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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1928)
SERVICE from over 33,000 stations es PERMANENCY of service is a part of the sale of every General Motors product. General Motors has girdled the world with service organizations. Authorized service for General Motors' customers is provided through 33,000 stations in more than 100 countries. The fact that so many General Motors' sales each year are made to former owners of its products is the best pos sible proof that the service of both the car itself and the dealer who sold it has been continuously satisfactory. UA car for every purse and purpose” The new models of General Motors cars offer more quality, more performance, more comfort,more beauty than at any other time in the history of the automobile industry. They include "a car for every purse and purpose”—a choice of suitable models in each price class. Check on the coupon below the car or cars about which you would like full details, then mail in the coupon. No cost—and no obligation. CHEVROLET. 7 models, $495 to $715. Bigger and better than ever before. 4-wheel brakes. More powerful engine. Luxurious Fisher Bodies. New hood. New Duco colors. A/so truck chassis; Vi-ton, $395; 1-ton. $495. PONTIAC. 7 models, $745 to $875. Lowest priced quality “sut.” New models improved from radiator to tail-light. 4-wheel brakes. Bodies by Fisher. New OMR cylinder head. Increased power. Duco finish. a QLD&MOBILE. 7 models, $925 to $1085. “The Fine Car at Low IVice."Completely redesigned and improved by General Motors. Longer, roomier, more powerful. 4-wheel brakes. Fisher Bodies. ■.i' . : 1 ' ,<>, l* t,.'..I . V i I f , OAKLAND. 7 models, $1045 to $1375. The Afl-American “sue." Smooth, powerful engine. Longer, lower and more beautiful bodies by Fisher. 4-wheel brakes. Every convenience. New Duco colors. A t1 BUICK. 16 models, $1195 to $1995. Largest value in Buick's history. Beautiful low bodies by Fisher. Getaway like an arrow. Vibrationless bevnod belief. 6-cylinder "valve in head" engine. Duco finish. ■ .. LaSALLE. 16 models, $2350 to $2975. Beautiful car of Continental lines. Companion car to Cadillac. V-type 90 degree 8-cylinder engine. Marvelous bodies by Fisher. Striking Duco combinations. CADILLAC. 26 models, 53295 to $5500. Standard of the world. Famous 90-degrec V-typc 8-cylindcr engine. Sumptuous bodies by Fisher anJ Fleetwood. 500 color combinations to choose from. (ALL PRICES F.O. B. FACTORIES) GENERAL MOTOR'S pgp—•» m m m m m -CLIP THF COUPON— — — — — Gknkrai. Motors il)*-pi. a>. IVitoic. Mkh. | GMFVROl B1 Qj l’lM»wnil.«ilhaulnbli||iHH*iomr,illii4r«fil | I imakj t i »r I—i lit*r«tur» tir* rtl'iug rtk h Motor*prodi» I " J I h«Vf .hrtkxi t*gnh»r wmH )uui hookUt* | I OLDSMOIIII I ( ! “TNrPnwMi««<'»,,»tM*il”*n»l"Pr.iu.|>l—*P»U *•“ j OAKLAND □ Name | ■UKK ' LaAAU.I Q 1 CADILLAC [ j I '"*■*''* ' I I'HtigiDAIRL 4^. lut..—* Q OltLL'O LigilT STmtft** /' hru £ 192S MAY SUN MONjlUES1 WEdJtHU FJU SAll rOTT2]3 4.5, 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 141546 17 18 19 20.2122 23 24 2526 |27f28|29'3o!3lUl 8' MARKET REPORT. (Corrected each Thursday afternoon.) Cream 4‘2c Butter-- 44c Eggs 22c Potatoes 60c Corn 90c Oats 60c Rye HOC Wheat H-2E Hens, heavy 18c Hens, lipht 13c Springs 29c Old Roosters 8c Steers, fat $12.00 Cows, fat $7.00 to $10.00 Hogs, top $8.60 Baled Hay, No. 1 $7.00 Baled Hay, No. 2 $6.00 Baled Hay, No. 3 $3.00 SURROl'NDING AND PLEAS ANTVIEW ITEMS Jim McDermith listed corn for El mer Warner. f Alvin Walnofer shelled corn for P.arnes Wednesday. Wayne Warner finished the plowing on Zeb Warner ranch. Connie Ermal entertained friends at his home Sunday evening. Louis Pabl spent Sunday evening at the home of Elmer Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler visit ed at Chas. Baker’s home near O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tasler visited Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. John Warner. Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ries. Cards and luncheon passed the evening in a pleasing way. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Warner and granddaughters, Tutie and Orlene Warner, of O’Neill, visited their sons at the ranch Monday. Elmer Warner was a dinner guest at Hannah Richard’s home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Troshinski Sr. and family. CELIA ITEMS. The school picnic at the Celia school house Friday was fairly well attended and a fine dinner served' by the ladies. Chas. Manning went to Inman Tues day. A telegram from there told of the serious illness of his mother, who lives there. Willard Greenwood and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. James and O. A. Hammerberg and family were guests for dinner and supper at Johnson’s, Sunday. F. Halgrimson, Sunday school mis sionary living at Ainsworth, called on several neighbors Thursday, and Sun day will hold services at the Celia school house. The Misses Frickels and Van Fleets called on the east school ma’am, Sunday afternoon, and carried her off. for a visit in the evening. Mrs. Johnson left on the one o'clock a. m train Wednesday for a trip to Oakland for a visit with the boys, Elmer and Albert, and also to bepres ent at the commencement exercises at the high school there when daugh ter Alpha grarfuhtes the 24th. The announcement came Friday of the marriage of Paul G. Johnson to Bonnie Lucille Patrick—one score for the Irish. The young couple drove up to Nelson, B. C. and were married by Rev. Wm. C. Mawhinney at that place. Paul is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson of this community. | Overland Trucking J Service j I Day or Nij?ht Phone 14 I ] Await Spenjfler | ~__ EGGS FOR HATCHING BABY CHICKS For Sale—Hatching eggs, White Rock. 60c per setting; $3.50 per 100. j—Mrs. John Shoemaker. 33tf BABY CHICKS—All leading heavy ! Varieties from pure bred Flocks, $12 j per 100. Heavy mixed $10.00, prepaid. ! We ship every week. Also Custom j ' Hatching $4.00 per 100 Eggs.—Atkin son Hatchery. 40-tf FOR RENT. For Rent—Tenement rooms over the tire shop.—Mrs. J. A. Nalor. 49tf Wanted To Rent—Modern house; with three bed rooms. See or Phone 57 or Golden Hotel evenings. In office Saturdays.—Chick Gains. 45-tf For Rent—960 ncre Hay and Cat-j tic ranch, 10 miles out. Good build-1 |ing. R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Neb. 50-3 FOR SALE For Sale—Baby buggy.—Mrs. D. D. Hunt. ' 52-2p Cobs for sale. (Tall J. B. Ryan Hay office. Phone 94. 52-2 For Sale—Monarch range, good as; new. Inquire at this office. 49-tf Get your Tomato and Cabbage plants at James Davidsons. 51-2 Cottage Cheese, at Sanitary Dairy delivered every day. Phone order to 84. 52-2 We have plenty of Virginia Splint sole coal on hand. If you want good coal see Warners 39-tf Tomato and babbage plants for sale. City delivery. Billv Hammond, Phone 241. 52-2 Tomato and cabbage plants for' sale, next noor north of Library. Grown in open air. 52-2p J I have a Polled Hereford bull for I sale. His pedigree is recorded in ! Polled as well the as the Hereford j herd book.—J. Stein. 52-tf Plants that grow and satisfy. Sweet potato, tomato and cabbage plants, I 90c a hundred postpaid.—Lewis Ko- ] pocky, Inman, Nebraska. 52-3 FOR SALE Cauliflower, Early and Late Toma-' toe and Cabbage Plants. Call be- j tween 4 and 6 o’clock.—Harlan Ag nes, O’Neill. 52 MISCELLANEOUS Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf Table boarders wanted. — Prices reasonable.—Mrs. E. Willcox. 513p KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Gsaves. O’Neill, 30-tf Plowing or breaking done with tractor. See Lee Wyant or Phone 94. 49-tf W’anted, girl for general house work.—Fred McNally, Phone 132, O’Neill, Neb. • 48 Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. I have just returned from Cali fornia and have plenty of money to loan on farms and ranches at reason able rates.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Ne braska. 49-tf FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND 14 per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17 If An allowance on old tires on the purchase of New Mellingers; also a 15 month guarantee against hazards of the road. See me before you buy. —EDW. S. EARLEY. LOST—RED BIRDDOG. Lost—Red Birddog left my place Monday, May 14th, wearing a strop collar. No. 15 tattooed in his ear. Black spot on center of tongue. In formation leading to recovery of this dog suitably rewarded.