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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1928)
7irst in the Dough ~7hen in the Oven in USinq Also Finer Texture and Laraer Volume in Your Bakinas. Use less than of higher priced brands . r# Same Price for Over 35 Years 25 ounces for 25t Millions of Pounds Used By Our Government ___________________________________________________________________________________ CELIA NEWS. > - T i yipw ^ Frank Henderson marketed a load of hogs Tuesday. They were hauled ; by the community truck. winter has moder at „ and under the cir cumstances, thd'pnow will soon be a thing of the past. The Conrad Frickel family had quite a spell of the flu, 6r some other malady last week which affected all the members alike. We are glad to note they are over it now and all up and amoving. ' This community is looking forward to some real entertainment soon. A fiddle equipment with two bows and three strings wait knocked down and sold to Frank Henderson on the Jim Hood sale Thursday. In discussing the prospective candi date for president the other day, Ivan Dickerson, cashier First National Bank, said that most everybody was suggested except homself and J. V. Johnson. This is a serious oversight and should be brought to the atten tion of the powers that be. D. F. Scott’s new barn Is now com plete, and it Is a very comfortable and convenient structure, having room for over twenty milk cows on one side, besides calves and horses, grain and hay. His father, George Scott, who is carpenter by trade, built it. Mr. Scott is now putting up some out buildings on the Ben Riser ranch over on the Niobrara river. MEEK AND VICINITY. Several shipped hogs from this lo cality last week. Little Florence Walters has been sick for several days. Miss Joel Wells is staying with Mrs. Charles Linn for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and son visited at Henry Walters on Thurs day. Clyde Thomson has been cutting posts at Frank Griffith’s for several days. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Griffith called at the Howard Rouse home Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Mart Schlkof, who has been quite ill, is somewhat improved at | this writing. A baby boy was born to Mr. and i Mrs. Marrow on Tuesday, both mother I and babe are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Young and children called at the Will Jtevall home on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomson and daughter, Mildred, visited at the Jim Lyden home in O’Neill on Sunday. A large crowd attended the party at the Bert Miller home on Saturday ! night and a good time was reported. A baby girl was born to Mr. and M rs. William Derail on February 14. This makes eleven children for thoiri, ali living. Miss May McGowan is building a J new house, which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shults, who expect to fa mi there this year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse went to Norfolk on Wednesday, where Mrs. Rouse consulted with a doctor as she has had poor health for some time. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and Cecil Marrow were evening callers at the C. E. Thomson home on Monday. C. E. Thomson made a business trip to Neligh on Tuesday. Several of the schools in this vi cinity observed Patrons day with an I appropriate program. Miss Marlett teacher in District 27 had a very in teresting program and several visitors were there to enjoy it. Mrs. George Baird passed away at | her home on Monday. Although Mrs. i Baird has been in poor health for ; several years, her death came as a I shock and her husband and son, ! Franklin, have thQ sympathy of the ! entire community. Those attending the birthday anni versary dinner for Mr. A. L. Rouse, of O’Neill, on Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse and children, of | Inman, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and child ren, Mr. and Mr*. Howard Rouse and children and Miss Maude Rouse and Arthur Rouse, of Meek. Mr. Rouse has reached the age of three-score years and ten, and is hale and hearty and enjoyed the day very much. SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. - (Continued from page 5.) ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. The following claims were audited and approved and on motion allowed on the General fund: Zion Institutions & Industries’ 32.67 Van Zanzandt Bros. ..... 18.4$ St. Josephs Home, West Point 134.00 Margaret Sullivan 90.00 L. E. Skidmore 54.30 E. F. Porter 168.12 J. C. Stein 53.00 Inez O’Connell 90.00 M. F. Norton 296.00 C. B. Nellis 62.40 Ira H. Moss 194.08 C. I). Keyes 50.00 Hugh L. James 10.00 Hugh L. James ..._ . 