The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1928, Image 12

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    teemomUal 7rn • 'porttH**
Never Before Have We Such
Value* oiu itieeo ditioney Cars
—Small Down Payr »nt—Easy Terms!
Never before in our his
tory have we delivered as
many new Chevrolet* as
we have this year. Nat
urally a large pprt of this
increased business in
volved the trade-in of the
Chevrolet owners pre
vious car. This enables us
to offer some exception
ally fine used cars that
have been thoroughly in
spected and reconditioned
and carry the official red
“O. K. That Counts” tag.
This tag shows you ex
actly what has been done
to put the car iri me
chanical condition for
thousands of miles of sat
isfactory service. In buy
ing these reconditioned
cars from us you get def
inite assurance of quality
and value—and this week
you can buy them at v 'ry
low prices that make them
the greatest values we
have ever offered. Make
a small down payment
and drive away the car of
your choice—easy terms
for the balance* See these
cars today!
A few of our exceptional Used Car values
“with an OK that counts’5
1926 Chevrolet Coach in excellent
condition. Duco Paint job like
new. Motor in first class condition.
“With an O. K. that Counts.”
Chevrolet Coach 1925. This car
is O. K. in every way and is a bar
gain for someone.
“With an 0. K. that Counts.’
1926 Ford Fordor Sedan. Not
many miles on this car. We have
put on new Duco finish and put the
entire car in A-l condition.
“With an O. K. that Counts.”
1924 Ford Coupe. Motor over
hauled. This car is in fine running
condition. $100.00 down. Terms on
“With an 0. K. that Counts.”
1926 Ford Coupe. Motor over
hauled. Body and upholstering in
good condition. $100.00 down, bal
ance easy payments.
“With an O. K. that Counts.”
1925 Chevrolet Touring. New
Duco Finish. Motor overhauled.
This is a good dependable ear at a
low price.
“With an O. K. that Counts.
1924 Ford Roadster. Good paint
job. Motor in good shape. Almost
new tires. Priced reasonable.
“With an O. K. that Counts.”
One Buick Touring in fair condi
tion. Low cash price.
Arbuthnot & Reka
Dealers, O’Neill, Nebraska
. »3
Dependability, Satisfaction and Honest Vak
1. Harnish’s corner.
2. Chevrolet garage.
3. Judge Dickson's garage.
4. Buick salesroom.
5. A “Certain Party” sent hunters
to water tower.
6. “A small house where coal is
sold” —Frank Youngkins.
7. “Pig Latin the next clue will be
found on land which you in part own
covered with bridge timbers, fences
and stones it’s well hidden.”—County
storage yard near court house.
8. On snow fence near cemetery
and golf course.
9—Part One. The resulting quo
tient is 440 and the clue led to the goal
posts on the football field. Part two
led to the alley back of Judge Har
rington’s residence.
10. Benson place short distance
west of Wm. Shaughnesy’s farm.
1. Telephone pole near Mrs. Mar
guret Brennan residence.
2. Go to water tower.
3. Shoe in pasture east of Prospect
Hill cemetery.
4. Blue rock shoot grounds.
B. Public Library bulding.
6. Free tourist park.
7. Fair ground.
8. Step on south side Gallagher
9. South bridge on Highway No. 13
South of O’Neill.
10. Stock yards in corral near a
1. To Zimmerman residence.
Write for demonstrations to
The New Classy Car
S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr.
Authorized Dealer
Used Cars
1924 Dodge Touring
1926 Dodge Sedan
1927 Dodge Sedan
These cars rebuilt and will give lots of cheap miles.
J. M. Seybold
Graham-Paige Dealer,
O’Neill, Nebraska
Hooverizing Statute Books
Hoover induced paving brick mariil*
faeturera to reduce standard sizes
from sixty six to live; eliminated sev
enty or seventy four sizes of beds It
would make a lawyer shudder to think
what ho might do with the statute
Farm Revolt
Governor smith cannot cap
italize any so-called "farm re
volt" In the West. My obscrva
tions in the vast western country are
mat the great ma
jority of the voters
cannot be won
away from the Re
publican party.
This applies par
tlcularly to the
farmers, because
they realize that
year In and year
out the party which
now presents Hoo
ver and Curtis has
been their consis
tent friend, and
has the record to
prove it.
Within the last year agricultural
conditions have improved. The Demo
cratic plan to reduce the prices the
farmer pays by lowering the tariff on
industrial commodities would ruin the
home market for American farmers.
