...but what will it cost me to buy that r on time ? ” ^^HEN you buy a car for cash, you pay the factory price plus freight, war tax and delivery charges. When you buy on time, you pay an additional charge which in cludes fire and theft insurance. This additional amount is known as a "finance charge." The finance charges on General Motors cars are low because the General Motors Acceptance Corporation was organized to assure sound credit practice and low rates to those of its customers who prefer to purchase on time. The Acceptance Cor poration operates the GMAC Plan of pay ment. The Plan is simple, fair and eco nomical. Its large volume of business reduces costs. It is conducted to give you satisfaction and to keep your goodwill. When you buy a General Motors car on the GMAC Plan, you pay the cash delivered price — plus only the low GMAC financing charge—nothing more! The Plan is available only through General Motors dealers. Another reason for buying your next car—whether new or used—from a General Motors dealer. Buy your next car on the GMAC Plan The General Motors cars are Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldamobile, Oakland, Buick, LaSalle and Cadillac. Together they make up a line of 86 models, ranging in price-at-the-factory from $495 to $5500. They are the quality cars of the various car price classes. Whatever make and model you choose—whether it be of the highest price, or the lowest—you will get a beautiful body (the closed bodies are by Fisher), 4-wheel brakes, a powerful engine, and a quality of design, materials and performance that only General Motors, by reason of its resources and its policy of continuous improvement, is in a position to give. And the final touch in your satisfaction will come when you buy it on the GMAC Plan. The trans action will be in your interest. The rates will be low. And the dealer will not lose interest in you after the down payment is made. CUP THE COUPON Use the coupon below to send for full information about the General Motors product or products in which you are interested, together with a booklet describing the GMAC Plan ol purchase. It applies also for the purchase of Frigidaire Automatic Re frigerators and Delco-Light equipment. GENERAL MOTORS fc.—THfc mt'i'iiM.. • General Motors (Dc:>t. A), Detroit, Mich. • I CMBVROI FT [ PtMwwnd. without »hli|* iltato to itr. iliu>tr«r«d 1 ' PONTIAC H dftcnbmg ?«ch Outer j. Miimoprodm t I I I 1 have khwOtt — together »tin )our nrniUi | • 0LDSM03U F •*4h'u‘ ,h» GMAC P *n. | OAKLAND ! v . . : N ;, it —— : 1 BUtCK I LaSAIII *** CADfU AC n I , . i • Same Trice for over 35 years 25ou/S“s25* USE LESS THAN OF HIGHER PRICED BRANDS j Why Pay J ! War Prices?\ I THE GOVERNMENT USED s .\ MILLIONS OF POUNDS J lloii Bet ! fa You can set a 3B J. J i’ pood loom for ' I only ■ (Hotel Wellington OMAHA * ROOMS WITH BATH—$2.50 I__F’-aa Garage J TO C LOSE ESTATE 320 acres Improved, 19 south and 2 east of O’Neill.—Geo. A. Rapp, Ad’m, St. Edwards, Nebraska. 1-3 ESTRAY. Black and white long haired bird ring came to my place about May 20.; —Elmer Urwin, 4 miles east and one-! half mile north of O’Neill fair grounds. 2-2 Strayed from my place, March 18, 5 miles west of O’Neill, one dark iron gray Jack mule and one gray Jinney mule. Any information will be greatly appreciated.—J. B. Ryan. Strayed from my place, 12 miles north and 2 miles west of O’Neill, Wednesday, June son Hatchery. 1-tf , FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND; H per cent, no commission.—F. J Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-ti Experienced home laundry, careful, work, family washing, per dozen,| rough dry .'ific; finished 75<\ Cal! at1 Brown house southwest corner fair i grounds. 2-1 (First publication June 7.) (W, J. Hammond. Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate Nu. 2010. In the County Court of Unit County Nebraska, June 1, 1928. In the matter of the Estate of WH liani F. dovish, Deceased Creditor* of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for pre tenting claims against wtd estate I is October 2, 1928, and for the pay 1 merit of debts Is May 24, 1929, and i that on July 2, 1928. and on October j2. 1928, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, j I will be at the County Court Room I in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and Objections duly filed. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 2-4 County Judge. (First publication June 7.) (YV. J. Hammond, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 2011. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. June 1, 1928. In the matter of the Estate of Eliza beth A. Clevish, Deceased. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for pre senting claims against said estate if October 2, 1928, and for the pay ment of debts is May 24, 1929, and that on July 2, 1928, and on October 2. 1928, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (Seal) C. J. MALONE. 2-4 County Judge. United States government authori ties show that under favorable condi tions with a beginning of one male and one female fly, they may increase in one season to over 50,500,000,000, 000 flies. This shows the need of! FLY-TOX. FLY-TOX is the scion-! titic insecticide developed at Mellon Institute of Industrial Research by! Rex Fellowship. Simple instructions1 on each bottle (blue label) for killing I ALL household insects. INSIST on! FLY-TOX. It is safe, stainless, fra grant, sure.—Adv. 2-1 (First publication June 7.) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE OF LAND. Notice is hereby given that pursu-1 ant to an order entered by the Dis- i trict Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, upon the -'list day of May, 1928, in the cause entitled Lillie M. Butt, plaintiff, vs. Anna K. Morgan, et al., defendants, directing me the under signed, a reicree appointed in said! action, to make sale in the manner provided by law of the real estate hereinafter described, I, Julius I). Cronin, as a referee in said action, will upon the 9th day of July, 1928, at 2 o’clock P. M., and for one hour thereafter at the front door of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public ven due the following described real es tate: Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of Section Six (6), Township Twenty nine (29), Range Thirteen (13), Holt County, Nebraska, containing one hundred sixty (100) acres more or less, according to the Govern- j meat Survey, an