fcJT* i I / wiaf- v. J NURSES know, and doctors havi declared there’s nothing quite lib Bayer Aspirin for all sorts of achei and pains, but be sure it is genuint Bayer; that name must be on th« package, and on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word genuine—in red—is on every box. You can’t go wrong if you will just look at the box; Rife Acrr Furm, one mile North of Al^oster. tin p-rmeled highway. For particulars write ICKUAN BROS., ALCESTEK, 8. D.. RT. 2. FOB SACK CHE.tr FARMS Bow aa live doltara per acre, suitable for various fuim product*. SCOTT NIXON, Farm Department, Masonic Bldg., Augusta, Ga, To Cool a Burn Use Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh Money bar k for first bottle If not suited. All dealers. Cecile't Sharp Wit Heres the lutest on Cedle Evans Bollywood's sharpest wit. The story, told by James U. Quirk In Photoplay Magazine, goes that she drove her roadster Into the temporary garage of a four-thousand-dollar-a-week-man on the First National lot. Along came the Kolls-Royce. , “What do you mean by stalling your contraption in ray garage?” yelled the justly irate F. T, A. W. M. “I’m sorry,” apologized Ceeile. “1 «w one of your pictures last ulght and 1 thought you were through here.” No Wood in This House A house without a single sliver of wood In Its construction is being built in Gary, Ind., for the president of a local steel company. The frame work is made of angle-irons with a complete system of diagonal bracing. Both bolting and electric welding is used to fasten the steel together. Con crete is used In the foundation and for the floors, while stairs, sills and in terior trim are all steel. Death to Cats of Rome The mayor of Rome, Italy, has Is sued a decree which puts an absolute ban on all cats in the Interest of pub lic health. The excuse that they keep down the number of rats and mice Is met with the statement that there are much more effective ways of doing this than by the use of cats. Farmers to Use Planes Many owners of large farms In South Africa are considering the use of airplanes for trips to the city. Farms In that country are enormous in size, as a rule, and planes could also tie employed In making trips o( inspection. Yards are so large thnt there Is ample space for landing at the owner’s front door. Fooling Evil Spirit* Among seml-elvilized races Inter change of dress Is a serious business and Is practiced regularly. In many of the numerous islands hi Australasia, whenever a man Is troubled with an evil spirit he leaves his home secret ly, dons a woman’s dress, assumes n female voice and pretends to be other than he really is. Not Today I.lttle Betsy was gazing out of the window one afternoon during a re cent severe storm. Site saw the sun become overshadowed by heavy clouds and the day grow nlmost dark. “.My, there won't lie any daylight savin' today,” she said sadly. Don’t Judge a man's bravery by liD conversation. r.rtn on inn uownwan] putu some people aro l»nrkslltleriA. ALLEN'S FOUT EASE Mt<>|-a Uni (tain of t'-irua J*Jf and lltinam* ami you rail walk nil day m «*»*• and oimhirt, N’ntblmi a!yr* mil li iwttat tu but, ilrwt, m Uiiif, Utflnini-d or awol* Ian lout* Mlan ra or enh in-. .. a in.id : Aim i i i> jI• r I *t »| riiikl' d In i'hcIi >'«• In Uw Morning will nm hr you f ■ aUnit ii/im It iak«* lira trial km Inn itwih"*, A I wiya um M for (Nnvina iM in Br wk In Srw ki.i**h f**r trr* Mm»:a itli h.H.M* Walk I * Ball, MbMi AU.IA*I rout I l«l, l« lay, N. V. !• • rtaUk Um Allan** Im>ii«m ni< u w a vat irttn lunrtnitM Mit *"• - im i (3a auk »«k4'a i»•*« M t>l»M » | la k,ii IrM :«'*.« Mf* •* a*•«*• al kmoMi rr «r«« (k a*, a* ■ »-•** ItOUB CITY BTO CO* no Japan Is Good Market For Noisy Music, Says Berlin, < AP>—Japan knows much more about contemporaneous Ger man composers, especially those with a penchant for cacophony, than do the Germans themselves. This unusual statement is made by Director H. Gebhard of the Ger man Grammophone company. ‘‘Our best market for ultra-mod em offerings is Japan." he says. "In Germany. Paul Hindemith, Arnold Schoenberg, Ernst Krenek. Alban Berg, or K irt Weill records have but moderate sales: in Japan we sell them by the thousand. “I explain it this way: the Japan ese is keen on everything modem, he wants to be absolutely uptodate. Now, he reads about the new school of musical composition, and im mediately orders records illustrat ing it. As his ear is differently at tuned from ours, he has none of the inhibitions to overcome which hind er the European from accepting new combinations of sounds and new conceptions of harmony easily ‘‘The average Japanese conse quently knows the German mod ernists much better than do the Germans themselves.” Germans Have Antidote For Air Sickness, Claim Berlin. p on the nerves of the diaphragm. Air passengers who arrived at Tempelhof quite ill from air sick ness were brought back to normal conditions within less than five minutes through the inhalation of the antidote. It is planned in due time to have an inhalation appar atus installed on every passenger plane with tubes running to every seat. --. O il* a l. m ^viuici a maauu r none Exchange After Trouble Tientsin. (AP)—Verbal abuse of telephone “centrals” when connec tions are not forthcoming is for Gen- Li