^ ■ - ||j p _: > | I The ontier. • % I VOLUME YT.TY O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1928. NO. 11, -- Republican Candidates Herbert Hoover and Senator Curtis as they looked following their first conference on campaign strategy LOCAL NEWS. Joe Ruddy, of Gordon, was in O’Neill today. F reel During the month of August ' we will give a pair of rubber heels FREE with every pair of ha If-so lee. O’Neill , Electric Shoe Shop L L CORNKt ^ Prop ».tl V ..■■■■■/ A. E. Bowen and wife will drive to Omaha Sunday to attend the Atwater Kent convention which will be held Monday, August 13th. Mrs. Kane and son, Austine, of New York City, came last week for a month’s visit with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Mullen, of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brandt and family, of Atkinson, vistied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Klingler; they were on their way to Omaha. Word came this morning from Kan sas City stating that Dr. Frost was in the hospital at that place where she underwent an operation last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manson have been in Thermopolis, Wyoming, for the past two weeks enjoying a vaca tion from their work at the Mellor Motor Company. The O’Neill Concert band played several selections as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Arnold and family at their home on west Fremont street last Friday evening. Mrs. A1 Siverson and two sons, Hurdis and Bobby and Mrs. J. W. Chapman went to Sioux City, Iowa, Tuesday morning, where ^hey will triail Xnlnf iirna un/I frionrl<4 for U WPPk --— Mrs. Ralph McElvain spent the week with her sister, Mrs. Roy Goree, at Long Pine. She says that Roy Goree caught an eighteen inch trout last Sun day night in Pine Creek near Long Pine. Mrs. Orrin H. Wakefield and daught ers, Maryanna and Margaret ,of Los Angeles, California, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Surber. Mrs. Wakefield and Mrs. Surber are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson return ed home Wednesday from a ten days wedding trip to the Black Hills. The young folks gave them a charivari at the James Davidson home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Elmer Surber entertained ten ladies—members of the Friday club, at her home last Thursday afteroon. Mrs. Sam A. Arnold, a member of the club who was leaving O’Neill was the guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laviollette, of North Bend, Nebraska, were shaking hand with Walter’s former O’Neill friends, Monday afternoon and Tues day morning. Walter is conducting a drug store in North Bend. Rev, and Mrs. George LongstafT and daughter. Miss Elsie, of Hastings, have gone to Scotts Bluffu, to see Me. and Mrs. Ernest Goodonberger, and two sons, who arrived there from Yu nnn. Chinu, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams and children, Marjorie Jean and Boh Jr., of Quincy. Illinois, are visiting at the home of Mr and Mm. K. M. Gallagher, Several social affairs have been plan ned in their honor during the week. Harry T. Osborn and Harry Half ner returned home Tuesday evening from Tarkb*, Missouri, where they Went Hunday in the Inb rest of the oB Well. Wo are informed that about IftJXK) aero* have teen leased for drilling. Mr. Osborn expects to leave Saturday for Oklahoma to complete Uw leasing of a rig, anti drilling oper ations are expected to start In about a month. — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biglin, Mrs. 0._ F. Biglin, Miss Irenaeia and Miss Genevieve Biglin motored to Hastings! Wednesday to attfend the Adams county fair and visit at the John Big lin home. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Burch accom panied by Miss Esther Sexsmith re turned home last Sunday evening from a thirteen days auto trip that took them to points in Canada via Duluth. They spent a couple of days on Lake ; Erie. L. As Simonson, Will Martin and Ralph McElvain went to Marsh Lake Sunday on a four-day fishing trip. They report that the bass were biting fine; also the mosquitoes. They return ed Wednesday evening with a nice catch. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Simonson and daughter, Dorotha, Mrs. Nora Knapp and Vinton Simonson left last Tuesday for Yellowstone Park on a month’s va cation. Irwin Simonson purchased a New Chevrolet Sedan fully equipped for the western trip. Elmer Surber accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Arnold and sons, Merle and Richard, drove to Hastings, Nebraska, last Sat m day evening, vncre Mr. Arnold and family will re side. Uhl Brothers trucked th-nr household goods to Hastings S indny mom rig. Ex-Senator Sanoell, or iorK, ana Lieutenant Governor Williams spoke at one o’clock, Thursday afternoon. The crowd was large and everyone seemed to enjoy the'sports, and ball game between O’Neill and Lynch which was won by Lynch 5 to 4. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Duffy drove up from Emerson, Nebraska, Saturday evening and spent Sunday here with relatives and friends in O’Neill, re turning home Monday. The Doctor says the corn and small grain around that part of the country is in splendid condition. Arthur Duffy came up from Peters burg, Nebraska, Wednesday and will visit until Friday morning with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Donohoe and will visit with former O’Neill friends. His son, Joe, who has been visiting at the Dono hoe home for the past two weeks, will return home with hi.m. County Judge C. J. Malone received the information the latter part of last week that his son. Attorney L. if. Malone, who is now one of the promi nent attorneys in Florida, had just won the decision in the supreme court in u million dollar case which hv> won in the tower court last winter Mr. und Mrs. John Winchell and children, Vivian and Lyle, of Plug*! staff, Arizona, drove to Holt county to; •pend their vacation, arriving here lastj Monday. They are visiting at thei homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.| B. T. Winchell O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Michael, Chambers. Mr. and Mrt. A. T. Shinn, of Wood. j liine, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. I nog Jacobson and son, Howard, of Moor head, Iowa, have been visiting at