DELINQUENT TAX LIST.! Notice is hereby given that on November 5, 1928, that be ing the first Monday in No vember there will be a public auction of all tracts of land and town lots in Holt County. Nebraska, on which taxes are delinquent for 1927. That at said sale so much of said tiiact of land* or town lot will b* sold as may be necessary tx> pay the full amount of de linquent taxes accruing costs, and interest thereon to date of sale. That such sale will be continued from day to day until all of said tracts of land and town lots shall have been offered. Following is a complete list of the tracts of land and town lots, in Holt County, Nebraska, on which thiere are delinquent taxes. Tie amount of delinquent taxes, interest and accruing costs for the year 1927, in terest computed * thereon up to November 5, 1928, follows each description. W. E. CONKLIN, County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska. CITY OF ATKINSON Lot Blk Amt. 6 7 ... . 1 w% of West 80 ft. 2 and 3 - 4 - _ 4.30 4.30 4.30 125.04 13-14 . 16-17 , .. 6-7 ... 1-2-3-4-5 6__ South 3 7-10 ft. 9, 142.82 6.40 37.04 209.03 50.53 147.32 4.30 ft. 9-10 all of 10 14 east 104 of 18-19 7 -.— w 100 ft. 13 .. 13-14 —.— 16.. 5 and wMs 6.. 8-9-10 _ 15-16 and south 9 7-10 ft.. 6 _ 7-8 - w 32 ft. 9-10-11 sw 47 ftx6% ft of 18 -- 20 ft 8 and all 9 16 ft 7 and 4 ft of 8. _ - 12 2-3-4 126.04 67.21 6 . 7 .. 7 7 8 .. 8 9 10 10 33.75 18.97 27.46 42.04 25.36 71.41 29.46 44.24 142.92 10 11 11 11 105.17 8.48 50.53 38.05 11 12 4.30 29.56 29.56 w 100 ft 5-6-7- 15 8-9-10-11 . 16 12 _ 16 50.93 25.56 4.30 Lot Neeley’s ^-7-8-9 1-2-3 6_ Addition Blk A C _ D _D _m. Amt. 42.04 71.71 54.93 4.30 Neeley’s Second Addition Lot Blk Amt. 5-6 1 — 4 pt 10, all 11 12 _ 12 7-S 9 E F F F F I I I L 58.92 25.26 117.55 42.14 9.48 14.78 6.40 4.30 121.95 Wixson’s Addition Lot Blk Amt 5-6_33 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 . 34 1 _ 36 29.56 34.35 4.30 Bitney’s Lot 1 - 5 - 6-7 8 — 1 __ 3 _ 8_ 1_ 8_ 1-2-2 4-6 . 8 1 2 4 5 1 _ n% 1-8 3 _ 1-2 2-3 6 . 2-3 4-6 6 . 7 _ 3-4-S-6-7-8 _ .Addition Blk Amt. _17 .. 17 _ 17 ..... 17 __ 18 _ 18 _18 _19 _19 _21 _21 _21 _22 _22 _22 ..22 _ 22 _24 _ 24 _ 25 _27 28 30 30 31 31 31 31 16.P7 37.95 29.56 <5.40 46.24 8.48 63.02 10.68 46.24 16.05 33.75 6.40 44.15 67.21 33.66 75.60 8.48 71.41 4.30 12.78 58.82 114.06 50.63 54.63 75.70 46.34 75.60 12.68 Kimball & Lot 8-9 _ 3-4_ pt 8, all 9 11-12 _ 10 and Blair’s Addition Blk Amt. _13 _33 ..33 33 37.95 12.78 75.70 88.39 s 38 ft 11 n 6 ft 11 and all 12 3% 3 and all of 4 1-2-3-Hz— 1-2-3 4-6-6 - 1_ _ 34 10.68 34 76.31 35 37 38 39 39 40 27.46 6.40 84.19 29.66 61.12 15.81 Western Town Lot Co.’s Add Lot Blk Amt. 4-8-9_41 12.88 10-11-12-41 27.56 Tuller & McNichols Lot Blk 10-11-12-13-14-15 _ 1 6-7_2 9_2 ■12-13 Add. Amt. 105.47 8.58 4.30 8.58 23 and w 40 ft of 24_ 13-14-15 - 16_ 17-18 _ 3 4 4 4 16.97 33.85 4.30 31.66 Nondescripts in NE'/i SE'4 Sec. 32, Town. 30, Range 14 Description Sec Amt west 66 ft. no. 19 ... 