VOLUME XI.VI1I. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH IV "V NO. IS. .■■ ?= .-t== [ 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 » 29c Special Sale 2s 29 Specials For 29c 2g > 2" Begins Saturday-Last All Next Week 29 29 29 29 29 29 3 Can* O. T. Tomatoes Cull 3 Cans Harvest QQp Gem Corn Zwll 3 Cans O. T. Red QQ_ Kidney Bean* Lull 4 Cans Carnation Milk ZtfO 3 Cans Uncle Wil- QQn lium Pork & Beans ZwU 1 Pktf. Queen Quality QQr» Pancake Flour Zuli 1 Pkg. Gooches Buck wheat Flour . cuu 2 Pkg. Muffets OQr* for Cdl) 3 tbs. Blue Rose 0Q«% Rice ZwU 2 Cans Excellent QQn Brand Peas Cull 1 lb. Fancy Sioux QQ« Chocolate Candy Cull Extra Special 1 V I I*', Cans Tina pee The OQ_ New Pack Sardines Zdv ■7—5c Candy Bars, assorted - ... 4 Rolls Blue Lake QQr* Toilet Paper Zdl 4 tbs of Al Granula- f)Q_ ted Sugar Zuuj — 3 Cans Hooker QQp Lye _ CUb ■ ■ 2 tbs. Pure Leaf QQp Lard - CUb 1 tb. Full Cream QQp Cheese CUb 7 Bars P. & G. r)Q„ Soap Ldli 2 Cans Bean Pole QQa Beans L Ju 1 Can Calument Bak- QQn inp Powder &uu 3 Pkp. Jello 1 Can Del Monte- OQrt Sliced Peaches £vv 1 Can Del Monte QQn Sliced Pineapple c.wu 3 Pkp. O. T. Oat QQ Flakes Lull 3 Cans Heinz OQn Tomato Soup Lull 1 Bottle Vanilla or Lemon Extract bdw ?f Cans Franks 0Q« Kraut LdC 1 It). Fancy 40c 0Qr» Cookies Lull 23 23 on L3 23 29 23 * > 2D The R. E. Harris Food Market 29 Phone 47 O’Neill, Nebraska nft Qfl Check the items you wieh^^purchas^nTbrin^hhnnliQ™-™™ ^3 ^3 ad to our store; we will allow 5c on purchase for ad. Zv Zu iTTTl«———1 " ■" ■■ ■ ——■——| ||M .1, ., I ——i———■- " ■ TO "~ ' .■'■ "..... ." IH* LOCAL NEWS. The management of Riverside Park over on the Niobrara river wish as to state that the danee scheduled for March 17th has been posted to a later date. John Carr and Patrick Repan drove up from Stafford Tuesday. Mrs. R. R. Morrison accompanied by Mrs. F. J. Dishner and Mrs. C. E. Stout drove to Omaha Sunday for a visit with friends and relatives. Reserve March 20th -For Operetta “Sylvia” -Given by O’Neill High School Glee Clubs -at at 8:15 P. M. at K. of C. Hall . ' ' 1 North Nebraska is Entitled to a U. S. Senator s Vote for Your Neighbor j Attorney (Jeneral * O. S. SPILLMAN of Pierce Spillman is one of the common folks, lie has made the Attorney General’s Office a power for the protection of the people and will ably serve the | ^KwptHnJIVashinirtoiHl^leO^^ Miss Tess Hayden went to Sioux City this morning where she will re side. M. J. Holland, of Omaha, spent Wednesday at the home of his sister, Mrs. P. C. Donohoe. Word from Omaha this morning of Mrs. Martin is to the effect that she is not improving any. William Gatz is putting a full base ment under his building occupied by the S. L. Berry real estate office. Col. James Moore was on the Oma ha markets Wednesday of last week with a car of cattle and a car of hogs. Rev. C. W. Lowerie and wife of Chicago, are visiting with his sister, Mrs. J. A. Donohoe and old time friends in the city. t - Mrs. E. J. Velder and sister. Miss Nora Dillon went to Omaha on the excursion last Saturday and enjoyed a couple of days visiting in the me tropolis. The county board of supervisor! have arranged with Mr. and Mrs, Clark Hough to care for several old people who are unable to care for themselves and who are not financial!} able to maintain a home of their own, Tom Whaley accompanied by hu two sons, Delbert and Mayo, drove up from Sedalia, Missouri, last Saturdaj for a few days visit at the home of his unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M A. Whulcy, northeast of O'Neill. Mr Whaley returned home the first of the week, while the boys will remain at the M. A. Whaley home during th« summer. Edward W. Browne district man ager for the Interstate Power Com pany tells The Frontier that the towni of Spencer, Lynch and Bristow were connected with the highline Wednes day and are now receiving twenty four hour service. The Interstate Power Company are alas building a sub-station at Burke, South Dakota, and will soon connect the village with the highline. Mew town* are living aitded quite regularly to the com pany ‘ -ystem. There la an abun dance <>f water in the Niobrara river to haiitth- many times the buaineas that the company can ever expert to secure, Tom Sullivan went to Ewing last week to superintend the running of cement for the new state nid bridge j east of Ewing. Rev. C. W. Lowerie, of the Fuller iton Avenue Presbyterian church of ! Chicago, filled the pulpit at the Pres-j