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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1928)
Arrival of Japanese Soldiers in China _ __3_*_#_ t I At the first sigu of war clouds, nearly a year ago, the Japanese transport Hongkong Mam ta shown abo\e as she steamed into Taingtao with the first contingent of Japanese soldier*. On lauding, they too* over the town and later captured Tsiuan. The presence of Japanese troops In those places has been a constant thorn in the side of the Nationalist government, and the recent killing of Japanese *oldiert at Tsinan presumably by Nationalist forces, is largely responsible Tor the present crisis. With Japanese re inforcements moving steadily In tha Tslngtao and Tsinan region, telegraph and telephone communication t»tween the two cities has been restored. -wnstionsi iiiu-u-mos *ew» SIGNS WITH DENNY FOR LIFE I-\-1 Hubbles Stciffel will become the bride of Reginald Denny, moving picture star, in the fall, the film favorite has announced. (International Newjreell Victim of Chinese i Mrs. W. T. Hobart, Methodist missionary to China at Tsi nanfu, China, is ihe first Amer ican reported killed in the re cent China-Japan situation. She met her fate by a bullet fired through a window of the Mis sion Station bv a Southern Chinese soldier, according to reports of friends. (Intenwailonal Newsreel) Police Not Sure Mnr^wrn i— imtw ii—n—T-rn, V't, John Sukeena of f* •:r ville. i'a, was found dead id her home. 'I he police at fir * i thought it was a cate of nitride hut are now holding her hu hand. John Sukeetta pending a thorough investigation o» tin eucunistanre* of her death. <lai*><Mtia«ai S»»w > TWINS PROVIDE INTERESTING STUDY j a T he relative importance of heredity versus ettvironmet t w li provi !e much interesting material in the rases of these tw ns. Paul l*ir<i!d Civitt of <ir.ind Rapid*. Mich., and Raid Harold O'Kane of Shahhona. HI., who have lived apart for twenty two .eat». The hoys were Horn in Woodland, III., and one si* tdonted hr a fatuity w'i le the other remained in an orphan* •« oi l was Stdiseipieiitly ado|ited also. Neither knew of ttie existence of the oilier. Their vaiiou* rea.Miotia aie li f doaely studied !iy professor* at the Ihsfveriitjr of Chicago. !<•••«•#* IsmMH ItU# **»#4 «#••• Makes Kapid Climb 0 Starting with the pushing of a truck on the platform of his home town railroad station, F, W. Lcamy, of Burlington, Vt., in twenty-five years has kept right on pushing his way up, until he is now executive vice president of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad. , * * *- .*»*. —' ‘'l May Become Justice --*---A Genevieve Cline of Cleveland is waiting for the Senate to in vestigate complaints that she isn’t fitted to till the position of associate justice of the United States Customs Court in New York, a post for which she has been recommended by Presi dent Coolidge. After the probe, however, Miss Cline expects to land the appointment. Now American Citizen • — MW H I II I—■ i---* Mrs. Catherine Law Cowell of Madison, N. J., the youngest daughter of the late Andrew Bonar Law, former premier of Great Britain, is now an Amer ican citizen since taking the oath at Newark with 600 oilier aliens. Die* Suddenly m/j Martin H, .Madden, Represents tive front Illinois, our of the Republican leaders of the House, was nrirkm with a heart attack at In* de.k in S\ anhin^ton, I). C., and ditd instantly. n'mulwil | PRINCESS KAY WED AIRMAN 'Vimwfc .JB* MBS • \ 7U mum. »m»». M u» nwwi „-.m / *w. It’s being whispered in court circles that Princess Giovanna’ (left), third daughter of the King of Italy, may soon becom/? the bride of the Marquis de Pinedo (right), ace of aviators. De Pinedo is just past '10 years of age, while the Princess is 21.' (International N«w«r««l) DESPERATE EFFORTS OF NO AVAIL bib«wBfra. -! This is an oxygen chamber such as was used in an unavailing! fight to save the life of Floyd l’cnett. The pneumonia which he contracted while flying to a V s marooned fellow aviators was too far advanced for any know a means of science to be of any use. {TnternaUoDa.1 llluatr*ta4 Xaaral ] STEEL KING RECEIVES MEDAL r-T"—'. -^b Mr. Charles M. Schwab, American steel king, is back from Engr land with the gold Bessemer medal, which was presented to! him by the president of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great; Britain. Mr. Schwab made the trip to England especially to! receive this honor. (International Kawsraoift JUGO SLAV HEIR MAKES PUBLIC BOW, I Cl Ihe fi*st time th>- Crown Prince Peter of jugo Slivia had hn* picture t.*keu he imnsted ttui in* naity brother. Crime 1*1111 -liv, «hoilM hr irr ihe • itnera, I'hr tittle L(o\ R Prime tehee , his dunes as Hill rrrniil very srriotiHly. IIKMWI...MI V. •«.«.)