Governor smith is sidestep
ping the farm issue. He leaves
the impression to the farmers
of the West that he is for the prin
cipie or me mc
Nary-Haugen Bill,
while to the East
he gives the im
presslon that he is
against it. He per
mits his New York
political crgan, the
World, to announce
his o p p o s i t! o n,
which he Bpecifi
cally approves. In
Nebraska he as
specifically com
mits himself to the
He wants to leave tne impression
that the principle is a matter of detail
to be worked out. It Is not a matter
of detail, but the whole question. If
he means that the farmer may volun
tarily Impose upon himself the loss of
handling the surplus, he is apparently
unaware that the Capper-Volstead Act
was passed by a Republican Admlnls
tratlon for this specific purpose.
Consistent Friendship for Farmer
Indicated by Review of Can
didate’s Life Work.
Annals of War-Time Government
Show Hoover Repeatedly Saved
Agriculture From Disaster.
WASHINGTON. — Hoover’s consist
ent friendship for the farmer is
shor n by hi3 record, which is open.
He not only did not fix maximum
prices to the farmer, as has been wil
fully or ignorantly charged, but did
Ilia utmost to protect and secure fair
2nd generous dealing to the wheat
growers, hog producers and other
farmers of the country for their war
time efforts. He folic wed through and
made good on his undertakings to
them In spite of the severest obsta
This summing tip of Mr. Hoover’s
record is contained in a pamphlet lust
issued here, it lists as significant the
following activities:
ilis personal efforts in 1019 and 1920
to develop measures of enlightened
reconstruction to help the farmers
maintain their economie position.
Ilis creation in the Department of
Commerce of a special division to pro
mote the sale of agricultural products
His leading share i:i 1021 in reviv
ing the War Finance Corporation,
which was instrumental in halting de
cline in farm produets.
His obtaining In December, 1921, ot
a Congressional appropriation for pur
chaue of corn for Russian famine re
11 ef
His leadership in the movement for
n seaway to connect the Great Labes
and the Atlantic Ocean, and for com
p' tlod of the Mississippi System to
ftiteapen transportation of farm prod
His helping to solve problems of
prompt and adequate rail transporta
tion for farm products.
His program for elimination of
waste, by means of which costs of
manufactured commodities are being
Hundreds of minor services reu
dered by the Department of Commerce
to the agricultural community.
The struggles to break the grip of
foreign monopolies of commodities
which American farmers must have.
,j. Details of War Record
Hoover’s war-time record Is detailed,
both as to his method of procedure as
Food Administrator, his counsel in
framing of policies which would en
courage production, conserve food sup
plies and control the distribution of
food products and fuel. As to the
charge of price-fixing of wheat, it is
pointed out that the Allied Govern
ments had concentrated their purchas
ing and were preparing to fix a price
of (1.50 to $1.80 per bushel. Congress
had fixed the government price at
$2.00 per bushel. The appointment by
Wilson of a fair price committee, and
the deliberations of this committee In
arriving trt a fair price of $2 20 at a
meeting at which Mr. Hoover was not
present are outlined, together with a
statement by the four surviving farm
members of the committee showing
that the conclusions of the committee
were not made known to Mr, Hoover
until after the committee had reported
to the President.
It is further shown, from docuinen
tary evidence, that President Wilson,
in accepting the recommendations of
the committee said: “The price now
recommended, $2.20 per bushel, will
be rigidly adhered to by the food ad
ministration. Mr. Hoover, at his ex
press wish, has taken no part In the
deliberations of the committee on
whose recommendation I determined
the government’s fair price, nor has
he in any way intimated an opiuion
regarding that price.”
As Food Administrator
Mr. Hoover as Food Administrator
protected the wheat growers’ Interests
by preventing foreign governments
from breaking the price, and again, by
averting a collapse which threatened !
after the Armistice.
While Mr. Hoover had no power to
fix prices for hogs or pork products, |
the documents show that he succeed
ed in maintaining hog prices at more ,
than twice the pre-war level untl! j
mouths after the armistice. This gave |
the producers millions of dollars more
than they would otherwise have ob |
This market, documents further
show, was supported for months after j
the armistice, when not only al
lied governments but membeis of the
Wilson Cabinet, Including Secretary :
of the Treasury Glass and Secretary j
of Commerce Redfield, were advocat
ing abandonment of all price control
In this price-maintaining effort, Mr
Hoover had to break the post-armis
tiee blockade by the Allies, to open
the market of the Central Powers, and
to induce France and Italy to restore
orders which they had sought to re
pudlate, along with those of Great
It is the well known package
It stands for high quality
As Mads in Shredded Wheat Factories Tor 34 Years
Children like the grasp, crunchy
shreds $5 whele wheat—makes smmdl
issth and healthy gums.
