The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 09, 1928, Image 7

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    Dr. Caldwell’s 3 Rules
Keep You Healthy
I —
• Dr. Caldwell watched the results of
ron&tipation for 47 years, and believed
that no matter how careful people are
of their health, diet and exercise, con
stipation will occur from time to time
regardless of how much one tries to
avoid it. Of next importance, then. Is
how to treat It when It comes. Dr.
Caldwell always was tn favor of get
ting as close to nature as possible,
hence his remedy for constipation.
f known as Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin,
Is a mild vegetable compound. It ean
* not harm the most delicate system and
Is not a habit forming preparation.
Syrup Pepsin Is pleasant-tasting, and
youngsters love It. It does not gripe.
Thousands of mothers have written us
to that effect.
Dr. Caldwell did not approve of
drastic physics and purges. lie did
not believe they were good for human
beings to put into their system. In a
practice of 47 years he never saw any
reason for their use when a medicine
like Syrup Pepsin will empty the
bowels just as promptly, more cleanly
and gently, without griping and harm
to the system.
Keep free from constipation! It
robs your strength, hardens your ar
teries and brings on premature old
nge. Do not let a day go by without
a bowel movement. Do not sit and
hope, but go to n druggist and get one
of the generous bottles of Dr. Cald
well’s Syrup Pepsin. Take the proper
dose that night and by morning you
/ j
27 ft- ©*-€*£**>£££. M<7
will feel like a different person. Use
Syrup Pepsin for yourself and mem
bers of the family in constipation,
biliousness, sour and orampy stomach,
bad breath, no appetite, headaches,
and to break up fevers and colds. Al
ways have a bottle in the house, and
observe these three rules of health:
Keep the head cool, the feet warm,
the bowels open.
Wo would he glad to have you prove
at our expense how much Dr. Cald
well’s Syrup Pepsin can mean to you
and yours. Just write “Syrup Pepsin,"
Montieello,Illinois,and we will send you
m*r a MTlTFIaM Women and Girls who
Yw 4tn A ML A# are lovers Ct color to
send for KRKK 4-color publication! entitled
“COLOR NEWS.” *5.000in Prize Contest for
those who are willing to use a little energy in
this connection—No selling, just reeoiamend
l ng. If you feel you can reoomnoenwEUNSET
DYES and DYTINT, the new 10c Tim. write
and we will enter you i n this Contest. Address
Dept. K, North American Dve Corporation,
I _Mt. Vernon, N. V
and Mashes direct from manufacturer ami
nave money. Write for prices and particu
lars to J. E. HALL, SAC CITY, IOWA.
to Bolles & Rogers, Sioux City, Iowa
Highest Market Prices and Prom^i Returns.
Anybody Banting to Huy, Sell, "Snide, jiu
matter where located, write for DeBev’a
Real Estate Adv. Bulletin. Logan, Kansas.
Remov e.« I >and ru ff-s tops H ai r Fal 1 i n g
Restores Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
00**. and $1.00 at Druggists.
IUpcox Chen>. Wks. Patchogue. N. Y.
connection with Parker's Hair balsam. Makes the
hair soft ami fluffy. 50 cents by mail or at druc
Biate. Miscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. X.
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 6-1928.
Machine Causes Sleep
Rnn by clockwork, a newly designed
machine emits for 40 minutes a con
Btant humming noise which is said to
be nseful in causing sleep in cases of
And This Is Counted
Good Legal Defense
"Criminal trials are involved with
so many technicalities nowadays,” said
Attorney L. G. McCann, who at one
time was a noted prosecuting attorney,
“that unquestionably a great many
criminals escape their Just deserts.
Leniency to women witnesses was
largely responsible for the opening
wedge; and precedent, the bugaboo of
all trial lawyers, has done the rest.
"What could be more absurd than
the testimony of Mike the Killer, re
arrested shortly after doing time un
der the name of Jones?
