The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 31, 1928, Image 5

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    19c Sale
STRAW HATS—Regular 25c, 30c,
35c Values.
Ladies’, Misses,’ and Children’s pea
nut straw hats in assorted styles.
Boys’ and Youth’s hats in creased
crown, front dent, scout style, red and
blue bound edges.
Men’s peanut straw hats bound
ddges, asserted styles.
To each of the first 50 customers
who purchase stray hats we are going
to giev a regular 10c red handkerchief
FREE, So come Early.
Sale starts this Saturday
Many other bargains also on sale.
Martin’s Store
(Continued on page five.)
Board of Holt County desired -.aid
property for County pursposes, be
amended to read as above stated.
By Mrs. J. J. Harrington,
Its President,
Whereas, on the 25th day of April,
1927, The O’Neill Woman’s Club of
O’Neill, Nebraska, petitions this board
for a lease for a period of ninety
nine years on the North Half of Block
13, Original Town of O’Neill, Holt
County, Nebraska, which property is
owned by the County of Holt and is
vacant; and
Whereas, it appears that The
O’Neill Woman’s Club of O’Neill, Ne
braska, desire to use said property as
a Memorial Park to the Soldiers of
the World War, and that they desire
to beautify said property by planting
trees, flowers and otherwise improv
ing the same; and that The O’Neill
Woman’s Club of O’Neill, Nebraska if
said lease is ganted, will accept said
lease and receive the same with the
understanding that if the County of
*\ Good Room
Fr— C»r«g«_ |
| John N. Stauffer
f City Dray Line
I Dray and Transfer
I Piano Moving. Phone 325
I O’Neill Nebraska
I Overland Trucking ft
I Day or Night Phone 44 I
I Await Spengler 8
I First door west of Beha hotel. H
I M. J. LYDON, O’Neill I
8 _Telephone 227J. 8
V—— mJ
| Dr. C. H. Lubker |
Douglas Methods
lj Phone 316, O'Neill, Neb. |
Physician and Surgeon j
Special attention given to |
disease of the eye and cor
rect fitting of glasses.
I W. F. FINLEY, M. I). |
§| Phone, Office 28 |
|i O’Neill :: Nebraska |
I Graduate Veterinarian s
Phone 304. Day or Night.
O’Neill, Nebraska
1 I)R. L. A. CARTER 1
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
One block South 1st Natl. Hank, j
-Phan# 73
Uhl Drothers
Heavy HaallRg Specialties.
Service et eny llae.
| phones—303—2M I
Home of Good Pictures
—Wednesday-Thursday, May 30-31 —
Olive Borden in
A very flashy show, the technicolor
is beautiful. This is one sweet pic
ture. Don’t miss it.
- Frirfay-Saturday, June 1-2 -
Rex the Wild Horse in
If you think you are thrill proof!
See Rex lead the stampede of a thous
and terror-stricken horses.
- Sunday Monday, June 3-4 -
Big Super Special
with Ruth Taylor, Ford Sterling, Mack
Swain, Trixie Triaganzi and Chester
(Bargain Week—Dune 4-5-6-7-8-D
will be Family Nights—50c Admits
the Family.)
- Tuesday, June 5th -
John Bowers and Jacqueline Logan in
You men will get a trill out of this,
but remember the thrill is for every
- Wednesday, June 6th
Buzz Barton in
The thirteen year old half pint of
riding dynamite thunders to new
thrills and action in a whizzing west
ern tornado.
- Thursday, June 7th -
Fred Thompson in
Filled with mystery, laughs, perils
and love woven together in an unusu
al manner. Don’t fail to see it.
- Friday-Saturday, June 8-9 -
BIG SPECIAL—Karl Dane and Geo.
K. Arthur in
with Charlotte Greenwood.
Holt should at any time in the future
desire to use said ground for the
actual erection upon said property of
a County Court House, then The
O’Neill Woman’s Club will im
mediately surrender the possession of
said premises to the County of Holt
and relinquish their rights under said
Thereore, I move that the petition
of The O’Neill Woman’s Club of
O’Neill, Nebraska, which has this day
been presented to this Board, be
granted, and that we hereby lease to
The O’Neill Woman’s Club of O’Neill,
Nebraska, for a period of fifty (50)
years the North Half (N*£) of Block
Thirteen (13), in the Original Town
of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska,
to be used by said The O’Neill Wo
man’s Club for the purpose as above
set out, with the agreement and un
derstanding in said lease that the
O'Neill Wo span’s Club of O’Neill, Ne
braska, and its assigns, will relinquish
all rights uqder said agreement and
vacate said property at any time dur
ing the term of said lease that the
County of Holt may desire said prop
erty for the erection of a Court House
J. C. STEIN. .
Upon the above Resolution being
put to vote by the Chairman it was
declared carried by the Chairman of
the Board.
