•••What may be happening in the home you arc calling by Telephone apb wait a little longer before deciding there’* no one there The Telephone Golden Rule intwer your telephone an promptly at you would like other» to answer you, and wait at Iong for an answer at you would have others wait foryo u. F. J. BRADY WRITES ABOUT NURSERY PONDS Dr. C. H. Lubker, president of local Izaak Walton League, received the following letter from State President Frank J. Brady: Atkinson, Neb., July 17, 1928. S. E. ilarn, Spencer, Nebr. Dear Mr. Harn; Mr. Lewis of the Clarke, Lewis & Co. wnr. here yester day and I found him very favorable to our plan of constructing nurseries at the dam. From his conversation of yesterday, I take it that they are go ing to develop it as a recreational pint. He did not come out definitely and state that but all through the conversation he wanted to be sure that the ponds would lend a beautify ing effect to the property as he said they wished to utilize this for some Only $ 1 0 Round Trip DENVER September 1 Return Limit September 8 A most unusual opportunity to save money on a vacation trip to the COLORADO ROCKIES Consult Agent for Details Half fare for children No baggage checked Let The Frontier Print Your Job Write for demonstrations to PONTIC SIX The New Classy Car S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr. Authorized Dealer --- Wanted: Engineer job to run steam or oil engine thresher. In at this office-or write Box 224, O’Neill, Nebraska The bakery can save you a lot of worry this hot weather. Buy your bread and pastry here. McMillian & Markey THE ROYAL THEATRE Home of Good Pictures — Thursday-Friday, Aug. 23-24 — BIG SPECIAL ; John Gilbert and Joan Crawford in! “FOUR WALLS” Photo Play Magazine says that this is one of the best pictures of the month. - Saturday, August 25th - Karl Dane and George K. Arthur in “DETECTIVES” The kind Dane and Arthur always make, so many laughs and thrills you'll need an adding machine to count rhem all. -Sunday-Monday, Aug. 26-27 Big Special—John Barrymore and Dolores Costello in “WHEN A MAN LOVES” The most gorgeous and beautiful picture the screen has ever known. -Tuesday, Aug. 28 Ralph Ince in “NOT FOR PUBLICATION” Characterization! Romance! Mys tery! Action! This picture has all of them to the 'nth degree! -Wednesday. Aug. 29th - - “BEYOND LONDON’S LIGHTS” (All star cast) A man may woo— and forget! A woman rnay love—but there is no forgetting! — Thuraday-Friday, Aug. ;i0-31 — BIG SPECIAL “WE AMERICANS” with Patsy Ruth Miller and John Boies. A marvelous mixture of love, life and laughter. good purpose and from this I took that they would landscape the same and wanted the same to harmonize with that idea. He is having a blue print made of the property and will take the matter up direct with Frank O’Connell at Lincoln sometime in the very near future. Although this has moved a little slow, I am satisfied now everything will work out all right and we will be able to get our nurseries constructed this fall ready to be prop erly stocked with fish and fry this coming spring. Will keep you posted from time to time as it develops. With kindest personal regards, I am, Cordially yours, FRANK .T, BRADY, President Nebraska Division. LOCAL NEWS. S. L. Berry was in Cherry county Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Griffin, Miss Rose Taylor and Miss Helen Biglin drove to Lake Okoboji, Iowa, for a week camping trip. Miss Corinne Smith will entertain a number of the little j’srl friends of her sister, Sabanna, this afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Bert Gunn and children will go to Norfolk tomorrow where Mrs. Gunn will consult specialists in re gard to her health: she will Visit for a few days with Mr. Gunn’s sister, Mrs. Pete Liska. Mrs. Roy Warner, son Delbert and daughter. Miss Dona Rae, are visit ing with Mrs. Warner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F,. H. Wells and family. Roy drove to Stanton with them Sunday, returning home Monday evening. WILL YOU KEEP A PUPIL? Many pupils from the country are anxious to attend high school during the coming year; many of them can not come unless they find a place to work for their room and board. Anyone who will keep a pupil are requested to phone Mrs. W. C. Tem pleton or Mrs. R. M. Sauers before 1:30 Saturday. NEW WHITE WAY LIGHTS ON SATURDAY EVENING The O'Neill Concert band gave a conoert on the streets last Saturday evening preceding the turning on of the new “white way” street lighting system. The lights make a fine show ing and gives the street a metropoli tan appearance. The old lighting sys tem will be removed in the near future. ACCEPTS POSITION. (Neligh News) Miss I<.la Purcell has accepted an engagement with the Swarthmore Chautauqua Company, of Swathmore, Pennsylvania, and will leave in two weeks to tour the New England states playing the ingenue part in a comedy drama. This engagement will last until the holiday season. Miss Purcell was a student of fine arts at Bush Conservatory of fine arts in Chicago and is well fitted for this work. BOONE FAIR AUGUST 