“ ‘Now, Mr. Jones,’ coos the prose
cutor, ‘isn’t it true that you were re
leased from the penitentiary only a
month ago, after doing ten years for
“And Mr. Jones, alias Mike the
Killer, wiio has read the newspapers,
promptly answers,‘I don't remember.’”
— Los Angeles Times. I
HILL’S arts with amazing quick
ness. Colds are checked m a few
hours. Complications are avoid
ed—health fortified.
Be Sure Price 30c
Get Red Boot with portrait
Flood Brought t,Gifts,t
Many persons returning to their
homes after the flood waters had re
ceded in Vermont found unusual
“gifts.” In one house a cow was found,
alive and contentedly reposing on a
sofa in a second-story room, and in
the dilapidated library in anothei
dwelling stood a small, white marble
statue of the Venus de Milo, unharmed
and as beautiful as ever, but it had
never been there before and no one
knew where it came from.
Radius Defined
Bill—“On what grounds does your
futiier object to me?” Jenny—"On
the grounds about the house.”
Keep Fit This Winter
Your Kidneys Must Function Properly
For You to Be Well.
WINTER is hard on the kidneys.
All too often colds and chills up
set the action of the kidneys and
allow poisons to remain in the system.
That’s why winter finds so many folks
achy and tired; with backache, head
ache, dizzy spells and scanty, burning
kidney secretions.
Doan’s Pills, a stimulant diuretic, in
crease the secretion of the kidneys and
aid in the elimination of waste impurities. Are endorsed
by users everywhere. Ask your neighbor!
Doan’s Pills
A Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys ^
At ill dr aim, 60c • box. Fottrr-Milbum Co., M(|. Otrmitfi, Buffalo, N.Y.
Protect Your Skin /11 ] T 1 i * 1 f D A
Against The Weather vU 1 1 V U It, A
Soap and Ointment will help \ ou.
After motoring, golf or other outdoor
pastimes anoint the fare and hands with
Cuticura Ointment. After five minutes
wash off with Cuticura Soap and hot
water, rinsing with tepid or cokl water;
dry tlioroughly. There is nothing better
for keeping the akin soft and clear un
der all conditions of exposure.
frmp l< (HatNMt t Mr ftlma is Wati sfffyaWs
Bg«gS|gr •«*— I .*■»**..> N*
—r .. M-.-, sc.fc 1C_
Oui Our Way
-— — — —-■■■■-■
By Williams
—■ ■ -.’
.f 'y
II 'YvAmv<1\TA c/~7.1
Hot -YR F •"/
CO"Z ^ £ does noT sleep
vmitg n fyl £|je£ Gee.
-That SA6V \
DOE.smT oerC
t HIS* TasTC
FOR music
' I CAmY
i u»^0£P?51Ak»C> ;
l rf- HE’S THE ;
OwoV OnE
/ iu YaE mouseT
YuaYcam t
<ttp- ^ I
w\y&%.s \\w//fy
\NM MCtfP\£WE> (SeT'G-RAV. *
Aunt Eppie Hogg the Fattest Woman in 3 Counties
By Fox
.-.... .
A^SoLUT^UY S£ftl°US WHPtf SHE: ADv'iSep AU^T
^ I^ ^ i o ^ f I
f °V> i
(rFont«ine Fo*. 1*2*. The Bell Syndic** *. Inc) J
I've been too much alone of late,
Too long adrift in starry skies;
I feel a drowsiness that numbs
All earthly pain, weighs dor my
As though dark opiate I had sipped.
Distilled from night's empurpled
Oh. what if I forget to hide
My high romance, unknown to you?
When Day folds up his red gold tent,
I seek his sandaled footp* ints,
Upon the western dun : of Time,
And soon I Join his cavalcade.
By chance some night if I forget
To glide back home from poppied
Look up where comet swiftly flies,
A part I'll be of its silver stream.
—Marcia Lewis Leach in the New
York Times.
— ---. . -
Dons Man’s Attire.
