PUBLIC SALE! Seventeen miles south and 1 mile east of O’Neill; 6 east and one north of Chambers; 18 southwest of Ewing; starting at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday, February 7, 1928_ 90—HEAD OF CATTLE—90 15—HEAD OF HORSES—15 1,000 bu. Corn40 bu. Rye500 bu. Oats ! 53—HEAD OF HOGS—53 | Farm Machinery. Some Household Goods. 16 Dozen Chickens Many other articles. Free lunch at 11:30. Bring your cup and spoon Terms—$25 and under cash. 8 months time on ap- j proved security, 10 per cent interest. D. B. Perkins, Owner Col James Moore Auct. * Chambers State Bank. Clerk. I -* SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. O’Neill, Jan. 10, 1928, 10 a. m. County Board of Holt County, Ne braska, met in regular session. Mem bers present Sullivan, Skidmore, Nel lis, McKim, Gibson, Stein and James. Board called to order by the Clerk. John Sullivan was nominated for Chairman for the ensuing year. There being no further nominations, on mo tion nominations were closed and the clerk instructed to cast the unanimous \\>te of the board for Mr. Sullivan as chairman, which was done and Mr. Sullivan was declared chairman for the ensuing year. The Chairman appointed the fol lowing committees for the ensuing year: Courthouse: James, McKim and Gibson. Finance and Official Bonds: Nellis, Gibson and Stein. Printing and Supplies: Skidmore, McKim and Stein. Tax and: Tax Settlements: Stein, James and Gibson. Claims: Nellis and Entire Board. Settlement with County Officers: Gibson and Entire Board. The Chairman appointed McKim and Gibson as a committee to go out to Mr. M. J. Harris’ to investigate the matter of a road out from his house to the public road. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until one o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 10, 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Mc Kim and Gibson. Beard called to order by the Chair man. Board devoted the afternoon in in vestigating the matter of office help in the different offices. At 6 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until January 11, 1928, at Q rw'lr *> m JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER. Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 11. 1928, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. Minutes for January 10, 1928, read and approved. Committee on help for County Officers continued. The board had a conference with the District Judge in regard to County Poor. Also a conference with Mr. Burkholtz in regard to road equip ment. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chirman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 11, 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. Resolution: WHEREAS, The First National Bank, Atkinson, has deposited with the County Clerk §50,000.00 in Third j.. in. ■ i Liberty Loan Bonds as security for the county money deposited in such bank and, WHEREAS, Said bank desires to substitute such bonds for other gov ernment bonds and desires to with draw said bonds and pay said county funds on deposit in said bank to the treasurer of the County pending the arrival of the new bonds and their approval as security for such county deposit by the board, i THEREFORE, I move you that the county clerk be instructed to deliver said bonds to such bank upon receipt by him of the Treasurer’s receipt for the county money on deposit in said bank. HUGH L. JAMES. C. B. NELLIS. Upon the above resolution being put to vote by the Chairman it was declared carried and so ordered. At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until Jan. 12, 1928, at 9 o'clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 12, 1928, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. Minutes for January 11, 1928, read and approved. The County Superintendent submit ted the following bids for printing the school directory for 1928 to-wit: The Atkinson Graphic for 1,000 copies _ $147.90 The Ewing Advocate for 800 copies _ 165.00 The Ewing Advocate for 1,000 copies _ 175.00 The Holt County Independent for 800 copies _ 124.95 The Holt County Independent for 1,000 copies ... The Frontier for 800 copies 125 00 The Frontier, 1,000 copies 140.00 W. N. Coats & Son, 800 copies 100.00 W. N. Coats & Son, 1,000 copies _ 120.00 On motion the printing of 800 Educational Directories was awarded to W. N. Coats & Son for $100.00. There being no bids received for County printing as advertised in De cember, 1927, on motion the board de cided to buy on the open market. At 12 o’clock noon on motiion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 12, 1928, 1 p. rn. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but James. Board called to order by the Chair man. The board held conference with par ties from Inman and Page. Also conference with the County Attorney on various matters. At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until January 13, 1928, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 13, 1928, 9 a. m. Did You Ever Mail a Letter -Then Wish You Had It Back? There is a big business mail who seldom at tempts to explain anything by letter although his long distance telephone hill sometimes is as inoeli as $1,000 a month. He says he doesn't know a better way to spend this money unless it would l*e in going to see his customers fair to fa«c. You will ttnd "long tlUtiime'’tk per - von a I and rffiofol way to ilsmi up little misunderstandings whit ti air • ertaln to nreui in any business. NORTHWESTERN BELL .1 ■ ILL SYSTEM (SaMbf • «a#S**l«w • I’M* *#«•!'*#»«« as—a— i.M..i...M 1 .I mi. in .- -—.. Board met pursuant to adjourn- ( ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chairman. Minutes for January 12, 1928, read and approved. Mr. Mathews appeared before the board in the matter of repairing a bridge in Shields township. The board devoted some time in making the annual estimate. . At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until one o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. / E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 13. 