The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1928, Image 1

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    Atwater Kent Radios
Are manufactured in the largest
Radio factory in the world. Here
each receiving set passes through
222 inspections before it receives
final O. K. Atwater Kent Radios
is more than a merchandising suc
cess. The products are the result
of the highest type of precision
hidden screw to the completed set
or speaker, is made in this facory.
The product is now being manu
factured at the rate of 5,300 sets
per day. There are models to fit
the vast majority of radio buyers.
More than 2,000,000 are now in use
in American homes which has es
tablished Atwater Kent Radio as
Every part from the .smallest the standard of the world.
Model 18 (6 tubes)
Model 49 (6 tubes)
$49.00 less Accessories
$68.00 less Accessories
Model 40 (7 tubes) $77.00 less tubes and speaker
Model 42 (7 tubes) $86.00 less tubes and speaker
Model 44 (8 tubes) $106.00 less tubes and speaker
Model 44 Dynamic (8 tubes) $95.00 less tubes and speaker
Model 41 Direct current (7 tubes) $87.00 less tubes and speaker
A. E. Bowen, Dealer
O’Neill, Nebraska
Donald Enright was in Omaha over
Harry Milligan, of Sioux City, Iowa,
was in O’Neill, Wednesday.
D. A. McCarthy and John Cava
naugh drove to Sioux City, Iowa, Tues
Lewis Zastrow is visiting with
friends in Omaha and Lincoln this
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs,
John A. Osenbaugh of this city, last
Mrs. Emma Haley, of Valentine,
Nebraska, spent the week end with her
brother, S. F. McNichols.
Save Money and Buy
Your Groceries at
D. Abdouch’s
Everything Is New Stock
Sugar, 10 Pounds ..... 48c
Snow Flake Flour, guaranteed, per sack $1.60
Goochs’ Best Buckwheat Flour, 4-lb. sack.35c
Goochs’ Best Pancake Flour, 4-lb. sack.28c
Quaker Rolled Oats, per package.24c
Cream of Wheat, per package .23c
Shredded Wheat, 2 packages for.25c
Post Toasties, large, per package.12c
Corn Flakes, small, per package . 6c
Our Special Blend Coffee, per lb..42c
Nash’s Coffee, per pound . 48c
Rex Bacon, per pound.....33c
Bacon Squares, per pound .22c
Picnic Hams, per pound .... 23c
Carnation Milk, large can ..11c
Carnation, Milk, small can..... 6c
Market Day Seedless Raisins, per pound.10c
Rice, 4 pounds ..... 25c
Pork & Beans, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes,
Sauer Kraut, Hominy, per can . 10c
Mustard, in quart jars, per jar ... 23c
Catsup, large bottle, per bottle.....20c
Instant Postum, per can ... 28c
P. & G. Laundry Soap. 10 bars for ...38c
Palmolive Soap, 3 bars for .-.25c
Lux, per box .-....44c
A Real Bargain—Men’s Work Shoes, per pair $1.99
We are offering special discount on all Ladies’,
Misses' and Children’s Shoes.
D. Abdouch
M. A. Cicissell, Omaha, representing
the Nebraska Inspection Bureau, was
in O’Neill Monday checking up.
Miss Minnie Schollmeyer went to
Oregon Monday for an extended visit
with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Harper.
, -■■■ —- ..
The Frontier has been quite busy
this week printing the official ballots
for the general election to be held on
November Cth.
Mrs. Ida Peterson, mother of Mrs.
A. L. Cowperthwaite, left Monday for
Long Beach, California, where she
will spend the winter.
Archie Bowen installed an Atwater
Kent Radio the first of the week for
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter, who live
on the R. H. Murray ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Itasley went
to Omaha Wednesday to attend the
i motion picture exhibitors convention
which is being held there this week.
Mrs. A. E. Stevens entertained the
members of the M. M. Club at bridge
at her home on west Everett street
Wednesday afternoon. Luncheon was
served in the late afternoon.
R. J. Marsh and wife left Thursday
morning for San Diego, California, as
the guests of M. J. Marsh and Mrs.
