MAN EATERS AMONG SHARKS Details of Instances Where They Have Attacked Per sons in Bathing Australian bathers must ever be in the elert for sharks. More than 70 species of sharks are known in Australian waters. Several species common on the Australian coast are dangerous to man; among these are the white shark, hammer-headed shark, tiger shark, gray nurse, blue nurse, blue pointer, sea shark, whal er and blue shark. Some of these sharks are of im mense size, for instance, the whale shark, which is known to attain a length of 50 feet. The white shark is undoubtedly the most ferocious of marine animals, attaining a length of 40 feet and being provided with many rows of large triangular teeth, well adapted for tearing flesh. It is more plentiful in the open ocean than near land. It has been known to devour human beings, and the fact that seals have been extracted from its stomach proves that it is as swift in movement as It is voracious. Small specimens, 8 to 10 feet long, are well known from the neighborhood of Port Jack son, and a Victorian specimen meas ured 36'a feet. mere nave oeen many dangerous « attacks and some tragic fatalities made by these monsters upon bath ers off the Australian shores during recent bathing months- A few of these attacks may be cited. Last April a party of six went in for a swim at Bondi beach, near Sydney, and, when the group decided to leave the waters, one of the group, Maxwell Steel, who was fol lowing some yards behind the others, was suddenly seized by a shark. He was in water a few feet deep about 20 yards from the beach when a heavy wave washed the victim free of the shark’s jaws, and rolled him toward the shore. Steele’s brother, who had been another of the swimming party, had juat reached the beach when he heard a shout and saw his brother struggling. He afterward stated, “We did not see the shark. It all happened so quickly.” The shark had stripped the flesh from the calf of Steele’s left leg, from the knee to the ankle, completely ex posing the bone, and. in addition to shock, he was suffering severely from loss of blood. A blood trans fusion was necessary to save his life. His leg was amputated. The victim. Maxwell Steele, was a powerful swimmer, a winner of many races, and a popular member of his club. His clubmates flocked to the hospital and submitted to blood tests fhen it was learned that there would probably have to be a transfusion operation. He described his attack in the following manner: “I felt a sharp stab of pain In my leg as the shark go\ me in Its jaws. Then I went under and I tried to beat it off with my fists. I punched it several times, where I don’t know; I think it was on the jaw, but it had me in a vice-like grip. Finally I succeeded, and in a flash I was free. My leg was not hurting much, it seemed numb. It was very strange, I could not do anything with it as I began to swim as strongly as I could toward the shore. IJow badly I had been hurt I did not know'. After I had been swimming a little while I was tossed along by a w'ave. When I reached the shallow water I stood up and shouted, but It seemed such a long while before anybody came to me.” “Of course,” he added, “I am not quite clear on just what did hap pen, it was very quick and very terrible.” One week before this attack, a man was killed bv a shark at Mere wether Beach near by. A man w-ho lives immediately above the scene of the Steele at tack said that he had seen sharks in the water at this point so fre quently lately that, when he want ed a swim, he walked the full length of the beacn to the baths at the other end. He added that he had seen three of four sharks resting in the water at one lime Another memorable shark trag edy was in 1924, when Miss Nita Derrett lost both feet as the re sult of an attack at Bronte beach. There have been at least five deaths resulting from shark at tacks within the last few years around the waters near Sydney. It. has been pointed out that April is the time of year wool! sharks are most orevalent in Aus tralian waters. The monscars are then arising about the coast, chasing the shoals of salmon which are at that time moving to warm er latitudes. EXERCISE REDUCES ANKLES Eileen Bourne in Liberty Magazine. Ovei developed ankles can be re duced by any woman who Is anxious to have shapely feet by following a few simple exercises. The simplest exercise is to stretch out the foot, spread the toes, and draw them together again. Then, pointing the toes down, bend the foot up. out. in—always from the ankle. Finally, hold the knee with clasped hands and rotate the foot, not from the knee, but from the ankle, as many times as possible. Standing