The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 19, 1928, Image 1
v\t^z% The Frontier. VOLUME XLVIII. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928. NO. 47. _ . --- -—-—————————————————— Something Brand New In Hams lwihim— ———mmm \ — ———— ... — They are Shankless. You pay for No Shank when you buy these ;? NEW Pienie Hams. Only weigh from 1 to fi pounds. Cut from the Very Choicest of Handy Weight hogs. % Armours Special Representative w ill be here SATURDAY to tell you of the advantages in buying the New Ham. See Them. Buy them, Saturday The Ross E. Harris Food Market I Phone 47 THE OFFICIAL VOTE AT PRIMARY ELECTION Total Republican 1982 Total Democrat 1234 3216 i Votes by mail—Republican 12 Votes by mail—Democrat - 8 For President— Geo. W. Norris, rep 1165 Lowden, rep 13 Herbert Hoover, rep — 102 Dawes, rep ------ 3 A1 Smith, rep . 10 Gilbert M. Hitchcock dem 639 A1 Smith, dem . 296 Geo. W. Norris, dem 2 Chas. Bryan, dem__ 1 James Reed, dem _ ... 4 Delegates at Large Natl. Con.— Robert Smith, rep 847 Samuel R. McKelvie, rep .1003 Frank C. Reavis, rep 697 Albert W. Jefferis, rep __ 652 Norris Brown, rep 843 Charles H. Sloan, rep 699 George C. Junkin, rep .— . 641 Cj» N. Wright, rep 587 Adam McMullen, rep 1072 C. E. Sandall, rep ... 622 Margaret S. Dietrich, rep ... .. 678 Mark Woods, rep .. . 791 Wayland W. Magee, rep ... 616 A. R. Davis, rep 851 Keith Neville, dem . .... 855 J. J. Thomas, dem 819 Here’s One Tough Baby Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord I l)o you work hard, play hard, DRIVE hard? | Then here’s your tire! § A real glutton for punishment. You never saw the 1 road it’s afraid of. I More Goodyear plies in it. More Goodyear Rubber in it. 4 Reinforced riba in its sidewalls. All-Weather Tread % on its face. J Power—traction—mileage—that's the new Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord. We have it. Come see for yourself. The price is absolutely right. Mellor Motor Co. THE FORI) FILLING STATION O’Neill. Nebraska > .in ■liana. , 1 Frank J. Taylor, dem _ 843 James C. Dahlman, dem . _ 914 Alternate Delegates at Large— Peter J. Refshauge, rep — 901 C. H. Gustafson, rep 1001 Freda Davis, rep — 1007 Margaret Thompson Sheldon, r 1038 Nelson T. Thorson, rep 1095 .). A. Lister, rep 1016 Hark-an C. Fetters, rep 1035 Harry S. Byrne, rep _ 1002 Evelyn A. Ryan, dem ... 847 Odessa Carter Jensen, dem 775 Effie M. Byars, dem 791 Olga Stastny, dem 778 Delegates to Nat, Con. Oth Dist.— f| William E. Shuman, rep L. A. Devoe, rep - -82 Elmer E. Youngs, rep 002 Arthur M. Bartlett, rep 089 N. P. McDonald, rep 003 Geo. T. O’Malley, dem 761 L. I',. Fenner, dem 514 W. T. Thompson, Jr. 556 Alternate Delegates N. C. Oth Dist.— Harvey L. Sams, rep - 610 Ray O. Lyon, rep 692 Dwight Griswold, rep 750 S. J. Koch, rep 549, A. D. Cameron, dem 823, James C^ Quigley, dem 839 National Committeeman—• Charles A. McCloud, rep 1392 Arthur F. Mullen, dem 800 William Richie, Jr. dem 333; National Committeewoman— Viola J. Cameron, rep - 1218 Jennie M. Callfas, dem 834 j United States Senator— R. B. Howell, rep .... 743 O. S. Spillman, rep - • 994; Richard L. Metcalfe, dem 706 E. E. Placek, dem 298 ' | For Governor— i Arthur J. Weaver, rep 1010 Roy M. Harrop, rep 156 Robert G. Ross, rep . - 465 James F. Christie, dem - 212 Chas. W. Bryan, dem —... 890 For Lieutenant Governor— John L. Riddell, rep - 395 Geo. A. Williams, rep - .1042 Frank A. Dutton, dem ... - 688 A. T. Gatewood, dem 267 I For Secretary of State— Frank Marsh, rep . 817 O. E. Lindburg, rep - — 289 Francis A. Amsberry, rep 297 Walter A. Rose, rep —. 189 ; Charles W. Pool, dem . - 954 ' Auditor Public Accounts— |Fred H. Johnson, rep ... 5tf* i Fred C. Marshall, rep -... 557 : L. B. Johnson, rep ---432 ■ C. A. Svoboda, dem -850 iCom. Pub. Lands and Buildings— I Harry R. Follmer, rep - 191 | Dan Swanson, rep ---- 883 iGeo. W. Marsh, rep 480 |Lauritz A. Larson, dem 844 | For State Treasurer— I Charles D. Robinson, rep 658 I W. M. Stebbins, rep 624 W. H. Steffen, rep --252 ; Michael L. Enders, dem 885 ' For Attorney General— I Harry E. Siman, rep — - 176 iLee Basye. rep —'— 76 Lloyd Dort, rep 340 Henry S. Payne, rep - 203 Chas. B. Morearty, rep - 131 C. A. Sorensen, rep — 657 John A. Lawler, dem - 541 Howard Saxton, dem - 397 Railway Com. Long Term— Charles A. Randall, rep 925 T. P. Johnson, rep . 202 Marshall T. Harrison, rep-163 Kenneth C. Klepser, rep 63 Joseph O. Beebe, rep - 165 E. A. Walrath, dem _ 549 Irl D. Tolen, dem ... - 364 Railway Co. Unexpired Term— John E. Curtiss, rep - 683 John A. Harrison, rep .