John Hunt. They expect to i •'main
i for at least two months.
A car driven by Harry Ott went to
the ditch at the R. J. Marsh corner
Tuesday evening, in an effort to dodge
another car at the intersection. His
car was somewhat damaged.
Mother Aquin and Sister Mary
Pauline of St. Catherine’s Hospital,
Omaha, were guests of Mrs. C. E.
Stuot last-Monday. Sister Mary Pau
line is the Xray expert in the hospi
Senator Owen, the democratic sen
tor of Oklahoma, will talk over radio
j station KOIL Monday evening in the
interest of Herbert Hoover. He is
talking under the Auspices of the
j Democratic Hoover-Curtis Club.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Perkins return
ed home last Friday from a three
months’ visit with relatives in New
York state. Mr. Perkins says that
they had a very pleasant trip and en
joyed visiting old scenes of their
younger days.
Cars driven by Frank Biglin and a
stranger collided at the intersection
near the Golden hotel Tuesday even
ing which resulted a damaged fender
on the Biglin car. However the
! stranger settled for the damages and
! went on his way.
Inman Leader: John Amspach is
reported in a critical condition at his
home due to hardening of the arteries
in his legs. Considerable anxiety is
expressed by the family and friends
as to the probable outcome of his con
i dition.
The Altar Society of the Catholic
church gave a card party at the K. of
i C. club rooms last Tuesday evening.
| Mrs. Herb Hammond won the high
I score prize. Mrs. Ira Moss received a
! lamp, which was made by Mrs. Mary
j Kelly, that was given away.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Harrington and
Mrs. Julia Harrington arrived home
Wednesday evening from Omaha,
where they attended the funeral of
their cousin and nephew, Peter Har
rington, for whom funeral services
were held Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Miles re
turned home Tuesday evening from a
visit with their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. George Davies, and their
little son, George Miles Davies, at
Deer Trail, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs.
Fay Miles, of Chadron, accompanied
them to O’Neill for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. .Warren Hall arrived
home the first of the week from a trip
through eastern Nebraska and Iowa
where they have been checking
pictures for a film company. They
are operating the theatre this week
| during the absence of Mr. and Mrs.
Rasley, who are visiting in Omaha.
Mrs. L. A. Carter went to Lincoln
Saturday morning, where she visited
until Monday with her daughter, Miss
Marjorie, who is attending the state
University. She went to Omaha to at
tend the State Convention of the Wo
men’s club as a delegate from the
local club.
Arbuthnot & Reka sold three Chev
rolets last Tuesday afternoon; George
Pongratz purchased a sedan and a
coach and Mrs. A. D. Conklin, of Page,
purchased a sedan. Mrs. Conklin was
enroute to her new home in Craig
when the sale was made. W. A. Stew
j art, residing south of O’Neill bought
a new Chevrolet coach last Saturday.
Wm. Grothe, the dean of agricul
| tural exhibitors at the Holt County
fair, carried away 58 first premiums
| and .‘57 second premiums which netted
him S72.50 which he says he has in
his pocket. Mr. Grothe says that all
the premiums were on agricultural
exhibits excepting five that the women
folks received on their flowers. Mr.
and Mrs. Grothe are well pleased with
the promptness of Mr. Dishner in pay
ing the premiums so quickly after the
fair and are already planning on their
! next years exhibit.
Mrs. A. L. Cowperthwaite went to
| Omaha Monday to attend the State
Convention of the Federation of Wo
1 men’s clubs.
Ewing Advocate: Seigfried llein*
| baugh of Neligh and his brother Adam
I Heinbaugh ran into a load of corn on
the highway near Logan, Iowa, Wed
nesday and Siegfried was instantly
| killed. The other brother is in a Lo
gan hospital. The boys are brothers
of Mrs. Fred Fursland of Ewing, and
visited here last week, coming up on
their motorcycle.
