Percheron Stallon Gilbert Olbert No. 166036 We will travel this stallion (Gilbert Olbert No. 166036 in this part of Holt County again this year and the terms for his service will be $13.00. $1.00 Cash at time of service for each mare and $12.00 to! sure live colt. But to our patrons who were disappointed by not’ getting some of their mares in foal, we want to be fair, and will meet them half wuy, so will rebreed these mares for which we received the cash payment of $1.00 last year and did not take up, again this year, | if yon so wish, without the $1.00 at time of service and $12.00 to in sure live coult. We have a man well versed in the horse business to handle this stallion this year, and as this horse is climated now, we have reason to expect better results this year than heretofore. We will dp our best to accomodate every one we can, but should, anyone find it nertwsary to go to a little bother on our account, we will surely appreciate all favors shown us; we will also be very care j j ful to avoid accidents but should any occur, we will not be re-, Hponsible. Any one from a distance whom we are not able to re«ossibly it’s only part of the crop, perhaps the U -F stock that breaks through dies from gorging «li; oris maimed or killed. Either wav you lose enough !to pay for many rods of sound, tight fencing. Be prepared for such emergencies. Keep a few RED , TOP posts handy on the farm. Strengthen at once the weak spots that develop in your fence lines. jjp Replace rotting wood posts with RED TOPS. This makes the fence stronger and saves losses. jjjj RED TOPS can be driven easily, through the hardest soil. That makes it easy to repair or build fence at any season with RED TOPS. And RE D }re TOPS are made of tough, durable, long-lived i fig steel that gets the most years of usefulness from fig any fence. Stock and hog tight fences are the [kf, key to profitable farming. Come in and let us show you how to make your farm pay better, turn waste into profits and make your farm worth more money. Bazelman Lumber Co. O’Neill, Nebraska mHrninmintmmtummmttttmtmmnmmnmntKttnmnamnmmmnmnam: (Write for demonstrations to PONTIC SIX The New Chorny Cat S. G. Coover, Page, Nebr. Authorized Dealer I. O. O. F. DISTRICT MEETING AT ORCHARD The Fourth Annua] District meet ing of the Niobrara Valley I. 0. 0. F. will be held in Orchard on Tues day, April 23rd, when it is expected a large number of Odd Fellows over the district will be present. Following will be the program: 1:00—Registration at the I. 0. O. F. hall 2:30—Grand lodge session, con ferring of Past Grand and Grand lodge degree. 3:30 — Initiatory degree. Lynch lodge. 6:00—Business meeting of the As sociation, 5:30—Recess for supper served by the ladies of Rebekah lodge. 7:30—Opening Song, “America” by the audience. Invocation—Rev. H. H. Spracklen, Grand Chaplain. Duet—Dorothy McNabb and Ellen Withee. Address of Welcome Grand Mas ter J. T. Fletcher. Response—W. P. Napier, Plain view. Recitation—Junior Clifton. Address—Grand Secretary E, S. Davis. Male Quartet. 8:30—First degree by Bloomfield. 10:00—School of instruction. 11:30—Midnight supper. CARD OF TH ANKS. We take this means of extending to our many kind friends and neigh bors our hearty thanks for their as sistance and sympathy extended us during the recent illness and burial of our beloved daughter and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Langon. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langon. CARD OF THANKS. In behalf of all members of our family I desire to express our most sincere thnnks to the neighbors and other friends who, through their kind ministration and offerings of beauti ful flowers, evidenced a spirit of fel lowship during the funeral of our be loved husband and father, Albert Brenier, and aided us to bear the burden of sorrow occasioned by his death. Mrs. Thresa Brenier. SURROUNDING AND PLEASANTVIEW ITEMS Walter Gochee and son, Kenneth, were in Atkinson Tuesday. Charles Richards was a caller of Dell Johnson’s Sunday. The Ladies Aid will meet, with Mr. and) Mrs. John Tipton Wednesday. School in District ICO wus out Fri day. Mis sWahl, of Atkinson, teacher. Mrs. Elmer Warner left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Long Pine, Nebraska. John Steskall, of O’Neill, and Win. Steskal, of Orchard, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. ard Mrs. Melvin Klingler, of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Walnofer and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kiinglcr were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warner