29.46 no. 28 .. 1.16 no. 34A . _ 11.63 no. 34-1 2.20 no. 34-6 2.20 no. 44 50.43 no. 42 12.68 no. 44D-1 no. 44D-2 __.. 3.36 no. 48 __ 3.26 no. 55 _...._ 18.97 no. 55D-1 no. 55D-2 _ 15.95 no. 55-1 no. 55-2_ 3.36 no. 56A . 20.86 no. 54D .... 2.20 no. D 39.95 no. E _ 8.26 pt nwti no. 12 sec 32, twp 30, r 14.. 17.19 pt nw^4 no. 7A .. 17.95 pt nw’4 no. 7C-3 _ 2.20 pt nw*4 no 3A 29.46 pt nw!4 no. 6 — . 2.20 pt nwV4 no. 11 _ 2.20 Pioneer Townsite 1st Add. Lot Blk Amt. 5-6 — — 45 25.26 4 47 6.40 5 47 18.97 1-2 48 58.92 sMs 9_ 48 1.67 10 48 24.23 11 . 48 3.25 18-19-20-21 . 48 12.98 Collins 2nd Addition Lot Blk Amt. I- 2 1 58.92 8 1 4.30 4-5 1 50.53 6-7 1 50.53 II- 12-13-14-15-16 17-18 . 1 17.57 Collin’s Addition Lot Bik Amt 1-2 2 6.50 6-7-8 2 9.76 0-10 2 6.60 15 2 3.26 16 2 3.26 21-22 2 51.46 25 2 20.02 26 2 21.07 Ballon’s Addition Lot Blk Amt. 8-9 1 6.50 6- 7 1 14.88 10-11-12 1 6.60 1 2.20 11 1 2.20 15-16 ..—.. 1 4.40 17-18 _ 1 14.88 7- 8 _ 2 16.97 Ballon’s Out Lots Lot Blk Amt. 1-2-3-4 1 5.66 5-6 and % of 7 . 1 10.78 12 _ 1 1.37 AMELIA VILLAGE Description Sec Amt. 1 . 6 .31 14-15 8 .41 all _ 7 1.16 1 to 5 _ 8 1.03 1 to 4 _ 9 .80 5_._ 9 2.86 8-9-10 __ 9 .57 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11 12-13-14. 10 6.53 5 ..- 10 .24 1-2 _ 12 .34 5 _ 12 .24 6-7 _ 12 5.71 10-11_12 .34 10 _ 14 .37 INMAN VILLAGE Lot Blk Amt. 4 _ 2 25.12 5 _ 2 25.12 11-12 _ 2 30.98 center no. 29, ea 1-3 non no. 28 in 15 . 2 7.89 9-10-11-12 _ 3 38.88 1-2-3-4-5 . 4 31.28 7-8-9-10 _!_ 4 42.73 Western Townlot Co.’s Add. Lot Blk Amt. so Vt 2, all 3 . 5 32.41 north % - 4 2.60 1 _ 7 17.42 Pioneer Townsite Co’s Subdivision of Out lots 1 _ 8 19.34 2 ____ 8 ...13.58 10 . 9 13.58 no. 23-1 _ 11 7.70 8__11 3.95 Blocks 12-13-14 and Ontlots 4 to 11 Inclusive of Outlot B Lot Blk Amt. 9 _ 11 13.58 10 11 27.04 no. 20 .. 11 19.34 9-10 . 12 6.37 4- 5 13 27.14 5 . 14 25.12 Knapp’s Add. 1-2-3-4-5-6 7 8 _ 1 39.28 5- 6 . ... 5 15.59 O’NEILL CITY Lot Blk Amt. 1-2 1 1.09 5-6 _ 1 3.79 7-8 _ 1 4.09 14-15-16_ 1 43.18 1- 2-3 .. 2 10.44 14- 15-16 . 2 117.95 sM> 1, 2- 3 ___ 3 114.18 5-6-7-8 _ 6 7.85 9-10-11-12 . 6 9.33 13-14 _ 6 21.80 15- 16_6 9.90 6 . 7 11.73 s % 1, 2-3-4_ 8 36.12 5-6-7 _.'._ 8 8.04 8 _ 8 3.08 9 _ 8 14.98 9-10 _ 9 41.87 Fahy’s Subdivision ol Lots 1-2-3, Block 9 Lot Blk Amt. 17_ 9 87.19 5-6_... 