Adjutant C. W. Conklin of the
American Legion, department of Ne
braska, has returned from the national
convention and several side trips
which took him to Neuve Laredo,
Mexico, where he witnessed a bull
fight, and a trip in southern states,
including a visit to New Orleans. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Conklin.—
Lincoln State Journal.
Miss Gertrude Bedford came down
from South Dakota, Sunday morning,
to visit with her sister, Mrs. Albert
Kaczor and family, for a few days;
then will go to Mead, Nebraska, to
visit her sisteix Mrs. Ed Larson, be
fore entering the Mayo Hospital, to
finish up her course as a dietitian.
Miss Gertrude was graduated last
I The first regular meeting of the
newly organized Holt County School
M^n's Club was held in the Leland
Ii|)tel at Atkinson on Saturday even
! in j, October 20. The eleven men pres
ent enjoyed several musical numbers,
which were furnished by Atkinson
people, before the dinner was served.
Superintendent Pease of Atkinson,
i president of the club, was “master of
I ceremonies.’’ The feature of the even
ing was a talk by Judge Malone, who
gave a number of exceedingly inter
esting reminiscences of school life in
I this county during pioneer days. Sev
! eral striking comparisons as regards
j buildings and other material equip
| ment, salaries, and so forth, “then”
j and “now,” were made by the genial
I/Judge. His talk brought out the fact
! that we may well be thankful that we
I are teaching in the present generation
i instead of during an earlier period,
i Th Judge, with the hearty approval
I of ,-11 present, termed himself the
."Dean of the School Men of Holt
.County,” We trust that it may be our
good fortune to have Judge Malone
with us on many future occasions. A
committee consisting of Messrs. Met
calf, of Page, Collins of Inman, and
Jones of O’Neill was appointed to
make plans regarding the place and
program for the next meeting which
will probably be held sometime in De
cember. ***
Henry Kerstead a prominent Ger
man speaker was scheduled to make
several political talks in this vicinity
this week, but was unable to do so be
cause of injuries received in an auto
accident in Fremont the first of the
week. Hon. J. A. Burnquist, former
governor of Minnesota, who was to
speak in O’Neill Wednesday was taken
to Atkinson to fill the date for Mr.
Kerstead. The decision to go to At
kinson was reached at so late an hour
that the committee were unable to
notify the people and as a consequence
a large number of voters were here
from different parts of the county and
were greatly disappointed.
Junior Thompson, 6-year-old son of
Charles Thompson, who lives 22 miles
south of O’Neill, Wednesday after
noon accidentally shot and killed his
younger brother, Frederick, 5. The
father and two sons were in the corn
field shooting rabbits when the tragedy
Mr. Tompson laid his gun in a wag
on and Junior picked it up to examine
it. As Frederick approached the gun
was discharged, shooting him through
the head and killing him.
The Atwater Kent motor train made
O’Neill an official visit today. All the
late models were shown.
A large number of people inspected
the beautiful line of receivers and
A. E. Bowen, the local Atwater
dealer, w'as instrumental in having the
motor train stop in O’Neill.
The motor train does not stop in
all towns. Their next stop is Norfolk.
The Nebraska Stock Growers Asso
ciation singles out for commendation
but two members of Congress, Senator
Kendrick, of Wyoming, a Democrat,
and Congressman Bob Simmons, of
Nebraska, a Republican.
Their resolution adopted June 2,
1928. is as follows:
“We commend Honorable John B.
Kendrick, United States Senator from
Wyoming, and Congressman Robert
G. Simmons, of Nebraska, for their
efforts in behalf of legislation to the
i interest of stockmen.”
Maytag Washers
I am advertising and demonstrating the
which is on display in the windows of the
H. E. Coyne Hardware Store
in O’Neill.
I will be pleased to demonstrate this unequalled
washing machine in your heme any time, without
charge or obligating you in any way.
Electric or Gas Power.
Sold on easy terms.