erect, bring the knee up as high as possible and give a vig orous kick forward with the toes pointing down. Rising on vour toes 20 or 30 times a day stretches and rounds out the lower part of the leg. Indeed, anv kind of new kick you can devise will aid you in this estimable endeavor Try it lying down. Bring the knee up to the chest and kick forward as hard as possible. Bull O’ The Woods. From Bulletin. Sydney. “Here, what’s the big idea— chuckin’ the bricks down as fast as I bring ’em up?” “It’s all right—the ''OS3 keeps passing underneath.” “Oh, yes, accidents will happen, wont they?” Q Which of the Canadian prov inces are called the Prairie prov inces? N. D. A. Prairie nrovinces is the name applied to the three Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatche wan. and Alberta. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS SALT FOR WORK MULES Common salt, or sodium chloride, U a very essential part of a work mule's ration and a mule should have free access at a!! times to this material, either in the flaky or the block form. Salt adds palatability to the ra tion, and its chemical elements, so dium and chlorine, play a very im portant part in digestion and in body metabolism. If salt is omitted from the ration the mules become unthrifty and their perverted appetite is demon- i strated by their desire to gnaw on their feed boxes and mangers and to eat dirt. Mules vary considerably in the quantity of salt needed, and the consumption of salt also varies with , the amount of work the mules are doing and with the temperature. For the last four years accurate records have been kept of the salt consumption of 20 head of mules on air experimental farm. These mules were doing heavy farm work during this period. Salt in the flake form was available for each mule throughout the test. The average consumption per 1, 000 pounds live weight daily for the group was four-tenths of an ounce, i During the spring and summer the i consumption ran as high as forty six-hundredths of an ounce per 1.000 pounds live weight daily, and this quantity decreased during the fall and winter season to an average of three-tenths of an ounce daily. KNOW YOUR COCKERELS September is the time to go over the cockerels being grown on the range for use as breeders next spring. The birds are now old enough to take shape and give some idea of the conformation and type they will develop. Plumage is suffi ciently advanced to show whether it possesses any serious defects and to determine the excellence of plumage pattern. The poultryman who has been do ing pedigree breeding and wing banding will find it an advantageous time to study his breeding males, look up their, pedigrees and deter mine the ones best suited to hold over for breeders next spring. Also to note serious defects, such as wry tails, crooked toes, crooked breasts, and so on. In spite of rather careful selection at broiler age, a number of defects will get by. It is best to single them out, for the cockerels have reached an age when they will make profitable roasters and they should be marketed while attractive prices can be had. The best way to improve the lay ing flock is to use breeding males of known ancestors. One should not postpone getting acquainted with the young generation of breeding males until it' is time to use them. GROWING A HERD SIRE It used to be said that the bull is half the herd. Now it is generally recognized that the herd sire is more than half the herd. In growing out a herd sire into the growthy in dividual that is to be desired, some special care is required. For the first six months the male calves will be cared for much as will the heifers. At weaning time, however, usually at six months for the heifers, the methods differenti ate somewhat. Skimmed milk may well be fed to the bull calves for longer periods, say for from eight to 10 months of age. This keeps them growing and by 10 months of age, if fed on a good leguminous hay and a grain mixture consisting of, for example, five parts of bran, four of ground oats and one of linseed meal, the future herd sires should continue satisfactory growth without a break. When mature, exercise yards should be considered a requirement. The too common practice of chain ing in a dark corner of the barn or yard is an unfortunate one. A sat isfactory grain ration for a mature animal is found in two parts of barley, four of ground oats, three of bran and one of linseed meal. LIMING PAYS In the fall of 1925, a western farmer limed 10 acres of a 17-acre field, applying two tons per acre at a cost of $7 per acre. He seeded it to clover in the spring of 1926, securing a fairly good stand on the entire