Sunday evening. Neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ries Monday evening to remind her of her birthday anniversary. Luncheon was served and Mrs. Ries received many ireful presents and good wishes. CELIA ITEMS. Johnson is not able to pitch hay yet, and Saturday W. 0. James and Green wood came down and hauled in some for him. A little girl of Conrad Frickles had one of her fingers nearly severed by getting it into a grain drill the other (lay. She was taken to the doctor who i put the finger together, and is getting alright. Thv- cold weather, recently chased all of the early farmers back to the stove again. Quite a fcwNhad gone through the preliminaries, hut the weather did not put a stop to housecleaning, paper ing, painting, chicken raising and otheT female activities. ex tetter irom raui uonnson, ispo I kane, Washington, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson, tells how ho submitted to a blood-transfusion at the hospital there, giving a pint and a half of blood, and probably saving the life of a lady, the wife of another em ployee of the street car company. Out of fifty tested, his was the only blood that would fill the requirement. Paul didn’t smoke cigarettes. PLEASANT VALLEY. Mrs. Clyde Streeter was on the sick list last week. Marian Prill visited the school in restrict 23 last Tuesday George Fink and wife spent Sun dav at the Frank Snyder homp Dean Streeter and wife, of O’Neill, visited Sunday at *he Clyde Streeter home. Finest Perkins, wife and son, Bob by, visited at the Clyde Sfreeter home Sunday. Mrs. Joe Gert and family visited a week ngo Sunday at the Orville Parks home. Mrs. Cora Hamilton and son, Claude took dinner at the L. K. Hough home Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Grass and children autoed to O'Neill and took in the mo vie Wednesday evening. Mrs. Leo Hines entertained the N. O. K. club Thursday the 14th. Every one reported a good time. Mrs. Dean Streeter and Mrs. Stan ley Soukup visited at the Clyde Streeter home Monday of last week. Charley Grass and Lyrran Park sHj ped a ear of ealv«.* t> City on the 10th. Charlie Gras* went with the load. Miss Millie Thompson entertained the S. O. S. club last Saturvtay after noon. Miss Mtllte served a fine t«.teh, which was enjoyed hy all. Jce McKmstry formerly of Page la at the hospital In Simii Hty where he has had a very »«rtou* operation Dr. Cody reporU-d him in a critical ! erudition FACTS ABOUT NEBRASKA. Nebraska farmers have three times as much corn on hand now as at this time last year, while the national stock on hand falls below that of the last two years. Nebraska also has i more wheat, oats, barley and rye in | storage than the five years preceding ! average. Bonded indebtedness of neighbor ing states are: Missour $46,000,000, Iowa $19,000,000, South Dakota $62, 1000,000, Wyoming $3,000,000. Colo jrado $11,000,000, Kansas $28,500,000. 1 Nebraska has no bonded debt. One-fourth of Nebraska’s 124,000; farmers in 1920 were foreign born.j cultivating 6,961,00 acres, slightly i greater than the national rational of foreign-born to native farmers. The total wealth of Nebraska in 1922 was equal to the total of the j New England states excepting Mas-! sachusetts and Connecticut. The Frontier $2.00 per year. aw mum wi lanr n ■■»■■■■ ■ ■■ warn ■nu« BIG COMBINATION SALE April, 28th at 2:30 o’clock. Already listed: 1 practically new mower. 500 oak posts. 25 extra 8-foot corner posts. 2 complete set of dishes. 46- tf JOHN L. QUIG, Manager. STRAYED. Black Shetland pony, from the A. Slattery ranch, 8 miles southwest of O’Neill. Reward. Please notify Mrs. M. A. Summers, 47- tf O’Neill, Ncbr. i l FOR SALE One registered Shorthorn bull for Sale.—M. J. Graham. 46-2p For Sale—Early Ohio potatoes at GOe per bushel.—Martin Conway.46-3 1 Rock Island 4-wheel lister for sale.—Dick Huebert, O’Neill, Neb. 47 For Sale—Unimproved quarter sec tion in Holt Co.—Mrs. H. W. Forbes, 3713 S 23rd St., Omaha, Neb. 44-2rpt. For Sale—A light Ford Truck in good condition.—H. W. Tomlinson.; O’Neill, Nebr. 4G-tf 'I Frigidaiere and Deleo Light pro-1 ducts for sale by R. W. Moore, Ains worth, dealer; J. J. Mullen, Atkinson, Service Man. 46-2p For Sale—100 bu. good sound po tatoes, 75c per bu, at my place 15 miles south of O’Neill; 85c delivered in O’Neill.—Neil Ryan. 4G-2p MISCELLANEOUS - ^ira3MB.mnr him —ii itt »wb——a The party that took the bicycle from in front of the Coffee Shop Tues day, April 3rd, is known and unless its returned will get into trouble. S. L. THOMPSON, ; 47-1 O’Neill, Neb. Wanted—Horses to pasture, $3.00 j See Geo. or Bob Tomlinson, Oppor-1 tunity. 47-3 | Experienced girl wants general house work. 47-lp Wanted To Rent—Modern house with three bed rooms. See or Phone 57 or Golden Hotel evenings. In office Saturdays.—Chick Gains. 45-tf Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISII ing.—W. B. Gnaves. O’Neill, 30-tf We have plenty of Virginia Splint soft coal on hand. If you want good coal see Warners. 30-tf j FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 6 AND Va per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17 U Years of experience with the skill and scientific knowledge of three trained optometrists, go into every pair of glasses fitted by Perrigo Op tical Co. See them at Golden Hotel, O’Neill, Wednesday. April 25. 46-2 An allowance on old tires on the purchase of New Mellingers; also a 15 month guarantee against hazards of the road. See me before vou buy. —EDW. S. EARLEY. For Rent, 5 room house. 360 A Imp. ranch, 8 mi. south. Farm for sale, good; yearly pmts. LOANS MADE on FARM & City Property. 43-tf JOEL PARKER. O’Neill. Wanted—Holt County now open for steady hustler to sell Ward’s Reliable Remedies and other Products. Ex perience not necessary. Offers big earnings on Bmall capital. Particu lars given on request. Dr. Ward’s Medical Company, Winona, Minn. Established 1856. 45-4 EGGS FOB HATCHING BABY CHICKS Barred Rock Eggs, $S per 100. Thompson’s Ringlet Strain.— Joe 1 Stein, Meek, Nebr. 44-4p For Sale—Hatching eggs, Whit© Rock, 60c per netting; $3.60 per 100. —Mrs. John Shoemaker. 33tf S. C. Rhode Island Red Eggs for hatching, $4.00 per 100, postpaid; Rooker strain.—Joseph Peter, Box 07, (O'Neill, Nebr. 46 tf BABY CHICKS—All leading heavy ! Varieties from pure bred Flocks, $12 per 100. Heavy mixed $10.00, prepaid. We ship every week. Also Custom Hatching $4.00 per 100 Eggs.—Atkin ! son Hatchery. 40-tf Pure bred chicks. Reds, BufT and White Orpington, White, Barred and Huff Rock, White Wyandotte. $14.00. 3. C. White, Brown and Buff Leghorn $12.00, Mixed Heavy $10.00 per 100 postpaid.-- Elkh >ra Valley Hatchery, Battle Creek Nebr 27-12. LOST AND FOUND Lost casting harness for throwing horses. Reward—H. L. Bennett. 43tf Lost in O’Neill on Wednesday a brown purse containing some change, —Mrs. J. N. Stauflfner. 47-1 FOR RENT. For Rent—180 A. Farm. $250.00 cash. —Inquire, O’Neill, Frontier. 39-9p Three room furnished apart ments in Naylor bldg.—Mrs. J. A. Nayloi\ 46-tf House for rent—One-half block from public school.—Mary G. Hor iskey. 33-tf • First publication April 19.j NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the land described herein has been set aside as a Bird and Game Reserve as provided by Section 7368, Compiled Statutes 1922, State of Nebraska, and all persons are warned not to hunt or destroy game and bird life on said lands or any part thereof on and after June !, 1928, under penalty of law: NVi NEV4, SWVk and NV4 SE’i, SWV4 and SEVi 6-27-13, S% 7-27-13, SWVi 8-27-13, WVfc 17 NWVfe 20-27-13, S% 19-27-13, S% 20 27- 13. NWVi NEVt, and the NV2 NWV4, SW't NWVi, SVa 21-27-13, NWVi 28- 27-13, N% 22-27-13, SWVi 22-27 13, NWVi 27-27-13, SVfe 29-27-13, all of 30-27-13, all of 31-27-13, all of 32 27-13. EVi 1-27-14, all of 12-27-13, NEV4 and NV4 NWVi , SWVi 13-27-14, SEVi 13-27-14. SVis NWVi 13-27-14, NEV4 and NWVi of NWVi 23-27-14, NV4 NVi SWVi, SEVi 24-27-14, EVis 25-27-14, 23-27-14, SWy4 NEV4, WV4 NWVi. SEVi NWVi. NVi SWVi. SEVi SWVi 25-27-14, NEVi and NEVi SEVi 26-28-14. NVfs and SEVi 36-27-14, SV£ 16-27 13, all of 36-28-14, all in Holt County, Nebraska. DEPARTMENT OK AGRICULTURE STATE OF NEBRASKA, h. j. McLaughlin, 47-3 Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, April 17, 1928. First publication April 12 W. J. Hammond, attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Myron O. Allen, Bertha M. Allen and B. B. Clark, non-resident defend ants, who are impleaded with Harry H.Hafi'ner, Robert L. Drayton and John Doe, real and true name unknown, are notified that on April 6th, 1928,1 The Travelers Insurance Company,! as plaintiff, filed a petition and com- j menced an action in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against' the defendants above named. That! the object and prayer of said peti-1 tion is to foreclose a real estate mort-! gage, given to secure a note of $16000 with interest coupons attached in fa-, vor of plaintiff and signed by Myron O. Allen and Bertha M. Allen dated October 3, 1925, which mortgage was in favor of plaintiff and dated Octo ber 3, 1925, and was recorded Octo ber 10, 1925, in Book 140 of real es tate