11 5.41 w% 5, all 6, e 11 14 7_ 12 27.09 w 32 Vi-7, all 8 12 11-12-13-14 _ 12 14 _ 14 15-16_14 13-14 _ 15 i 16 _ 15 19 ...15 1 __16 3 ___ 16 5 16 19 17 6,"ea Vi 7_ 17 ea 15 ft 13, all 14 __ 18 all 1, ea Vi 2 19 wVi 2, all 3_ 19 9-10 _ 19 15-16 _. 19 11-12-13 . 21 28 ___21 north 99 ft 1, north 99 ft .2__ 22 23 _22 5 _ 23 35.20 45.05 5.37 84.23 71.64 13.50 22.44 16.49 9.03 20.21 74.57 26.27 12.10 9.90 9.13 12.10 67 14 193.79 37.32 137.13 71.54 14.98 south 80 ft 7, south 80 ft 8, ea 25 ft of north 90 ft 7, all 6_23 south % 9, sw*4 10 ... all 1, ea 15 ft 2 .... 25 all 13, w 15 ft 14 _ 26 ea 30 ft 14, w 30 ft 15 _ 26 1-2 .—.. 27 13 . 27 14 ..27 15-16 . 27 e 25 ft of north 72 ft of 4, w 1 ft of north 72 ft of 3 _ 28 so 26 ft 1, all 2, all 3 28 so 24 ft of n 144 ft 4, \v% 40 ft of so 24 ft of n 120 ft 4, e 10 ft of w 11 ft of n 48 ft of 3, wMs 25 ft of so 26 ft 4, e 10 ft of w 20 ft of no 72 ft 4, e 10 ft of so 108 ft of Eastside 5 28 10-11-12 28 all 13, no 28 ft 14, no 28 ft 15, no 28 ft 16 28 so 40 ft 14, all 15, all 16 28 so 102 ft. no 130 ft. 14 28 6- 7-8 29 13 L. 29 11 29 1 30 7- 8 30 9-10 30 13-4 30 1 31 9-10-11-12 127 ft. of 13, 127 ft. of 14, 127 ft. of 15, 127 ft. of 16_ 31 4-5 _ 32 11-12-13 __ 32 24 _ 33 6 .. ..... 35 15-16 35 9 . 36 O’Neill & Hafcerty’s Lot Blk 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 _ A 8-9-10-11 _ A 12-13-14-15-16-17 .. A 20 _ A 3 . C 4 .. C 28.74 73.14 14.04 45.62 51.57 49.32 7.55 7.55 3£.90 47.82 22.64 6.55 59.83 118.00 13.70 64.11 21.14 4.58 4.58 14.98 85.80 85.05 10.63 13.50 94.58 24.01 36.02 34.35 4.58 12.10 2.35 Add. Amt. 28.99 25.71 12.50 2.80 14.98 3.18 . C 39.20 D 2.49 10-11-12-13-14 16 _ 1 to 23 _ 1-2 _ 3-4 _ 6-6-7-8-9 10-11-12-13 14-16 _ 16-17 .. 18-19-20 5 _ 6 1.50 1.60 3.18 7.96 1.60 7 9 _ 18-19 _ 3-4-5 _ 6-7 _ 8-9 . 12-13-14 15-16 20 1-2-3 6-6-7 8-9 _ 1 to 1 to 18 18 F F F F F F ... F F F F G H H H H H _ H I I I _ O P D 32.06 F 1.99 1.99 11.69 5.17 14.81 2.90 3.89 4.14 1.01 1.01 1.01 2.45 4.78 2.30 2.30 4.04 2.59 1.60 3.00 3.00 1.99 8.96 8.96 Riggs’ Add. so 18, all 19. 37 22-23-24 _ 37 S-6-7-8_41 12- 3 __ 42 13- 14-15-16_42 7-8 . 43 11-12 _ 43 3 to 9 __ 45 18 06 33.04 8.74 44.95 G2.9i 27.76 3.18 9.11 McCafferty’s Add. Lot Blk 1-2-3 4_ 13- 14-15-16-17 .. 1-2-3-4-5 _ 11 14- 15 1-2 .. 3-4-5 11-12-13-14-15-16 1-2-3-4 .. 12 . all _ 1-2-3-4 5-6 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 Amt. 4.78 1.60 12.40 4.98 1.89 3.79 2.45 3.89 37.82 9.33 1.01 12.00 3.38 1.70 7-8-9-10-11-12 13-14 15-16 54 54 6.75 1.70 Fahy’s Add. Lot Blk Amt. 13-14 _ 1 1- 4-5-6 _ 4 2- 3. 