— 359 Wilber E. Sanford, rep 406 Richard C. Hunter, dem 696 Wm. H. Green, dem ..— 373 For Congressman—6th District— Robt. G. Simmons, rep . ... - 1617 | Geo. W. Ferbrache, dem _ 82 ' A. L. Bishop, dem - - 177 John McCoy, dem ..—. 348 C. J. Collins, dem _ 360 State Senator—22nd District— Ross Amspoker, rep - 1360 John A. Robertson, rep ...... John A. Robertson, dem - 983 State Representative—64th Dist.— Fred Cronk, rep.. — 250 T. F. Birmingham, rep .. 460 Charles Kirkland, rep ... ... 352 C. E. Havens, rep - 673 E. O. Slaymaker, dem . 858 Jndge Supreme Court—6th District— Thos. F. Neighbors np . 763 James R. Dean, np . 1697 District Judge—15th Jud. Dist. — William M. Ely, np__ 960 Robert R. Dickson, np ...„- 2032 For County Judge— ; Sheridan Simmons, np 205 J. H. Meredith, np_ 458 |M. H. McCarthy, up _ - 990 C. J. Malone, np «. .. 1419 For Supervisor—2nd District— La C. McKim, rep 145 ! P. A. i.imlberg, rep_ 5 IV A, Lindberg, dem 43 Geo. Tomlinson, dem_ 4 For Supervisor—4th District— I.. K. Skidmore, rep 159 Frank Schober, dem __. 85 For Supervisor—Gth District— John Steinhauser, rep 190] F. J. Dobrovolny, rep 154 C. B. Nellis, rep 3) John Steinhauser, dem 80 C. B. Nellis, dem 35 F. J. Dobrovolny, dem 10 STOP SIGNALS INSTALLED ON HIGHWAY NUMBER TWENTY Wednesday afternoon the new ‘‘Stop” signs were placed on either side of the intersections along state and federal highway No. 20 through O’Neill. These “stop” signs are being placed the entire length of the highway and everyone entering the highway must come to a full stop or be in violation of the state law. Chief of Police Scott Hough au thorizes The Frontier to state that the “stop” law will be rigidly enforc ed and that everyone driving a car onto highway No. 20 will be required to stop before entering the intersec tion. Traffic upon the highways has the right-ofway, anyone driving onto the highway in violation of the “stop" signs are liable for any damages that might occur should there be a colli sion. THE AMERICAN LEGION ENTERTAINS STATE OFFICERS Simonson Post of the American Le gion of this city entertained the state officers and a number of visiting posts in this city Tuesday. The state officers present were Jean B. Cain, Falls City, state commander; C. W. Conklin,Lincoln,state adjutant; Robert G. Douglas, Lincoln, chief clerk state fund committee. The afternoon meeting held' at 3:30 o’clock was a business session devoted to a conference between the officers of the various Posts present and the state officers. The evening session began with aJ banquet at the Golden hotel where the) sixty-eight guests and the members of the local Post were seated. J. D. Cronin was toast-muster. Addrss of Welcome—R. M. Sauers, commander of Simonson Post. Talks by: State Adjutant C. W. Conklin. S. J. Weekes, a guest. Robert G. Douglas. Mr. Andrews, commander of Norfolk Post. || SAVE while you have a job, and « H you can spend when you havn’t. I The O’Neill National I 0 Capital, Surplus and Undivided §| Profits, $125,000.00 ;’f 1 This bank carries no indebted- S «| ness of officers or stockholders. ft Dr. McKee, vice commander of state department. State Commander Jean B. Cain. This is the first meeting of the kind that has been held in the east end of the sixth district. Other meetings that have been held have been at Valentine or towns further west making it in convenient for tho Posts in this end of the district to meet and get acquainted with the state officers. Much good can be accomplished by meeting each other und getting acquainted is the thought of the members of the Legion who were instrumental in holding this meeting. II You can forget your roast with the automatic \ j “flavor zone” oven ■ |; m WSSttn^K«T5i5 THE ONLY RANGE WITH THE AUTOMATIC FLAVOR ZONE OVEN i No need to manually labor and fuss for hours over a roast or oven dinner any more. The Westinghouse FLAVOR ZONE oven browns and cooks automatically —without the least attention. Just put your dinner—roast and vegetables—in the oven, make two - simple adjustment's, and then forget it. Don’t go near the oven don’t touch the roast—until dinner time. No other range, either fuel or elec tric, can perform first the browning and then the cooking operation un der full automatic control. No other range can give you such complete freedom from the kitchen. Come in and let us demonstrate this new and better cookery. No obligation. See This Range Demonstrated Interstate Power Company | Office jj! Friday, April 20,8 o’clock p. m.