mortgages at page 13 in the office of the register of deeds of Holt County, Nebraska, and was executed and acknowledged by Myron O. Al len and Bertha M. Allen and convey ed the following described read es tate situate in The County of Holt and State of Nebraska, to wit: The Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quar ter; the Northeast Quarter of South west Quarter; the South Half of Northeast Quarter and the Southeast vrp _ ship Twenty-eight North, of Range Nir.c West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Plaintiff alleges thac said mortgage is due and payable: that it is the owner thereof and prays that !h' premises above described he sold Lo satisfy the amount due on said mortgage. You are required to answe • said petition on or before May 21, A. D. ,:-2i> THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY, Plaintiff. 46-4 My commission expires March 28, 1932. (First publication April 6.) LEGAL NOTICE. TO O. J. FROST, REAL NAME UN KNOWN; JOHN W. McCANN JAMES NORTON, DANIEL CRO NIN, PATRICK FAHY, and All persons having or claiming any in terest in Lots 6, 7 and 8, in block 34 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown; defendants: You and each of you will take notice that on the 29th day of March, 1928, the Norfolk Building and Loan Asso ciation, plaintiff, filed its petition in the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, against the defendants above set out, who are impleaded with I. N. Boggs, real name unknown, Ina L. Boggs, John L. Cox and Mrs. John L. Cox, real name unknown, the object and prayer of which petition is for a decree of the above court finding that a certain real estate mortgage, dated If -I- 4 4 4 A4 A_.1 _J _ _X_1 iiiui lii i i, uuu inauv, vacv uvrut acknowledged and delivered to the plaintiff above set out by one I. N. Boggs, real name unknown and Ina L. Boggs, coverings Lots 6, 7 and 8, in block 34 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, and recorded on the 12th day of March, 1919, in book 124, page 88 in the office of the Kigister of Deeds of Holt County, Nebraska, said mortgage hav ing been given to secure the payment of a certain bond or obligation in writing of even date therewith in the principal sum of (5500.00, to be a first lien upon the real estate above set out, and described in said mortgage deed, and that a decree be entered by the said court, finding that any right, title, or other interest, which the said defendants in said action, and more latrtiawJarly the defendants above set out. be inferior to and subject to the lien of the plaintiff by reason of its mortgage decs!, and that the said mortgage deed be foreclosed and that all right, title, or other interest which the defendants in said action or any <>t them may have or claim to have in and to said mortgaged property, be wwiy Same Trice for over 35 years 25“25' USE LESS THAN OF HIGHER PRICED GRANDS \ Why Pay j {War Prices?) THE GOVERNMENT USED [ MILLIONS OF POUNDS / foreclosed and forever barred, and for a sale of said property covered by the mortgage deed of this plaintiff in satisfaction of the amount found due it, and for such other and further re lief as justice and equity may re quire. You are required to answer the said petition of the said plaintiff, on or before the 21st day of May, 1928. Dated this 5th day of April, 1928. NORFOLK BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, By MAPES, McDUFFEE & MAPES. and W. J. HAMMOND, Attorneys 45-4 for the Plaintiff. Knmmmmunsnmnu H Dr. C. H. Lubker 1 • * ♦* Douglas Methods j! Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb. | ZXZZXXt** *♦!*♦♦♦♦♦ JtttJtJtJtt******** {Graduate Veterinarian H. L. BENNETT I: Phone 304. Day or Night. », O’Neil!, Nebraska *1 » jj THE u ! O’NEILL ABSTRACT p COMPANY 1: —Compiles— “Abstract of Title” The only complete set of Ab- || stract Books in Holt County. || IW. F. FINLEY, M. D. U Phone, Office 28 H O’Neill :: Nebraska | ’ mmamttmaaaaaiaamaamn 1 DR. J. P. GILLIGAN | Physician and Surgeon jl Special attention given to U disease of the eye and cor- •? H rect fitting of glasses. § ’•ft* ♦♦4*t»vt***JJ** >•*•• ••' • • *4«* fc<* « *W» p DR. L. A? CARTER « H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 5: Glasses Correctly Fitted. fl || One block South 1st Natl. Bank. H || -Phone 72 g O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA U (I BUY HIDES. WOOL AND METAL. Pirat door west of Delta hotel. M. J. LYDON, O'Neill Trlrphon. 227J. ' W.E.Wanser (Bar) Auctioneer ' General Auet ioneering Satisfaction Guaranteed. I’hon# 13. Para, Nebr. (April 30) V_