4 25.61 10.24 11.83 2nd FaTiy's Lot 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 _ 8-9-10-11 _ 12-13-14-15-16-17 18-19-20-21-22 23-24-25 Add. Blk Amt. A 4.88 A 3.99 A 11.83 26-27-28-29 _A 3.38 32-33-34-35-36 _ A 4.24 I- 2-3-4 __B 9.33 7-8_B 6.16 9-10 _ B 6.92 II- 12 B 14.01 13-14-15-16 B 12.30 4-5 . . C 6.15 0 C 3.08 7-8 C 6.92 9-10-11-12 _ C 74.82 1 to 9 _E 8.35 Millard's Add. Lot , * Blk Amt. 191x128 ft 1_A 7.55 ea H S .. 9 1.60 ea Vi 6 __ 9 12.47 ! B 1.30 5 B 1.30 IS B 10.10 1-2-3-4 _ C 22.90 McCafferty’s Add. all __ D 12.77 9-10-11-12 _ — F 13.80 45 ft . G 1.30 45 ft. G 1.30 45 ft. G 1.30 H 13.21 6 ... . H 1.30 pt 8. all 9 _ H 7.09 so 45 ft 14 H 1.01 I- 2 J 2.59 3 J 1.30 4 . J 1.30 5 __ J 1.30 9- 10 J 2.59 II- 12 J 2.59 13 J 1.16 If)-17 J 3.18 18 J 1.16 19- 20-21 J 21.90 26 J 22.30 McCafferty’s Annex Lot Blk Amt. pt of B 1 6.82 90x170 ft ... _ 5 3.08 ne’o, 6 2.49 pt. 6 1.60 3-4 7 32.94 Matthew’s Add. Lot Blk Amt. 14 _ 1 .86 1-2-3-4-6-6 2 98.83 7-8-9 2 29.35 10- 11-12-13-14-15 . 2 4.19 16-17-18 2 2.09 3-4-5 15 11.60 1-2-3-4-5 _ 17 17.64 Hazelett’s Add. Lot Blk Amt. 1 . 1 .70 1-2-3 3 4.78 9- 10-11-12-13 14- 15-16 4 52.61 1-2-3-4 5 30.16 5- 6-7-8 . _ 5 27.19 Fahy’s Park Add. Lot Blk Amt. 6- 7-8 F 4.02 1-2-3 eaMs 4 . G 12.30 13-14-15 . G 13.70 18-19 .. G 14.50 20- 21-22 _ G 22.05 12- 13-14-15 .. H 94.18 16-17 _ H 53.78 1- 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 ___ I 18.66 all 14 and 15_ I 26.27 1 .. K 1.89 2- 3-4 _ K 35.44 5-6 _ K 46.96 10- 11-12-13-14 _ K 9.43 7- 8 _ L 3.94 13- 14 _ M 23.74 1-2 N 11.07 15- 16 N 29.09 13-14-16-16 _ O 14.10 Nondescripts no. 21, 29-29-11_ 2.89 no. 34, no. 35, in 29-29-11. 13.60 no. 26, 30-29-11 _ 6.06 no. 34, 30-29-11_ 6.05 PAGE VILLAGE Nondescripts Lot Twp n% nMs sw!4 nw^ “L”, 18-28-9_ pt. nwV4 sw*4 “U and T”, 18-28-9 pt. nw*4 sw!4 “D”, 18-28-9 pt. nw*4 se^4 13-28-10 pt. se*4 ne^4 13-28-10 Amt. 125.55 Lot 1-2 3-4-5 16-17-18 3-4-5 . 11 to 15 16-17 . 11-12 1 to 9 13-14-15 16- 17-18 16 _ 17- 18 no 92 ft 1, all of 2-3-4 5- 6 _ 7-8-9-10 1-2 4-5-6 center 50 ft, 9, all of 10 6- 7-8 9-10 __ 11 to 15 1 to 7.^. I to 4 *.. . 5 __ 0 7- 8-9-10 14 to 20 7-8 II to 15 1 to 10 17 .. 14 16 18 18 18 5 to 7 to 10 1 to 4 6 to 16 7-8-9-10 11 to 20 23.33 23.33 45.40 89.56 Blk Amt. 2 22.93 2 6.57 2 53.04 3 27.49 3 176.60 4 148.83 5 58.28 21.81 30.97 9.39 3.35 54.56 8 46.86 8 60.60 8 37.57 9 9.49 9 14.38 9 35.06 9 10.76 9 90.8 L 8.73 19 19 21 Lot 3 Blk 9 1-2-3 4-5 _ 6-7 ... 8-9-10 _ 1 to 5 . 6-7 __ 1-2-3-4-5 2 7 7 7 7 9 9 10 8.83 7.38 1.27 1.27 18 28.75 18 12.32 3.45 71.37 54.44 23 23.14 24 6.91 27 37.11 27 18.90 28 48.72 28 17.17 East Side Add. An»t. 2.89 19.71 8.43 14.04 20.73 4.95 9.79 3.91 43.49 STUART VILLAGE Blk Amt. . 1 27.97 5.66 5.66 23.34 38.97 12.24 46.14 50.18 13.99 4 139.01 50.28 53.05 9.36 14.90 14.90 84.31 nMs 21 ft. 6, pt. 6 Outlot B _ ... 5 102.82 . 6 32.49 _ 5 109.32 6 25.09 Ha Hock’s Lot 8 10 ___ 13... 