The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 13, 1928, Image 1

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NO. 16.
Senator Howell will speak in the K
C. opera house Friday evening, Sep
tember 14th, at 8:00 o’clock.
The Senator will present the issuer
of the campaign in a way that will
interest every voter.
Senator Howell will also speak a(
Atkinson Friday afternoon, at 4:3C
o’clock and at Ewing at 9:30 o’clock
Saturday morning.
Arthur J. W'eaver, Republican can
didate for governor, and W. M. Steb
bins, state treasurer and candidate for
reelection will hold meetings on the
streets in the following places on
| Wednesday, September 19th:
Ewing, at 9:30
Page, 10:30
O’Neill, 11:30
Atkinson, 1:30
Stuart, 2:30 .
(Plainview News.)
Another serious accident occurred
about three miles west of town Sun
day morning, when Miss Nell Magirl,
of O’Neill, tried to avert crashing into
two parked automobiles, and upset the
Ford coupe in which she and her
mother, Mrs. R. E. Magirl were rid
ing, into the ditch. Miss Magirl saw
that she must either hit one or the
other of the two cars which were evi
dently parked too closely, or else go
j into the ditch. She choose the latte
| course as both cars were filled wit
Royal base ball players who were o
their way to Magnet. The car turne
over on its side once and then swun;
back on its other side. Miss Mapii
received a deep gash on her righ
temple which required several stitch
es and her side was badly bruisec
Mrs, Magirl, an elderly woman wa
suffering somewhat from shock bu
otherwise was not injured. The ca
was badly damaged, a wheel bein]
smashed and the top was a tota
wreck. The two women were brough
to Plainview by a passing motoris
and were attended by Dr. F. H. Ny«
Miss Magirl and her mother were en
route to Jackson,Nebraska, where Mis
Magirl’s brother, Dr. R. F. Magii
lives. The accident will make i
necessary for Miss Magirl, who teache
school at Yankton, South Dakota^ t
begin her work a week late.
The Holt County
Bigger and Better
Four running races each day under Nebraska Racing Commission, Senator J’erry Reed, of Hender
son, Nebraska, in charge.
Races arranged to suit horses on grounds.
Horses will be here from the Nebraska Running Circuit, which includes the best horses in Nebraska.
Wednesday, Sept. 19
Children Free.
1:00—Concert by Dan Desdunes’ Rand.
I’arade—School Children in Costume and Floats.
Presentation of Awards in Essay Contest by
American Legion.
Special Concert by Dan Desdunes* Rand.
High School Relay Race—One-half Mile.
One-fourth Mile Foot Race—For School Child
100 Yard Foot Race—For School Children.
Race Program.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Cow Calling Contest.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Free Attraction—Philip and Benny, Acrobats
and Tumblers.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Ball Game—Neligh vs. Lynch.
Thursday, Sept. 20
1:00—Concert by Dan Desdunes’ Band.
Race Program.
100 Y ard Foot Race—Free for All.
Purse, $10.00, $5.00 and $2.50.
Running Race—3-8 Mile, for Holt County Horses.
Runnirflf Knee—To be arranged by State Racing
Cow Calling Contest.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Free Attraction—Philip and Benny, Acrobats
and Tumblers.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Ball Game—Creighton vs. O’Neill.
Friday, Sept. 21
1:00—Concert by Dan Desdunes’ Rand.
Race Program.
100 Yard Foot Race—Free for All.
Purse, $10.00, $3.00 and $2.50.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Cow Calling Contest.
Announcing the Winners in the Cow Calling
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Free Attraction—Philip and Benny, Acrobats
and Tumblers.
Running Race—To be arranged by State Racing
Ball Game—Atkinson vs. O’Neill, for Holt County
Program subject to change.
Hear Dan Desdunes Band
Dan Desdunes' Band has played the State Fair and all large of the State. The Omaha Bee of
September ttth says: “Dan Desdunes’ Band is as much a state fair institution as the grandstand. The
managers of the fair are frank to admit that Dan’s Band is one of the biggest attractions on the
grounds. When the hand plays “Omaha” and the dusky baritone sings and dances it, everybody ap
plauds and yells for more.”
Philip and Benny
Free Attractions
Philips and Benny are rated as the world’s be st Acrobats and Tumblers. Their Free act each day
is unusual and thrilling.
11 -
1 Things have been developing in
r the “oil” proposition during the past
1 week. Harry T. Osborn, who has been
t putting in considerable time proniot
- ing the interest and getting things
. under way, has made several trips to
a Sioux City and points east during the
t past ten days and reports that every
r thing is booming in the promotion
' work. A banquet has been arranged
1 for Saturday evening at 7:00 o’clock
t at the Golden, when a number of rep
t! resentatives of the businessmen of
• Sioux City, Norfolk and intervening
- points will assemble and listen to a
s talk b> W. H. Helmerick, of the Helni
1 erick & Payne, Inc., who will drill the
t well, and a report from the geologist
s of the company who will have made
i an inspection of the structure.
Invitations to the banquet were is
. sued to the outside businessmen by
Mayor C. E. Stout through the O’Neill
j Commercial Club.
