The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 21, 1928, Image 8

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    All these
dosed cars have
THE mechanical performance of General
Motors cars is tested and proved on
General Motors’ 1,245 acre Proving Ground.
Before any new model is put in production,
it must pass more than 135 different tests for
power, speed, durability and general per
As to the appearance and comfort of
General Motors cars, we invite you to be the
judge. Every closed body is built by Fisher—
the largest builder of automobile bodies in the
world. The experience and the vast production
of the Fisher Company mean more beauty,
more comfort, and more luxury than you will
find anywhere else at corresponding prices.
We invite you to check, on the coupon be
low, the cars that appeal to you most. Com
plete literature will be sent to you, without
any obligation.
CHEVROLET — 7 nodeis,
$495 to $715. Bigger and liotter
than cvw before. 4-wheel brakes.
More powerful engine. Luxurious
Fisher Bodies. New hood. New
Duco colors. Also truck chassis;
! 3^-ton, $395; 1-ton, $495.
--- _ mm , - - -
PONTIAC—7 models, $745
lo $875. Lowest-priced quality
"six.” New models improved from
radiator to tuil-light. 4-wheel
j brakes. Bodies by Fisher. New
(iMII cylinder head. Increased
power. Duco linish.
OLDS MOBILE—7 models,
$925 tc $10H5. Fine quality ear at
moderate price, Rcdiwigncd and
fi improved by General Motors,
linger, roomier, more powerful.
Fisher Bodies. 4-wheel brakes.
I • ■ • ’ ' fl| . . •• t>
• OAKI,AN I) — 7 models,
11045 to |1.'5T5. The AH-American
. "si*.” Smooth, powerful engine. <
1 I/mger, lower and more beautiful
bodies by Fisher. 4-wheel brakes.
Every convenience. New Duco
- colors.
j BUICK -— 16 models, $1195 to
I $1995. largest value in Buick’s
history. Beautiful low bodies by
Fisher, tietaway like an arrow,
Yihrationless beyond belief. 6-eyl
inder “valve - in - heud” engine.
Duco finish.
LaSALLE—16 models. $2350
to $2975. Beautiful car of Conti
nental lines.
Companion car
to Cadillac.
V-type, 90 de
gree 8-cylinder engine. Marvel
ous bodies by Fisher. Striking
Duco combinations.
CADILLAC—26 models,
$3295 to $5500. Standard of the
world. Famous 90-degree V-type
8-cylinder engine. Sumptuous bod
ies by Fisher ami Fleetwood. 500
f color combinations to choose from.
GENERAL Motors (Drpt. A). Detroit, Mich.
CHEVROLET Q PW«.*»itd,witl*>utoMij ■lion mr.ilhutratoj I
Iwmiut d*«nbirig*«ih C i*nml MmmPnitluci
PONTIAC EJ * tlml*d — lo*»l!i»f with l hr bookU-i,
_ "Principle* aixi I'nlutr*.’'
OAKLAND □ Same______ \
□ \
i f*f | S
m i aan. mum tmm mta at.< camr. m a*
I (Continued from last week.)
District No. 216
Donald Remington
Martuniea Madsen
District No. 218
Emil Colfack
Bernard Nelson
District No. 220
Richard Shipman
District No. 222
| Vern Kaiser
I District No. 225
Orville Morrow'
District No. 226 x
I Melvin Welton
S Clarence Welton
I District No. 228
I Faye Segmun
I Audrey Gilster
I District No. 231
E Charles Vorce
I District No. 233
! Roine Worden
District No. 236
Melba Clifford
District No. 242
Mabel Raymer
I District No. 243
June Van Lorn
George Chapman
Oerold Carpenter
District No. 245
Chester Larson
Harold Larson
Amy Bruner
Lela Bradshaw
Ivan Shermer
District No. 249
Moran Pettijohn
Blanche Pettijohn
District No. 251
Claude Hoppell
I Miss Lois Thrush, of Easterville,
Iowa, is the new operator at the
Western Union office.