H. W. Tomlinson
auto accident fatal to
Will Orsborn of Ewing, Nebraska,
was almost instantly killed, and his
wife so badly injured that she died
Wednesday morning, when their Ford
sedan turned over with them about ten
o'clock Saturday forenoon on High
way No. 8, twelve miles north of
Mr. and Mrs. Orsborn were enroute
from their home in Ewing, Nebraska,
to the home of their son Ray and
family at Lynch, Nebraska. The fatal
accident occurred on the north end of
the first jog west in the highway north
of O’Neill; Mr. Orsborn stated to John
A. Robertson, who arrived at the scene
of the wreck a few minutes before he
passed away, that he thought that the
! road turned to the west instead of to
the east at that point and that he dis
covered the mistake when it was too
late to make the turn; the car plunged
over the embankment and turned over
onto the top pinning Mr. Orsborn be
neath but throwing Mrs. Orsborn
clear of the wreckage. Mr. Orsborn
was injured internally and passed
away a short time after he wa§ re
moved from beneath the car; he was
able to converse with his rescurers up
until the time he died and no one
thought that he was seriously injured.
Mrs. Orsborn suffered a broken right
arm, severe scalp wounds, and a num
ber of wounds on the face; she was
unconscious when found and remained
in the same condition until she died.
She was an invalid; having lost the
use of her right side about five years
ago as the result of a paralytic stroke.
No one saw the accident but Mr.
Orsborn stated that a number of cars
had passed each way before a small;
boy who was out hunting with a small
rifle happened along and stopped a
car. George Harrington and M. R.
Sullivan of this city were among those
who assisted in caring for the victims.
Mr. Orsborn was brought to the Big
lin undertaking parlors where the body
remained until Monday, when it was
taken to Ewing; funeral services were
held from the family home in Ewing
at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon, con
ducted by Rev. M. A. Frazelle, pastor
of the Episcopal church. Burial was
in the Ewing cemetery.
Wm. Orsborn was born December
15, 1800. at Amboy, Illinois. They
came to Holt county in the fall of
1005 and located near Dorsey, where
they owned and operated a farm for
twenty years prior to three years ago
when they moved to Ewing, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Orsborn were the par
ents of six children, five daughters
an i one son, Mrs. Chas. Reynolds,
Marshall, Missouri; Mrs. Hurley Bink
erd, Lynch, Nebraska, deceased; Mrs.
Ora Thomas, Lead, South Dakota;
Mrs. Herbert Webb, Ewing, Nebraska;
Ray Orsborn, Lynch., Nebraska.
Mrs. Ella Elmira Orsborn was bom
December 15, 1871, and passed away
in the Dr. Gilligan hospital in this
city at 8:30 o’clock Wednesday even
ing. The remains were taken to the
family home in Ewing this Thursday
morning. The Frontier is unable to
collect any data to Mrs, Orsborn at
this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Orsborn were well
known by the old settlers of the north
eastern part of the county; their many
friends will learn of their death with
deep sorrow^ _
The children were all present at the
funeral services for their father as
was also a sister, Mrs. Frank Coltrin
and son, Fairfield, Nebraska.
The Frontier is completing arrange
ments for receiving the election re
nturns from all parts of the county on
the night of November 6th. The office
will remain open all night and we
urge all election boards to copy the
final results from the poll books and
phone the result to The Frontier office.
If it is necessary to go through a pay
station, we will pay for the reverse
call. \
Everybody is deeply interested in
the results this year and again we ask
our readers to see that we receive the
returns as quickly as possible.
A. E. Bowen will install an electric
radio in The Frontier office to receive
the National Broadcasting Co. pro
gram reports on. election.
■—iM'iii'MWiBi iiiiwi iiiiiiiiiTiTH¥mTriFiT[Tir~T~nrrTi
Car Washington
BoxedWrapped Apples
to arrive
Car open Saturday morning, October 27th.
Jonathan, Stay men Winesap, Rcroe Beauty,
Black Twig, Delicious.
Now is a chance and time to buy good apples
to put away for winter at very reasonable price.
Car wii! also be open a few days next week.
C. B. & Q. Track—E. G. Robb
R. E. Harris, Focd Market
Ben Grady
R. R. Morrison
George Bressler
Mrs. S. A. Horiskey