byterian church last Sunday morning.! Frank Biglin has recovered enough from his operation to be permitted to j go down stairs. H called Mrs. Biglin 1 by long distance telephone the first of the week. The Glee Clubs of the O'Neill Pub- i lie School will present an operetta en-1 titled “Sylvia" at the K. C. opera house next Tuesday evening. The I operetta is an exceptionally good one 1 and should be well patronized. At the regular monthly meeting of, 1 the Catholic Daughters Wednesday I , evening, the organization presented l Mrs. Hayden with a gold pin as a token of love and friendship. Mrs. Hayden will leave Friday morning for Sioux City, where she will make her i future home. • A radio announcemnt was made j from Norfolk this noon over WJAG that Glendolyn Pharis, of Leigh, five years old, was kidnapped at 8:30 this morning by a fellow about tw'enty-five years old, driving a master six Buick, east out of Leigh, carrying an Iowa license plate. John N. Stauffer has leased a I storage room of James Ryan and has 1 arranged with several wholesale j houses to conduct a storage room where carload lots will be received from the wholesale houses and de livered to the local merchants as de sired. O’Neill has long needed a ; place of this kind. The following schools will take part in the district Declamatory con test, to be held at O’Neill, March 23: ( Atkinson, Ewing, Orchard, Clearwater . and St. Mary’s. The Externperan- ' j eous and oratorical contests will be ] i held at 2:00 p. m. and the dramatic ’ j und humorous contests will be held ( | at 7:30 p. m. at the high school. i • .. . ■ MORE distance per gallon—less gallons per mile. That’s what Champlin High Compression j | Gas means. Just (ill your tank with clean-firing, j power-producing Champlin, and notice the differ ence on your engine: It leaves no carbon behind, n Drive up to THE FORD FILLING STATION Mellor Motor Company The Arbuthnot and Keka Motor Company toll us that the car business ms been quite Rood during the past veek. They sold a new Chevrolet to i. M. Knudsen, of Page, and a truck 0 Walter Richards, of Chambers, and 1 couple of used cars last week. Mrs. Scofield, mother of Jesse and Ralph Scofield of this city, flew to Platte, South Dakota, with the avia tors who were doing commercial fly ing here over Sunday of last week. Mrs. Scofield expects to visit rela tives in Platte. Aiwater Kbit ^;i i- . v-!| ’ i ’ ' ] C o i.-'Jt if :,.H •ir ., '< i 1 i r J| I •• ', rjf:.-; •• ' Pi p DON’T m,. . , , i . .. . the new Jw\^ set miss tluci Mil 07 The at ton t thing price of Ike ^ -— I 1 1UUUC1 J ^-nthe, rVUcVBION 8 11 Dial, te//contained J. C. ret inctudee erterything as- M I I r VrMl I E A. . E E EL cope tubes and o tpemher. No pou er accost or tee required H JR 0jf —no batteriee. no charger. For too only with 110-11$ a roll. tb-cycU. 41 mooting Current Utet tU A. C. taboo, B | and one rectifying tubr fl a Come TODAY! ^ V ' teithottt tuber HendquaHcrM Bowen’s | Variety j and I Music Store O’Neill, Nebr. ^ A new low price for a new A. C <• Net y WHAT a sensation this new Atwater Kent A.C. Set is causing! People everywhere were amazed when they saw a genuine A. C. set at such a low price. And as soon as they heard the tone and saw the name—they wanted it! \ j We have the Atwater Kent 37 now! You're going to be sur prised when you see and hear this new set. A powerful six-tube A. C. receiver with its power supply iu a rabinet of new design and finish. The whole outfit is smaller and less expensive than many battery-operated sets. It's got pep and power, fine tone quality ami selectivity. The Ft I. L-VI SI ON Dial is read like a watch —at a glance; you get your station instantly! It’s built by men w ho know how to build,good radio—built to last—and built economically so that you don't have to pay a big price. ^ Don't wait! Our stock won't lust long—for people are quick to appreciate such value. Some families an* buying two and even three sets, for use in different parts of the house. Come in TODAY—see and bear the Atwater Kent 37—no obligation. , % Model .15, • pwifcl Oil mil'. IH.I, tub., bit (MJIfi ^ llwwn »bl»l4'.l ..hia.i. MnIIwi * I rnmmU iWb 411 l-^.b.|f « ,ib«4 ...... , 9 V if I* ®_«u Mmlrl 3.1. • f+mm+A fiu*i .•Hnu»i«k ■ f»*■«! Bntw. I mi >ii) fiagN ■>■>* 4tf , fM» n m—»>II, a©r «mi fw * M»«iri i: '*pc*k«,» MnHa** MW* »~M* \B pat* p». I lid <*i lu inf rr~ t • «■« tm « • MM*7 a* I**.. .**1 •*!*« n»tl«» *ntm " '3 I i ......................i