From London Daily Mail.
A beautiful princess, 19 years old.
Clever and accomplished, who has
been banished from Japan and re
turned to her relatives in Pekin, had
Just returned to Japanese territory.
She is the Princess Chin, daughter
of the late Prince Su, of the former
reigning house of the Celestial em
pire, who proved too big a handful
for her Japanese foster parents to
Princess Chin was adopted bv N
Kawashima of Dairen, a friend of her
father, and brought up as a Jupanese
Kir!, attending a girls’ finishing school
in Toklo under the name of M'-s
Yosluko Kawashima. She blossom l
in culture and beauty, but in the past
three or four years she has developed
the principle of self determination to
a marked degree.
She scorned all offers of marriage
Nat a Paying Concern.
Prom the Weekly Scotsman,
Visitor Do you find pouilry-kcep*
Ine pays?
Partner- Well, no. I can't say It
pays me, but it (lays my son Mike.
Visitor (low's that?
Parmer Weil, you see, 1 b 'light
him the fowls, 1 have to pay tor their
keep, and buy the eggs from turn and
he iiU them,
• •
Q What docs the importation <>f
Jewels for watches sod clocks amount
to? ft R H
A. In of Jewels fur clocks
and watches for 1VM amounted to
•, and of this amount Hwii*
ociiaod fuihhh— worth.
with both Japanese and Chinese
suitors and announced that she in
tended to devote her life to the task
of replacing the deposed boy emperor
of China upon his throne.. Finding
that she could accomplish little or
nothing as a girl, she kicked her
silken kimono and her brocaded
sashes into a corner and donned man’s
clothes, scandalizing her foster rela
tives by wearing these on all occasions
and by choosing only young men as
her associates.
Her foster father was obliged to
abandon the task of looking after this
too lively princess, and she was sent
to Pekin. Recently she returned to
Dairen, traveling by steamer to Tient
sin. having had fellow passengers and
crew by the ears because of her be
havior enroute. when she insisted
upon being a man for the time be
-• «
The Women of Iceland.
From the New York Sun.
In recognition of their political
freedom, the women of Iceland are
engaged in their greatest .ioint un
dertaking This is the erection of a
hospital already under construction
as the largest in the country. It Is
at the capital. Reykjavik
So writes Fraulein Aslang Agusts
dottir, president of the Y. W C. A.
in Iceland. ‘ Every year we celebrate
June 19. the day we got our vote.”
writes Fraulein Agustsdottlr. "All
through the years we have been col
lecting money for the fund on that
day. We felt we could not show' our
appreciation better than by raising
this fund.”
Women in Iceland have the same
legal right ns men to fill munieipal
and state office. There is one wom
an member of the attlng, Iceland’s
parliament There are several women
physicians and a number of other
Return Engagement*.
From the Wichita Earle.
"Well, have you ever ween me with
more than I could rarry?” growled
a husband one dav recently when he
Vfti having of an Amu*
merit with hi* wife About the few lit
tie drinks he did take just now and
~Wffl, perhaji* not/* *lfhrd th#
wife, trying to a im thing* down a
bit, 'but I have M*en you when you
should have made two more trip* for
your laid “
Q How lung have Pre»id**nt and
Mr* Ctnildge berm married* PIIP
A They were married October 4. ,
women have taken university degrees.
While girls are employed as clerks
and stenographers, most of the agri
cultural work and the cleaning and
drying of fish for exporting is done
by women. The Y. W. C. A. has a
center in Reykjavik and is a member
of the world's committee, the inter
national movement of the Y. W. C. A.
It reaches girls and women of many
classes and occupations.
Q. Why was the custom of driv
ing on the right side of the road es
tablished in America? J. F. E.
A. Gould in his "Right and Left
Handedness" is of the opinion that it
is due to the fact that the earliest
colonists were not preponderatingly
English. Among the first Puritan
settlers there were many Dutch and
to this France added her complement.
