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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1928)
Whole wheat in wholesome form ♦ ♦ ♦ The whole wheat—all of it, and nothing else, is in Shredded Wheat None of the healthful qualities, not even the bran is lost. And better still, the grain is steam-cooked, shredded, formed into large loaves and baked all the way through. This is not just to bring out the flavor. It insures easy digestion and enables grand children as well as grand fathers .to secure the full benefit of nature’s most im portant food. A Made by The Shredded Wheat Company ANNUAL HOLT COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The Annual Holt County Sunday School Convention, will be held at Emmet, Nebraska, on June 18, 1928. The following is the program: Morning Session 9:00—Worship—“Revenfnde” ... Rev. Senneff, Atkinson 9:30—Business—Minutes of last con vention. Report of officers. 9:50—Special music, Charlene and and Halla Houts, Atkinson M. E. 10:00—Missions and Sunday School _;_Mrs. Allen, Atkinson 10:20—Reports of School Appointment of committees. Selection—Male quartette ___ Center Union 11:00—Address—“The backward look” _..John C. White, Lincoln Sortg, prayer and adjourn. Afternoon Session 1:30—Worship—"Gratitude” __Rev. Bell, Stuart' 2:00—“The possibilities of Service through the Sunday School” _ Rev. Fortune, O’Neill 2:20—Music .— Ewing, M. E. 2:30—Evangelism through the Sun day School, Rev. Heizer, Atkinson 2:50—Music Atkinson, Presbyterian Address Mrs. Luella Parker 3:00—Business—Roll call. Reports of committees. Offering. Invitation for next convention. 3:30—Children’s Story Hour Miss Elsie Werner, Atkinson 3:30—Round Table Discussion. Evening Session. • 7:30—♦’orshfp—“Faith” Rev. Beers, O’Neill Popular Hymn pantomimed Chambers Roll call. “Christ the need of our Country” Rev. Ray, Chambers Music O’Neill Pres. Quartette Address John C. White, Lincoln Prayer. Entertaining Churches Center Union and Emniet Methodist Emmet Ladies Aid will serve noon and evening mealg free to delegates. A hearty welcome to all. - POWDER i Same Price for over Jjyears 15 ounce?far 15 cent* Guaranteed Pure and Healthful Our Government used millions ofpeunds EDUCATIONAL NOTES. (Continued from page four.) Julius Engler District No. 46 Leonard Bauer James Mlnarik Joe Mlnarik District No. 48 Opal McKim District Np. 49 Jim Wadsworth Mabel Buxton District No. 50 Doris Edson District No. 51 Alice Wabs District No. 62 Violet Doming District No. 63 . Lorie Crabtree District No. 55 George Wiseman District-No. 66 ~ Arnold Block jj District No. 58 Beulah De Losh. '* , Varinnia RriskoSl District No. bO Marvel Effle District No. 62 Elmer Juracek District Nb. 63 Helena Hiscocks District No. 65 Norma Wettlauffer District No. 65 Frank Peter Robert Kiltz District No. 68 Irma Bruns District No. 71 Ethel Liedtke Lloyd Liedtke Erna Zuehlk.e District No. 72 Joseph Keuter Lillian Ottele District No. 74 Flossie Manning Frank Kilmurry Dorothy Smith Harvev Groff District No. 79 Marvin Fochen Louis Vinzenz District No. 80 Ned Allendorfer Aldean Davis District No. 81 Nick Bonenberger Angela Galligan District No. 82 Harry Mitchell District No. 84 Kathleen Donlin District No. 86 Elmer Allyn Alice Berry ^ Mildred Sweet District No. 88 Julia Beeleart Frank Beeleart Virginia Craig . . Florence Omey Selma Kurschmer _ r'Wm~ Berand Kornock Vernon Craig Thelma Grafft LaVern Finley District No. 90 Thomas Farr District No. 91 Werner Possnecker District No. 97 Earl Parks District No. 99 Francis Gilg District No. 100 Robert Phelps Beatrice Grnnig Roger Rosenkcans Vnlsta Pospisil District No. 101 Louis Genung Dale Marr District No. 102 I.ouD Kliment Laura Mrl.arhla i District No. 107 Mtivilt Hell District No I0M KdanrU Manor District i>«. 110 l.eoter ('tain £-a t’liy t Wayne Stewart Lillie Cronk Norman Tegeler Clayton Ulry District No. 115 lola Honeywell Donald Honeywell District No. 118 Martha M or shack District No. 110 Mildred Alton Clyde Baker Kathryn Reis Ruth Moore Darwin Seger District No 120 Lena Waiters Dorothy Potter District No. 1£3 Truman District No. 124 Lena Hayne Elmer Clasey District No. 125 Karl Wright District No. 127 Melvin Van Avery Mary Jane Van Avery District No. 128 Norman Van Conett Donald Allen District No. 131 Albert Daniels Viola Daniels Helen Dickinson District No. 134 Roman Chmiel Evelyn Thompson District No. 135 Marion McNinch District No. 137 Phillip Anderson Phyllis Anderson Wilma Adams James Platt Stanley Jarmen John Hamilton Elsie Hubbard Audrey Wilcox Veral Hanna Donald Huston District No. 143 Frank Kapplan Gladys Kelling District No. 150 Francis Curran Lawrence Murray District No. 152 Irenaeia Cavanaugh Vivian Cavenaugh District No. 155 John Schrunk Lusetta Schrunk Martin Malone Freda Krum District No. 156 Glen Grimes Dorothy Grimes Phyllis Kiltz Harry Jones Elinore Alderson District No. 157 Marvin Kee Helen Hoehne Leonard Dusatko District No. 158 Johanna Deermer District No. 106 Mildred Fullerton District No. 171 Dorothy Wilkinson District No. 172 Kenneth Campbell District No. 176 Arthur Dexter District No. 180 Lois Cunningham District No. 183 Evelyn Tasler Sophia Bregor District No. 188 Lucy Wilcox District No. 189 Floyd Jackson District No. 192 Joseph Malloy Leila O’Connell District No. 194 Margaret Holcomb District No. 202 Clayton Wood Marjorie Wood Isabelle Kifer Evelyn Cavanaugh District No. 203 Ella Robertson Deloris Douglas District No. 205 Martha Boldra Bernice Westrom Amelia Krysl District No. 206 Zana Bradshaw Warren Enbody District No. 208 Bernard Brandt District No. 211 EcTna Hansen District No. 213 Irene Tasler Ethel Tasler (Continued next week.) LOCAL NEWS. Dr. Gilligan and family are enjoy ing a visit with his sisters, Mrs. Mary Hennessy, of Albany, New York, and Mrs. James O’Leary, of Waterbury, Connecticut. Mrs. Minnie Simonson anil son, Cody, arrived here this afternoon from Riverton, Wyoming, where they will spend a few days visiting relatives and looking after business interests. Lorena McManus arrived here this morning from Boise City, Oklahoma, where she has Veen teaching the past year. Before returning home she visited Santa Fe, New Mexico, hl Faso, Texas and other points of inter est in the southwest, returning home by way of Denver. (’H A MURKS II IMS. Little Herberta Russ, of Amelia, is on the sick list this week. Rev. and Mrs. David Scott left Mon day morning for Lincoln, where Rev. Scott will attend the summer term of the school of Theology. The four year old daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. ('has. Carter, who has In i n ■erloUsly ill with bowel infection, the past week, is recovering nicely, Kleatior Sammons and .Mrs. !*■ *h Skidmore submitted to nn operation foe the removal of their tonsil* at the Wilson Hospital at Stuart, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Xage*er, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sageser and K J (iraves attended funeral service a1 Atkinson Friday, held in honor of th« late Mrs. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott are hapuy j Heinz Ketchup Of Large Bottle Heinz 1 0« Ketchup 10\i 1 Bottle Heinz Pure 1 0n Cider Vinegar I 0 O Pkgs. Post Toasties OC. Double-Crisp lwu Bottle Caps, Crown Brand gross 4 dO 10 Pounds Sea Island CQ. Cane Sugar DUO Carnation Brand Milk, 1 Ha Tall, per can I UC Mustard, Quart Jar, 00f* French Style 44 U Gas Roasted Coffee, “Why OQ. Pay More.” Pound 43U Sugar Cured Bacon, 1 Q pound IOC Advo Self Rising Pancake QQ~ Flour, large package 4UC Schlitz Hop Flavored A71* Malt Syrup, large can *TI C ?2.7.'» Happy Home Summer D1 Wash Dresses v I i4d John J. Melvin Sells for Less .“>? Steps over the airival of a pound baby girl who came to bless their home on Wednesday, .nine 6th. The little lady was named “Gloria .June.” A heavy wind storm struck Cham bers Monday evening which caused considerable damage to trees and small buildings. A tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pushke was struck by lightning. Robert Kiltz, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kiltz, was taken to Stuart. Sunday and placed in the Wilson Hospital where he was operat ed on Monday for appendicitis and the r< moval of his tonsils. The annual school meeting was held at Chambers Monday evening, June lith, at the school house. A large crowd was present. Dr. J. W. Gill was elected director for a term of three years to succeed himself. Robert Clouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse, stepped on a nail last Tuesday which caused a badly in fected foot. His condition became alarming Saturday. A dose of tetan us antitoxin was ordered by telephone, f>om Norfolk. Through the kindness of Postmaster Grady, of O’Neill, the medicine was delivered to a messen ger from Chambers Sunday at 5:30 a. m. At the present time the pa tient seems to be getting along nicely. MEEK AND VICINITY C. A. Hoyer has recently purchased a new Whippet coupe. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langdon last week. Mr and Mrs. Oscar Lindburg spent 'Sunday at the Pete Lindburg home. A baby girl was born *o Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson on June 6th. Mrs, Mart Schelkof was quite ill Friday, but was feeling much better ,q» Saturday. ^ i^l’he Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Mt>hry Walters on Wednesday. Quite at crowd attended. Will Harvey is plastering at Horace Rouse’ and the new house will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard1 Rouse and children and Merriday Hubby visited | at the Eric Borg home on Sunday. I The fine rain of Monday night will he much annreriated hv the farmers ot this vicinity, as it was badly needed. The farmers in this vicinity are starting to put ,p the alfalfa. It is a very light top, as there has been so little rain. A very good program was rendered by the children of the Pleasant Valley Sunday school on Children’s Day, and it large crowd attended. Mrs, Fred Harrison and daughters, Helen and Leone, of Norfolk, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Harri son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Ben son and other relatives. Mrs. Orlando Ott left for her home i in Nashville, Tennessee, Friday. | She went as far as Plainview, Friday, expecting to visit her niece, Mrs. Fred Wiedman, until Saturday. Mrs. Marsh Nelson celebrated her | birthday anniversary, June 8th, at ! May McGowans’. Several friends j brought well filled baskets of lunch, 1 which was spread under the trees, and t to which all did ample justice. A good time was enjoyed by all. Bargains —AT— Bowen’s —IN— AMERICAN MAID ALUMINUM WARE i Convex Kettle fif)/* ; .n. with Cowr UUt# Convex Kettles 7fj« I do Convex Kettles Qflp OUv ! Dish Pans 7flp 8 «|t. with Handles ■ Ww QRp 10 «jt. with Handles 0«Jl» Dish Pans, 0 1 flf) 14 qt. with Handley, 0 I ivU 1 10-Cup Percolators with Qli handle pvMttf wwU ! Large Sire < i 00* 13-inch Wash Ci) OV L I 1-3 <|t. Pudding Pans U qt. Pudding Pan* 3 <|t Pudding Pan* Set of Three j* fur * tpiart T« a K-ttlc* tl OSj Deep Rock Gasoline Economy of operation—that’s the big point to consider in running any car. And good fuel—gas i of reliable test and quality—is the first and most important item when you want to cut repair bills. Deep Rock gas, sold at O’Neill Gas & Oil Co. fill ing station will eliminate much of that “carbon” I trouble and help you maintain a low operating cost. | O’Neill Gas and Oil Co. O’Neill, Nebraska . ! HOLT COUNTY W. C. T. U. INSTITUTE I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1928. METHODIST CHURCH, O’NEILL Morning Program 10:30—Devotional.* Address—Child Welfare Home Training Page Address—Our Loyal Temperance Legions Antelope County Address—The Crusade Mothers — - Middlebranch Loyal Temperance Legion Demonstration O'Neill Noon Tide Prayer White Ribbon Recruit Service Atkinson Afternoon Program 1:30—Devotional* Flag Salute, led by Mrs. Harriet Francisco, Antelope County, W. C. T. U. President Address—Frances E. Willard -- Middlebranch Union, Signal Demonstration ... O’Neill Offering ♦ Address—W. C. T. U. Missionary Work, Light Line Unions, Antelope County Address—Winning the Young People . Page Address—Combating The Cigarette Evil Atkinson ;; Playlet Members of O’Neill Union Question Box Social Hour Evening Program 7:4o—Devotional* Flag Salute Offering : Address—Why the Wets Want to Elect the Next President i Antelope County Address—Prohibition Saves Lives _ Atkinson Address—Prohibition Lessons Corruption in Politics Middlebranch f; ; Address—Canada and Government Control O’Neill f; Address—Our Roll of Allegance _ . Page Aronic Benediction faaaaamaaaaaunaaaaaaaaaamuaataaaaaaaaaaajuaaaaaaataaa* Have you tried the New Cheese Bread? It is fine for toast. McMillan & Markey l__l__I r i