The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 06, 1928, Image 1

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NO. 15.
The Holt County
Bigger and Better
- Four Days -- -
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
September 18, 19, 20, 21, 1928
Hear Dan Desdunes Band
Playing at the Nebraska State Fair
This week
Philip and Benny
Tumblers and Acrobats are one of the Free Attractions you will
want to see. One of the two men is the man, you will remember,
who “cart wheeled” around the diamond at the opening: of the
world series base ball games in Philadelphia last October.
Come and Enjoy a Good Fair
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Murphy last Saturday.
Mrs. Della Shaw went to visit
Grover Shaw and family south of
O’Neill, Tuesday.
Miss Eva Harmon went to McGrew,
Nebraska, the latter part of last week
where she will teach school.
' R. H. Mills has been visiting his
daughter, Mrs. C. V. Brown and
family at Berwyn, Neb««»kft>
Miss Margaret Howard went out to
Dustin Monday where she will teach
school during the coming term.
Mrs. John Skirving is in a very
serious condition at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell.
Judge Robert R. Dickson and Court
Reporter Ted McElhaney were hold
ing court in Ainsworth Wednesday
and are holding court in Bassett to
The Ted North Players finished a
five days’ engagement here Tuesday
night. They have an excellent com
pany and enjoyed large audiences each
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Parker and
granddaughter, Miss Louise Tinsley,
of Omaha, stopped in O’Neill over
Sunday, to visit old friends enroute
home from the Black Hills.
• • •
• • •
Smith & Warner
Motor Co.
For Demonstrations
Pontiac or Oakland
O’Neill, Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne and
family have moved to the Mrs. Smith
residence in the west part of town.
Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Beers and son
James, accompanied by Miss Marie
Brugeman went to Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linbekin and
children, of Chadron, were dinner
guests of Mr. aund Mrs. Roy Martin
Wednesday evening.
J. P. Gallagher went to St. Louis
this morning where he will purchase
goods for his general store and will
also visit relatives.
Attorney W. J. Froelich came up
from Omaha the latter part of last
week and spent Sunday with Mrs.
Frolich and the baby.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yantzi. accom
panied by Mrs. Sam Barnard, drove to
Casper, Wyoming, last Sunday where
they will visit their brother and son,
William Barnard and family. They
drove the 530 miles in thirteen hours
in their new' Studebaker.
Mrs. John J. Harrington and
daughter, Maxine, returned Wednes
day morning from their visit in Sed
alia, Missouri. Mrs. Harrington was
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J.
H. Wescott, and her sister, Chrystal.
They motored home starting early
Monday morning and arrived in
O’Neill Wednesday noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McLain and
children, of Wyoming, were Sunday
guests at the Ted McElhaney home.
Miss Cecelia Markey came up from
Omaha Saturday to take up her work
as teacher of the Opportunity school.
Miss Marjorie Dickson went to Lin
coln Wednesday morning where she
will attend the State University this
Mrs. O. Rummell and two small
sons returned home Sunday from a
three weeks’ visit with relatives at
The ladies guild of the Presbyterian
church will meet with Mrs. A. E.
Stevens next Thursday, September 14,
at 2:30 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wulf, daughter
Janice, and sons, Warren and Harold,
came Sunday for a few days visit at
j the H. B. Burch home of this city.
! Mr. and Mrs. Burch and guests spent
Monday at Lake Andes, South Dakota.
Mrs. Addie Bowden entertained six
teen little girls, members of the Sun
day School class of the Presbyterian
church to which her little daughter,
Gertrude belongs, at a farewell party
last Thursday evening. At six o’clock
a lunch was served after which games
were played until time for the picture
show when they wrere taken to the
Royal. Miss Gertrude left Sunday
for Omaha where she will enter school.
To Buy Tires
We keep a nice, clean tire store.
Spick-and-span quarters—everybody you
meet skilled and courteous—all stocks
neatly arranged.