57.20 E. H. Hagensiek - (.83 W. B. Hagler 20.00 I PUBLIC SALE!I I As I have decided to quit farming I will sell at my place known as the B ■ Ambrose Slattery farm four miles west and four miles south of O’Neill; B fl four miles south and four miles east of Emmet, beginning immediately 8 fl after lunch, on fl I Tuesday, February 28, 1928 I 8 Hank Hitts will be there with his lunch wagon and will serve the lunch m I 11 Head of Horses and Mules I One team Jack mules, age 10 and 12 years, weight 2400; 1 team Jack mules, ft 8 age 9 and 10, weight 2400; 1 team Jack mules, 7 and 8, weight 2000; l team ft X geklings, black and gray, 10 and 6, years, weight 1200 and 1300; 1 brown jP jj gelding, smooth mouth, weight 1300; 1 bay mare, smooth mouth, with foal, m 8 weight 1400; 1 sorrel mare, age 10 years, weight 1200. & I 37 Head of Cattle I IS Eight head of milch cows; 6 head of cows with calves by side; 4 stock cows fl to be fresh; 3 two-year-old heifers; 5 yearling heifers; 1 coming yearling ||| gg steer; 3 calves; 1 good Hereford bull. |t 1 4 Head of Shoats I Four head Du roc hogs. .8 I Farm Machinery, Tools, Etc. I M One “A” stacker; 3 McCormick mowers, B-foot cut; 1 5-foot Dane mower; W 2 side-hitch sweeps; 1 corn planter; l good IB-inch riding plow; 1 IB-inch 8 H walking plow; 1 walking lister; 1 walking cultivator; 1 Weber wagon 8 J| with bale rack; 1 Rock Island wagon with bale rack; 1 wagon box; 1 wagon with hay rack; 4 sets work harness; 1 Auto Fe-Dan hay baler. 8 Five dozen Plymouth Rock chickens. One Iron ('lad incubator. 150 egg. 8 8 I John Deere separator. No. 14, good as new ; 1 10-gallon barrel churn; 8 fj ice cream freezer; 1 washing machine; several dozen fruit jars; l bed 5 complete, and many other articles too numerous to mention. 8 TERMS—-Nine months* time will Ik* given with approved security drawinjj 6 10 per cent interest. *10 and under cash. No property to be removed until 5* 8 settled for. S I A. A. HIATT. Owner I I COL. JAMES MOORE. Auctioneer. W. P. DAILEY. Clerk. I ft. G. Gillespie_: 402.67 'Mrs. F. C. Gatz 27.00 The Fair Store_ 13.75 Potcr W. Duffy _ 187.00 Dorothy Dunhaver _ 90.00 i W. E. Oonklin 67.95 |W;m. Reha 28.00 C. ('. Bergstrom 154.50 ('. (!. Bergstrom _ _ . 147.00 V/. sV. Wick _ 28.40 Thomas Law Book Co. 15.00 Edith Sexsmith _ 90.00 John Sullivan _ 10.50 John Sullivan 50.50 Mrs. Luella Parker . 73.40 Mrs. Lucil.i Parker_ 158.33 i Nebraska School for Deaf_ 27.64 L. C. McKim_ 54.40 C. J. Malone _ 183.33 Grace Joyce _ 104.17 Hugh L. James 10.00 Ethel Hiatt 1.80 j W. B. Hagler 1).0J Beatrice Harty 91.66 [Mrs. F. C. Gatz 14.00 E. Hibson _ 52.20 l’eter W. Duffy . 53.55 Peter W. Duffy ..._.__ 47.00 Harry Cowles _ .. 75.00 E. R. Baker _ 26.22 jj. F. Brady - 14.95 Harry Bowen . 110.00 Board then went into committee of the whole and continued checking county officers. At 5 o’clock p. m. committee arose and on motion hoard adjourned until January 27, 1928, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 27, 1928, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Stein Board called to order by the Chair man, Minutes for January 26, 1928, read and approved. Board then went into committee of the whole and continued checking county officers. At 12 o’clock noon committee arose and on motion hoard adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. t rv it o r t r * f i r » /-«i • ♦iv/iiiN oliuui y ni’i, v/iiau iiu&ii, E. F. I’ORTER,C lerk. O’Neill, Jan. 27, 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ■ mcnt. All members present but Stein, Board called to order by the Chair ; man and went into committee of the whole and continued checking county officers. At 5 o’clock p. m. committee arose and on motion board adjourned until Jauary 28, 1928, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chirman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 28, 1928, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Stein. Board called to order by the Chair man. Minutes for January 27, 1928, read and approved. On motion the claim of Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot for $17.32 for supplies for Sterner family was allowed on the General fund Board then went into committee of the whole and continued checking officers. At 12 o’clock noon committee arose and on motion board adjourned until January 30, 1928, at 19 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. CARDINALS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. The Students of St. Mary’s Acad emy are helping their basketball team by turning over their earnings for one day between February 7 and March 1 to the athletic fund. Anyone wish ing to engage help will please leave orders with one of the students or call 124. 37 NOTICE. I will not be liable for any money or credit given against my property in the city of O’Neill. 38-2 JAMES E. DUFFY. EGGS FOR HATCHING BABY CHICKS Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, $3 per 100.—Roy Cole, O’Neill. 40-2p S, C. White Leghorn hatching eggs, 30c setting; $3.00 per 100.—Mrs. Fred Johring, O'Neil1, Neb. 39-0p For Sale—Hatching eggs, White Rock. 60c per setting; $3.60 per 100. —Mrs. John Shoemaker. 33tf Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, $3.00 per 100. Also some white geese for sale.—Roy Cole, O’Neill, 38-2p Pure bred chicks, Reds, Buff and White Orpington, White, Barred and Buff Rock, White Wyandotte, $14.00, S. C. White, Brown and Buff Leghorn $12.00, Mixed Heavy $10.00 per 100 postpaid.—Elkhom’ Valley Hatchery, Battle Creek, Nebr. 37-12. THOUSANDS OF CHICKS FREE Ten chicks free with every 100 or dered. Orders for 500 get 75 free. Orders for 1,000, big brooder free. Flocks all “cert-o-Culd.” Quality chicks and prepaid live delivery guar. Rocks, Reds, $12.50-100; Leghorns, $11.00-100. Order direct from ad.— 37-tf Perrin Hatchey, Chariton, la. EGGS FOR HATCHING. S. C. White Leghorn, Tancred and Hollywood strains, $3.50 per 100; special price in 500 lots or over.—Mrs. E. M. Leach. Phone 17F130. O’Neill. j Neb., Rfd No. 2. 37-4p BABY CHICKS. All leading heavy Varieties from pure bred flocks, $14.00 per 100. First Chicks for Sale Feb. 21st, and every Tuesday thereafter. Also Custom Hatching $4.00 per 100 Eggs. 37-tf Atkinson Hatchery. FOR RENT. For Rent—480 A. Farm. $250.00 cash. —Inquire. O'Neill, Frontier. 39-9p House for rent—One-half block from public school.—Mary G. Hor iakey. 3S-tf For Sale—Unimt**«veH quarter sec tion in Holt Co.—Mrs. H. W. Torbes, 3711 8 23m St., Omaha, Neb. 19-2 For Rent <140 acres of land near Chaml>ers. Nebraska. Cash rent $200. j Inquire Chamber* State Rank. Cath ■erine Co*. ._ 18-1 For Rent— Modern house one block 'east of school house; also one partly I modern residence, furnished dose in. I Mi Kinilv Bowen 36 tf 0 FARM FOR RENT. 400 acre farm for rent one mile from Niobrara—J. T. Gartland, Nio brara, Nebr. 39-1 For Rent—240 acres joining Charles Siders place northeast of O’Neill, 90 acres broke, the rest hay land. Rent $150 payable April 1st. Enquire John W. Duffy, Cascade, Iowa, or James E. Duffy, O’Neill, Neb. 38-2p FOR SALE OR RENT. We have for sale or rent the dairy farm adjoining O’Neill on the north. Will rent for cash. Possession given March 1st. This is an excellent dairy farm and is well equipped to handle a large number of cattle. 36-tf A. MERRELL. A HOME FOR SALE. An 8-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace, two corner lots, and gar age. One block from two schools, churches, court house, opera house, and business center of O’Neill. A very desirable place, and room enough if owner desires to take some roomers. Terms easy. 38-2p FRANK CAMPBELL. Agent. FOR SALE Household Goods for sale.—Mrs. H. H. Hayden. 39-tf For Sale—Nice smooth Early Ohio seed potatoes.—P. H .Waldron. 39-3 For Sale—One P. & O. 14-inch gang plow as good as new.—P. H. Wal dron. 39-3 For Sale—2 good used pianos in fine condition, priced low.—Bowen’s Variety Store. 39-1 Brood Sow for sale, to farrow in April. 2Vz miles north of Page, Neb. —Falk Bros., Pege, Nebr. 37-4 Heirmtitehintr nnd nirntinfr nt mv home, one block west of city water tower, O’Neill.—Miss Minerva Mer rell. 18-tf MISCELLANEOUS Dressmaking—Clara Aim. 34-tf. Martin’s store sells High Grade Hosiery; prices reasonable. 35-8 We have plenty of Virginia Splint soft coal on hand. If you want good coal see Warners. 39-tf Wanted—Middle aged woman to help with house work.—Mrs. L. Buri val, O’Neill, Nebr. 38-tf KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH .ing,—W. B. Gnaves, O’Neill, 30-tf Lost—$61.00 in brown billfold* in Dubois pool hall, Monday evening, February 20th. Reward. Ed Dum pert, O’Neill. 39 For Sale'—Used Piano—Stafndaitd make. Priced very low for quick sale. Also Brunswick phonograph. See or phone Mrs. Charles B. Scott. 39-1 FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND V6 per cent, no commission.-—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-tf IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Wre have appointed Frank Lang mack Sales Manager for the O’Neill territory. All courtesy shown him will be appreciated. We have resorted to this system of selling to lower the cost of monu ments to you by eliminating the com mission paid salesmen. He will call personally on you. WAYNE MONUMENT WORKS, Manufactureres & Designers of Artis tic Memorials. Wayne, Nebraska. 38-3 STATE OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN February 2. 1928. Mr. W'. E. Conklin, County Treasurer, O’Neill, Nebraska. Dear Sir: This is to confirm con versation with you over the telephone this morning, at which time I told you that you were right in charging $15.00 for the first 4000 pounds gross load of trucks, plus 50c for each 100 pounds in excess of 4000 pounds. The law is very clear on this, and there is no question but what the course you are pursuing is strictly in accordance with the statutes. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS n T AAATTT~» A xv* u. v vvmvmi,, Secretary and State Engineer. (First publication Feb. 23.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1982. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, February 23, 1928. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas V. Golden, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is June 22, 1928, and for the payment of debts is February 23, 1929, and that on March 22, 1928, and on June 23, 1928, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed, (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE. 39-4 County Judge. (First publictation Feb. 16.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 1942. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, February 15, 1928. In the matter of the Estate of Charles E. Stevens, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate ure hereby notified that the Admin istrator of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard March 7th, 1928, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution ' of said estate. (County Court Seal.) C. J MALONE. 38-3 County Judge. ^ (First publication Feb. 9.) NOTIC E TO CONTRAtTORS. Sealed bid* will be received at the Department "f Public Works in the j State House at Lincoln. Nebraska, on j March 2nd. I92m, until 19 00 o'clock i A. M , ami at that time publicly open '.•d ami read for GRADING. ONE BRIDGE incidental work on the O’NEILL-BARTLETT ROAD. The proposed work consists of con structing 0.2 miles of. GRADED road. The approximate quantities are: 5,400 Cu. Ydn. Common Excavation BRIDGE AT STATION 729-93.7 g 1—73 ft. Timber Trestle Span. Plans and specifications for the work may bo seen and information se cured at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Public* Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 per cent of his contract. Certified checks made payable to the Department of Public Works for V ' not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid will be required. This work must be started previous to April 15th, 1928, and be completed by June 1st, 1928. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. L. Cochran, State Engineer. E. F. PORTER, 37-3 County Clerk, Holt County. (First publication Feb. 2.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Application of C. P. Hancock, administrator of the estate of Euretta E. Long, deceas ed, for license to ell real estate. Ordi r To Show Cause. Now, on this 30th day of January, 1928, this < iuse came on for hearing upon the application and petition of v^. x . xittia uumniisiraior oi tow estate of Euretta E. Long, deceased, for license to sell the Southeast Quar ter of Section Four (4), Township Thirty-one (31), Range T#n (10), and the West One-half of the Northwest Quarter Sec. Twelve (12), Township Thirty-two (32), Range Eleven (11), all West of the Sixth Principal Meri dian, Holt Couty, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the debts owing by said deceased and said estate, and it appearing to the Court from such petition that there are not sufficient personal assets in the hands of said administrator to pay the debts owing by said deceased and said estate, and the expense of administration, and that it is necessary to sell all of said real estate for the payment of such debts and expenses. IT IS, THEREFORE, hereby , or dered that all persons interested in said estate appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, at the Court House in ONeill, Nebraska, on the 26th day of March, 1928, at 10 o’clock A. M., to show cause why a license should not be granted to C. P. Hancock, administrator of the es tate of Euretta E. Long, deceased, to ^ sell all of the real estate above de- ' scribed to pay such debts and ex penses. It is further ordered that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by publishing a copy of this order for four (4) successive weeks in The Frontier, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and of general cir culation in Holt County, Nebraska. BY THE COURT, ROBERT R. DICKSON, i 36-4 District Judge. (First publication Feb. 23.) STATE OF NEBRASKA ADAM McMULLEN. GOVERNOR. Lincoln, January 21st, 1928. TO ALL COUNTY TREASURERS: We have had considerable com plaint from various parts of the state that applicants for atitb registration have, in some cases, registered in a couty other than that in which they reside. In cases of this kind, in ef fect the applicant has not registered at all—any more than if he had paid his land taxes by making payment in county other than that in which they land is located. This letter is in no way personal, and not directed particularly to any one, only calling your attention to be especially careful that the applicant for registration resides in your county, Very truly yours DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK, R. L. COCHRAN, 39-2 Secretary & State Engineer. BUY HIDES, WOOL AND | | First door west of Ileha hotel. E 1 M. J. LYDON, O’Neill | 1 Telephone 227J. 1 (Overland Trucking | Service 1 Day or Night Phone 44 I Await Spongier I Y W.E.Wanser (Bu*l Auctioneer General Auctioneering Hitlufartlnii Guaranteed, I'hoite 13. fare. Nebr. j *