versed in the intricacies of produc tion. It is essential that the presi dent of this company understand the importance of continuous employment, and this can only be achieved by one who is a close student of economics, who can gauge his markets so as 10 have production keep step with de mand. Lot us assume that we who are reading th se words constitute a com mittee of stockholders of which I am chairman. This committee, I believe, would report to this effect: “Your committee after a very care ful survey finds that Mr. Alfred K. Smith is a man of very great ability, but that his experience is so much restricted to New York State that it would be unwise to promote him at this timo. His success within the boundaries of his work has been dis tinct and remarkable. Perhaps at some future time a wider Held of activity may be found for him, pro vided that he devote himself for the next five or six years to travel and study. He should familiarize himself not only with the intricate and delicate nature of our national business, but also learn more about the many prob lems that confront us throughout the country, which are so dissimilar from the problems that he has been accus tomed to handling as head of our New York State branch. “As to Mr. Herbert Hoover, your committee is pleased to say that it believes this organization is very fortunate in having as a possible head a man who has had his very extraor dinary and varied experience. Mr. Hoover has not spent his entire life within the confines of one state, but Is familiar with the geography of the whole country and the needs of every state in the Union. He knows all phases of our domestic and foreign business problems. This remarkable knowledge, so essential to the success of our organization, has been acquired by wide reading, study, travel and ad ministrative experience. As a pro fessional engineer of great skill, it was part of his elementary training to learn not only the boundary lines of the states, but the products, ac tivities and the development of the economic life and well-being of all sections. “In addition to this, he has spent some time abroad and there are few of the 53 countries in which we main tain branch offices and representatives which he has not studied. He has had a leading part in the manage ment of our main offices in Washing ton for many years, during which he has had the full confidence of our di rectors and stockholders. “We therefore recommend and ;rge the selection of Mr. Hoover as he new head of this organization.” (Political Advertising.) RICHARD L. METCALFE Nebraska’s Choice for U. S. Senator “He Is an Ideal champion for the tolling masse* In this state and nation because he Is one of them. It has been easy for him to express their view of life because that has been his outlook. When he pleads the cause of the man who toils or the man who tills the soil, it is in behalf of a cause to which he has devoted his splendid talents for many years." —Lincoln Star Editorial Ec will be not only a Sena tor from Nebraska, but a Senator FOR Nebraska. For District Judge 15th District (Boyd, Brown, Holt, Keys Paha and Rock Counties) WI L L I A M M, ELY Ainsworfli, Nebraska Resident of Brown County 38 years Practiced law at Ainsworth 2S years ROBERT 0. SIMMONS Congressman Sixth District Candidate for Reelection The Frontier §2.00 per year. K 1 Apples! Jack Quig has a car of JONATHAN APPLES on C. & N. W. track direct from the famous Atkinson Orchard at Montrose, Colorado. Bring your sacks and get your winter apples now. .j (Political Advertising.) (Political Advertising.) Your State Taxes The democratic candidate for Governor claims the republicans have been extravagant spenders of state tax money; that they have greatly increased state taxes; that he will reduce state taxes 30 percent. Let us look at the figures: P. V. Hickey owns the Southwest Quarter of 3-29-12 in Holt County, valued at $4,300.00. The high point in his state tax was in 1927 when a mill and a half special levy was made to pay a four and a half million dollar deficit which a legistative committee found accrued in three state adminis trations, Bryan’s share being $1,668,660.08. Let us substract from Mr. Hickey’s 1927 state taxes the amount levied for the deficit and let us add to his taxes of 1923 and 1924 the share of the deficit belonging to the Bryan administration. Then we will have a fair basis of comparison. Bryan’s Administration 1923 Total state tax $ 9.24 Less deficit levy _ _ Plus Bryan’s share of deficit, 36 per oent $ .70 A proper basis of comparison 1924 $ 7.97 $ 1.63 McMullen’s Administration 1928 1927 $16.12 6.45 $ 8.86 $ 9.94 $ 9.60 $ 9.67 $ 8.86 It will be seen from these figures that when a proper basis of com parison is taken there is very little variation in state taxes over a period of four years. The state deficit has been paid. There are sufficient funds in the state treasury to meet all claims. Nebraska is on a cash basis. Neither Mr. Bryan or any Governor did or could reduce state taxes 30%. It could not be done without destroying state government. REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE .HOOVE R\ Hoover Is Best Bet >p The likelihood Is that, under Herbert Hoover’s direction, agriculture would achieve stabilization more Quickly, more certainly, with fewei waste mo tions. and with less knocking and backfiring and gear-grinding than under the direction of any other hu man being.—Minneapolis Tribune. Car box wrapped apples on Burlington track, at O’Neill. C. E. Havens Republican Candidate For State Representative 64th District Election, November 6, 1928 MilEA\§TO£ ©IF VALUE in tfie Worlds Finest Low-Priced Six^H* The Sport Landau Sedan, $875 ^ Body by Fisher Ever since it first came before the public Pon tiac has been recognised as the world’s finest low-priced six . .. And now a new measure of value distinguishes the Pontiac. For today’s Pontiac Six provides even finer performance and more advanced style—finer performance resulting from a new, more highly perfected carburetor and new manifolding—more ad vanced style from the use of smaller, sturdier wheels and larger tires ... Today’s Pontiac Six offers you even more for your money than its own famous predecessors. Come in to see it and drive it and you will marvel at all that $745 will buy. Z-Dnor Sedan, $7451 Coupe, $745i Sport Roadster, $74Si Phaeton, $77Si Cabriolet, $795; 4-IJoor Sedan, $82 Si Sport Landau Sedans $875. All prices at factory. Check Oakland-Pontiac delirrred prices — they include lowest handling charges. General Matari Tima Payment Plan available at minimum rate. Smith & Warner Motor Co. Dealers, O’Neill, Nebr. rCNTIAC SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS - .