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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1928)
Eat light foods t now ♦ *♦ • Keep healthy these mild days by avoiding the heavy foods of winter. Make your breakfasts light, easily di gested, but nourishing by servi n ;r SfcredcJ ed Wheat, It has the mineral salts, in cluding iron, which are needed this time of year, plenty of bran to insure regular habit, and vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates as well. In fact Shredded Wheat has all the natural elements of whole wheat made pleasant to eat and easy to digest by shredding and baking all the way through. Order a box of twelve big full -size biscuits 1 today. Made by The Shredded Wheat Company * ""' .. .■ —^ Try our new long loaf of bread; cuts 24 slices to the loaf l5c--2 for 25c McMillan & Markey BIG COMBINATION SALE April 28th at 2:30 o’clock. / Already listed: 1 practically now mower. 500 oak posts. 25 extra 8-foot corner posts. 2 complete set of dishes. 46-tf JOHN L. OUIG, Manager. Change In Train Service Chicago & North Western Ry. Important j change of schedules of certain trains , will become etfective Sunday, April 29th. For particulars apply to Ticket I Agent. 48-1 STRAYED. Black Shetland pony, from the A. Slattery ranch, 8 miles southwest of O’Neill. Reward. Please notify Mrs. M. A. Summers, 47-tf O’Neill, Nebr. -, The Frontier $2.00 per year. mi rr- ~~~ “I’ve found that fenced into small fields my farm will make more money” WE hear more and more of our farmer friends making that statement every year. Farm ers in this community who shift over to a diver sified program of farming must find it profitable because they never switch back to the old system. More and better fences are the key to this new profitable farming program. Good fences depend on good fencing materials—the only kind we handle. Come in and let's see what we can work out together—how a little more fencing on your farm will help you turn waste into proAta, get you tugger and better crops and raise the value of your farm Bazelinan Lumber Co. O’Neill, Nebraska Sugar Sale 10 Pounds Fine Granulated R7p Cane Sugar UI u Carnation Milk, Cn small size Oli Jell-O, America’s Most Fa- OA A mous Dessert, 3 packages t*TU Shredded Wheat, Q 0 Regular siz* wv 5 Pounds Fresh Quaker OC> Rolled Oat* ZOO Palmolive Soap The 9 1 P Genuine, 3 bars for til 00c Can Thompson’s Malted J\ Q - Milk, shaker FREE , *TUC ADVO Gold Medal Coffee £7* Vacuum Packed, pound *Tl C ADVO Grape Fruit IGa can i JU Sugar Cured Bacon, Sweet and 10a Tender, pound I Ot Spanish Salted Peanuts, IQp per pound Ivl Edward’s Sugar Puff “IQ a Marshmallows, pound I UO 25c Size K. C. Baking IQ*' Powder, can I «JU PABST Hop Flavored Malt Syrup, 100 per cent Pure Barley A7** Malt Syrup, large size ^rl O JOHN J. MELVIN SpIIh for Lonn .">7 Slops LOCAL NEWS. Court Reporter, Ted McElhany has rented the Radaker residence. Mrs. Harry Radaker, of Newport, was in the city on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langmack spent several days last week in Sioux City. Judge and Mrs. R. R. Dickson re turned from a visit to Omaha last night. H. V. Rosencrans and family, of Dorsey, are transacting business in O’Neill, today. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bridges are driv ing a new W’hippett which they drove up from Omaha last week. Stuart Advocate: A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross man Sunday, April 15, 1928. Ralph Mellor has purchased the B. H. Dimmitt residence and will occupy it as soon as some repairs can be made. Master Thomas Abdouch is home from a Norfolk hospital where he has been receiving treatment. He is much improved. G. W. Shellhart, of Newcastle, Wyoming, has been shaking hands with old friends in O’Neill this week. Mr. Shellhart was a resident of this city prior to 1894. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cowperth waite returned home last week from a visit with relatives at Beaver Cros sing. They also visited relatives in Keya Paha county. Stuart Advocate: Local sportsmen received ;::i allotment of bull frogs and small rainbow trout for local “planting” Tuesday morning. The state fish car delivered them. Henry Schacht left on Wednesday of last week for points along the Rio Grande river in Texas with a view of locating if the climate and country suit him. The pupils of the high school of St. Mary’s Academy are preparing for an entertainment to be given on May 2. This will show the May Queen and her court in Fairyland where they are to be amused from morning until night with songs and dances. This entertainment is being sponsored by the St. Mary’s Alumnae of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Richardson and children arrived in O’Neill Sunday evening from Olatha, Kansas, and will again make O’Neill their home for the present. Uhl Brothers made a trip to Omaha with a truck load of potatoes last week and went on to Olatha and brought their household goods to O’Neill in their large truck. The Richardson’s will occupy the up per floor in the Alfonzo Rouse resi lience in the southwestern part of the city. MARKET REPORT. Cream 40c Butter 40c Eggs 23c Potatoes 60c Corn ..... 90c Oats 55c Rye .. $1.00 Wheat $1.30 Hens, heavy 20c Hens, light 15c Broilers 40c Old Roosters _. 11c Steers, fat $12.00 Cows, fat $7.50 to $9.00 Hogs, top $9.00 Baled Hay, No. 1 ..... $7.00 Baled Hay. No. 2 $6.00 Baled Hay. No. 3 $3.00 METHODIST NEWS. There will be but one service Sun day, April 29th. At the morning worship hour, 11 o’clock, the pastor will give his farewell sermon. The choir will render one of their choice Anthems and Mrs. Ballard will sing a solo. Rev. O. A. Fortune will be here some time next week to assume his duties as pastor of this church. Last Sunday the Passion Play was given to a crowded house. About 250 people enjoyed the service. A liberal offering, marly two hun drrd dollars, was subscribed to the Missionary fund at the morning service. Rev. G. W. Ballard. Past*>r, CARD OP THANKS. We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to our many kind neigh bor* and friend for the assistance ren dered us during and following the lire that destroyed <»ur barn and for th« generous donations in replacing the Iimm ami for the asaistance in rebuild ing the bam. Mr, and Mr*. J, P. J»»nes, Meek. Nebr MEEK AND VICINITY. A daughter was bom Wednesday, April 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas. Mrs. Thomas is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harrison. We are sorry to have to report the severe stroke of paralysis suffered by ! Mrs. Viola Searles on Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs Alex Borg. Mrs. Searls is somewhat! improved at this writing but, is still bed-fast. The Larkin club met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Hicks on Friday evening. Owing to sickness several were not able to attend but an enjoy able time was had by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen, John , Buttolph, Mrs. George Hansen and | Cal Henifin were called to Gregory, South Dakota, last week owing to the severe illness of Mrs. Hansen’s sister, Mrs. Ed Henifin. A doctor was called for Horace Henefin on Thursday night. Mr. Henifin was suffering from pneumo I nia, and also was thought to have | had a light stroke of paralysis. Mrs. R. D. Spindler and Mary Em-; jma, and Leona, were Sunday after- j I noon callers at the Frank Griffith home. Mrs. Mart Schelkoff was brought here from Omaha last w^eek after a thorough examination the doctor there pronounced her trouble to be nuritis. Mrs. Hugh O’Neill and daughter, Mrs. Blake Benson called at the A. L. Borg home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A1 House came from Ponca on Friday to help care for her mother, | Mrs. Searles. James and Leroy Spendler spent Sunday afternoon at the Will Devall home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson and daughters, Lois Jean and llene, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and family were Sunday visitors at the Will Walters home. Gerald Hansen spent the week-end at his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. [ Henifin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith called at the Sam Robertson home Thurs day evening. Ralph Young made a business trip to Spencer on Monday. Miss Bernice Marlett was an over night visitor at the Roy Spindler home on Monday. I--—— ; LOST AND FOUND j Lost—In O'Neill a tan glove,con taining some small change. Leave at [this office and receive reward. 48- I Lost casting harness for throwing horses. Reward—H. L. Bennett. 43tf FOR RENT. Three room furnished apart ments in Naylor bldg.—Mrs. J. A. i Naylor. 46-tf House for rent—One-half block from public school.—Mary G. Hor j iskey. 33-tf ....■■■III. in .1 I in I FOR SALE For Sale—Early Ohio potatoes at U)0c per bushel.—Martin Conway.46-3 1 Rock Island 4-wheel lister for tale.—Dick Huebert. O’Neill. Neb. 47 For Sale—Ford ton-truck with ; shift gears.—Fred Krutz, Inman. 48-4p MISCELLANEOUS Wanted, girl for general house work.—Fred McNally, Phone 132, O’Neill, Neb. 48- i Wanted—Horses to pasture, $3.00. Sec Geo. or Bob Tomlinson, Oppor- ■ t «rtit.v. 47-3 Wm. Grutsch on route No. 1, nortn of O’Neill. Nebraska, wants stock to pasture. 48-1 j Ranch for Rent—12 miles south of O’Neill. 960 acres pasture and hay, improved. Inquire of R. H. Parker, 1 O’Neill, Nebr. 48-2 Wanted To Rent—Modern house with three bed rooms. See or Phone 57 or Golden Hotel evenings. In office Saturdays.—Chick Gains. 45-tf Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Gcaves. O’Neill, 30-tf We have plenty of Virginia Splint soft coal on hand. If you want good coal see Warners 39-tf FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND to per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-If An allowance on old tires on the purchase of New Mellingers; also a 15 month guarantee against hazards of the road. See me before you buy. —EDW. S. EARLEY. For Rent, 5 room house. 360 A Imp. ranch, 8 mi. south. Farm for sale, good; yearly pmts. LOANS MADE on FARM & City Property. 43-tf JOEL PARKER, O’Neill. Wanted—Holt County now open for steady hustler to sell Ward’s Reliable Remedies and other Products. Ex perience not necessary. Offers big earnings on small capital. Particu lars given on request. Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minn. Established 1856. 45-4 EGGS FOR HATCHING BABY CHICKS For Salt*—Hatching oggs, White Rock. 60c per setting; $3.50 per 100. -Mrs. John Shoemaker. 38tf S. C. Rhode Island Red Eggs for hatching, $4.00 per 100, postpaid; Kooker strain.—Joseph Peter, Box 97, I O'Neill. Nebr. 4«-tf Plan to Celebrate at Riverside Fourth of July DICK’S IMPERIAL DANCE BAND OF PLATTE S. D. 1 WILL PLAY FOR OUR I Dance, Saturday, April 28th J . EVERYBODY COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS j: Ball Game Sunday, April 29th, Lynch vs. Riverside | The Riverside Park St At Hydro-Electric Dam—6Vt miles southeast of Spencer. 5 | E. D. Hoover, Manager | | W rite for demonstrations to ! OAKLAND | ALIiAMERICAN SIX enoDLor of general motors | S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr. Authorized Dealer .. I The Balancer Hog Feed I _____ || ► ♦ ri || « II The feed that satisfies. Manufactured bv I !: H McHenry Bros. & Robertson, Plainview, ft Nebraska. 1 • i I We would like te have you try this feed. | >• ft ► ♦ JI Mr. Robertson will be with us a few days next s >j week and will be glad to call on you personally and | jj explain the merits of this feed. j* g 1 Farmers Union Elevator Co. I I I BABY CHICKS—All leading heavy Varieties from pure bred Flocks, $12 >er 100. Heavy mixed $10.00, prepaid. We ship every week. Also Custom Hatching $4.00 per 100 Eggs.—Atkin son Hatchery. 40-tf Pure bred chicks, Reds, Buff and White Orpington, White, Barred and Buff Rock, White Wyandotte, $14.00, 3. C. White, Brown and Buff Leghorn i>12.00. Mixed Heavy $10.00 per 100 postpaid.—Elkhorn Valley Hatchery, Battle Creek. Nebr. 37-12. • First publication April 19.f NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the and described herein has been set iside as a Bird and Game Reserve as provided by Section 7368, Compiled statutes 1922, State of Nebraska, and ill persons are warned not to hunt >r destroy game and bird life on said ands or any part thereof on and if ter June 1, 1928, under penalty of aw: NVi NEVi, SWVi and NVi SEU, 3WV4 and SEU 6-27-13, SVi ; (-27-13, SWVi 8-27-13, WVi 17 \JWVi 20-27-13, SU 19-27-13, SVi 20 27- 13. NWVi NEVi. and the NVi NWVi,! 3WVi NWVi, SVi 21-27-13, NWVi I 28- 27-13, NVi 22-27-13, SWVi 22-27-1 13, NWVi 27-27-13, SVi 29-27-13, all if 30-27-13, all of 31-27-13, all of 32 27-13. n EVi 1-27-14, all of 12-27-13, NEVi and NVi NWVi , SWVi 13-27-14, 3EVi 13-27-14. SVi NWVi 13-27-14, MEVi and NWVi of NWVi 23-27-14, NVi NVi SWVi, SEV4 24-27-14, EVi 25-27-14, SVi 23-27-14, SWVi NEVi, WVi NWVi, SEV4 NWVi, NVi SWVi, 3EV4 SWVi 25-27-14, NEVi and NEVi 9g.9g.1il NVis and SE14 36-27-14, SMi 16-27 L3, all of 36-28-14, all in Holt County. Nebraska. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STATE OF NEBRASKA, h. j. McLaughlin, 47-3 Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska. April 17, 1928. First publication April 12 W. J. Hammond, attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Myron O. Allen, Bertha M. Allen tnd B. B. Clark, non-resident defend ants, who are impleaded with Harry d. Haffner, Robert L. Drayton and John Doe, real und true name unknown, ire notified that on April Oth, 1928, rhe Travelers Insurance Company,; »s plaintiff, filed a petition and com-, iienced an action in the District Court »f Holt County, Nebraska, against he defendants above named. That, ihe object and prayer of said peti tion is to foreclose a real estate mort ;age, given to secure a note of $16000 with interest coupons attached in fa-1 cor of plaintiff and signed by Myron D. Allen and Bertha M. Allen dated October 3, 1923, which mortgage was In favor of plaintiff and dated t)cto-| her 3, 1825, and was recorded Octo*; i*r 10, 1825, in Book 140 of real es tate mortgages at page 13 In the ►ffice of the register of deeds of Holt County, Nebraska, and was executed snd acknowledged by Myron O. Al*j ten and Bertha M. Allen ami convey id the following described read •»-1 Ule situate In The Count) of Holt snd State of Nebraska, towit: The Southeast (Quarter of Northwest Quar-1 ter; the Northeast Quarter of South west Quarter; the South Half of Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section Nineteen, in Town ship Twenty-eight North, of Range Nil i West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Plaintiff alleges that said mortgage is due and payable; that it is the owner thereof and prays that the premises above described b^ sold to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage. You are required to answe • said petition on or before May 21, A. D. R-Jt THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY, Plaintiff. 46-4 My commission expires March 28. 1932. (First publication April 5.) LEGAL NOTICE. TO O. J. FROST. REAL NAME UN KNOWN; JOHN W. McCANN, JAMES NORTON, DANIEL CRO NIN, PATRICK FAHY, and All persons having or claiming any in terest in Lots 6, 7 and 8, in block 34 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; defendants: You and each of you will take notice that on the 29th day of March, 1928, the Norfolk Building and Loan Asso ciation, plaintiff, filed its petition in the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, against the defendants above set out, who are impleaded with I. N. Boggs, real name unknown, Ina L. Boggs, John L. Cox and Mrs. John L. Cox, real name unknown, the object and prayer of which petition is for a decree of the above court finding that a certain real estate mortgage, dated March 11, 1919, and made, executed, acknowledged and delivered to the plaintiff above set out by one I. N. Boggs, real name unknown and Ina in block 34 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, and recorded on the 12th day of March, 1919, in book 124, page 88 in the office of the Rigister of Deeds of Holt County, Nebraska, said mortgage hav ing been given to secure the payment of a certain bond or obligation in writing of even date therewith in the principal sum of $5500.00, to be a first lien upon the real estate above set out, and described in said mortgage deed, and that a decree be entered by the said cour\ finding that any right, title, or other interest, which the said defendants in said action, and more particularly the defendants above set out, be inferior to and subject to the lien of the plaintiff by reason of its mortgage deed, and that the said mortgage deed be foreclosed and that all right, title, or other interest which the defendants in said action or any i of them mav have or claim to have in and to said mortgaged property, be foreclosed and forever barred, and for a sale of said property covered by the mortgage dees! of this plaintiff in satisfaction of the amount found due it. and for such other and further re lief as justice and equity may re quire. You are required to answer the said petition of the said plaintiff, on or before the 21st day of May. 192ff. Dated this 6th day of April, 1928. NORFOLK BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 1'iaintiif, By MARES. McDU^EEE * MARKS, ami W. J. HAMMOND, Attorney. 46-4 for the Plaintiff