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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1928)
I ORSE SALE?] I Saturday, June 23rd I I at 1 o'clock I I 100 Head of Horses I I 25 broke work horses I I 25 big mare colts I I 25 good hroke saddle horses I I 30 yearling and 2-year-old horses I I Sold for benefit of creditors-For Cash | I At O’Neill Stock Yards I I W. L. Carpenter, Trustee I For home use we have strong quart bottles and caps. Buy now.-O’Neill Bottling Works. 2-2 Now you can get a good room in the heart of the city for only *115 HOTEL WELLINGTON OMAHA ROOMS WITH BATH—St.SO Pr»» Car»|> Headache, blurring, weak or wa tery eyes, dizziness, styes, etc., in dicate a need of correct glasses., See Perrigo Optical Co., at O’Neill, Golden Hotyl, Friday, June 22d. 2-2 CELIA ITEMS. __ Charles Smith and Johnson market ed hogs Tuesday and Wednesday, hauled! by the community truck. Tuesday was the twelfth birthday anniversary of Margaret Aldridge and it was made very lively by a lot of youngsters who were invited for the afternoon, to say they had a good time and a lot of good things to eat, don’t half express it. Alpha E. Johnson arrived home from Oukland, Sunday a week ago, and is now a full fledged school ma’am look ing for a school with some scholars to teach. She is now engaged in the very useful activities of milking cows, tending garden and a lot of other homely tasks. A fine shower fell here Monday night, and Tuesday the terrific wind almost turned the fields upside down. In digging postholes indications are that it will take about 24 inches of rain to thoroughly saturate the ground. Cutworms have done a lot of damage and considerable corn has had to be replanted. The east schoolma’am has gone home, but her mother, Mrs. Monson is still here and is doing her darndest with hokus pokus liniment, turpen tine and hot water to dislocate the rheumatic jinx of her brother. John son’s body is possessed, but so far she hus had trouble to entirely jar him loose, but with continued efforts we look for either the jinx or the body to go. The Frontier $2.00 per year. I— -1 A STATEMENT RELATING TO THE FUTURE OF THE CHRYSLER CORPORATION and DODGE BROTHERS, Inc. The widespread public interest in recent events affecting tne Chrysler Corporation and Dodge Brothers, Inc., deserves an authentic and offi cial statement and an assurance regarding the future of these two corporations. Subject to the approval of stockholders. Dodge Brothers, Inc., will be acquired by the Chrysler Corporation, the plan of amalgamation hav ing been recommended by their respective boards of directors. Each of these great institutions will retain its Identity, and will continue, as heretofore, to produce and market its own product in accord ance with the high and progressive standards from which motor car buyers the world over have previously benefited. Each will benefit from the consummation of apian which unites such tremendous resources in materisl, manufacturing facilities, financial power and manufacturing genius. Dodge Brothers will continue to be Dodge Brothers, and Chrysler will be Cbrysler.Their products will be separate and distinct and will be continued in production without interrup tion. Their sales organizations will be unre lated except as they shall mutually share Ln the advantages of die consolidation. Both public and dealers may look forward to the greater benefits which the consolidation of such tremendous resources will produce — and the men identified with these businesses may be assured of a stable sad definite future, inspired by the progress!vmess which has been responsible for this uniting of two great companies. CHRYSLER CORPORATION DODGE BROTHERS, INC. SURROUNDING AND PLEASANTVIKW ITEMS (From last week.) Alvin Walnofer shelled corn for , /.eb Warner and Michel Mullen Tues ! day. Mrs. Hannah Richards had her automobile shed moved to a more con venient place at her farm Wednes day. Herman and Bessie Klingler spent a few days this week at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ries entertain ed the Luther League at their home on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton enter tained friends at their home Sunday evening. Luncheon was served and every one present enjoyed the even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Warner and Tu tie and Orlene visited Elmer Warner Wednesday. Elmer Warner assisted T. E. Mar ing, Sr., to move a windmill on his home place last week. Mr. Sawyer from Emmet, spent the week end with his brotherin-law, Joe Kubik and family. Loucille Klingler spent Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C, A .Strong Mr. and Mrs. Herman Klinglei were callers Sunday evening at the Dave Belial' home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kubik and family were callers at the Alvin Walnofer home Tuesday evening. PLEASANT VALLEY. Orville Parks visited Saturday with Joe West. Elsie Hamilton visited Friday wit! Volta Pyle. i , ,‘v, tmu i.tin u \ auiiTU m O'Neill Saturday. Claude Jordan received a black eye Sunday while playing ball. Clyde Streeter, wife and children autoed to O’Neill Saturday. Elsie Hamilton visited Thursday with the Charlie Grass family. Ernest Perkins, wife and son, Bob by, autoed to O’Neill Saturday. Harry Snyder took dinner Sunday with his brother, Frank Snyder. Finly Crumley stepped in a badge! bole Sunday while playing ball and injured his ankle. Mildred Pyle returned home Sunday after a week’s visit with her aunt and uncle, Fred Bredehoft, of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, Ether Allen, wife and sons, Mr. Gleason and Claude Hamilton and mother, spenl the evening Sunday at the Georgt Fink home, lee cream and cake wa> served which was enjoyed by all. SI RROI NDING AND PLEAS ANT VIEW ITEMS Elmer Warner is sporting a nev Chevrolet coupe. Louis Babl visited Jim McDermitl at the Warner ranch Monday. Mrs. Charley Tasler visited her sis ter, Mrs. John Warner, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rossmun ant hi other aud sister, Opel were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johr Warner. Albert klingler was elected direct or at the school meeting in District 1 GO, Monday. Robert Strong and family visitet Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Strong in Nor folk, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Starke and sor visited the family of John Kollman C. Starka and Richard Straka neai Atkinson Sunday. Neighbor* of Mr. and Mrs. Augusi Brinkman enjoyed a pleasant even ing at their home Sunday evening Luncheon was *eived. | Graduate Veterinarian H. L. HENNKTT Phone SU4. Day or Night. O'Neill, Nebraska TO CLOSE ESTATE .'joo acres Improved, 19 south and 2 east of O’Neill.—Geo. A. Kapp, Ad’m, St. Edwards, Nebraska. 1-3 Piano For Sale. Responsible person in or near O'Neill can buy high grade piano for balance due on contract. Can ar range convenient monthly terms. Call or write The Frontier, ESTRAY. Black and white long haired bird dog came to my place about May 20. _Elmer Urwin, 4 milos east and one. half mile north of O’Neill fair grounds. 2-2 Strayed from my place, March 18, 5 miles west of O’Neill, one dark iron gray Jack mule and one gray Jinney mule. Any information will be greatly appreciated.—J. B. Ryan. Strayed from my place, 12 miles north and 2 miles west of O'Neill, Wednesday, June Oth, a dark roan bull calf seven months obi. Reward for any information,—Theo Thor son. 2-tf iiem* S40 to $4b Man, with car by Na tional Farm Paper. Must be free to start at once. Write giving age and telephone number. — 2012 Tribune T'>wer, Chicago, 111. 3-1 FOR RENT. A 3-room apartment in the Naylor block for rent. 3-tf Private Garage for rent.—See R. H. Parker. 2-tf For Rent—40 acres hay land two miles south of O’Neill—Mrs. Mary Kelly. 2-2 FOR SALE For Sale—Fox Hound Pups.—J. H. McPharlin, O’Neill, Nebr. 2-2 480 ranch and farm land, 14 miles northeast O’Neill.—E. D. Henry. 1-tf Seasonable Hats and Dresses at Special Prices.—Chapman Style Shop. 3-1 \t e have plenty of Virginia Splint soft coal on hand. If you want good coal see Warners 39-tf For Sale, 1 Oliver 3-row eli in good condition, for Fordson tractor. 2-2 C. F. Baker, O’Neill, Neb. — MISCELLANEOUS Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Gnaves, O’Neill, 30-tf Plowing or. breaking done with tractor. See Lee Wyant or Phone 104. 49-tf Girl would be grateful for ride with j party going to Gorden. Would share | expenses.—Inquire Frontier or Gladys G. Gary, Farmers Hotel. 3-1 Want offer on SE'i 8-27-11 Holt Co.—Miss Holman, 852 Clarkson St., Denver, Colorado. 2-7p I have just returned from Cali fornia and have plenty of money to loan on farms and ranches at reason able rates.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Ne I braska. 49-tf FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND ! per cent, no commission.