field. He did not pay much attention to the clover until he cut the hay crop in 1927. when he cut one-third more hay from the limed land than the unlimed. His biggest surprise came when he cut the clover seed. On the seven acres of unlimed land he threshed 14 bushels of seed, at the rate of two bushels per acre. On the 10 acres of limed land, he threshed 34 bushels or 3.4 bushels per acre, an increase of 1.4 bushels per acre, which at the sell ing price of $16 per bushel was worth $22.40 per acre more than that produced on the unlimed land. Liming pays. SUMMER SILAGE Dairymen experience more diffi culties in tending their cows during August than they do at any other time of year. The hot weather low ers the production of the cows, and the files are an annoyance, but the chief difficulty is the lack of good succulent feed. Silage or soiling crops can take care of this need. A western experiment station con ducted an experiment to determine the value of summer silage When the cows received silage to supple ment the short dry pastures they yielded 10 per cent, more butterfat than when they had no silage. Also the use of silage kept the cows from losing weight and it started them into winter milk production in far better condition than when they were starved during the summer. Rainfall was plentiful so that the usual during that season that our experiment was conducted. Furth ermore, we reseed and fertilize our pastures regularly, says the expert LOWER PRODUCTION COSTiT" When a business is showing a loss there are two ways of wiping it out —increase the selling price or lower the cost of production. Dairymen with average cows need both ways to break even these days. Increased returns can come mainly through better organization, but lower costs are up to the individual. Where enough cows are kept to require more than one hand milk er, a milking machine will save labor and usually do away with one full time employe. Or if a man is alone he can greatly Increase the number of cows he milks and thus lower his overhead costs. We can in charge, and they are bet. r than the average run of i ntures throughout the country. Th. dairy man with ordinary pasture and in an ordinary season will find more than a 10 per cent, advantage for the summer silage. However valuable silage may be for summer feeding, some dairymen do not have it. The best solution for these men is to use sailing crops. In an experiment covering eight years’ feeding, we round soiling crops and silage were of equal value. Some of the regular farm crops are excellent for soiling purposes. Qreen corn and alfalfa or clover are ex amples of this. Oats are an early crop that can be used for soiling, and a mixture of oats and field peas is the best combination we have ever tried. Amber cane is more valuable as a soiling crop than for pasture or hay. and soy beans, even though somewhat difficult to cut and haul, are very satisfactory. MONEY IN SUMMER DUCKS Each year we find an increase in the consumption of ducks in the United States, a cheering state of affairs to the producers. We still lag behind the Pilipino in our love of duck products. The industry there has developed the Balut, a fresh young-developing duck vary ing from 14 to 20 days in incubation. The demand is greater than the supply, which is produced by artifi cial hatching every week in the year. Our hatching season for ducks ranges from December to August, and provides the quickest turnover to be had in poultry. Ducks hatched in July and August can be most successfully and economically grown, for they thrive better during the hot days of summer than do young chickens. A recent test shows that ducks hatched on July fifth made a weight of six pounds at 11 weeks of age. These birds were hatched by artifi cial incubation and brooder under the regulation coal-burning brooder stove. They were confined to yards with no water except that given them to drink. One change only between hatch ing time and marketing was made In the ration that was fed in the test The ration the first two weeks was 50 pounds of wheat bran, 50 pounds of yellow corn meal, 12 pounds of red-dog flour, 10 pounds of dried skim milk. 5 pounds of m—*t scrap— 50 per cent, protein—and 5 pounds of minerals. This was fed in a wet condition four times a day, as much as the ducklings would clean up. From the third week up to mark eting they received this mixture: 100 pounds of corn meal. 40 pounds of wheat bran. 10 pounds of red-dog flour, 20 pounds of meat scrap—50 per cent, protein—10 pounds of al falfa leaf meal, 10 pounds of dried skim milk- 10 pounds of ground rolled oats. Ducklings hatched during the summer for the fall