19-20 _ 21 _ 1-2-3 e*4 so 20 ft. 4 _ nMs so 20 ft 4 _ no 40 ft 4 . 8-9-10 Add. Blk _ 6 6 6 6 6 Amt. 61.00 32.49 43.55 48.32 9.36 16 . 18_ 19 -.. east 25 ft. 20 w 76 ft. all 21 2 _ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 20, 84.79 2.32 6.03 78.03 51.00 13.99 28.79 3.80 7 9 44.61 7.50 of Subdivision Lot 3 _ so 5 ft 5, 6 no 55 ft 5_ Pt- . all except ea 93 ft of Outlot I ea 93 ft. Outlot Lots 1 Blk _ 11 and 2 Amt. 29.71 11 11 12 77.93 56.56 38.97 12 I _„12 55.62 18.61 Part of Outlot N Lot Blk Amt. so 60 ft of 2 L 26.01 10 . L 59.32 Carberry’s Lot 7-8 _ 12-13-14-15 _ 2-3 -_... Add. Blk ... A ... A ... B Amt. 11.30 12.44 6.68 Western Townlot Co.’s Sub division of Outlot N Lot Blk 1-2 __ all except ea 30 ft of 6, 5 _ ea 30 ft 6, all 7 and 8 2 2 Amt. 27.04 26.01 _ 2 53.87 9-10 _ 1-2-3 _ 4-5 _ 1-2-3-4 122.34 41.85 27.14 13.16 3.80 41.03 Kimball & Blair’s Add. Lot Blk Amt. 1 to 6_ 16 65.33 17- 18-19-20 _ 15 17.0€ 4 _ 16 11.20 7-8___ 16 33.51 9 .1_ 16 3.80 4 . 17 12.14 5-6-7 _ 18 41.06 15-16 __ 18 62.01 18- 19-20 19 9.18 Hallock’s 2nd Add. Lot Blk Amt. 1-2 _ 1 16.00 5-6 . 1 3.90 7-8_1 3.90 1 to 6_ 6 9.76 6 _6 1.96 7 6 1.95 3-4-5. 10 4.94 5- 6-7_11 36.21 8 _ 11 11.48 1-2_ ea 115 ft. 3 .12 152.43 w 35 ft. 3 _ 12 2.88 6- 7-8_ 13 33.61 1-2 14 17.23 3- 4 _ 14 27.97 10- 11 _ 14 22.40 18 to 21_ 14 30.94 26 to 28 _. 14 43.85 16-17 _ 15 1.68 18-19-20 .. 15 32.50 1-2-3 _ 19 16.03 all _ 20 7.50 all . 21 31.56 9 _ 22 22.30 11- 12 _ 23 18.71 1 to 6 . 24 45.01 7- 8_ 30 3.16 4- 5-6_ 36 5.86 iswVi sw^4 . 40 6.03 j . 40 11.20 SHAMROCK TOWNSHIP Township 27, Range 12 Description Sec Amt. : i i 11 17 26.45 nV4 19 36.20 \svfU 24 24.20 seK _ _ 26 41.55 nw% 30 |n% s\vy4 30 37.55 n% 33 78.80 Iswft - 34 39.97 Township 27, Rangi 13 Description Sec Amt. sMi _ 11 4.88 sw|4 _ 12 | nw% se^i 12 11.65 nft aft..14 9.56 15 47.03 1 nebi . 24 17.15 1 nel4 26 21.91 sw% . 26 40.90 SHIELDS TOWNSHIP Township 30, Range Description Sec aft ._.. 6 nw vi __ sw^4 - - e% __ se’4 - seV4 _ I sw'A neVi, e% ne*4 _ j se XA - ; sw 14_ I sw&_ i neA neVi _ j s% neVi. nVfe sw>4 .. ! > *4 se % _ 8 _ 9 . 9 se'4 se '4 17 20 25 26 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 11 Amt. 83.38 87.75 33.39 25.56 60.80 50.91 14.35 23.17 13.03 45.10 61.61 35.88 7.28 21.21 14.36 14.35 Township 30, Range 12 Description Sec Amt. nwVi_1 55.66 neVi_2 18.22 nwVi sw*4 -_5 6.38 nVi nwVi, swVi nwH _ 5 18.40 eVi neVi _ 6 33.33 eVi se'* 6 20.31 ne11 _ 9 58.01 . 9 93.03 seVi _ 15 50.451 seVi_21 74.65 seVi_-__ 22 57.99 se *4 23 76.20 mV, _ 26 74.66 ne'* - 27 81.92 se*4 32 76.08 seV4 . 33 75.62 sw M 34 61.79 so1, ..._. 35 73.68 SHERIDAN TOWNSHIP Township 28, Range 14 Description Sec Amt. sVi swM -. 