The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 19, 1928, Image 7

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Traditional New Englander
Dying Out, According
to Author
New York, (UP*—1The traditional
New Englander, typified by Calvin
Coolidge, is dying out according to
Ben Ames Williams, author and
interpreter of Maine life.
Unlike the old western frontiers
men who have disappeared with the
advance of modern civilization, the
men of the far northeast are being
pushed by nature herself from the
land gained there, and the wilder
ness is repairing the damage done
by man-made tools. One may drive
mile after mile, said Williams, in
an interview with the United Press,
to see only deserted farms lapsing
back into the forest stage, and
stocked with moose and deer in
stead of the cattle that in former
years grazed these pastures.
Perhaps no other writer in the
country is able to speak so authori
tatively on the subject as Ben Ames
Williams. For years he has lived
among New England people, in
Massachusetts during the winter
and in Maine in the summer. He
has come to know the old fash
ioned Yankees with all the vices
and virtues of his section. He ex
plained the decline in the popula
tion chiefly by the fast that the
isolation by the district has led to
inWeeding with its consequent phys
ical deterioration. The ordinary
marriage takes place after the cou
ple have reached middle age and
very few children are produced, he
Taking as an example a town In
central Maine which in the latter
part of the last century had a pop
ulation of about 2.000, he said that
today not more than 250 persons
live there, of which 15 are chil
dren. This los3 has not been caused
toy emigration but by death and the
fact that there are practically no
births. The last influx of new blood
into this town occurred in 1812.
•when two British seamen deserted
their ship and settled there. Their
descendants still are considered
Although best known to the read
ing public for his stories of Maine,
Williams cannot be classed as an
easterner. Born in Mississippi,
reared in Ohio, and educated at
Dartmouth, his newspaper career
took him to various parts of the
country and gave him a breadth of
view that makes sectionalism im
possible for him. He dislikes the
word “type" to be applied to any
of his story characters. Every
man is to him a human b'ung, ut
terly different from all others.
Henry Beeker, whose life is the
subject of Williams’ latest and fin
est novel, “Splendor," has been
called by enthusiastic reviewers the
“typical American.” The author ob
jects to this definition, however,
raying that the Henry Beekers are
as old as history and are confined
to no country or class. Athens as
well as Boston produced hundreds
of kindly, plodding men who lived
each day in the best way they knew,
and attained neither success nor
failure in a worldly sense.
Williams sees two forces at work
in the life of the American business
man—business interests and fam
ily or personal concerns. Or.e must
rank above the other in importance
to the individual. Men recognized
as eminent successes must subordi
nate their private affairs to the
press or professional demands, he
thinks. Henry Beeker chose his
family as the most engrossing fact
of his life and to him the news
paper for which he worked served
merely as a background. By such
a decision ne closed tnc door to pro
fessional success and his compensa
tion was in the form of homely hap
In this connection Williams finds
fault with the modern educational
system. He sees that whatever a
man chooses as his main pursuit
In life cannot be sufficient in itself.
Outside diversions do not fill the
need. Interest must come from
within and the author thinks that
here the college fails in their func
tion which primarily is to prepare
a man for life with himself.
- - -• ■ 0-0
The Betrayal of the Rim*.
A white rose had a sorrow—
And a strange sorrow!
For he sisters they had none,
As they all sat around her
Bath on her feudal throne.
A strange sorrow
For one with no tomorrow,
yesterday, to call her oven.
But only today.
A white rose had a sorrow—
And a sweet sorrow!
She had locked tt in her breast
Save that one outer petal.
Lets guarded than the rest
(Oh. fond sorrow!*
From the red rose did borrow
Blushes. and the truth roniessed
In the red rose’s way!
—Edith Matilda Thomas.
Q Does the government cost
more in the United Starts than in
otner countries? N. E. L
A According to a comparison
published in 1922 the coat of gov
c. nment per capita In the Unfed
S!a:es was only $1$. as tompared
*»ih *95 In Englana The coat in
)"ence was Mi In Japan II], and
m Italy $11.
And Tarn To.
From Tld-BIta.
First sailor How do you like lit*
»n the navv? Quite a few turn*
Second tailor: • should say ao.
for a fellow to get used to?
t night vou turn in. and jriat as
you are ibuu* to turn over
bndv turns and and ahouta "Urrn
out. *
— • •
Q Is it trie that sptdT web* ars
used < oimnercUliy? g. a ft.