Mr. Helmerick, accompanied by a
geologist and their attorney will ar
rive in O’Neill Friday and will look
over the proposed field.
Mr. Osborn tells us that the Sioux
City businessmen are deeply inter
ested in the drilling for oil in north I
Nebraska and that O’Neill is the first
place that they will place their money;
otner towns are interested and all the
money necessary will be raised without
any apparent difficulty.
Representatives from the Sioux City
and Norfolk dailies will be at the ban
quet and will obtain the reports of the
geologist for their publications.
The businessmen, and all those in j
terested in the drilling even though
they no not expect to invest any,
money, should be at the banquet and
lend their moral support to the pro
position. If oil should be located in
this district it would mean considerable
for O’Neill. Lets ull buy a ticket for j
the banquet at least.
The management of the Holt County j
Fair state that the grounds and build-;
ings are all ready for the opening
j of the fair next Tuesday morning.
The entries are coming in nicely and
everything points to one of the best
fairs in years.
The agricultural exhibits will not
| be as extensive as they would, have i
I been had not the dry and exceedingly!
hot weather injured the crops but a
number of localities are arranging ex-!
hibits that are very good and visitors
at the fair may be surprised to find
an excellent display of all kinds of
farm products.
j The running races promise to bej
very good. Four races will be run
peach day; the horses are mostly from
points in Nebraska, and are racing on
the Nebraska circuit; they are at Ful
lerton this week.
Dan Desdune’s colored band will
furnish the music each day. The band
has played the Nebraska state fair,
| for about twelve years; they have play
i ed all of the larger fairs of the state
| and are a great drawing card every
j where they go. They carry singers |
and dancers and always entertain the
| crowd.
Philip & Benny, tumblers and acro
bats, will present their free act each
afternoon before the grandstand.
They are wonders and will give you
plenty of thrills.
A complete program of each day’s
event will Ije found on the front page
of this issue.
Robert Tomlinson and Albert Gib
son. two prominent farmers residing
in the Opportunity neighborhood i
twenty-two miles northeast of O’Neill,
were seriously burned about the arms
and body last Friday evening when
i gasoline fumes ignited from a lant
| ern that was lighted and was about
i twenty feet from a tank from which
Mr. Tomlinson was drawing gasoline.
Mr. Tomlinson was severely burned!
; about the hands, arms and face; he !
j would have been more seriously burn- .
: ed had not his wife induced him to
jump into a watering tank that was
near as his clothing was all ablaze.
Mr. Gibson anticipated what was go
ing to happen and started to run. He
was some distance away when the gas
was ignited and received only a se
vere burn on his right hand and right
The flames soon reached the barn,
which was ten or fifteen feet away, ;
and it was soon burned to the ground.
The barn contained a large quantity
of hay, some grain, harness and bug
gies; only a part of which was remov
ed. The barn was only a few years
old; it was 48x28 feet with 14 foot
corners, a lean-to 16x48 feet was also
Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Gibson were
brought to the office of Dr. Finley
where their burns were dressed that,
| right; Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson went1
tc Omuha Saturday morning where
Mr. Tomlinson has been receiving
i treatment at the University hospital;
| reports from there indicate that they
1 may be home this evening.
Mr. Tomlinson and family were re
turning from a short visit to the
George Tomlinson home and had
stopped at the Gibson farm to obtain
some oil; when he was was ready toj
i continue his trip the car was found to
be out of gasoline; the men decided to
draw a small amount of gas from the
! tank near the bam and in so doing
; a considerable quantity was spilled
j upon the ground.
RJB. Howell
United States Senatnr
Will Speak on
The Political Issues oi the Day
K. C. Opera House
O’Neill, Nebraska
Friday, September 14th
at 8:00 o’clock
Senator Howell Will Broadcast
Senator Howell’s car is equipped with a radio broadcasting station
that operates on a wave length of 217 meters which will be found be
tween 8 and 10 on the ordinary receiving set.
Senator Howell will also speak at Atkinson Friday afternoon at
4:30 and at Ewing Saturday morning at 9:30. Be sure and “tune in”
if you cannot meet him in one of these towns. j
Miss Helen Ryan will open a Gift
shop in her father’s building just
south of The Frontier office. The
tuilding has been remodeled through#
jut and a new front now replaces the
>ld one.
Miss Ryan was in Omaha last week
jnd purchased her opening supplies
ivhich are expected to arrive next
The interior of the building will be
inished this week and as soon as the
minting is completed Miss Helen will
>pen the doors for business
Neil Ryan went to St. Marys, Kan
san, the latter part of last week, to
ittend school.
Wanted—The cow caller in
Holt County!
This is the call being broadcast by
Fair Board, under whose direction a
cow calling contest, open to everybody,
will be staged at the Holt County Fair
at O’Neill, September 18-21. The win
ner of the contest will be presented
with the title of “County Champion
Cow Caller” and with a silver cow bell
trophy by the Blue Valley Creamery
Already a number of our most
prominent “callers” have signified
| their intention to compete for the
champion title and the prize.
Mrs. W. E. Conklin went to Omaha
; Tuesday morning to visit relatives.
Dan Desdune’s
Fair Night Dances
Sept. 19, 20, 21
K r Hnll