Costs us a little extra money to keep our
place this way, but we think clean folks
appeciate it.
Moreover, it befits the kind of goods we
sell—Goodyear Tires, Goodyear Tubes and
Goodyear Accessories. Also the kind of
service we give — Goodyear Standard
So if our store is cleaner and brighter—has
a heartier welcome for you—offers a finer
kind of service for your tires—and sup
plies the tires more people ride on than any
other kind—Goodyear Tires—why, then—
Here’s our name and number:
Mellor Motor Co.
Ford Dealers ’Phone 16 O’Neill, Nebraska
“Buy from a Home Concern”
Miss Irene O’Donnell is home from
Chicago for a vacation.
A number of Holt county people are
attending the Nebraska State Fair at
Lincoln this week.
Mrs. F. D. Osenbaugh and daughter,
Miss Mabel, were Lincoln visitors dur
ing the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Henry re
turned to their home at Hanover,
Montana, Tuesday,
Mrs. D. F. Murphy and children,
Enita Clare and Edward, Mrs. Frank
Murray and son, Francis, spent last;
week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. j
T. F. Markey and with other relatives
in Omaha.
Miss Anna Wayman and brothers,
entertained at their home last Mop- \
day evening in honor of Beauford,
Windgate, of Colorado. Mr. Wind-i
gate for a number of years lived west j
of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morgan, of At
kinson, accompanied by Miss Fern
Hubbard and Miss Mariam Golden mo
tored to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the
state fair. Miss Hubbard will remain
in Lincoln to take up her work as
teacher in the Lincoln schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riser and
daughters, Veronica. Lois and Ck'ta/
and son Francis, of Friend, Nebraska,
returned to their home last Sunday
after a few days visit with home
folks. The latter’s mother, Mrs. H. G.
Cromwell, accompanied them home for
an extended visit.
Miss Alice McElhaney, sister of Ted
McElhaney of this city and E. C. Mc
Elhaney of Page, has just landed in
New York City, following a summer
tour of Europe; she also took a short
course at Sarbonne university in
Paris, France. Miss McElhaney
teaches French in the Madison High
A Ford sedan driven by Edward
Gatz and a Whippet driven by L. G.
Gillespie collided Sunday morning at
an intersection in the northeast part
of O’Neill. The Whippet received a
damaged fender nnl door. Mr. Gil
| lespie and son, Be tet, drove to Lin
coln Sunday a~ x»n and had the
[damages repair*
2 Drain Tubs
2 Drain Tubs
$5.00 down
per month
Still Have
a Few
Get Yours
See Any Employee or Call a Salesman
Interstate Power Company
Merchandise Department
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Spellman, dau
ghter, Margaret, sons Jghn, Jerry and
Frank, drove up from Omaha to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. John Sulli
van. Mrs. Spellman is a sister of
Mr. Sullivan.
The Womans Christian Temperance
Union of Holt County, will hold an in
stitute at the Methodist Episcopal
Church in O’Neill, at 1:30 in the after
noon, Tuesday, September 11, 1928, to
which all are cordially invited.
John Harbottle returned home last
Thursday from Iowa Falls, Iowa,
where he had been visiting for a month
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Guy W.
Ballard. John had the pleasure of
visiting the Iowa State fair and tak
ing in Omaha on the return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Murray accom
panied by their daughter, Mrs. Dean
Streeter, went to the Black Hills Tues
day, where they will visit their son,
George Murray, at Head, and daught
ers, Mrs. Ella Blomberg and Mrs. Lot
tie Burshek, at Newell, South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Henry and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Henry and Miss Ruby Tomlinson
autoed to Loretto Sunday where they
were met by Mr. and Mrs. Paul L.
HJenry and daughter Patricia Jane, of
Geneva, and enjoyed a picnic together.
Miss Tomlinson accompanied Paul
Henry and family to Geneva where she
will attend school this year.