27-31. The Boone County Fair this year is being held the last week in Aug ust. The early date was set to get away from the uncertain weather of September and give the school child ren of the surrounding country a chance to attend the fair without in terrupting their school work. This year the fair management has a wonderful program. The exhibits in all departments will be at their best and the attractions are above the average in point of class. The Lackman-Carson Carnival com pany will provide much amusement on the grounds and a pavilion dance at night will give diversion to hundreds of young and old. The Boone county fair management extends a cordial inv’tation to ever> one in this part of the state to come to Albion, August 27-31 to see Ne braska’s greatest country fair. The Frontier $2.00 per year. O’NEILL AND BLOOMFIELD AT OAKViEW, FRIDAY The big: ball game of the season for Northeast Nebraska will take place at Oak View park, twenty miles east and five miles north of O’Neill, Fri day afternoon, where O’Neill and Bloomfield will battle for a $500.00 side bet and all the gate receipts. The game has created considerable interest among the fans in this part of the state and a large crowd is expected. MEEK AND VICINITY. Threshing is nearly all finished in this vicinity. Williahi Hubby called at the Griffith home Monday. Quite a good rain visited this vi cinity Sunday night. Joe Ulerach is quite ill, suffering from an infection on his knee. Clayton Thomas called at the Wells home near Red Bird Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby visited at the Albert Kaczor here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Walters are visiting relatives at Denver, Colorado. Will Kaczor and Harry Fox trucked corn and oats from Boyd county last week. Merriday Hubby ant! Charlie Fox are attending carp-meeting at Bas sett this week. Mrs. Orville Harrison and daughters 3;>ent Friday afternoon at the Clar ence Hick’s home. Miss Kathryn Taylor and Miss Sylvia Nelson returned to their homes at Bristow on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thomas and family, of near Lynch, visited at the Pete Eggar home Sunday. Miss Bernice Marlett, of Boyd county, spent several days the past week visiting with Mrs. Henry Wal ters. Miss Elberta Spindler came up from Norfolk, Saiutdav night to visit the rest of the family at the R. D. Spmd ier home. Eric Borg and son, Axel, returned from North Platte Saturday night.. They report crop looking fine nearly all of the way. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LinJburg and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lindburg and family were Sunday visitors at the Oscar Lindburg home. Roy Karr is doing quite a lot of building at Midway. He has built onto the store and garage and is building an upright onto his house 18x24 with porch the length of the building. Mr. and M *s. George Fuller and children, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, came Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Filton’s brother Roy Spindler and family and wi'>. her parents, who are here from Oklahoma. Visitors at the Eric Borg home Sun day were: Gardner Taylor and Mrs. Fossie, of Calome, South Dakota, Misses Kathryn Taylor, Miss Sylvia Nelson, of Bristow; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson and children. Afternoon callers at the Elmer Rouse home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rouse and daughters, and Nina Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil; Miss May McGowen and Virginia Mae Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Will Langdon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rimovsky and children, of Muskogee, Oklaho ma, are expected today (Tuesday) at the Roy Spindler home. Mrs Rim osky rill be remembered here as Helen Spindler. When they arrive all the Spindler family will be at the old home with the exception of Mrs. George Kratter (Anna) whose home is in Denver, Colorado. ILL* BARBU SAYS ILux against; >;said the j3old Dust J twins 1 Only $ 5 05 Round Trip To Lincoln Burlington Route Nebraska State Fair Round-trip tickets at the above rate, on sale September 1, 8, 4, 5 and 6, with final return limit of midnight two days after date of purchase Tickets good on all trains and honored only in coaches or chair cars. Half-fare for children 5 to 12. No baggage checked. LONGER LIMIT round-trip tickets at rate of fare and one-third (minimum fare $1.00) on sale Aug. 29 to Sept. 7, inclusive, final return limit, Sept. 10. Tickets good on all trains. Half fare for children 5 to 12. Baggage may be checked. L. €. Downey, Ticket Agent V ■ ■ J Laundry work of all kinds carefully done Call 232 v Insist on The Frontier printing Your Sale Bills. Things to Remember When You Attend the Nebraska State Fair School and Teacher’s Day. .Saturday September 1. Judging, Club Work, Bands, Spell ing.. .Saturday, September 1. Religious Services and Concerts ....Sunday, September 2. Twenty Bands or Music during the week. Auto Racing . Saturday, Monday and Friday Horse Racing . Tues., Wed., Thurs, and Fri. Live Stock Judging . .Starts Monday Morning Hagenbeck & Wallace Circus... Saturday, Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Friday. Dog Show . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Horse Shoe Pitching . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Wortham Shows all week. Dates—August 31 to September 7. General Admission_50c Children under 12 free. George Jackson Secretary. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR FOR RENT. Private Garage for rent.—See R. H. Parker. 2-tf For Rent—Three 80’s about seven miles north of Page.—Chas. Sim mons. 12-2 For Rent—Furnished house two doors west of Presbyterian church.— Mrs. Catherine Smith. 13-tf For Rent—Sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms; nice for school girls or teachers.—Call 236J. 12-3 For Rent—Apartments or light housekeeping rooms. Also single sleeping rooms by day or month. 20 rooms in my residence. Would like to show you these light housekeeping rooms.—Julia E. Parker. 5-tf FOUND. Found—Automobile tire. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and proving preperty.—Virgil Hubby. ll-3p Found—A purse near Mellor garage. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for ad.—Mrs. F. D. McMillian. 13-1 FOR SALE 480 ranch and farm land, 14 miles northeast O’Neill.—E. D. Henry. 1-tf For Sale—Detroit Vapor gasoline range. Inquire of Mrs. C. E. Stout.9tf For Sale—About 500 feeders, mostly good Whitefaces. Call or write Alex Jauracek. 13-2p Sweet Bermuda onions at $2.25 per half bushel.—Lewis Kopecky, Inman. 13-tf For Sale—2 cows and ULyearlings. —W. B| Lamb, 2*6 miles east of O’Neill. 13-1 For Sale—A bargain in E% 30-29 10 and SE M 18-29-10, Holt County.— W. J. Hammans, Afton, Iowa. 13-2 MISCELLANEOUS Wanted—Girl for general house work.—Mrs. E. F. Gallagher. 13-tf Wanted—Sewing and nursing.—Mrs. Nellie Simmons. 12-3 Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf Girl wanted for store work.—The Bakery. 11-tf Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Gaaves, O’Neill, 30-tf Plowing or breaking done with tractor. See Lee Wyant or Phone 94. 49-tf Prepare for positions higher up by taking the Accounting and Business Administration Course at Netlleton Commercial College, Sioux Falls, S. Dakota. 13-1 FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND *6 per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17 If Headache, blurring, weak or watery eyes, dizziness, styes, etc., indicate a need of correct glasses. See Perrigo Optical Co. at Golden Hotel, O’Neill, Tuesday, August 28th. 12-2 Normal human blood is too thick to be drawn through the mosquito's small piercing tube. They must first inject a thinning fluid. In that way disease germs are set afloat in the blood stream—bacteria of burning fever and crippling disease. There is ajso the danger of stereptococcic in action (blood poisoning) from scratch ing the bite. Mostquitoes must be killed. Health authorities advocate FLY-TOX. Simple instructions on each bottle (blue label) for killing ALL household insects. INSIST on FLY-TOX. FLY-TOX is easy to use. Safe, stainless, fragrant, sure.—Adv. V Laundry I have taken over the agency for the Craven Laundry of Norfolk PARCELLS CALLED FOR \ AND DELIVERED, OR THEY MAY BE LEFT AT THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP. Phone 327 Arthur Ryan VERY LOW FARES TO LINCOLN VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WEST ERN RY. ACCOUNT NEBRAS KA STATE FAIR. Excursion tickets on sale Aug. 29 to Sept. 7 at exceptionally low fares for the above occasion. For full in formation and tickets apply to Agent C. & N. W. Ry. 13-1 TAKEN UP. Came to my place early in July, one bay horse, weight about 1200.—P. J. Getscher, 9 miles north of O’Neill, Nebraska. 12-2 FOR SALE. Fordson tractor, first class condi tion; also 5 h. p. Cushman engine used very little. Write.—Sobotka’s Imple ment Service, Inman, Nebr.' 12-tf NOTICE! Any person trespassing on land in Holt County belonging to Alice Cox and Catherine Cox is liable to arrest and fine.—Catherine Cox. 12-2 5% INTEREST NOW. I have private money for choice farm loans at 5% interest. 5% R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 5% crn get a ^ySj good loom for D only ■* HOTEL W'EtliNGTON OMAHA ROOMS WITH BATH—$2.SC Frta Garago Overland Trucking Service Day or Night Phone 44 Await Spengler I Dr. C. H. Lubker :: Douglas Methods l\ Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb. | ::::::::::::::::::::: DR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to disease of the eye and cor rect fitting of glasses. umnKtsssHimtttfflttttttamatatuKm W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. L. A. CARTER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Glasses Correctly Fitted. One block South 1st Natl. Bank. -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA tmannmmmmmmmattmnnttnai; Uhl Brothers DRAY AND TRANSFER Heavy Hauling Specialtiee. Service at any tine. Phones—30 2—28 8 mmmmttmmtmwwmumiawuwt Graduate Veterinarian i H. L. BENNETT Phone 304. Day or Night. O’Neill, Nebraska I V