Mrs. Henry Martin, who has been
| at Hot Springs for several months,
! returned home Monday.
1 Mrs. Pete Van Allen, of Omaha,
came Sunday for a visit with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berry.
Miss Minerva Merrell and Miss
Stacia Carney drove to Sioux City
for a week’s visit with friends.
Judge and Mrs. R. R. Dickson and
daughter, Miss Marjorie, returned
from Omaha the first of last week.
Mrs. Della Shaw returned Saturday
from a three weeks’ visit at the home
of her son, Rafe, and family at Tona
Ed Campbell is building an up-to
date residence « n his lots east of the
H. J. Hammond residence on west
Douglas street.
The Zimmerman & Son cream sta
tion has been newly painted inside and
out and presents a very neat and sani
tary appefwrance.
The Ladies Guild of the Presbyte
rian church will meet with Mrs. D.
N. Loy, Thursday, June 28, 1928. All
are cordially invited.
Joel Parker has begun the erection
of a residence on his lots east of the
E. F. Porter residence in the south
eastern part of the city.
Billy Biglin stepped upon a piece of
glass Wednesday, which cut his foot
so badly that it required several
stitches to close the wound.
Gene, the two year old son of Rev.
and Mrs. O. A. Fortune suffered a
broken left arm last Sunday evening
when he fell from a piano stool.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Timlin and
daughter. Katherine, from Broken
Bow, Nebraska, arrived in O’Neill
Friday evening to spend the week-end
with Mrs. Timlin folks, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kubichek. M. J. was driving
a new Pontiac Six.
From now' until November 15, 1928,
The Lincoln Star daily with Sunday
for $2.00, daily without Sunday for
$1 .60. Subscribe now and keep posted
on the political news. Please men
tion this offer in subscribing. —Adv.
All kinds of sewing wanted. Two
blocks east of court house in the Mrs.
J. B. Andersan residence.—Mrs. T.
M. Surber. 3-2
Lost—Black cow branded W. on
right hip, gone since May 15.—Tom
Welsh, Emmet, Nebr. 4 2p
Lost—One dark brown saddle mare;
shoes in front. — Robert Smith4,
O’Neill. 4-1
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf.
ing.—W. B. Goaves, O’Neill, 30-tf
Plowing or breaking done with
tractor. See Lee Wyant or Phone
94. 49-tf
I will Marcell at my home. Mar
cell 50c.—Phone 174.—Stella Green
street. 4-2
Want offer on SE4 8-27-11 Holt
Co.—Miss Holman, 852 Clarkson St.,
Denver, Colorado. 2-7p
I have just returned from Cali
fornia and have plenty of money to
loan on farms and ranches at reason
able rates.—R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Ne
braska. 49-tf
4 per cent, no commission.—F. J.
Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock
Land Bank. 17-tf
A 3-room apartment in the Naylor
•block for rent. Also caragc. 4-tf
Government authorities tell us that
Ithirty different diseases are Iran*
• m it ted by dies. Any one of these
j often proves fatal. Flies must be kill
id. Use the seientidc product <h*vrl
<>i*cd at Mellon Institute of Industrial
i Research by Res Fellowship, It is
| fragrant and harmless to mankind
but death to all household ins—Is. j
Ju*t follow instructions on blue label
of bottle. INSIST on FU -TOX from
I IjTM'r retailer.—Adv. 3-1
I Saturday, June 23rd 1
I at 1 o'clock I
| 200 Stead of Horses 1
I 50 broke work horses 1
I 50 big mares and colts I
■ 25 good broke saddle horses I
I 75 yearling and 2-year-old horses I
K Sold for benefit of creditors--For Cash I
■ At O'Neill Stock Yards I
I W. L. Carpenter, Trustee I
I Price Si Borders, Auctioneers I
Private Garage for rent.—See R.
H. Parker. 2-tf
Strayed from my place, March 18,
5 miles west of O’Neill, one dark iron
gray Jack mule and one gray Jinneyj
mule. Any information will be greatly
appreciated.—J. B. Ryan.
Flour sacks, burlap bags and bar
rels for sale at the Bakery. 4-1
480 ranch and farm land, 14 miles
northeast O’Neill.—E. D. Henry. 1-tf
For Sale—2 Black faced rams.
Priced each $20.—Lewis Kopecky, In
man. 4-tf
For Sale—One three year old reg
istered Shorthorn bull.—Frank Ben
ash, O’Neill. 4-3
We have plenty of Virginia Splint
soft coal on hand. If you want good
coal see Warners 39-tf
(First publication June 7.)
(W. J. Hammond, Attorney.)
Estate No. 2010.
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, June 1, 1928.
In the matter of the Estate of Wil
liam F. Clevish, Deceased.
Creditors of said estate are hereby
notified that the time limited for pre
senting claims against said estate
is October 2, 1928, and for the pay
ment of debts is May 24, 1929, and
that on July 2, 1928, and on October
2, 1928, at 10 o’clock A M., each day,
I will be at the County Court Room
in said County to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
(Seal) C. J. MALONE,
2-4 County Judge.
(First publication June 7.)
(W. J. Hammond, Attorney.)
Estate No. 2011.
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, June 1, 1928.
In the matter of the Estate of Eliza
beth A. Clevish, Deceased.
Creditors of said estate are hereby
notified that the time limited for pre
senting claims against said estate
is October 2, 1928, and for the pay
ment of debts is May 24, 1929, and
that on July 2, 1928, and on October
2, 1928, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day,
I will be at the County Court Room
in said County to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
(Seal) C. J. MALONE,
2-4 County Judge.
(First publication June 7.)
Notice is hereby given that pursu
ant to an order entered by the Dis
trict Court of Otoe County, Nebraska,
upon the 31st day of May, 1928, in
the cause entitled Lillie M. Butt,
plaintitT, vs. Anna K. Morgan, et al.,
defendants, directing me the under
signed, a referee appointed in said
action, to make sale In the manner
provided by law of the real estate
hereinafter described, I, Julius D.
Cronin, as a referee in said action,
will upon the 9th day of July, 1928,
at 2 o’clock P. M., and for one hour
thereafter at the front door of the
Court House in O’Neill, Holt County,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public ven
due the following described real es
Northeast Quarter (NE*4) of
Section Si* (8), Township Twenty,
nine (£9), Range Thirteen (13),i
Holt County, Nebraska, containing
one hundred »i*ty (1*10) acres more!
or less, according to the Govern- j
menl Survey,
and will sell the same to the highest
bidder upon the following terms)
Fifteen (15) percent of sale price
1 Write for demonstrations to 1
I ■ - I r m ~ b , B ■. IIII
II i
The New Classy Car
| S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr. p
Authorized Dealer *1
|; *|
to be paid in cash at time of sale,
balance to be paid on confirmation
and delivery of referee’s deed. Said
land sold subject to the present ten
ancy which expires March 1, 1929,
free and clear of liens but with rents
under said lease reserved. Abstract
of title furnished.
Dated this 7th day of June, 1928.
Thomas E. Dunbar, Nebraska City,
Nebraska, attorney for plaintiff.
D. W. Livingston, Nebraska City,
Nebraska, atterney for defend
ants. (2-5)
^ (First publication June 14)
Notice is hereby given that, pursu
ant to an order of the District Court
of Holt County, Nebraska, made and
entered on the 2nd day of June, 1928,
in an action therein pending wherein
Nelson E. Cain is plaintiff and Edna
Lubkin, William Lubkin, Helen De
land, Nile Deland and Hazel Cain
Skinks are defendants, I will offer for
sale and will sell to the highest bid
der for cash in hand on the 16th day
of July, 1928, at the hour of ten
o’clock A. M. at the front door of the
courthouse in the City of O’Neill, Holt
County, Nebraska, the following de
scribed real estate situated in the
County of Holt and State of Nebraska,
to-wit: The northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section thirty
three in township twenty-nine, north,
range eleven, west ui uie siauii prmci
pal meridian and lots one and two
of section four in township twenty
eight, north, range eleven, west of
the sixth principal meridian.