At 5:30 p. m. on motion board ad
journed until April 25, 1928, at 9
o'clock a. m.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, April 25, 1928, 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present.
Board called to order by the Chair
man. Minutes for April 24, 1928,
read and approved.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on mption allowed
on Road fund:
Lee Calkins $56.25
Theo Scheats .. 12.00
Fred Primus 10.50
Lee Calkins 79.95
H. R. Holcomb _ 7.50
Louie Seivers 14.10
L. E. Skidmore 26.60
Frank Howard 37.00
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the Road Dragging fund:
Emmet Elkhom Valley Hay Co. $73.50
Kasper Hoerle 13.00
rrea raster ... 4v.ou
T. F. Gallagher 10.50
F. L. Perry 22.00
Lee Calkins 38.75
J. B. Fullerton 11.15
Fred Grandorf 15.05
Lee Hagler 22.00
W. E. Barta 6.00
John P. Berger 8.75
J. B. Jonas 20.40
Lloyd Thurlow 24.15
Ralph Chase 18.00
Grant Alder 5.60
Gribble Bros. 27.00
John .1. Funk 21.65
Jno. Robertson 12.60
c. w. Spry 9.80
John Seger _ 4.00
Francis Donohoe 9.10
Chas. E. Berger 1,90
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the Bridge fund:
Clinton McKim $35.00
Wyoming Township 119.83
J. B. Ryan 10.0(1
Moulton & Rnymer 18.40
Nye & Jenks Grain Co. 24.00
Horace Neilson «._ 28.50
C. B. Nellis 18.30
L. C. McKim 27.00
Tom White .35.00
M. Campbell & Son 7.75
L. E. Skidmore 25.00
j Fred Primus . _ 8.50
I J. V. Johnson . 4.00
Halsey Hull . 40.50
i Louie Salvors 14.10
J. <\ Stain 32.20
Lyle McKim 10.00
At 12 o'clock Noon on motion hoard
j adjourned until I o’clock p. m.
K K PORTER, Clerk.
O'Neill, April 25, 1928, 1 p. m,
Hoard met pm mint to adjourn
ment. AH members present.
Board called to order by the Chair*
man At 2 o’clock p, tn. Board de
cided to go as a committee of the
whole to inspect the new grader and
engittr and adjourned until April 26,
1928, at 9 o'clock a. ni.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, April 26. 1928, 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present. Board
called to order by the Chairman.
Minutes for April 25, 1928, read and
Board spent the forenoon in com
mittee work on bridge matters.
At 12 o’clock noon on motion board
adjourned until l o’clock p. m.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, April 26, 1928, 1 p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present.
Board called to order by the Chair
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the Road Dragging fund:
John Wenner $21.00
Theo Grof 10.00
W. C. Joslyn 5.60
Gerald Graham 26.60
Austin Hynes 34.50
W. C. Joslyn 15 00
Ed Asher 18.90
On motion Dr. Douglas was ap
pointed to fill the vacancy on the Sol
dier’s relief, caused by the death of
A. D. Havens.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the Bridge fund:
E. F. Porter $750.00
Austtin Hyynes 34.5(1
Seth Noble 41.17
A. G. Johnson 45.00
The following claims were audited
and approved an don motion allowed
on the General fund:
C. B Nellis $31.30
John Sullivan 36.00
L. C. McKim 10.40
E. Gibson 58.20
TT_ I _1 I7A P O
* yui * y w tv ito « vivo
Seth Noble 167.92
E. R. Baker 15.15
R. H. Gallagher 10.00
M. R. Sullivan 20.00
Julius D. Cronin 3.00
Peter W. Duffy 26.35
Peter W. Duffv 83.27
Ira 11. Moss 77.00
J. S. Jackson 11.95
E. A. Waters 2.28
Frank Campbell 5.00
American Express Co. .82
W .N. Coats 100.00
Geo. Bressler 48.28
M. Campbell & Son 41.15
City of O'Neill 29.00
Interstate Power Co. 21.10
T. F. Gallagher 32.00
Gurney Seed & Nursery Co. 5.52
Mrs. Geo. E. Bowen 52.00
Mrs. F. C. Gatz 4.40
J. C. Stein 18.00
Hugh L. James 79.20
L. E. Skidmore 80.10
Baker E. R. 11.60
The Fair Store 20.33
A. J. Frost .. 30.00
Frank Youngkin 6.60
M. R. Sullivan 30.00
Julius D. Cronin 54.00
Julius D. Cronin 6.00
Peter W. Duffy 75.6C
Ira H. Moss 64.15
The Frontier 86.25
St. Joseph’s Home 125.80
J. J. Stilson 5.00
P. J. McManus , 52.50
Hoskinson Mer. Co. 51.44
Fred Lowery .. , 45.00
J. T. Bauman 33.25
Van Zandt Bros. 4.80
American Dis. Co. 91.19
J. N. Schoffer .50
Wm. Beha 67.00
Dr. Finley 32.60
Reardon Bros. 9.05
At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board
adjourned until April 27, 1928, at 9
o’clock a. m.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, April 27, 1928, 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present.