—John Korgh, Agee, Nebraska. 52-2p TAKEN Ul* Taken up—rangey, black mare, star in forehead, came to my place, known as the S. D. Galentine place, 114 miles west of Midway garage, about May 7th.—O. W. Clouse, Maple Grove, Nebraska. 61-3 (First publication May 24.) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to an order of the District Court of Antelope County, Nebraska, made; and entered on the 8th day of May, | 1928, in an action therein pending, | wherein Gesine Teebkin and Marie Toelle Grussing are plaintiffs and j.Iohanne Schwartz, Carl Schwartz,! Anna Ludwig, Julius Ludwig, Thomas' Grussing, et al„ are defendants, I will, at 10 o’clock A. M. on the 2(>th day of June, 1928, at the west front door of 1 the court house in the City of O’Neill, | Holt County, Nebraska, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder for cash, i the following described real estate situate in the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, to-wit: The east half of Section 6, and the north half of Section 8, Town ship 25 North, Range 10 West of the 0th P. M. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1928. R. J. SHURTLEFF, 52-fi Referee. (First publication May 24.) (Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a license granted to me by the Honorable Robert R. Dickson, Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in the! District Court of said County, en-! titled, “In the Matter of the Appiica j tion of C, P. Hancock. Administrator of the estate of Kuretta E. Long, de ccased, for license to sell Real Ks-1 tale." dates! March 2fl. A. D.. 1928. 'and the order of the Honorable Rob jert R. Dickson, Judge of the District ‘Court of Holt County, Nebraska. !dated May 9th. A. D„ 1928, ordering; [the resale of >aid real estate, I will I offer for sale and will sell to the high-) Write for demonstrations to jj £ ! ** The New Classy Car ) S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr. I Authorized Dealer Genuine Ford Parts Insist Upon Them When Repairing Your Car. Buy From Your Ford Dealer. Mellor Motor Co. O’Neill, Nebraska Low Excursion Fare Over Sundays During May and June BETWEEN ALL POINTS One Fare Plus 25 Cents for round trip Tickets on sale for all trains Saturday and Sunday. Return to reach starting point before mindight Monday. CONSULT AGENT FOR DETAILS est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, situate in the County of Holt and State of Nebras ka, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Four (4), Township Thirty-one (31), Range Ten (10), and the West one-half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twelve (12), Township Thirty-two (32), Range Eleven (11), all West of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian, Holt County, Ne hrdsks in the 14th day of June, A. D., 1928, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the front door if the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, sub ject to all encumbrances against said real estate. Said sale will remain ipen one hour. C. P. HANCOCK, Administrator of the estate of Euretta E. Long, Deceased. 52-3 (F'irst publication May 24.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR AD MINISTRATION. Estate No. 2020. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 22, 1928. [n the Matter of the Estate of Mary I Cavanaugh, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in said estate that a j petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of S. J. Weekes is Administrator of said estate, and will be heard June 14, 1928, at 10 a’clock a. m., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (Coupty Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 52-3 County Jud!ge. (f irst puDUcauon iviay iu.; ORDER OF HEARING OF PRO DATE OF FOREIGN WILL. fhe State of Nebraska, Holt County,' ss: In the Probate Court of said County.! In the matter of the Estate of Sophia. Potthast, Deceased. On this 10th day of May, A. D., j 1028, J. H. Meredith, Attorney for the heirs of Sophia Potthast, filed his pe-j tition in this court, and presented an1 iuthenticated copy