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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1928)
Dodge Brothers Standard Six is the fastest car, with the fastest pick-up, under a thousand dollars. HOWEVER That is only HALF the story. The IMPORTANT point is that this exceptional speed is made prac tical by Dodge ruggedness of chassis and oody construction.. Might succeed in building a carat this price with equal SPEED, but to do so successfully tnev would also have to build a car with equal STURDINESS. 1 a m a* That is wht-c Dodge Brothers, with years of experience in building a dependable low-cost product, are years ahead of the field 't 8J Can buy the Standard Six knowing that it is not only the fastest car in its class but the sturdiest — ana the one is every bit as important as the other. i Is the price, and you will find our payment-plan one of the most liberal you have ever investigated. Drive the Standard—without obligation — today' J. M. Seybold, Dodge Bros. Dealer Phone 291, O’Neill, Nebraska Dodge Druthers Standard Six A BUY IF THERE EVER WAS ONE 4-Door Sedan Mfyl — Cabriolet $941— Deluxe Sedan $970—f o. b. Detroit SUPERVISOR’S PROCEEDINGS. O’Neill, June 16, 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. Road Petition. To the Honorable County Board of Holt County, Nebraska: We, the undersigned, being owners of the land adjacent to the proposed road, hereby petition your honorable body to grant and establish a public road, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southwest cor ner of Section 36 in Township 26, North of Range 16, West of the 6th P. M. and running east one-half mile on the county line between Holt and Garfield counties. The starting point being at a laid out road. If the road he established as above described we relinquish and waive all Famous Film Launches New Idea in Music r i TOP <aRETA (aAItBO Walter Donaldson Intro duces American Theme as Music for “Love” New York City.—There'* been * big battle on Broadway between the contendere for American music and those for foreign class ics. And the Americana have won with colons flying. It all started because meet motion pictured have been cued with excerpt* from <•!***><** and the public wants Anwru an jam*. Now, the far sighted producer i» themeing hi* picture in American rhythm. Walter Donaldson, *nng*mitH de luxe, who has m d* more money from lumg wr ■ r than any other pen on, new nr ever I» - re, wae asked to write the first motion picture a»--'g. He d.d with "That Melody O U- < ,** t»r "love" featuring John (Mbert and Ureta Csrm ‘ iicre we have * —*o ‘ail •11 the world want*, yet we in America havo been tossing it for foreign classics. And we uo this just because certain com position! are called ‘classic.' In • hundred years from now many of the popular songs of 11*2A will be In that category," Donaldaon eg. plains. "Every country on the face of ttie earth runs our motion pictures and plays our music, yet we hare i hesitate.I to combine these two i outstanding arts. It makes no (linersnee what the story of the picture or how foreign Its tla ror. all of these totalities esn be pre served and (no musk still truly American -if done in our iniau table rhythm, ‘‘Our popular songs ere our folk songs, he further explains, “and if taosiral production* have been supplanted by 'movies* in many towns, these motion pic turn* certainly should Yarty or. ;; tl hr tl eapt- tH tongs | ist ain*1 So -Hu'ilt Auction! Our next Autcion Sale will be Saturday, July 28th If you have anything come up and list it. We want lists of all kinds. * JOHN L. QUIG, O’Neill, Nebr. Auction! Auction!! 7-3 claims for damages except for the amount set opposite our names, which sum we agree to accept in full satis faction for all damages to our respect ive lands as follows: B. C. Bruce, SW14, Sec. 35, Town 25, North of Range 15, amount of damages: None. We, the undersigned, are interested in the establishment of said road and reside within five miles of the said proposed road and we each give the iocation of our land and residence op posite our respective names in section, town and range. ALBERT DA WE, and Eleven Others. State of Nebraska, Holt County, ss: Personally appeared before me, E. F. Porter, a County Clerk in and for said County and State, duly commis sioned and qualified, Roy Worden, who being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is personally acquainted with the par ties whose names appear on the with in petition and that each of them re side within five miles of the within proposed road and are legal petition ers for the same. KUY WUKUtiN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of June, 1928. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. This being a consent road no dam age being asked, on motion the prayer of the petition was granted and the road declared a public road and the County Surveyor instructed to survey and plat the same. At 2 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until June 26, 1928, at 9 o’clock a. m. unless sooner called by the clerk. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank the many kind neighbors and friends for their as sistance and for the many beautiful floral offerings following the death of our dear husband and father, Edward Graham. Mrs. Edw. A. Graham. Morris Graham, O’Neill. Mrs. C. C. Jackson, Yuba City, California. Edward Graham. Whittier, Calif Viola Graham, O’Neill. Mrs. J. Shuster, Omaha. Harry, Gertrude, Gerald and Charles Graham. CARD OF THANKS. Through the columns of The Fron tier we wish to express our sincere appreciation for the assistance and many acts of kindness shown us dur ing the illness and following the death of our dear mother, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. The Knapp children. BRICK BATS. The other day the boss told us that it was about time that our customers were getting a little rest and that as we had done nothing much for fifty consecutive weeks ho figured that it would be a good idea for us to take a little vacation so for the next few days we are going to be mighty busy. Owing to the surplus of morals being handed out by our fevered politicians at this time ours will not be missed, so instead of morals we will dispense physiology, topography, morals and dispositions of the countries and peo ples we expect to see. In our spare time we are planning on organizing a new political party with a platform containing one plank, viz., that with the exception of golfers, fishermen and hunters, no one should have to get up before 8 a. m., excepting on holi days, leaving the above exceptions op tional. There, folks, is a real plat form, popular with one and all, and it deserves support. Having packed our other shirt, we will be on our way to the town where they claim to know beans. Will tell you more about it next week. Don’t forget about the new Slumber Party. If we can get on the ticket we will need as many votes as each of you can manage.— Brick Smith. LOST Lost—A blue serge coat on the road between O’Neill and Newport on the evening of July 4th.—Sol Ritts. 7-1 MISCELLANEOUS Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf Dressmaking (Tara Aim. 34-tf. I TO HOUDE!t3 OF Third Liberty Loan Bonds Th* Treasury offers a new ZH per cent. 12-15 year Treasury bond in exchange for Third Liberty Loan Bonds. The new* bonds will bear interest from July 15, 1928. Interest on Third Liberty * Loan Bonds surrendered for exchange will be paid in full to September 15, 1928. Holders should consult their banks at oif»e for further de tails of this offering. Third Liberty Loan Eonth mature on Septembei 15, 3928, and will cease to bear interest on that date. A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. Washington, July 5, 1228. The Frontier $2.00 per year. EAST V/f ANY of the greatest L* summer resorts are located in the East—a realm of scenic and his toric interest. Miles of colorful beaches swept by soothing ocean breezes. All the relaxation and gayety of metropolitan cities with all the comfort* and luxuries to make your vacation a memorable and happy one. LOW ROUND TRIP PARES to Atlantic City, Bar Harbor, Me., Boston, Halifax. Montreal, New York City, Niagara Falls, Portland, Me. Liberal Stop Over Privileges Tickets on sal* daily until Sept. 30th. For complete Information, consult local C. & N.W. Agent CHICACO mu NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Graves, O’Neill, 30-tf Wanted—Lady help at Armoui Creameries. 6-4 Plowing or breaking done wit! tractor. See Lee Wyant or Phone 94. 49-tf Want offer on SE^ 8-27-11 Holt Co.—Miss Holman, 852 Clarkson St. Denver, Colorado. 2-7p I have just returned from Cali fornia and have plenty of money to loan on farms and ranches at reason able rates.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. Ne braska. 49-tf FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND *4 per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-If A 3-room apartment in the Nayloi block for rent. Also carage. 4-tf Enjoy golden hours of restful, re freshing sleep. Each summer night may be calm, peaceful, undisturbed Every-one may have them. Just by using' FLY-TOX. Spraying the sleep ing rooms. Killing the mosquitoes Everyone knows mosquitoes are dis ease carriers. They must be killed Health authorities advocate FLY TOX. It is the scientific insecticide developed at Mellon Institute of In dustrial Research by Rex Fellowship Simple instructions on each bottle (blue label) for killing ALL household insects. INSIST on FLY-TOX. It is safe, stainless, fragrant, sure.—Adv FOR RENT. Private Garage for rent.—See R H. Parker. 2-tf For Rent—2 furnished upstairs ap partments, one four room and one five room; modern except heat.—George Bradt. 5-tf For Rent—Apartments or light housekeeping rooms. Also single sleeping rooms by day or month. 20 rooms in my residence. Would like to show you these light housekeeping rooms.—Julia E. Parker. 5-tf FOR SALE 4SO ranch and farm land, 14 miles northeast O’Neill.—E. D. Henry. 1-tl For Sale—Electric Vacuum, $7.50 - Burlington Depot. * 7 For Sale—An ice box.—Sullivan's Hat Shop. 7-tf For Sale—2 Black faced rams Priced each $20.—l,ewi» Kopecky, In ! man. 4*tf For Sale-One three year old reg istered Shorthorn bull,—Frank Ben ash. O’Neill. 4*3 W e have plenty of Virginia Splint (soft coal on hand, if you want good coal see Warners 39-tf For Hale—-A' Dodge Sedan in good running order.- Mrs. Edward A Graham, O'NeiH, Neb., R. No, 1. 7-4 For Side Cheap- Trained < *ermar Police waUh dog. Perfect house and I car manners. A beauty,—Mrs. James Mac Lachlan, Stoers Nebr, 7-1 I Write for demonstrations to | •• f: The New Classy Car 1 S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr. | § Authorized Dealer z Hi VERY LOW RATE ROUND TRIP WEEK END TICKETS. On sale Saturdays and Sundays to stations on the Chicago & North Western Ry. and C. St. P. M tz 0. Ry. an approximate redius of 200 miles. Return limit, midnight of fol lowing' Monday. For full information and tickets apply to Agent, Chicago &r Northwestern Ryy. 5-4 The Frontier |2.00 per year. (First publication July 5.) NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the land described herein has been set aside as a Bird and Game Reserve as provided by Section 7368, Compiled Statutes of 1922, State of Nebraska, and all persons are warned not to hunt or destroy game and bird life on said lands or any part thereof on and after August 1, 1928, under pen alty of law: The West Yz of Section One (1), all of Sections Two (2), Three (3), Nine (9), Ten (10), Six teen (16), and Twenty-eight (28), the North % of Section Twelve (12), the North Yz of Section FJeven (11), The Northeast Vi and the West V4 of Sec tion Fifteen (15), the South V4 of Sec tion Seventeen (17). the North -h of Section Twenty (20), the West Yz of Section Twenty-one, (21), all in Town ship Twenty-seven (27), Range Ten (10), Holt County, Nebraska. Department of Agriculture State of Nebraska, 6-3 h. j. McLaughlin, Secretary. (First publication July 5.) NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the land described herein has been set aside as a Bird and Game Reserve as provided by Section 7368, Compiled Statutes of 1922, State of Nebraska, and all persons are warned not to hunt or destroy game and bird life on said lands or any part thereof on and after August 1, 1928, under pen alty of law: All of Section Twenty (20) and Section Thirty-one (31), and the South % and the Northeast Vi of Section Nineteen (19), and the North Ms and the Southeast % of Section Thirty (30), and the South % and the Northwest M of Section Thirty-two (32), and the Southwest *4 of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty nine (29), all in Township Thirty (30), Range Twelve (12), Holt County, Ne braska. Department of Agriculture State of Nebraska, 6-3 h. j. McLaughlin, Secretary. (First publication June 28.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2020. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 26, 1928. In the matter of the Estate of Mary Cavanaugh, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is October 26, 1928, and for the payment of debts is June 14, 1929, and that on July 26, 1928, and on October 27, 1928, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 5-4 County Judge. (Fix-st publication June 28) SALE BY SPECIAL MASTER UN DER DECREE. B. H. DUNHAM. SPECIAL MASTER 501 SECURITIES BLDG., OMAHA. NEBRASKA. PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that, by virtue of an order of sale is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the District of Ne braska, Norfolk Division, and in pur suance of the decree of said court rendered at the September 1927 term of said court, to-wit: On September 19, 1927, in an action therein pending numbered 113—Equity, wherein The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany is plaintiff, and R. R. Otis, and others, are defendants, whereby the mortgage involved in said action on the property hereinafter described was foreclosed, I, B. H. Dunham, us Special Master of said court, by vir tue of the authority in me vested as such Master, under the decree and order of sale issued to me u- such Mas ter, will on the 27th day of July, 1928, at 8:45 o’clock in the forenoon, at the county court house in O’Neill, the county seat of Holt County, Nebras ka, at the usual place where sheriff’s sales of land are made in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property on which said mortgage was foreclosed, which . said property is situate in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, and ' known and described as follows, to wit: East Half (E^) Section Twenty j four (24) in Township Twenty-flve (25) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P. M.. To satisfy plaintiff in the sum of 611,828.19. with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum jlftitu September 19, 1927 which amount la decreed to be a nr»t lien 1 on said mortgaged premise* herein* before described, and to satisfy the •urn of 655.80, co»ts shown on said order of sale, and the accruing coata *nd expense* of sale: the proceeds of sale to be applied upon confirmation of said sale a* follow-*, to-wit: (1) To the unpaid cost# of said suit that have accrued and may accrue, (2) to payment to plaintiff of the sum found j due it with interest thereon as pro ! vided in said decree and its costs ex j pened, (3) the surplus, if any, to be I paid to the Clerk of the Court to abide the further order of the Court in reference thereto. All as provided by said order of sale and decree. Said sale will be held open for one hour at the time and place aforesaid. B. H. DUNHAM, Special Master of the United States District Court, for the District of Nebraska, Norfolk Division. 5-5 (First publication June 14) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to an order of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, made and entered on the 2nd day of June, 1928, in an action therein pending wherein Nelson E. Cain is plaintiff and Edna Lubkin, William Lubkin, Helen De land, Nile Deland and Hazel Cain Skinks are defendants, I will offer for sale and will sell to the highest bid der for cash in hand on the 16th day of July, 1928, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. at “the front door of the courthouse in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, the following de scribed real estate situated in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty three in township twenty-nine, north, range eleven, west of the sixth princi pal meridian and lots one and two of section four in township twenty eight, north, range eleven, west of the sixth principal meridian. Dated this 14th day of June, 1928. m. h, McCarthy, Referee. George M. Harrington, Attorney for Plaintiff. 3-5 iloti Bel* You can get a i J ) good room for I only ■ (Hotel Wellington OMAHA K ROOMS WITH BATH—$2.50 1 1 _Free Oarage I f Overland Trucking I Service Day or Night Phone 44 | Await Spengler | Dr. C. H. Lubker j Douglas Methods | Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb. [ saaaaaaaanaaaaaanataaaaaaat | DR. J. P. GILLIGAN j Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to disease of the eye and cor ; rect fitting of glasses. :aaaaaaatnmaaa:aaaaaaaaaaa' a?a«anaauauaauanaannaaaanat IW. F. FINLEY, M. D. ||| Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska I i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaataata DR. L. A. CARTER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Glasses Correctly Fitted. One block South 1st Natl. Bank. ——Phone 72 § O’NEILL :: NEBRASKA (Uhl Brothers DRAY AND TRANSFER Heavy Hauling Specialties Service et any tine. Phones—302—288 John N. Stauffer J City Dray line j I Dray end Transfer | I Piano Moving. Phone 125 | I O’Neill Nebraska I »- 9 1 ummttmtmnmnummtttnaiumnma rtduate \ t it ! man,m H. L. BENNETT Phone 304, Day or Night. jj O’Neill, Nebraska mrnmammtttwitamtanmtntnnmra