7 sVi swtV4 _ 8 12.33 ne'4) sVi nwVi, sw V* .. 17 38.24 nl,2 nw'i 1, 7.22 seVi . 17 16.15 neVi, eVi seVi . 18 39.95 nVi nwVi . 18 10.40 sVi nwVi, swVi . 18 42.70 nVi neVi, nVi nwVi _19 13.01 sw3* nw»4 . 19 2.38 sVi swVi, neVi seVi, sMs seV* 19 11.40 no1, .. 20 16.60 j s Vi se *4 • _ - 21 5.25 nVs neH . 28 7.40 swVi, wVi seVi 29 15.54 wVi neVi, nwV*. sw1, 30 30.68 sVi ^;wV», sli seVi . 30 16.25 all of sec. _ 31 47.92 wVi, nVi seVi 32 37.50 Township 29, Range 14 Description Sec Amt. sVi 2 105.84 nwVi ... 5 132.62 svv14 nwl« 7 16.28 . 7 71.80 se1, 7 80.24 nwVi 9 70.34 neVi 11 81.71 Be Vi .—. 11 75.31 wVi nwVi _ - 12 44.78 nVi sVi seVi_15 18.31 sVa sVi seVi . 15 16.40 s Vi ne',* 20 30.69 seVi __ 21 72.61 swVi 24 57.37 se Vi 24 68.80 e Vi 25 97.40 HW' l 25 66.90 swV* . _ ... 25 15.45 eVi seVi 26 8.66 se>4 .- . 29 72.58 Township 29, Range 15 Description Sec Amt. sw V4 - __ .... 2 76.(50 seVi - _ 10 70.68 ne',4 _ 15 74.25 wVfe 15 144.07 STEEL CREEK Township 31, pt. seV4 swV4 — pt. swVi seV4 pt. swVi seVi _. pt. swVi seV4 — nwV4 - pt. nwVi neVi pt. ay2 nwVi .... nwVi swVi, sV4 sw Vi - nwVi - ne Vi - eV4 neVi - eV4 neVi - wM> neVi, nwVi neV4 swVi _ seV4 swVi, nwV4 seVi _ all of sec. sVi __ nw*4 ___ TOWNSHIP Range 9 _ 2 2 o . 2 5 11 11 .31 .52 .91 .41 47.16 8.32 .41 11 19 20 21 22 33.22 33.43 33.43 19.87 28.26 22 74.11 27 16.43 29 139.26 32 73.26 33 36.10 Township 32, Description lot 5 nwVi _ sVfe - i . Ms nV6 —.— Range 9 Sec Amt. ... 10 2.05 .. 30 48.06 ... 31 44.40 APPLE CREEK Description 1-2 _ 4^’T.VZZZT'. 1-2 ___ 4-5-e i ___ VILLAGE Sec Amt. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 .41 .21 .62 .41 .21 .62 .21 STUART TOWNSHIP Township 29, Range 15 Description Sec neVi _9 nwVi . 9 seV4 17 Amt. 76.20 82.48 79.40 Township 30, Description nwVi __ nwVi .. se Vi Range 15 Sec Amt 6 111.74 31 73.54 33 85.53 Township 31, Range 15 Description I nVfe neVi ne1* ne se Vi eseVi Sec . 6 18 21 28 33 Amt. 31.80 86.15 69.18 59.55 29.88 Township 29, Range 16 Description nwVi .. nw Vi eV6 eV4 nV4 ne’4 n h Sec 1 2 9 10 ne nw j l/. seVi neVi, An 65.! 61.! 125. 104.1 11 15 38. 78. Township 30, Range 16 Description Sec Amt. pt. sw‘,4 ne!4 2 12.09 ~ 1.15 1.15 103.77 144.44 pt. pt. ne14 ne*4 se% seVt eVfe nw*4 . se^4 - swk eVi seV4 - nw Vi sse*4 — 2 2 5 12 20 21 25 29 36 120.80 50.12 52.94 36.40 Township 31, Range Description Sec se Vi . 1 wVSs . 1 neV4 neVi. sV6 neVi, seVi nw V* _'5 16 Amt. 37.56 67.06 24.07 nw*4 neV4, swV4, nVfc nwVi, swVi nw*4_5 sVi seVi swH_8 nV6 swVi, swVi swV4, nV6 se Vi swVi . 8 sV£ neVi, nV4 seVi . 9 sM> n w *4, w% aw Vi 9 sVfc nV4, seVi_10 neVi, wV6 seVi _ 11 nVfc nwM__11 ne Vi____ 12 nw Vi_12 nV6. seV4_17 neVi . —__ 18 sw Vi _ 17 seV4 .18 nwVi .. 