A. Strands of the web of ep'drra
are u*d (or cross lines in .ntrroe
•rope*. range Under* and other te
ar' ng nutriment* The w»t» is
• oaUd on a cstd like thread.
Growth of Executive Power Held Chief Feature of
Gradual Centralization Under Federal Government
^ ^
By Rodney Dutcher, Washington NE ' Service.
There always has bpen some conflicts, small or
great, between the executive, legislative and judi
cial branches of government, and argument has
continued in recent years as to whether one or an
other should have more power or less so that the
system might function more efficiently. The one
thing generally agreed is that governmental power
has become more and more concentrated in Wa*li
In this presidential year it may be worth point
ing out* that mast of this added power has accrued
to the executive branch—that is, to the president
and his cabinet and other appointees. Congress
always ha3 had the power to do nearly anything
for which two thirds majorities could be mustered
and the judiciary has lately been attacked for abus
ing some of its prerogatives In isolated Instances,
but the executive power has grown consistenlly.
When the federal system first started there
were four cabinet posts—State, War, Treasury and
Justice. Those since added are Navy. Postorfice,
Labor, Agriculture. Commerce and Interior. All
these are operated by the president's appointees
and responsible to him. Thus, their policies are his
policies. There is no control of the executive
branch except as may be exerted by a congress suf
ficiently hostile. Sometimes congress has been
able to render the executive almost Impotent, but
not often. Sometimes he has ruled congress. The
present congress lias failed to follow President
Coolidge's legislative desires, but has not been an
tagonistic toward him. It makes no real attempt
to limit the executive power.
The State department may control private
loans abroad, upset weak foreign governments in
this hemisphere, refuse entry to foreigners whose
views it doesn’t like and cause intervention in
Caribbean republics.
The Navy department can send marines to
shoot and bomb Nicaraguans, Haitians, Chinese
and others without consent of congress and can
establish censorship as it did in Nicaragua.
The treasury department handles hundreds of
milltons in tax refunds with secrecy, delves into our
private affairs by demanding income tax returns,
regulates public morals through its prohibition and
customs services and partially supervises health
through the public health service.
The Justice department maintains an espion
age system which, has in past times led to abuses
and has other drastic powers used in recent years.
The postoffice department can censor con
tents of mail ar.d labels on envelopes, which it does.
The commerce department took over control
of radio and aviation.
The other departments have important and
far-reaching regulatory and scmi-rrgulr ory pow
ers. It's not that any of the departments have nec
essarily usurped authority, but executive power and
its patronage system have grown with the nation,
which constantly presented new opportunities or
demands for its use.
The presidetially appointed and controlled
commisions such as the Federal Trade, Tariff and
Interstate Commerce commissions, along with the
Federal Reserve board, must also be included In the
citation. So should the fact that the supreme
court’s members are also president la Ily appointed.
In time of war this government becomes a vir
tual dictatorship. As John Quincy Adams told the
House in 1836, there are in the authority or con
gress and the executive, “two classes of power, al
together different in their nature and often in
compatible with each other—the war power and the
peace power.The war power Is limited only by
the laws and usages of nations. This power is
tremendous; it is strictly constitutional, but it
breaks down every barrier so anxiously erected
for the protection of liberty, property and life." The
executive war power becomes transcendent; con
gress realizes that it can't make quick and secret
Lincoln, seizing the war power, had to Tight
the supreme court and later, congress. His most
far-reaching exercise of power was his Proclama
tion of Emancipation, admittedly a war measure.
When he attempted to reorganize the states of
the confederacy, he had to fight congress, which
accused him of usurpation. He might have won
had he lived, but congress took it out on Johnson,
who nearly lost his job. Just as big men like
Borah. Reed. Lodge and Johnson blocked Wilson's
attempt to enter us in the League of Nations, so
big men of the 60s like Senator Thaddeus
Stephens and W. P. Fessenden fought Lincoln and
licked Johnson.
_ . _ _ _
"TUNE MARLOWE it the only Hollywood starlet in the movies.
M She's lived in the Film City since she Was a baby, the family moo
ing there from St. Cloud, Nevada.
She went from high school to the "locations." She worked hard foi
three years, and then came her big chance as one of the lovely ladies
with whom John Dairymore made life so interesting in "Don Juan.
June Was quickly featured after that, then was chosen as e Wamp as
baby star, and steadily progressed in leading roles. Stardom in her own
right it just around the corner for her.