They were from the continent where
the custom of passing to the right
had long been prevalent. During the
early period of colonization, the peo
ple were accustomed to traveling
afoot and ever, in England it was
customary for pedestrians to go the
right even while vehicles went to
the left. This custom of going to
the right probably became fairly
well established in America before
vehicles were used to any great ex- |
tent: When large w’agons or "schocrv- |
ers” came Into use. the driver bring |
right-handed sat upon the near
wheel-horse. He therefore sat on
the right to operate the brake with
his right hand or foot. This was
important in traveling over hilly
country or ungraded roads It can
thus readily be seen that under these
various influences the custom of go
ing to the right at all times became
firmly established.
Millionaire President.
By Gerald W Johnson, in Harper's
Hr publican leaders, now six months
before the convention, are so strong
ly convinced of the possibility of j
electing a millionaire president of :
flie United Mtalcs that they are giv
ing scant attention to anyone rise,
Mr Mellon is pri-hapa the ^erotid
richest man in the country. Mr.
Hoover la said to have made his
first million at the age of 77. Mr.
Lowden warned a Pullman. Mr.
Dawes, before he entered politic*,
was a poster among the great bank
ers. Mr Lsmgworth'i family owns
the heart of Cine nnatia business
By Women Who Used Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’n
Vegetable Compound and I think It In
|tha most wonderful
m t'did n • l ever
(tried,” Is tho state
11 made by Mrs.
Goldie Shoup of
St. Joseph, Illinois.
She declares that
after taking the
Compound ihe is In
better health than
Mrs. J. Storms of
29 Lano Street, Pat
I_arson, N | tea:
“i ran not Speak too highly of your
medlrlne and 1 recommend it to all my
These statements were taken from
two enthuaiarfic letters which tell of
the help that has been received from
using the Vegetable Compound. Both
Mrs. Shoup and Mrs. Storms were in
a run-down condition which caused
them much unhappiness. When women
are suffering from lark of strength and
from weakness, their own life and that
of their family Is affected. When they
leel well and strong and are abto to do
their housework easily, happy homes
are the result.
Thousands of testimonial letters have
been received from women In different
walks of life, stating that tho Com
pound has helped them.
No More Distress
after eating or drinking
For correcting over-acidity end
quickly relieving belching, gas,
heartburn, sick headache, dizzi
ness, nausea and other digestivo
disorders. Not a laxative but a
tested Sure Relief for Indigestion.
Perfectly harmless and pleasant
to take. Send for free samples to:
Bell ft Co., Inc.,Orangeburg, N. Y.
Normalizes Digestion and
Sweetens the Breath
Enthusiasm can be overdone.
Headaches from Slight Colds,
Laxative BROMO QUININE Tabletn re
lieve the Headache by curing the Cold
Look for signature of E. W. Grove on
the box. 30e.—Adv.
Folly grows without watering.
| The BABY |
Why do so many, many babies of t»>
tluy eseupe all the little fretful spells
and Infantile ailments that used to
worry mothers through the day, and
keep them up half tlie night?
If you don't know the answer, you
haven’t discovered pure, harmless Oas
toria. It is sweet to the taste, and
sweet In the little stomach. Aud Its
gentle influence seems felt all through
the tiny system. Not even u distaste
ful dose of castor oil does so mucl
Fletcher’s Castoriu is purely veg»
table, so you may give it freely, f
lirst sign of colic; or constipation; o
diarrhea. Or those many times wltn
you just don't know what u ttie mat
ter. For reul sickness, call the do<
lor, always. At other times, a fe
drops of Fletcher’s ('astoria.
The doctor often tells you to do Just
that; and always says Fletcher's.
Other preparations may be just as
Hire, Just as free from dangerous
drugs, but why experiment? Besides,
the lxx»k on care and feeding of habi-w
I hut comes wdh Fletcher's (’astoria U
worth Its weight in g**ldf
Children Cry for