23 nw Vi _ 27 swVi . 28 swVi . 36 102.20 7.65 53.63 24.78 31.90 44.72 37.97 8.87 74.92 34.12 243.00 65.06 76.20 30.07 54.15 86.90 86.72 SWAN TOWNSHIP Township 25, Rang: 15 Description Sec Amt. . . 1 28.06 swt* _ 3 sti _ 4 05.91 seti . 8 14.25 wVj wt& .... „ 9 eti neti, st& swti, net* se1*, sti seti 10 66.72 wti neti, ntfe swti nwV* set* 10 20.50 nti swti, nti seti, swti set* - 11 sti nwti, n tiswti 12 51x19 set* set* -_ 11 stfc net4, sti swti, se1, . 12 36.62 net, 13 lfr.71 nti nwti _ 13 net* neti ... ... 14 9.20 nw't 21 13.95 nti swti, set* swt* - 25 8.67 wti nwti, nt& swti, swti swti, nti seti 26 37.95 nwti, wti swti, 27 39.12 c>2 swti 27 8.47 se1* 28 16.70 s wti, swti set* 29 12.10 30 13.10 nti_ 31 31.82 swti 31 9.68 wti net*, nti nwti, se1* nwti, neti swti, nwt* seti _ 32 17.40 sw ti nw ti, wti swti . 32 7.45 eti. -eti nwti, ne1* swti . . .33 30.87 net*, nta nwti, se1* nwti 34 73.90 neti, sti 35 73.90 swti nwti, swti 34 nwt* 35 43.26 township 26, Range 15 Description Sec Amt. sVfe s% 12 13.95 wV2 e% 20 13.95 wVa sw Vi- . 26 sVfe sVi, neVi seVi 27 17.48 e>4 seVi _ 26 7.45 nMs neVi, sw*4 neV4, nwVi, wV4 swVi, se‘4 swV4, s% seVi 33 37.35 nV4 neV4, neVi nwVi 34 nw Vi nw Vi _ 35 10.25 sV4 nett. sett nwV4, nett swtt, ntt sett 34 neV4, nett nwtt, ° T* * * ” ^4 f u ” 74 3 w 74 i nM, sett _. 36 57.32 sett swV*, stt sett _ 34 7.65 wV6 wMs _34 14.66 Township 26, Range 16 Description Sec Amt. ntt, w% swVi ... 4 19.50 neVi, ntt se Vi .... 5 10.36 all of sec _ 10 31.72 wV4 swV4 . 11 5.71 all of sec _ 15 30.07 all of sec . 23 56.60 all of sec . . 24 57.98 stt seVi ~. 26 6.71 all of sec_ 28 30.07 all of sec . 29 26.74 all of sec 31 26.74 all of sec . 32 26.74 eV4, s,tt swVi - 35 41.66 CHAMBERS VILLAGE Lot Blk Amt. 1-2 A 23.77 e 50 ft. 12, e 70 ft. 13-14-15 _. C 50.09 s 60 ft. 1-2-3 . D 20.69 Fluckey's Addition Lot Blk Amt. 12-13 _ B 23.55 16-17 ... C 47.77 Baker's Addition Lot Blk Amt. tt of 3 _1 14.84 Cookes Addition Lot Blk Amt. 1-2-3-4-5-6 _ 6 16.92 all of 9 11.42 Nondescripts Section 20, Township 26, Range 12 no. 13 _ 22.35 no. 14 1.47 no. 15 22.35 Section 29, Township 26, Range 12 no. 1 1.70 no. 4 and 5 _ 22.45 no. 3 2.83 r.o. 10 _._ 15.51 no. 26 and 31 ... 9.26 no. 27 _ 14.15 -! .80 no. 33 .. 2.83 Section 30, Township 26, Range 12 no. 1 no. 4 2.83 15.55 EMMET VILLAGE Lot rTTK Amt. center 50 ft 1-2 2 1.30 n 50 ft 3-4 . ... . 2 1.69 center 50 ft. 3-4 _ 2 1.09 2-3-4 3 24.72 s 70 ft. 5-6-7 __3 2.54 n 20 ft. 5 s 40 ft. of n 80 ft 6-6-7 _ 3 35.13 s 20 ft. of n 40 ft 5-6-7_ 3 6.72 1-2-3-4-3-6-7-8 9-10-11-12 . 