Dated this 14th day of June, 1928.
m. h. McCarthy,
George M. Harrington,
Attorney for Plaintiff. 3-5
(First publication May 24.)
Notice is hereby given that, pursu
ant to an order of the District Court
of Antelope County, Nebraska, made
and entered on the 8th day of May,
1928, in an action therein pending
wherein Gesine Teebkin and Marie
Toelle Grussing are plaintiffs and
Johanne Schwartz, Carl Schwartz,
Anna Ludwig, Julius Ludwig, Thomas
Grussing, et al., are defendants, I will,
at 10 o’clock A. M. on the 26th day of
June, 1928, at the west front door of
the court house in the City of O’Neill,
Holt County, Nebraska, offer for sale
and sell to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate
situate in the County of Holt, State
of Nebraska, to-wit:
The east half of Section 6, and
the north half of Section 8, Town
ship 26 North, Range 10 West of
the 6th P. M.
Dated this 22nd day of May. 1928.
62-6 Referee.
(First publication May 31)
PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given
that, by virtue of an order of sate
issued out of the District Court of
the United States for the District of
Nebraska, Norfolk Division, end In
pursuance of the decree of said court
rendered at the September 1927 terns
of said court, to-wit: On April 27,
1928, in an action therein pending
numbered 117-Equity, wherein The
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company
is plaintiff, and Charles F. McKenna
and others are defendants, whereby
the mortgages involved in said action
on the property hereinafter described
were foreclosed, I, B. H. Dunham, as
Special Master of said court, by virtue
of the authority in me vested as such
Master, under the decree and order of
sale issued to me as such Master, will,
on the 29th day of June, 1928, at 8:45
j o’clock in the forenoon, at the en
: trance to the county court house in
; O’Neill, the county seat of Holt County,
j Nebraska, at the usual place where
' sheriff’s sales of land are made in
j said county, sell at public auction to
She highest bidder for cash, the prop
j orty on which said mortgages were
foreclosed, which said property is
j situate in the County of Holt and
; State of Nebraska, and known and
described as follows, to-wit:
The Southeast Quarter (SE)4)
and the South Half of the North
east Quarter (S%NE14) of Section
numbered Twenty-four (24), Town
ship numbered Twenty-nine (29),
North, Range numbered Twelve
(12) West of the 6th P. M., con
taining 240 acres, more or less, ac
cording to Government Survey.
To satisfy plaintiff in the sum of
$12,204.37, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from April 27. 1928. which amount is
decreed to be a first lien on said mort
gaged premises hereinbefore de
scribed; and to satisfy counterclaim
ant, Frank H. Binder in the sum of
$935.58, with interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent per annum from
April 27, 1928, which amount is de
creed to be a second lien on said
mortgaged premises; and to satisfy
counterclaimant, Frank H. Binder in
the sum of $472.90, with interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from April 27, 1928, which
amount is decreed to be a third lien on
said mortgaged premises; and to
satisfy the sum of $71.25, costs shown
on said order of sale, and the accru
ing costs and expenses of sale; the
proceeds of sale to be applied upon
confirmation of said sale as follows,
to-wit: (1) To the unpaid costs of
said suit that have accrued and may
accrue, (2) To payment to plaintiff
of the sum found due it, with interest
thereon as provided in said decree
and its costs expended, (3) To pay
ment to counterclaimant, Frank H.
Binder, of the sum found to be due
him upon note and mortgage set out
in his first cause of action with in
terest as provided in said decree and
his costs expended, (4) To payment
to counterclaimant. Frank H. Binder, /
of the sum found to be due him upon
note and mortgage set out in hii
second cause of action with interest
thereon as provided in said decree
and his costa expended, (5) The sur
plus, if any, to be paid to such of de
fendants as may be shown at that
time to be entitled to same.
All as provided by said order of
i sale and decree.
Haid sale will be held open one hour |
at the time and place aforesaid.
Special Master of the United
States District Court, for the
District of Nebraska, Norfolk
1-4 D1 vision.