The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 14, 1928, Image 7

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They put you through a pretty stiff examina
tion nowadays before they’ll let you go in for
tying. Here are some of the tests you’ll be
•isked to submit to. Upper left: Pilot Dean
Lamb of the Air Associates, Inc., using the
perimeter on himself to show just how much
Mg|e eyed” aspirants for air licenses are. Dr.
William J. Francis, medical examiner of the
Branch Department of Commerce at New
York, and Nurse Mary Loweree are looking
on. Upper right: Giving another eye test.
Lower left: The doctor explains to Pilot Lamb
how the apparatus measures the “depth per
ception’' of applicants. Lower right: Taking
the blood pressure test. Hundreds of civilians
are going through these examinations weekly,
in the aviation fever which is now sweeping
'International Newsreel)
I 1
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Here’s Nancy Ann Miller, Seattle girl, pictured on her arrival
in Marseilles with her new hubby, former Maharajah of Indore,
on their honeymoon which is now being spent in Paris.
i international Newsreel)
Chinese Puzzle
She’s only 17, is Lillian Drew,
but the certainly can dance and
afar ran tie her pretty lilt's
shape into knots. Sometimes
the people “out ,'ront" wonder
it Lillian can ever unravel Iter
amis and lega and get straight*
ened out again. She’s quite a
tome lor the Tiled Business
kian who goes to the theatre!
Named for Polar Trip
L'laire K. Vance, veteran Fan
I'rancisco air-mail pilot, who
s thought most fitted to ac«
:onipany Commander Richard
E. Byrd on hit South Pole
light. Vane* was named by
the secretary of the Airmail
1’ilota' Association as one of
the best pilots to fill the post
eft vacant by the death of
Eloyd Her.nett, co-pilot with
kijrid on hia North Pole flight
UlMMlWII Nimmii
Won’t Talk About B
Florence Trumbull, daughter
of the Governor of Connecti
cut, is still non-committal re
garding the widespread rumcr
that she is engaged to John
Coolidge, son of President
Coolldge. She is willing to
talk on any subject except that
which she will neither deny or
Much-Sought Trophy
The Litchfield Balloon Trophy,
for which ballooniata from all
over the country will com|»ete
ui a race at Bettia Field. Pitta
burgh. on Decoration Day.
Resignation Asked
Jans Bratianu, Premier of Ru
mania, is the target of a de
mand by the Peasant party
that he resign the position.
Two hundred thousand peas
ants have raised their voices in
one of the greatest political
outbursts in modern Europe.
Sets Chance to Pray
Patrick Mitchell, known to the
underworld of New York as
“The Lynx,” who preyed on
his fellow gangsters, was cor
nered in a speakeasy and given
one minute to pray before he
was shot to death. He prayed
with a gun at his temple while
the fatal count was made
which ended his reign of terror
among New York’s thugs.
Pleads Chinese Cause
d. I
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Dr. Chao Chu Wu of the Chi
nese diplomatic service is in
this country to place his coun
try’s position in the present
Far East crisis before the U. S.
Government. He is shown here
on his arrival in New York.
Lost Fame to “Fitz”
lobriues Vollrrt, air pilot who
*iew the now famous crew ol
the Bremen from Berlin to
Baldonnel Airport, only to be
replaced by Major James E.
Kitzmaurice, thua m I a a i n if
world fame. Vollcrt refused to
-nisa a trip to America, how
•ear, and crossed on the S. S.
I am burg.
Miss Katherine Miller is to be the hope of Houston, Texas,
as "Miss Houston," in the International Pageant of Pulchritudt
at Galveston, Texas, early in June.
[Naval Flier Crashes
Lieutenant Frederick R. Buse,
naval aviator, lost his life when
the seaplane he was piloting
crashed in the Potomac River.
Buse was testing the plane in
preparation for the race for the
Curtiss Marine Trophy, He
was a native of Ridley Park,
Annulment Spiked
* *_MFn^ru1 '
Humors which were abroad re
garding (Jueen Victoria ol
Spain, above, were effectually
tilled by the Vatican. It was
'umored that King Alfonso
was seeking an annulment, but
the Vatican authorities dr*
treed that the marriage of
tovereigns was surrounded by
mch well known guarantee*
that it was almost impossible
to find faults which would
iialu woujutcftt !Wbli’
Peasant Party Leader;
'V' 1
Thousands of Rumanian peas
ants, as the Peasant party, are
led by Juliu Maniu. They are
demanding that the Regency
dismiss the present Bratianu
government, which they claim
is not representative of the
will of the people.
datamation al N(nr<4
— f
To Marry Nobleman
Mine. I'agaldf, only daughter
af the late William Clegett of
\rundel County, Maryland, ia
ihortly to he married to Kua
*ce ftofcb, only mn oI Major
»eneral Sir Frederick ami
I ady Robb M Rutland U«t%