4 32 49 1-2-3-4 5-6 _ 5 13.42 1-2-3 _ 6 7.46 5-6-7-S _a._8 4.59 9 _ 8 1.15 8 all 9-10 _ 9 7.74 Lyon’s Addition Lot Blk Amf. 6-B 19.91 no. 3B, 4B pt. of 4 B 13.16 no. 3C no. 4C pt. of 4 --B 23.74 Nondescripts Section 23, Township 29, Range 13 no. 5 and 6_1.11 no. 9 .....-10.53 no. 7 ---1.01 EWING VILLAGE Lot BIk Amt 6-7-8-13-14 . 2 35.83 1 3 62.44 2 - 3 24.69 3 . _ 3 15.76 16-17-18-19-20 . 3 18.37 2 4 24.69 4 60.43 4 - 4 51.59 9 4 33.62 10 . 4 33.62 3-4 - 5 49.36 $ 5 31.37 9 5 111.80 11- 12 6 178.91 e 60 ft. 17_ 5 23.58 center 30 ft 17 5 12.40 sH of west €6 ft 17 -- 5 13.50 19-20 ...5 114.15 13 5 84.99 8 5 49.25 etteft 11-12-13 .„ C 49 25 14-15-16-17-18 . 6 60.93 21 6 3.46 22 _ 6 3.46 23 6 3.48 24 6 44.77 1-2-3 .. 7 20.35 4 7 30.26 8 7 60.43 n 100 ft 1_ 8 67.12 2 8 22.44 1- 2 .. 9 120.83 5 . ...... .. 9 76.06 7 and e 5 ft. 8 . 9 80.61 9 9 44.77 10 9 67.12 14 . 9 51.49 15 9 22.44 16 .... 9 42.56 17. _ 9 51.49 Kimball & Blair’s Adddition Lot Blk Amt. 2- 3-4 ..... ... 10 33.83 5-6 10 13.60 8 10 29.16 9 10 22.44 11 - 10 42.56 3 11 55.96 4 11 20.21 12- 13-14-15-16 11 63.04 1-2 12 51.69 5-6 _ 12 15.86 8-9-10-11 . _ 12 54.01 Pioneer Town Site Co’s Add. Lot Blk Amt. 3-4 .. 13 40.41 12 _ 13 35.84 13-14 _ _ 14 73.93 1 15 35.84 7 _ 15 44.77 8- 9 15 13.60 s% 2 and all 3_ 16 50.49 1 _ 17 62.64 2- 3-4_ 17 87.43 5-6_ 17 60.53 7-8-9_ 17 83.06 I- 2 _ 18 15.86 II- 12_18 13.60 1-2-3-4_ 20 69.66 5-6-7 ... _ 21 15.96 3- 4_ 22 44.87 6 _ 26 6.31 7-8_ 26 56.06 9- 10_ 26 53.81 7-8-9-10-11-12 ..... 27 72.08 7 _ 28 17.97 8 _ 28 22.44 12 _ 28 33.63 1-2 _ 29 11.38 3-4-5-6 _ 29 20.51 7__;_ 29 6.82 10 _ 29 5.26 I- 2 . 30 11.38 3 ___ 30 4.57 4 30 4.57 II- 12_ 30 9.13 4_32 13.56 7_ 32. 49.25 3-4-5-6_ 33 60.73 9 - 33 6.82 Nondescripts Ewing Villagi pt. Outlot A no. 29 _ 73.83 part Out Lot A_ 11.28 Lot 2 Out Lot B_42.56 Lot 3 Out Lot B_ 38.08 Lot 6 Out Lot B_ 9.03 part Out Lot B 200 ft. x 200 ft_ 13.50 Graver’s Adddition to Ewing 1-2-3-4-5-6 7-8-9 _ C 31.06 Nondescripts in S'/j S'/* SE% Sec. 34, Twp. 27, Range 9 :s*6 no. 6 78.30 sM: no. 2 . 71.58 no. 11 . 47.02 Nondescripts in Section 2, Township 26, Range 9 Lot Blk Amt. no. 3 . 78.08 no. 7 . 26.90 no. 8-9 __ 35.51 ! Nondescripts in Section 3, Township 27, Range 9 ; no. 17-18-20-21 . 107.62 | no. 19 4.57 I no. 22-23 22.54 I no. 21, lot B .. 13.60 no. 25 . 33.62 W YOMING TOWNSHIP Description Sec A rat. Township 25, Range 14 ♦3 42.72 swH ne lA, e% w%, wV4 seV* - _ - 7 46.03 n\\ Vi no Vi, nwVi 18 19.00 noV-i r.eVi, swV4 neVi, nvv'i seV4 20 13.93 se1i _ 20 8.06 jo li neV4, neV4 seV4, 3g'A . 20 30.70 ne’i neVi, sMs neV4, H'1. , se*4 _ 21 13.65 swV* nw !4, sw%, w% se*4, ■,eV4 aeU.. 21 61.75 sVa neVi, n% seV4 22 ;wV4 neV4, wV6, wVs seV4 _ 23 60.55 4% nwV4 _ 22 12.30 neV4, seVi neVi, neVi seV4_23 16.2> Continued on page 10)