SUICIDE NOTE BELIEVED HOAX However, Omaha Police Drag Missouri River for Missing Man Omaha. Neb —Al though they believed a “suicide" note left by C. H. Beck Kansas City salesman, to be a hoax. Omaha po lice today dragged the Missouri riv er for Beck's body. The note was addressed to Beck’s wife, who has lived here with her mother. Mr*. Mary Jensen, since her reparation from Beck last June. Wlff and motherinlaw said Beck had sent them several other similar let ters. The note declared Beck's love for his wife, asked her forgiveness and blamed the motherinlaw for martial difficulties. Mrs. Jensen denied she had interfered. The Becks were mar ried nine years ago shortly after Beck was discharged from the army. FAITHFUL SON WILL HAVE OLD HOMESTEAD j Lincoln, Neb., (Special) —The supreme Juftrt Friday held that Prank Denesia Is entitled to ! the quarter section of land left by ; his father in Cuming county, and j ordered that proceedings be taken to establish title in him. The case j was once argued to the commisssion, i but the decision was not satisfac j tory to the court, and it called for another submission. Denesia had orally agreed with his parents that he would remain , with them as long as they lived and j take care of them, and on their part ■ they agreed that he should have the ' homestead. The case was compli : rated by the fact that the old folks : spent their latter days in (own. with the son paying them $300 a year rent for the farm. The court 1 \_........ « U.. 4 4U1. Jl J 1IV/IUI1, jiv n v » v« i lino \i»m —Be tween 300 and 500 members of the Church of God are expected in York 'at a camp meeting to be held June • 3 to 19 at the grounds of the Chris 'tlan Unity Press, located north of York. Rev. H. G. Babel, vice presi dent and general manager of the church publication, announces. , The Unity Press, a publication for German readers, formerly located at Anderson. Ind. has purchased a 20 ■ aere tract near York which will be occupied as soon as plans can be perfected. Most of the meetings, to be held under canvas, will be conducted in the Oemifen language RECOUNT ON BAND TAX VOTE AT WAYNE DEMANDED Wayne. Neb.. ^ „ iBprlal) - A group of Wayne citizen*, head ed by A. R Davis, ha* asked for a recount of vote* cast last week at the clly election relative to the tax levy to raise funds for the band When the voles wrre et unted on election night the proposal to levy a tax was found defeated by five vote* The eity board canvassed the vote and counted the three mall vtlea, two of which were for the band levy and one opposed It. ' ORCHARD MAN SENTENCED ON CHARGE OF FORGERY Pierce, Neb., > -Homer Dobbs, of Orchard, Neb., has been sentenced to four years at hard la bor in the penitentiary on a charge of forging a check. Dobbs was arrested last Decem ber for forging the name of Casper Theisen, of Osmond, Neb., to four checks. The checks were passed in Pierce, Plairview, Osmond and Wausa. The jury brought in a ver dict of guilty after deliberating for several hours. A motion was filed for a new trial by the attorney for the defend ant, on a writ of error. Sentence was suspended for 30 days and bail was lixed at $1,200 during that time. STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM FAILS Plainview, Neb., Merchants Go Back to Old Practice of Giving Credit Plainview. Neb., j. . — The first serious attempt to es tablish a strictly cash merchandis ing system into every retail busi ness establishment of a town in the United States has failed. Plainview merchants, who about two months ago entered into an agreement to sell only for cash, have re-established credit on the same basis that it had operated for years, and no effort is being made to re new the experiment. Not all the Plainview merchants entered the agreement, but with the four largest stores combined on the cash basis, it had been hoped that all might be enlisted soon. Only a few days after the elim inauon oi crean, u was wmspeieu that one of the allied merchants had broken faith with choice customers. This was followed by further lax support of the ruling, and now the last semblance of the system has collapsed. ELECTRIC FLASH BLINDS WINSIDE, NEB., EMPLOYE Winside, Neb., -While working at the city light plant, the city electrician, David Glasscock, knocked out the breaker of the main line when he touched it with his elbow, and the fire flashed in his eyes, burning them so that he 1 could not see. Taken to a hospital In Norfolk, Neb., Glasscock was put under the care of an eye specialist, and could not see at all for many hours. How ever, he finally was able to come home to direct the plant, though he will not be able to work for some time, and will have to have his eyes treated for several weeks. PLENTY OF TALENT FOB WALTON LEAGUE MEETING Omaha, Neb , _ (UP) — Lovers of outdoor life are sure or a tract if they attend the sixth annual national convention of the Izaak Walton league here, April 18 to 21. A list of speakers made pub lic today discloses names of some of the most prominent conserva tionists in the country. From Washington will come heads of bureaus including Paul G. Rod lngton of the biological survey, E. A. Sherman, associate chief forester and Henry O'Malley of the fishery department. From the various states will come chief game wardens and other experts. Arthur Hawkes. famed Canadian Journalist will tell what Canadian people are doing with rod ""id gun. Former Governor Parker of Louis iana will be another speaker. Dav id Madsen, conservation commis sioner of Utah. President Dickinson of the league and many others will also speak. The sportsmen show to be held in connection wuu me lumcuuuu will exhibit every kind of gun, fish ing rod, bait and will have a large assortment of different kinds of birds and animals on view. Seven ty manufacturers have entered ex hibits in the show. Motion pictures of unusual outdoor scenes will be shown. The United States govern ment bureau of fisheries will ex hibit four aquariums, the biologi cal survey will show lifelike scenes of duck, deer and other game and the forest service will have a natur al display . Contests to be held include rifle shooting, bait and fly casting, and trick pistol shooting. Bird whistl ing imitations will be given by Bob Limbert. world's greatest pistol shot who will also give a demonstration of his prowess with the six-shooter. "Cief Dowangino" Callier. an Indian one of America's foremost bait cast ing experts will give free instruc tions in the art. Railroads have granted special rates for the convention. Walton ers here expected 30.000 visitors. There will be 1,500 delegates pre sent. TOWN OK LYONS TO EMPLOY NIGHT WATCH Lyons. Neb.. t Special)— The Lyons village board of trustees has voted to employ a night watch man. Action was taken following the presenting of a resolution to the board by a committee of business men and members of the commun ity club. The watchman will be paid S100 a month and will make at least two trips a night over the residence district. CATTLEMEN ANTICIPATE PKOSPt.KOt'K HI'MINKSK* Lincoln, Neb.. > UP)— Cattlemen are facing prospects of a successful year, the stale and fed eral division ot agricultural statis tics said today, with price* cm a higher level than at any time since the war and with range conditions the beat they have been in year* Nebraska, especially sandhill cattle men. are fortunate in having lest reduction in stock than U general over the United Slate*, the report a*1*4 “DARLING DORA’’ COMING HOME DORA DUBY, darling of the dance, who has scored sensa tional successes in London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, l ienna and other European centers, has finally completed her tour and expects to return home to Broadnax. Duby has been hailed on the continent as the cleverest of, all jazz-dancing importations, and just one glance at Iter latest photo should convince almost anyone that Europe’s loss is going to be New York’s gainl fTriturnailinfia} lllustr»(fd Newt*) Pulling Out of Line Increases Dangers of Automobile Traffic From A A. A. Bulletin. ^In driving you increase your chances of an accident 50 to 1 when youyjJull your automobile out of line. Forty per cent, of the automobile accidents fatal to children occur when a child runs out lrom behind a parked car. These are among the conclusions of James S. Kemper, president of the Lumbermen’s Mutual Casualty company. Chicago. His judge ment Is based on intensive study of over 10,000 automobile accidents In the last 10 years. "I don’t mean that a driver should never cut his car out of line,” says Mr. Kemper. "That would be ridicuolus advice. It is constant ly necessary to pull a car out of line. The purpose may be to turn or to pass another car. Circumstances may make it right and proper to do so. "What I do mean is precisely what I say. that you increase your chances of an accident 50 to 1 when you cut out of line. Therefore you should do so only when absolutely necessary and with the greatest foresight and care. On a pedestrian vacation trip in the mountains you might have occasion to walk for a short distance along a narrow1 ledge with a sheer drop of a thousand feet. How foolish you would be to retrace your steps and do it over and over again! If you did, sooner or later you would probably slip or get dizzy and fall. "That is what happens to the motorist who habitually pulls out of line. Sooner or later the accident probability catches up with him. By accident probability we mean the likelihood that an accident will happen under a given set of circumstances. That likelihood is 50 times greater when a driver is out of his place in the line of traffic than when he is in place. His exposure, as we call it, to an accident is in creased 50 to 1.” Referring to an illustrated book on "Preventable Accidents” pub lished by the Automobile Safety committee of the Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty company ,Mr. Kemper pointed out some road rules that bear on the dangers of pulling out of line: “Keep your position on a hill; if you want to pass a oar, do It on the level.” "Keep your place on a curve and do your passing on the straight of-way.” "Let approaching car go by before passing car ahead.” "Follow line of traffic... Move straight ahead, not in and out." TheLumbciOien s Mutual Casualty company devotes a large part of its extensive public safety work to the safety of children. "Because so large a per centage of the fatal accidents to children occur when a child runs out from behind a parked car.” says Kemper, "parents and teachers should not stop with the time-worn adage of. ‘Look both ways before you cross the streets.’ They should add, “And never run out from behind a parked car.” Productive Value Counts. Prom Aberdeen tS. D.) American. One of the many good points made by E. B. Ramsay of the Can adian Wheat Pool in his address in the Municipal building here was his statement that “the value of land will always rise aud fall with its productive value.” He stated fur ther that laud In Canada was now selling readily. This condition cannot be said to •xlst in the United States. Lanq rose in price of hitherto unknown 1920. There is but one reason for this and that is. its loss in value has been relative to its loss in produc tivity. It is not meant by this that our land Is not producing bushels, but that it is not. producing dollar;; In keeping with the investment and the upkeep. No good business man will make an investment that gives no promise of yielding him as much interest of dividends as hir. other ventures. There was a time in this country when land was regarded as a good •ound investment While Its yield In dollars and cents was not large, the expenses of equipment were at balance with the price received for the things Hie land produced Land. t'srd In Sewing. From Answers. Very modern girl: Oh. Freddie what a charming little ornament! Mul what Is It? it's made of goto, but Its not a brooch, or a ring or a bracelet. I hare never seen any thing like It Fird: It a a thimble. •* Q How ran forgeries of pirturea be detected * N. A M A. Photcgfapiiy reveals mam difference* of btushwork ami me dium between old and modern riniinsi Hadtuyraphv ha* also rrj ured With surer*.'. therefore, was then not only sale able but steadily rose in value. These who owned large farms and held onto them for a period of years or until their deaths, left a goodly heritage for their children to divide. This was all changed, however, following the post-war depression. The farmer's produce remained at pre-war values while his equipment rose in price ot hitherto unknown heights. Two inevitable things hap pened. Farmers left the land bv the thousands and land values not only failed to increase, but on the other hand, wpnt back. There could be no other outcome to such a condition than that farm lands should become practically un salable. Who is ihere no matter what his faitli in his native soil might be. who would care to invest his sav ings or his surplus, knowing that in thp event of his death when it would become necessarv to con vert his holdings into cash, he would be leaving his heirs with an indivisible legacy that produced verv little Income In short no good bus iness man will Invest In propetty that Is dead and unsalable. Our Neighbors. He; Didn't some brainless idiot propose to you before we were mar led? She Yes He: I wish to goodness you'd married turn She: I did • a Q Where Is the longest concrete highway bridge in the world? E C. A. The new Pontchartraln budge In Louisiana is the longest continuous highway bridge con structed of rr.nforced concrete It extend* & miles acto n the water and has 10 miles of built approach es The iota) length Is approx! mitf)v 41 % TLATTE CENTER MAN DIES AS CAR IS WRECKED Columbus, Neb. (UP) — Frank P. Clother, 55 years old, Platte Center, Neb., was killed early this morning when the auto mobile in which he was riding turned over near here. He sustained a fractured skull and died 10 minutes after the accident. Don Carrig, also of Platte Center, the driver of the automobile, received injuries which were nol serious. The two men were returning from Columbus to Platte Center. An automobile belonging to Will Schmidt of Platte Center, stalled at the top of a hill because of a frozen radiator was struck by Car rig's car, which turned over. EARLY FRUITS HURT BY COLD Believed Southern Nebras ka Apple Crop but Slightly Damaged Falls City, Neb., - •«« (UP)— The entire plum, peach, pear and apricot crops in Richardson county suffered severe damage from freezes during the last thre days, H J. Kloefle, local gardener, re ported. The apple crop wfas slightly damaged and oats and clover will also suffer. Alfalfa was nipped and earR garden truck except peas was killed, Kloefle said. DIES WHILE ATTENDING EASTER CHURCH SERVICES Hastings, Neb., __ (UP)— William H. Ground. 78 years old, pioneer Hastings man, died in the Methodist church here Sunday morning. Heart disease was given ac the cause of death. Ground re cently celebrated his fiftieth wedd ing anniversary. He is survived by eight children. GRESHAM, NEB.. HAS SGO.OOO FIRE LOSS York. Neb., (UP)—Two stores and nearly all the contents weie destroyed by fire in Gresham, Neb., this morning. The fire threatened for a time to spread over the entire business section of the town. The Lindstroni general store and the Brittell furniture store sustained losses aggregating approximately $60,000. It was not ascertained whether insurance was carried. The fire, discovered at 9:30 this morning, was thought to have originated in the furnace room of the furniture store, and to have been caused by a defective heating plant. A strong southwest wind made it almost, impossible to con trol the fire, but firemen from Shelby. Utica and Waca, assisted by the citizenry of Gresham, turned out and got the blaze under control at 11:30. MINNESOTA IS ALFALFA STATE Acreage Increase in Last Few Years Greatest in Northwest Minneapolis, Minn.,_. _ (UP) —Minnesota leads the northwest in percentage increase in acreage de voted to alfalfa and at the present time probably has the largest total acreage of any northwestern states, according to university farm author ities. In the years from 1919 to 1924 in clusive Minnesota showed a gain of 385 per cent., increasing the acreage from 45,000 to 220,000. A great in crease has been shown in the pro duction since 1924, however, and, ac cording to A. C. Arny field crop specialist at the Minnesota experi ment station, approximately 400,000 acres of alfalfa will be produced this year. Expansion is expected to increase at a slower rate for the next few years. About 368.000 acres of timo thy was produced in the state last year and. according to Mr. Arny, that land will soon be devoted to alfalfa. Michigan leads the states in acreage production with a gain of 334 prr cent, to 321.000 acres, Wis consin is seconc* with 286.000 acres and Minnesota ranks third Other states including Montana. North and South Dakota and Iowa have shown large gams in the last five years. SLAYTON TEACHER HURT IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISION Slayton. Minn.. i Spe cial*—Miss Gertrude Schaffer, a member cf the faculty of the locn' school, was injured in an auto col lision near Heron Lake. Sunday, when the auto driven by her father M. Schaffer, of Luverne. collided with another car at a junction of gravel roads. Miss Schafier suffered a number of scratches and bruises. Her father had three ribs broken and was otherwise bruised but not serious The driver of the other car was seriously intured and is not ex pected to live. His car was burned STUDENTS WILL ENTER CONTESTS AT LUVERNE Pipestone Minn. . 'Spe r.*l» Ethel Stetserna and Margaret Hail with Lucille Ihlen and Doria Gore vs alternates and Vela in See man and Verona Marvlin with Roy Oile* and Loretta Carpenter aa al ternate* will go to Luverne next Sat urday whtre they will enter the aisle tonicity sieged for student* In and shorthand, the first four mentioned will compete in the ad vanced »trm>g:apl>er« rented ami the la!t»r four Student• r,ill enter the begmr.rrg 1} j i y cla*» COUNTY LOSE IN HIGH COURT Drainage District Can’t Be Forced to Build Bridge on New Road Lincoln, Neb., (Special) ■—A test case from Keith county settles an Important question in which drainage and irrigation dis tricts are interested. This is wheth er a county, which opens a road