Yun-chang an inadequate way to express exasperation. This warlord, who commands the 35th division of Gen. Chu Yu-pu's ill-disciplined Chihli army, had trouble getting a connection through the Tientsin headoffice exchange. After exhausting a stock of exple tives learned in the nigged Shan tung mountains, General Li sent soldiers of his bodyguard to the exchange to show that he was not to be trifled with. The soldiers as saulted several Chinese operators, smashed equipment and interrupted service for more than three hours of a busy afternoon. The exchange is in Chinese terri tody Just outside the boundary of the Italian concession, but it serves a large portion of the foreign areas. The Chinese operators could not be persuaded to return to their posts until the company's foreign en gineers arrived, took charge and made the necessary repairs. Dictator Chang Tso-lin at Pek ing has ordered an investigation of the affair. -+.+ -- Build Heroes’ Mound Of Earth from Graves Budapest, Hungary. (AP) — The government has invited all Hungar ian communes to dispatch to Buda pest half a kilo of earth taken from the graves of heroes and from sites of great national happenings. These handfuls of earth will be used to build up a “heroes mound” in the shape of a pyramid outside Buda pest, from the top of which the na tional flag will wave. Inevitable Reaction. Elmer Davis, in Life. The late readjustment, as the de vout call it, of the stock market has brought some comfort to us old fashioned coaservatives who were brought up on the multiplication table and kindred outworn supersti tions. For a year past our friends who were getting rich in Radio and General Motors have been assuring us < as they assured us in 1919, and as investors in Florida real estate as sured us in 19251 that modern condi tions had created a new heaven and a new earth, more particularly a new heaven, in which prices would keep on rising forever and we could all get rich by unloading our holdings on each other. Well, once more it has been proved that all that goes up must come down; and that what ever may have happened to the Ten Commandments of late years, the elementary laws of mathematics are yet to b’ disproved. There is little romance and ideal ism in the statement that two and two make four; but as a major pre mise it is likely to prove a little more satisfactory and workable than the optimistic theory, lately ruarent. that two aand two make 27. or as much more as the price at which you bjught the stock tnay require. A Memento. From Ttt-niu, London, First Housewife I suppoM you carry a memento of some sort »n this locket of yours? Second Dr to Yes, It Is a lock of tnv husbands hair. "But your husband Is still silver "Yes. but his hair Is gone,” • • <*» la lisskl. "Has the buuk a happy ending?” asked Alfred "I don t know ” responded gioue. Don't know?'* "In the last chapter they are mar ried and begin hunting for an apart* ment" , Follies Beauty Weds • v". v.r^r«n a* IS'. A romance that began in the air high over Curtiss Field cul minated when Clare Luce, for mer follies beauty, became the bride of Clifford W. Smith, wealthy broker. Both are deep ly interested in flying, having taken up aviation shortly after Lindbergh flew the Atlantic. (Ifrtarnatlonal NcwmtmI) 0 Champ Diving Clown Here'# Stubby Krueger clown* ing his stuff at one of New York's great beach resorts, from top to bottom the pic tures illustrate Stubby's half jack dive, his weak-kneed dive, his pelican dive and his soldier An e. IIOWMMNl Nt»* **H UARD-MK1N »H*Mt ttew I'Ue spurn husi*o have a hand blnrket lUaid skin dasten in iim of tan and writ «n*r* and Iwtwtw, One seat* theta to maU’U «r«qr and tan llsard shoes. I Debris in Wake of Cloudburst fcjyjn*1 1 n 1 ii -- Two thousand persons were marooned, 185 automobiles were destroyed and property damage running into scores of thousands of dollars was wreaked by a freak combination cloudburst and landslide which visited the pretty resort of Rainbow Gardens, near Me* Keesport, Pa. The above picture shows a buiidinjj after the elements had finish^ with it. (Intaraatlooal N»w»r«*l»y She Ends a 3,C 1 J-Mile Ride Out of the West up the steps of New York’s City Hal! rode Alice May Sisty on her broncho Spottail. Iler 3,000 mile ride ended, she handed to Charles E. Kerrigan, assistant to Mayor Jimmy Walker, an invitation to attend the Cheyenne, Wyo., frontier celebration July 24-28. (International Nmw*r**U Peggy Joyce’* Sixth to Just as soon as Lord Northesk (below) obtains his divorce from Lady Jessica Brow* Northesk, former Follies beauty, he is going to trip to the alta{ for a second time with Peggy Hopkins Joyce. But it will be pretty Peggy's sixth saunte* down the aisle to Mr. Mendels-* sohn’s famous composition. The happy pair are now eni joying the bathing at Deauville. (latarnatloDal N«»»«U , Bolt Kills Him Lightning struck the fUhing rod of Harold Hamm. Dart mouth student, while ha was flahing with comrade* in the water* of I dike Winnepeaauku, |f. H.. killing hint instantly. •*•*•»’**" *•*•• U*» •*«•!# PRINCE AND MARSHAL TALK IT OVER ThU tinuaual photo ahowa the Prince of Wale*, right, with Marahal Koch rriving at Scarborough, Kngland, where the* inspected the Hritiih Legtonaire* who gathered there tor their annual conference.