Our heroine is five feet five, has very darl( blue eyes and brown hair
with a touch at reddish gold. It's not bobbed. She weighs 113 pounO*.
(In:•national lllaatrat*4 Maws)
Cannot Be Passed Along.
From Commrce and Finance.
Who pays the corporation income
.ax? It is an old and important
question. The National Industrial
Conference board recently set out
to answer it and the answer is now
The federal corporation income
tax cannot be shifted to the con
sumer; the burden in the case of all
orporations exposed to fully effec
tive competition li»s on the investor
or shareholder, wiio pays the tax
directly or indirectly in that the tax
reduces profits and therefore tends
to radUOt dividend. .1
These are among the conclusions of
the board, after an exhaustive re
search investigation undet taken at
he request ol the Joint eongre-.
•tonal committee on internal rev
mue taxation, a preliminary sum
fiction farm Setting,
From Wallace's Farmer.
fleyiewers on New York papers
ue telling ns that Fsnnie Hunt's
lew book, A President Is Born’*
Hsrprrsi Is a fine study of corn
Mil farm life. We would call it an
imaxing study. Its heroin* is sup
.tosed 10 be a wonderful farm man
tgsr The book describes her broad
sotaa, her wlos, barns and outbuild
ings as being many and entirely
ip-io-date. 8he has enough h-lp *0
’hat It lake* *ome time to make out
he weekly (why arekly?i payroll.
Jut the sine of the farm, it appears,
t only i) seres, and a mystery eon
mum to hane over what lit* farm
mary of which is being submitted
to the committee this week.
The forthcoming report of the
board, entiled “The Possibility oi
Shifting the Federal Corporation
Income Tax," is based on a study of
the sales, profits and capital in
vestment of large and success
ful corporations ior the period 1918
19-5. It involved the questioning
of 180,000 executives and probably
constitutes the most comprehensive
I statistical analysis of profits ever
Competition and the resulting
pressure to make profits on laig"
turnover at a low margin of profit
per sale, th.* bouid finds. Is a con
stant and moat important force in
the market, to such an extent as to
maky it extremely difficult to ob
tain piiccs which would absorb the
tax. The statistical analysis dis
closes that "profits are ordinarily
tought and ordinarily realised by
produces, Thera are vague ref at -
cnees to fat cattle, to buiter. to eggs
and to hogs, but no detinue state
ments as to what prod nets were
turn*d out. And hoe she ms nag*'
things! .-th* Is always a-tiding
around, giving orders to people, go
ing down to the “open cattle marts '
whatever they are, #orr> ng about
th* nacesdty of sending a “pto*
sit*,.1 blade' back to the factory for
tefMUts Ah* lectures her young
brother on the aria of agrtcultui<*.
and among other thing* trill him >i
inheritance of black-stripe In ctu
ua-Pob** Her brother *p*nd* long
lummru herding sheep in his fa.It
er t paiture, though thU ia »pp»'*
By Johnson
For general Improvement, a
man should read whatever his
Immediate inclination prompts
him to; though, to be surl. If a
man has a science to learn, he
nui3t regularly and resolutely
advance. What we read with in
clination, makes a stronger im
pression. If we read without in
clination, half the mind is em
ployed in fixing the attention,
so there is but half to be em
ployed on what we read. If a
rnan begins to read in the middle
of a book an dfeels an inclina
tion to go on, let him not quit it
| to go to the beginning. He may,
perhaps, not feel again the in
increasing volume of production
per unit cf capital although in this
manner the margin of profit on
sales is decreased. It is evident
from the fact regarding the sales,
profits and capital in industry and
in trade that sales at a price close
to the cost of production, and tlius
free of a profit tax, are the dom
inant element in determining prices
in a competitive market.
The likeliehood of an indirect
, shifing of the corporation income
tax through eventually higher pric
es resulting from reduced production
caused by diversion of capital from
industries where profits have been
highly variable or uncertain, is un
supported by evidense. The study
of capital investment in various in
dustries disclose3 no diminution of
reinvestment of earnings or decline
in the flow of new capital into in
dustries where the rate of return on
capital was slightly less or the vari
ability of profits greater than the
--♦ ♦
Nicaraguan Costs.
From the Baltimore ^•n.