of the Last Will Ind Testament of Sophia Potthast, j deceased, late of the County of Mil waukee, State of Wisconsin, the prayer :>f said petition being that a day be fixed by this Court for the purpose of, approving j*nd allowing said Last ; Will and Testament, and causing the; <ame to be filed and recorded in this >ffice. It is therefore hereby ORDERED. That Wednesday, the Hth day of June, A. D., 1928, at 101 j’clock A. M. be fixed for hearing said; petition, when all persons interested! in said matter may appear and show; muse why the prayer of said petition ( should not be granted; and that notice! »f the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in; rhe Frontier, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. (County Court Seal) C. J. MALONE. 50-3 County Judge. (First publication May 10.) SALE HY SPECIAL MASTER UN-, DKR DECREE II. II. DCNIIAM. SPECIAL MASTER. SOI SKCERI TIES BLOC... OMAHA, NK HH ASK A. PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that, by virtiue of an order of sale, issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Nebraska, Norfolk Division, and in pursuance of the decree of said court rendered at the September 1926 term of said court, to-wit: On June 30th, 1927, in an action therein pending numbered 112-Equity, wherein The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company is plaintiff, and Charles N. Thomp son and others, are defendants, where by the mortgages involved in said action on the property hereinafter de scribed, were foreclosed, I. B. H. Dun ham, as Special Master of said court, by virtue of the authority in me vest ed as such Master, under the decree and order of sale issued to me as such Master, will, on the 8th day of June, 1928, at 8:45 o’clock in the forenoon, at the county court house in O’Neill, the county seat of Holt County, Ne braska, at the usual place where sher iff’s sales of land are made in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the property on which said mortgages were fore closed, which said property is situate in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, and known and described as follows, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SE'i) of Section numbered Eight, (8), Town ship numbered Twenty-eight (28), North, Range numbered Nine (9) West of the 6th P. M., containing 160 acres, more or less according to Government Survey, To satisfy plaintiff in the sum of $8,163.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from June 30, 1927, which amount is de /ivnnrl n 1 ! An r\ n nn i/1 rM _ gaged premises hereinbefore describ ed; and to satisfy defendant and eounterclaimant, Frank H. Binder, in the sum of $595.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from June 30, 1927, which amount is decreed to be a second lien on said mortgaged premises; and to satisfy defendant and counterclaim ant, First National Bank of Plain view, Nebraska, in the sum of $3,045.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from June 30, 1927, which amount is de creed to be a third lien upon said mortgaged1 premises; and to satisfy the sum of $86.58, costs shown on said order of sale, and the accruing costs and expenses of sale; the pro ceeds of sale to be applied upon con firmation of said sale, as follows, to wit: (1) To the unpaid costs of said suit that have accrued and may accrue, (2) To payment to plaintiff of the sum found due it, with interest there on as provided in said decree and its costs expended, (3) To payment to defendant and counterclaimant, Frank H. Binder, of the sum found to be due him in said decree, with interest there on, and his costs expended, (4) To payment to defendant and counter claimant, First National Bank of Plainview, Nebraska, of the sum found to be due it by said decree, with in terest thereon, arid ita costs expended, and (5) Any surplus to be paid to such of the defendants as may at that lime be shown to be entitled thereto. All as provided by said order of sale imi decree. Said sale will be held open for one hour at the time and place aforesaid. B. 1C. DUNHAM. Special Master of the United States District Court, for the District of Nebraska, Norfolk Division. GO-5