Borah Pays Tribute
Describing Herbert Hoover as "on:
of the great administrators of all
times," Senator William E. Borah of
Idaho declared that "the issues of this
campaign are every day problems,
such as farm relief, cheaper transpor
tation, development of waterways, a
public utilities policy, conservation
of electric power, and the mainte
nance of our Constitution as the peo
ple had written it.’'
Discontent Breeds Content
We try to make every boy discon
tented with his lot, and we achieve
the most contented and unified ant!
stable country In the world.—Herbert
October 26—O’Neill at Woodlake.
November 2—Open.
November 9—Ainsworth at O’Neill.
November 16—Open.
November 23—O’Neill at Plainview
For Sale—One ton truck, in A. No.
1 shape; all new rubber.—Phil Ziemer.
For Sale—Hfcgistered Hampshire
boars and jrilts; immune.—Harry Res
sell. 21-tf
For Sale—St. Anderburg German
Roller Canary birds.—Mrs. W. B.
Lamb, O’Neill, Nebr. 21-tf
For Sale—12 Choice Duroc Male
pigs, %-mile north, 3-4 east Page.
—Sterling Wanser. 22-2
15 White Wyandotte Cockerels for
Sale, Regal Martin strain.—Mrs. Alex
Wertz, Star, Nebr. 22-2p
For Sale—China closet and round
dining table with seven leaves. In
quire at this office. 22-2
For Sale—Player Piano as good as
new. Will take your old piano in as
part payment. See A. E. Bowen. 14tf
For Sale—Scales, capacity six ton.
Now in use. First class condition.
Object of selling, putting in larger
scales.—J. B. Ryan. 22-4
For Sale—400 pure bred Regal
Dorcas White Wyandotte pullets, year
ling hens, cockerels and cocks.—Ralph
N. Leidy, Inman. 21-tf
For Sale—24 cockerels, fancy R. C.
Rhode Island Red strain of layei-s;
$1.25 each if taken soon. Phone
3F210.—Mrs. Frank Pribil, Jr. 19tf
For Sale—One corner lot 75x150 ft.
No debt. Good 4- roomed house nicely
furnished. Fine corner for filling sta
tion or restaurant. On graveled high
way. Owner going to California.
Must sell. Cheap for cash. Address
me Box 21, Brunswick, Nebr. 21-3p
Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
ing.—W. B. Graves, O’Neill, 30-tf
Lost—On streets of O’Neill, brown
leather traveling bag, containing shoes;
and belt. Reward. Leave at t his
office. 21-tf
Beauty Work done at my home at
Student prices Marcells 50c.—Mrs.1
0. G. Cromwell, Phone 263. 17tf
ou Set!
You on got a 51 25
rood room far ’ «
only £
kotes. Wellington
% per cent, no commission.—F. J.
Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock
Land Bank. 17 1f
For more than thirty years “NET
TLETON” has meant “Better Business
Training.” You can get the best at
Nettleton Commercial College, Sioux
Falls, S, D.
For Rent—480 acre farm, one mile
from Niobrara. Two houses, running
water, pasture, meadow, corn-land.
Good location for Hatchery and Poul
try farm.—J. T. Gartland, Club Hotel,
Douglas and Everett, Phone 219. 22-lp
We are advised by L. E. Downey
that the Burlington have put on a
new fast freight service which will
give O'Neill next day delivery from
Omaha, two days from Kansas City,
three days from Chicago and St.
Louis. 21-2'
t, •
I have private money for choice
farm loans at 5% interest.
5% R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 5%
I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted other than those
contracted by myself.
20-3 J. C. BENBOW.
(First publication Oct. 4)
Estate No. 2038
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, October 3, 1928.
In the matter of the Estate of Charles
W. Sanders, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are here
by notified that the time limited for
presenting claims against said estate
is February 1, 1929, and for the pay
ment of debts is October 3, 1929, and
that on November 1, 1928, and on Feb
ruary 2, 1929, at 10 o’clock A. M., each
day, I will be at the County Court
Room in said County to receive, ex
amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims
and objections duly filed.
(Countv Court Seal.)
19-4 County Judge.
(First publication Oct. 4)
Estate No. 2032
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, October 3, 1928.
In the matter of the Estate of Lucy
Elizabeth Grass, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limited
for presenting claims against said
estate is February 1, 1929, and for the
payment of debts in September 20,
1929, and that on November 1, 1928,
and on February 2, 1929, at 10 o’clock
A. M., each day, I will be at the County
Court Room in said County to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
(County Court Seal.)
19-4 County Judge.
Overland Trucking
Day or Night Phone 44
Await Spengler
Dr. C. H. Lubker
Douglas Methods
Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb.
First door west of Beha hotel.
M. J. LYDON, O’Neill
_Telephone 227J.
Uhl Brothers
Heavy Hauling Specialties.
Service at any tine.