Board called to order by the Chair
man. Minutes for April 26, 1928,
read and approved.
Resolution 1
Mr. Chairman: I moVeS you that
the clerk be instructed to draw a war
rant on the General fund in the sum
of 8150.00 the same to be used by
him to purchase crow eggs at 5c each.
Upon the same being put to vote by
the Chairman it was declared car
On motion the claiir. or N. W. Bell
Telephone Company in the sum of
$90.75 for telephones in the Court
House for April, 1928, was allowed.
At 11 o’clock a. m. board decided to
go as a committee of the whole and
inspect the new grader and adjourned
until they returned.
E. F. PORTER. Clerk.
O’Neill, April 27, 1928, 4 p. m.
Board met upon their return
from the grader as per adjournment.
Board called to order by the Chair
man. After some discussion with
Mr. Berkholz in regard to the eleva
ting grader.
On motion Board adjourned until
May 8, 1928, at 10 o’clock a. m. unless
sooner called by the Clerk.
K. F. PORTER. Clerk.
O’Neill, May 8. 1928, 10 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present but Skid
Hoard called to order by the Chair
man. Minutes for April 27, 1928,
were read and approved.
To the Board of supervisors of Holt
County, Nebruska:
The Page State Hank states that it
|is the owner of NKb 99-9; that said
Hand is situated in School District N
! 29 of said County. Said land was
transferred in 1927 for school pur*
poses only to School District No. 12*.
In 1927 Distiict 128 levied luxe- f
14.(1 mills. This included 8 mill ge t*
oral, 5 mill bond and 1.0 free high,
That in making up the assessment
against this land there wa» levied the
ientire school tax instead of the gem ml
{tax of 8 mill and free high of Jdl.
'That said land was not subject to tax«
| at ion for laind tax which amounted to
fi milts. That |**titinner paid th<- • n*
'tire school tax under protest and t w
asks that it tie reft,ruled iho sum f
,t24.(»fi, the amount of bond tax a d
that sum be charged against the bo d
account of school District No, 128,
j Attached hereto is the tax receipt of
i petitioner.
By \V. J. Hammond, Its Attorney.
After investigation by the tax com
mittee, motion was made, seconded
and carried that the prayer of the
petition be granted and clerk be in
structed to draw a refund warrant in
accordance therewith.
Mr. Bently was brought before the
I hoard for the purpose of making some
| arrangcmnt for his care.
At 12 o’clock noon on motion, board
adjourned until 1 o'clock p. m.
E. F. PORTER. Clerk.
Strayed from my place. March 18,
5 miles west of O’Neill, one dark iron
gray Jack mule and one gray Jinney
mule. Any information will be greatly
appreciated.—J. B. Ryan.
Lost—Red Birddog left my place
Monday, May 14th. wearing a strop
collar. No. 15 tattooed in his ear.
Black spot on center of tongue. In
formation leading to recovery of this
dog suitably rewarded.—John Korgh,
Agee. Nebraska. 52-2p
The Walter Savidge Amusement
company now playing its twenty-sec
ond season, conies to O’Neill for a
week's engagement beginning Mon
day, June 4th. Plays in the large, new
canvas theatre and many riding de
vices and features of entertainment
have been provided for the midway.
No expense has been spared in pro
viding the best and newest enter
tainment for the public. The new
tent is one of the largest in the
country and was built especially for
this company. Its stage is the largest
of any theatre traveling under canvas.