—F. J. | Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-lf Scientists say that flies carry germs of typhoid fever, infantile paralysis, summer disorders and over thirty j other diseases. Flies should be killed, FLY-TOX is harmless to people but sure death to mosquitoes, roaches, moths and bed bugs as well as flies. FLY-TOX is fragrant, stainless, sure A J.. O 1 I -jtx ui< w * i . lONLY $3.95 ROUND TRIP TO OMAHA, JUNE 16-17, 1928 Via Chicago &‘North Western Ry. Tickets on sale June 16th and 17th and good only in coaches on all regulai trains of June 16th, also on regular trains scheduled to arrive Omaha not later than noon of June 17th. Return ing tickets will be good only in coach es on all tegular trains scheduled to leave Omaha not later than 7:55 a. in. June 18th except that return tick ets reading to points on the Albion and Lincoln branches will be honored from Omaha on 12:20 p. m. train June 18th. Children half fare. No baggage checked. For tickets and fuli information apply Ticket Agent, C, ! A N. W. Ry. 3-1 (First publication June 14) NOTICE OF REFEREE S SALE. Notice is hereby given that, puru | ant to an order of the District Court I of Holt County, Nebraska, made and entered on the 2nd day of June, 1928, in an action therein pending wherein Nelson E. Cain is plaintiff and Edna Lubkin, William Lubkin, Helen De lar.d, Nile Deland and Hazel Cain Skinks are defendants, I will offer for sale and will sell to the highest bid der for cash in hand on the 16th day ,,f July, 1928. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the front door of the courthouse in the City of O’Neill, Holt ' County. Nebraska, the following de j scribed n*i»l estate situated in the ! County of Holt and State of Nebraska to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty three in township twenty-nine, north range eleven, west of the sixth princi pal meridian and lots one and two <>f section four in township twenty light, north, range eleven, west of i he sixth principal meridian. Dated this 14th day of June, 1929 m h McCarthy, Referee (ioorge M. Harrington, Attorney for Plaintiff. 3-5 (First publication May 24.) NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that, pursu ant to an order of the District Court *--====== ===B Goodyear Tire Sale Still On Save the price of a tube by buying Now Look over our accessory counter Mellor Motor Co. O'Neill, Nebraska 1 ——————————^—■—» F’lan to Celebrate at Riverside Fourth of July STANFORD’S MELODY BOYS | !| WILL PLAY FOR OUR | Dance, Saturday, June 16 | EVERYBODY COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS The Riverside Park ! ** 3 At Hydro-Electric Dam—6 Smiles southeast of Spencer. 3 E. D. Hoover, Manager of Antelope County, Nebraska, made and entered on the 8th day of May, 1928, in an action therein pending wherein Gesine Teebkin and Marie Toelle Gruasing are plaintiffs and Johanne Schwartz, Carl Schwartz Anna Ludwig, Julius Ludwig, Thomas Grussing, et al., are defendants, I will, at 10 o’clock A. M. on the 26th day of June, 1928, at the west front door of the court house in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, offer for sale and seli to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate situate in the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, to-wit: The east half of Section 6, and the north half of Section 8, Town ship 25 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P. M. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1928. R. J. SHURTLEFF, 52-5 Referee. (First publication June 7.) (W. .1. Hammond, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 2010. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 1, 1928. j In the matter of the Estate of Wil 1 liam F. Clevish, Deceased. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for pre senting claims against said estate is October 2, 1928, and for the pay ment of debts is May 24, 1929, and that on July 2, 1928, and on October 2, 1928, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and i objections duly filed. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 2-4 County Judge. (First publication June 7.) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE OF LAND. Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order entered by the Dis trict Court of Otoe County, Nebraska upon the 31st day of May, 1928, in the cause entitled Lillie M. Butt, plaintiff, vs. Anna K. Morgan, et al., defendants, directing me the under signed, a referee appointed in said action, to make sale in the manner provided by law of the real estate hereinafter described, I, Julius D Cronin, as a referee in said action, will upon the 9th day of July, 1928, at 2 o’clock F\ M., and for one hour thereafter at the front door of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County Nebraska, offer for sale'ht public ven due the following described real es tate: Northeast Quarter (NE14) o( Section Six (6), Township Twenty nine (29), Range Thirteen (13) Holt County, Nebraska, containing one hundred sixty (100) acres more or less, according to the Govern ment Survey, and will sell the same to the highest bidder upon the following terms: Fifteen (IB) percent of sale price to be paid in cash at time of sale, balance to be paid on confirmation and delivery of referee’s deed. Said land sold subject to the present ten ancy which expires March 1, 1929, free and clear of liens but with rents under said lease reserved. Ahstract of title furnished. Dated this 7th day of June, 1928. JULIUS D. CRONIN. Referee. Thomas E. Dunbar. Nebraska City, Nebraska, attorney for plaintiff. D. W. Livingston, Nebraska City. Nebraska, attorney for defend ants. (2-8) (First publication June 7.) fW. J. Hammond. Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Eatate No. 2011. | In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 1, 1928 ; In the matter of the Estate of Elisa beth A. Clevish. Deceased. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for pre senting claims against said estate [la October 2. 1928, end for the pay I (went of debts is Msy 24, IW9, and I that on July 2. 1928, and on tvtober ! t. 1928, at 10 o'etock A M,, each dav. 1 will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (Seal) ‘ C. J. MALONE, 2-4 County Judge. !_ (First publication May 31) SALE BY SPECIAL MASTER UN DER DECREE. B. H. DUNHAM. SPECIAL MASTER 501 SECURITIES BLDG., OMAHA, NEBRASKA PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that, by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, Norfolk Division, and in pursuance of the decree of said court rendered at the September 1927 term of said court, to-wit: On April 27, 1928, in an action therein pending numbered 117-Equity, wherein The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company is plaintiff, and Charles V. McKenna and others are defendants, whereby the mortgages involved in said action on the property hereinafter described were foreclosed, I, B. H. Dunham, as Special Master of said court, by virtue of the authority in me vested as such Master, under the decree and order of sale issued to me as such Master, will, on the 29th day of June, 1928, at 8:45 o’clock in the forenoon, at the en trance to the county court house in O’Neill, the county seatof Holt County, Nebraska, at the. usual place where sheriff’s sales of land are made in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the prop erty on which said mortgages were | foreclosed, which said property is situate in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, and known and ! described as follows, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SE14) and the South Half of the North east Quarter (SVfcNEki) of Section numbered Twenty-four (24), Town ship numbered Twenty-nine (29), North, Range numbered Twelve (12) West of the 6th P. M., con taining 240 acres, more or less, ac cording to Government Survey. To satisfy plaintiff in the sum of $12,204.37, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 27, 1928, which amount is decreed to be a first lien on said mort gaged premises hereinbefore de scribed; and to satisfy counterclaim ant, Frank H. Binder in the sum of $935.58, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 27, 1928, which amount is de creed to be a second lien on said mortgaged premises; and to satisfy counterclaimant, Frank H. Binder in the sum of $472.90. with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 27, 1928, which amount is decreed to be a third lien on said mortgaged premises; and to satisfy the sum of $71.25, costs shown on said order of sale, and the accru ing costs and expenses of sale; the proceeds of sale to be applied upon confirmation of said sale as follows, to-wit; (1) To the unpaid costs of said suit that have accrued and may accrue, (2) To payment to plaintiff of the sum found due it, with interest thereon as provided in said decree and its costs expended, (31 To pay ment to counterclaimant, Frank H. Binder, of the sum found to be due him upon note and mortgage set out in his first cause of action with in terest as provided in said decree and his costa expended. (4) To payment to counterclaimant. Frank H. Binder, of the sum found to be due him upon note and mortgage set out in his second cause of action with interest I thereon as provided in said decree and his costs expended, (ft) The sur plus, if any, to be paid to such of de fendant* aa may be shown at that time to be entitled to same. All as provided by said order of i sale and decree. Said sal* will be held open one hour ! at the time and place aforesaid. B It DUNHAM. Special Master of the United States District Court far the District of Nebraska. Norfolk II >4 Division.