and early win ter market are the most profitable, for not only do they bring a higheT price at this time but the cool nights and warm days tend to mature them rapidly. PROTECTION FOR POULTRY? The poultry industry, grown to be one of our leading agricultural pur suits, has just passed through a somewhat depressing year, due prin cipally to low prices received by the producer for poultry and eggs, ac companied by relatively high cost of production. During the last spring, egg prices at country points were slightly higher than 1927, but were still too low. Eggs have had to face large im ports of frozen and died egg prod ucts, principally from the Orient. These imports come in direct com petition with our low-grade eggs, and indirectly with the high quality eggs we produce for table purposes. The great volume of foreign prod ucts does not allow a satisfactory price to encourage home breaking, drying and freezing, hence a large quantity of low grade eggs which should be broken must find a mar ket here in the shell. This throws a mass of low grade shell eggs into direct competition on the shell egg market with higher quality prod ucts, with unhappy results to both quality and price. Increased quantities of live and dressed poultry are also coming into the United States from South American, European and North American countries, thus giving our poultry producers severe competi tion under the low tariff schedule. During 1927 close to 2.000,000 pounds of live poultry, and more than 4. 000.000 pounds of killed poultry were imported, which volume seri ously lowered prices. Turkeys from South America and Europe are also coming over the low tariff wall. The poultry industry is organized through the National Poultry Coun cil to secure for our poultry farm ers more adequate tariff protection. The same protection which industry enjoys will safeguard the poultry in dustry and will insure the American consumers high quality eggs and poultry at reasonable cost. Our poultry industry can supply every legitimate market demand under adequate tariff protection. VALUE OF SILAGE It is difficult to give the value of silage in terms of money for the reason that many of its properties that have an actual value cannot be measured. For instance, while an analysis will show probably no more food units than in many other feeds, silage has succulency, giving : it much of the properties of grass. This means that the stock will eat more of it and assimilate it more readily, tut one cannot express that value in figures. It takes far less storage space than hay or other feeds, pound for pound, saving a cost oi buildings and their mainten ance. Another and far greater con sideration to the dairy farmer is the increased production of milk from the feeding of silage. thus get the same milk production with lower labor costs or an in creased production with the same labor coats. On my own farm, says an up to date dairyman, we have so far this year secured both increased production and lower labor costs. I believe milking machines are fast becoming an economic necessity for the man who is trying to run a dairy at a profit. DON'T FORGET Low-production casts are essential these days if dairymen are to exist. Costs are influenced by various fac tors, but the greatest opportunity for lowering costs is still increased production per cow. V IMPORTANT N TO MOTHERS OF UNDERWEIGHT CHILDREN “Two Tablespoons of Karo in a Glass of Milk doubles its Food Value”! THIS statement is made by one of America's greatest child specialists. “Karo”, says this physician, “is not only a delicious sweet, but the ideal food for the underweight child. Karo can be added to the diet without spoiling the appetite for other foods—and it improves the taste of milk.” Karo has a high energy value —there are 120 calories per ounce in it —almost twice the energy value of eggs and lean beef, weight for weight. Further—Karo is easily digested—giving children mus cular energy immediately. Serve the kiddies plenty of Karo in milk, on cereals, on sliced bread —and watch their . weight improve. Economy—compare Karo, pound for pound, with the price of other staple foods. Isn’t Kan economical? Vkfe tU Knight enninc, two nIMVnit •Iw’fi in each cylinder romkinn will* tho apherieal cylinder lirud to form a (tcrfcrtly Mtalcd rom buntion rhamker — anmirinjg high uniform rompremion at all timer*, •t all tpoodU and with any gas. <57/ 0t Its bemt ZT'^/^7 a£ V«/vi laJl 1 stented TT.Il . ee,jRi'*«H J L*:*ni«i« douhlo mU*X*wUll*t th°*tZiI!!*'*"1 f,*« end of 8/r°Ve •odqui-, ,6attthiam„ *Qd after,. *«'**«! . ■>.*„... zur‘^ :Zr^ * »» >«.*. 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