Chicago and New York players have
been secured for the plays. “A Wise
Old Owl,” by Chas. Dazy, “What
Movies Will Do.” by Robert Sherman,
| "The Lure of the City,” by Collins,
I “Patsy.” by Chas. Morton, “The Go
| rillu,” by Jewell Tull, and “Her Com
panionate Marriage,” by Edmund
Paul, will be presented. In case of
icool evenings the theatre will be
| heated.
i The concert band, directed by
I George B. Blocker, will give free
concerts daily. Charles Cushman
, directs the orchestra. Madam Viola’s
i tropical pets are the free act this
season and will appear each evening
at *5:45 and Saturday afternoon at 11.
A merry-go-round for kiddies is
i new this year in riding devices. The
! larger merry-go-round, ferris wheel
seaplanes and merry-mix-up are
among the riding devices. Viola's
wonderland of curiosities, Freed &
i Freed variety circus, monkey speed
1 way and Baby May among other
i features. Baby May is America’s
smallest, fattest girl. She weigh 480
| pounds, is handsome and speaks seven
The Chinks are scrapping with the
Japs, in China far away; they’re
; handing out big healthly slaps, with
hope to maim and slay. All day and
night the big guns roar, the bullets
whine and wail; the gods of war still
I call for more to follow war’s grim
trail. It’s war and so the big guns
boom a heavy cannonade, foretelling
famine, deuth and doom, the regular
prices paid by those who want the
big parade, the glitter and the flash,
the uniforms and golden braid, the
lust for lands and cash. However, we
don’t give much heed to this far dis
tant fuss; for front page they may
vainly plead, we do not care a cuss.
Weil let them fight till crack of doom,
as far as we may care; because our
papers have no room for distant
rocket’s glare. Those heathen picked
the poorest time to get themselves in
print; their chances are not worth a
dime that never saw the mint. For
we have something better here to
which our interest sticks; this is a
presidential year—it’s time for poli
tics.—Brick Smith.
One Cent Sale!
2—5c Hershey * 1 _
Bar*. ,V and I G
6—.1 for 5c Packs 1 —
P K Gum 5c and I G
2—25c Cans Advo Grape 4 p
Fruit 25c uud * C
2—(50c lbs. Palmers Chocolate 1 p
Candy 50c and I G
; 2—45c Pounds Best English 1 n
Walnuts 45c and • C
1 2 Pounds Better Powdered 1 .
Sugar 20c and IC
2—70c Large Bottles Vanilla 1 p
Flavoring 70c and I G
2—25c Cans Sweet 1 p
Potatoes 25c and I G
2—40c- Quart Jars Better Pre- 1 p
pared Mustard 40c and I G
2—10c Pkgs. Skinner's Elbow 1 p
Macaroni 10c and • G
2—5c Bars P. and G. The White t n
Naptha Soap 5c and I G
2 Pounds ADVO California Ip
Sweet Prunes 20c and I G
2 Pounds ADVO California Ip
Raisins 20c and I G
2 Pounds 13c No. 1 Navy 1 p
Beans 13c and • G
2—15c Packages 1 —
'Jeil-0 15c and I C
2—35c Large Cans Pork and 1 p
Beans 35c and * G
2 Pounds 15c Fancy Head Ip
Rice 15c and • G
2—10c Pairs Shoe 1 n
Laces 10c and •G
John J. Melvin
Sells for I^esM
.■>7 Steps
Until further notice round trip
tickets good for Sunday only, will be
sold for the price of one fare.
For information call Phone No. 100,
that stays hot /
, ffiglEING civilized, you can’t live without hot water.
? That day is spoiled when for any reason you have
I neec^ec* hot water and it was not available.
Homes, where the Clark Electric \V ater Heaters
have been installed never know this most aggravating
occurence. For the Clark not only heats the water but
once heated the thermos construction keeps it hot.
(The hundred personal and household uses that call for
hot water are amply taken care of by owning the
> proper sized Clark Electric Water Heater.
^ Six Outstanding Clark Features
Economy—Extra heavy
finest quality insulation. No
heat is wasted—the water
will stay hot for hours after
the current is turned off.
Low operating costs.
Temperature Control
All Clark heaters are
equipped with a thermostat
which automatically gov
erns the temperature of
the water.
No Lime or Scale —
The heat is so distributed
that there arc no “hot
snots’*. No lime or scale
will be found in the hard*
'est w ater.
Heating Element —
Low temperature, large
area Clark elements elim
inating burnouts. £
Tank—High grade, extra
heavy steel tank heavily
1 galvanized inside and out.
Assures clear, clean hut
water free from rust. tf
Sizes—Made in any size
from three to seventy-five
gallons. There is a size'
. which will exactly fit your
* needs.
Electric Water Heater
Interstate Power Company
Mdse. Department