across a ditch after the latter has been constructed at a point where it crosses a section line, can com pel the district to build a bridge to carry the road across the ditch. The court says that there is noth ing in the common law to justify such liability, and as the legisla ture has never passed a law fixing it on a district, the courts can do nothing about it. The county claimed that the section line was there first and constituted a poten tial road, so that when the ditch crossed the section line it was notice to the district that some day a road would go through there. The court says this is remote and speculative, and that where the ditch is there first the district cannot be com pelled to construct and maintain a bridge for the use of the highway. MANY NEBRASKA CATTLE ARE IN ‘T.-B. FREE’ AREAS Lincoln, Neb., _ _ (UP) — Thirty five per cent, of all cattle in Nebraska are in territory free from bovine tuberculosis or are under su pervision for tuberculosis eradica tion, a report issued today by state and federal bureau of agricultural statistics showed. Disease-free territory means that in the last test less than one-half of 1 per cent, of the animals readied to the test and that they have been slaughtered or removed; 28 coun ties nave Been placed on tne nso, with a cattle population of 769, 000. There are 12 counties, contain ing 312,000 head of cattle, under supervision and three preparing to begin work on tuberculosis eradica tion. Counties on the accredited lists are: Dakota. Thurston, Burt, Col fax. Dodge. Polk. Butler, Saunders, Hall, Hamilton, York, Seward, Lan caster. Cass. Otoe. Johnson. Nemaha, Red Willow, Thayer, Phelps and Gosper. Cedar, Dixon, Wayne, Boone. Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Clay. Adams, Kearney, Dawson and Hitchcock counties will be accred , ited when sufficient clean tests have been passed; they are now under supervision. A slightly larger proportion of cat tle are under supervision in the United States than in Nebraska. A total of 20,198.272 head are now in cluded in the supervisory area, or about 37 per cent, of all cattle in the country. On March 1, 115,466 herds in the country were accredited as clean. There are 465 counties in the country on the disease-free list, in which almost all of the herds are free from tuberculosis, the report said. TWO-YEAR-OLD CHILD IS STRANGLED WHILE AT PLAY" Lincoln, Neb.; „ _ (UP) — Donald Masters, 2 years old, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Claude Masters, of Agnew, Neb., met death late Tues day when his head was caught be tween two braces of a hayrack and he was hanged. No inquest will be held. The accident occurred while the child was playing in the yard WOUNDED CHICKEN THIEF MAKES GOOD HIS ESCAPE Falls City. Neb., (UP)— When Charles Ebel, farmer, living near here, heard marauders in his chicken house he took his shotgun . ft . 1 _ i. _A fir. itliu iuvu n L liii. wuwu.i.f. ure emerged crying “don't shoot, don't shoot.” but Ebel fired again. The would-be robber yelled in pain that he had been shot and fled. A check-up was made of physi cians who may have treated a man for gunshot wounds but the victim was not found. Ebel's home has been robbed peri odically for several years and he had arranged a burglar alarm in the hen house. “FUTURES” TRADING ON OMAHA MARKET RETURNS Omaha. - (UP)—Grain fu tures trading will be resumed on the Omaha Grain exchange. June 15. it was decided at a meeting of the board of directors of the exchange last night. Futures trading was stopped during the war and never resumed. Its resumption will aid farmers and millers in hedging cash purchase of grain, it was said. WOULD BANISH BOOZE AND PEYOTE FROM RESERVE Omaha. Neb., (UP)—C. M. Zieback, superintendent of the Ornaha-Winnebugo Indian reserva tion in Thurston county, was in Omaha today, seeking help front Federal District Attorney J. C. Kinsler and prohibition director Elmer Thomas in his campaign to banish liquor and peyote from the reservation. Zieback has been making a deter mined fight to keep liquor and the Mexican diug away from his charges, but admitted the battle L not yet won. C'OI RT WAV ■ DAUGHTER l **ED UNDUE INFLUENCE Lincoln. Neb . _ «8pecial) —The supreme court today held that the bequest of tt..* greater pail of a 113,000 estate by Mr*. Eluuu Holler to her daughter. Mrs. Ida Craig, should be cancelled The court *ay* Mr* Craig was guilty of exerting undue Influence and fraud in withholding from her mother In formation that she had joined with lirr aiater. Mis. Kate WettethoU. in asking for a guardian for the 85 vtur-old os rent.