Many time during the course of
our present Intervention in Nicara
gua. we have been officially as
sured that the expanse of military
operations there Is negligible. It
costs no more, the argument has
run. to keep the marines on for
eign soil than it does to maintain
them in barracks at home. On this
point, Washington has been insis
tent, apparently feeling that Amer
icans will not both much about the
nf rviir vlitUHnn rvf MiciratriM
sovereignty so long as it is clear
that state department bungling is
not hurting our pocketbooks.
With mobilisation of another
1000 troops, the pretense that Mr.
Kellogg's private war is inexpensive
lias had to be dropped. Secretary
Wilbu^r admits that the reserve
fund of his department has been
drained by costs already incurred
and savs that “undoubtedly'' an
emergent".' appropriation will have
to be asked from congress, on the
amount needed as on the amount
already spent, he is silent.
On** of tin* most shameful aspects
of th*a sordid chapter in Am n
history is the consciously false prop
aganda in which our government
appear* to have indulged in order
to keep the truth about the Nicara
guan situation concealed from pub
lic knowledge It is ndnilt ed that
the official statements of casual
*les inflicted upon Bundino'a fol
lowers have b»cn grossly exaggerat
ed. And now that the heavy ex
pense of occupation can no longer
be concealed it It rrveiled that the
navv bureau of Information ha*
misinformed the country In intimat
ing that normal appropriation*
would cover costs.
ii iv not more than )u acre* and
presumably well fenced. Tills hap
pens In a small farming dh'rlet In
Northern I'l’nois and sf a time ainee
the WorM War. Illinois readers
ought ln i| Miss Hurst how long it
s ii1, has h*id at »h*ep
in th»* • « itoo.
• • «*•
I i real siaff.
from Punch
Theater Manager flood Invite
• l it Thrre'a nothing like teal
Cii atuff (o *et d up boa o fie*
rrrdtHs Witsi have w# taken to*
p-gh* ?
Caeliter Can't say, Hamtoni'i
Ml ro«n* in and lifted Its* »•(<*,
Xjj of the
W Tobacco
I Crop
Champion Tennis Player
• ) writes:
“Immediately before ~ and
after my important tennis
matches I obtain the great
est possible comfort and sat
isfaction from Lucky Strikes.
A tennis player must guard
his throat carefully, and
that is why I smoke only
Luckies—they are mild and
mellow, and cannot possibly
irritate your throat, and my
wind is always in splendid
“It's toasted**
No Throat Irritation-No Cough.
©1928, The American Tobacco Co., Inc._|
Would Try Later
Jack—Now, I'll show you how to
shift gears.
Mae—Maybe it would he best for
me to loaye them where they are
until 1 ran drive better.
Willing to Aid
Lawyer—Do I understand that you
want to divorce yonr wife?
Client—No, that Isn't It at all; I
Just want to help my father-in-law
divorce hia.
add to your appearance, and appearance counts for so much
these days. Millions of men and women wear W. L. Douglas
shoes, year after year, in preference toall other makes because
they are good shoes, styled right and priced below most
other good shoes.
New Sprint »t\!e» for Men. Women and Bor« are now being displayed In
UO Douglas atorea in the principal citiea and by reliable ahoe dealer*
REMEMBER: We bought the feather* for them Spring ily!**
hejore price* of hide■ and leather! advanced. 7'hrre'su laving
for you of nearly 11 on every pair of W. L. Douglas ahora.
A fair and square retail price stamped on the idles of
Douglas shoes at the factory, guarani ees honest value.
Idea’s $S ro |8-Women’* $S to |8—Boy*’ $« to |l
Catalog of New Spring Style* mailed on request.
17i Speik Street, Brockton, Me**.
TO MERCHANTSI If Douglat ahoea ere not sold
^ In your town, write today ior catalog and agency.
Kind Husband
Wife—Thai* Ihe kind of husband
lo have! Did you hear Mr, Dike tell
Id* wife to go and look at some twen
ty-dollnr hats?
Spouse—My dear, have I ever de
prived you of the privilege of looking
at twenty-dollur hats?
Plain talk should never be plain to
the point of coarseness. Lois of nov
elists don’t know this.
New Uae for riatol Delta
Twelve hundred pistol belts wblcb|
ordinarily carry death-dealing 4fia
have been turned over to the Interior
department by the quartermaster
corps for allocation to Indian reserva
tions. The firelighters likewise will,
use the belts to carry compasses autfcj
other articles of equipment.
A man who Is popular with hlmae^,
Is at least fairly happy.
makes Biscuits 1
taste Better I
I % in
^^B ■
j #