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. Board devoted the afternoon to making the annual estimate. At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until January 14, 1928, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 14, 1928, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chair man. Minutes for January 13, 1928, read and approved. The following claims were audited ; and approved and on motion allowed on the General fund: ! C. B. Nellis *42.20 ; Elmer Gibson --— 36.90 J. C. Stein 36.00 L. C. McKim .-.—- 39.40 L. E. Skidmore - 34.20 j Hugh L. James ... — 46.90 John Sullivan - 39.00 Mr. Chairman: I move you the fol lowing estimate for Holt County be ■ made for the year 1928: Bridges and Prior Indebtedness on Bridge fund .... -1 $38,000.00 County Roads 7,000.00 j County Officers- 16,000.00 j Printing and Supplies 9,000.00 Cleik Hire - 9,000.00 Assessors 6,000.00 County Poor 10,000.00 Mothers Pensions — 2,500.00 Court and Juries - 2,500.00 County Fairs - 4,000.00 Court House and Jail 2,500.00 Justice and Misdemeanor 350.00 Feeble Minded - 350.00 School Exhibit - 300.00 Coroners Inquest 100.00 Insane - 300.00 Board of Health - 100.00 Crow and Coyote Bounty 2,500.00 Elections _ — 7,000.00 Soldiers Relief - 1,000.00 Repair, Improvements and Building 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 3,700.00 Judgments » 15,000.00 $138,200.00 L. E. SKIDMQRE. E. GIBSON. Upon the above motion being put to vote by the Chairman it was de clared carried and so ordered. Mr. Chairman: We your com mittee appointed to ascertain the amount of help needed in the various county offices beg leave to recommend the following: County Treasurer: One deputy at a salary fixed by law, three clerks at salary of $90.00 per month and extra help when needed. County Superintendent: One deputy at a salary of $90.00 and extra help when needed. County Sheriff: One deputy at a salary of $90.00 per* month. One clerk at a salary of $90.00 per month. Register of Deeds: Necessary help when needed to be paid from fees of tj?e office as required by law. County Clerk: One deputy at a salary fixed by statute and other help when needed at a salary of $90.00 per month. County Judge: One Clerk at a sal ary of $90 00 per month. County Attorney: One Stenog rapher Clerk at $90.00 per month. Clerk of the District Court: One Deputy at a salary fixed by statute. HUGH L. JAMES. E. GIBSON. L. C. McKIM. On motion the report of Committee on help was approved and so ordered. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 14, 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. B^ard called to ordter by the Chair man. On motion Harry Bowen was given the position as janitor for the ensu- j ing year at a salary of 8110.00 per j I month. At 3 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until January 10, 1928, at 10 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill. Jan. 10, 1928, 9 a. m. Boai'd met pursuant to adjourn ment. All numbers prevent but Skid more. Bourd called lo order i>y tne t nan man. Minutes for January 14, ll*2d read and approved. On motion The Frontier was desig nated us the official paper for the i county for the year 11)28. Board then went into committee of the whole and commence 1 checkin* county officers. At 12 o’clock noon committee arose and on motion hoard adjourned until 11 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN. Chairm ut. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 1*5, 11*28, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn- j j meat. All members present but Skid- • more. Board called to order by the Chair* j man, und went into committee of the whole ami continued rhwkinjj county officers. At 6 o'clock p. m. committee arose j and on motion board adjourned until January 17, 1928, at !* o'clock a. nt. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER. Clerk, O'Neill, Jan. 17, IP2H, p u in. Hoar, I met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Hoard called to ordt>r by the Chair man. Minutes for January iff. 11*28, read and approved. Hoard went into committee of the whole ami continued checkin* county •>fllceni. At 12 o'clock noon committee arose I and on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER. Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 17, 1928, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment and decided to go as a committee ! of the whole to inspect an elevating grader at the Whiting bridge, and adjourned until Jan. 18, 1928, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Jan. 18, 1928, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Stein. Board called to order by the Chair man. Minutes for January 17, 1928, road and approved. On motion tin board deckled to I PUBLIC | It As I have decided to quit farming I will sell at my place, 1 mile north and % two miles east of the O’Neill fair ground, beginning at 12:30 o’clock, on I Thursday, February 16, 1928 |\ > Ritts & Kirwan lunch wagon will serve the lunch, Jg I - 9 Head of Horses I i One team, mare and horse, 14 years old, weight 2800; 1 team horses, 8 and £ ft 9 years old, weight 2600; 1 team mares. 7 and 8 years old, weight 2600; 3| *- l black horse, 5 years old, weight 1400; 1 sorrel mare, 7 years old, weight p ■ H00; 1 r°an pony, 12 years old, weight 1000, good saddler or single I I 47 Head of Cattle I if 14 head of milch cows; 16 head of 2-year-old heifers, all in calf: 10 head of || H last summer calves; 6 head of small calves; 1 registered Hereford bull, will if £ furnish papers on day of sale. J| I 45 Head of Hogs I M 12 L)uroc brood sows, balance are late summer and fall pigs. « I Farm Machinery, Miscellaneous, Etc. I H 8-foot I leering hinder; 1 John Deere 2-row eli; 2 disc cultivators; 1 Badger 1§ II cultivator; 1 three-section harrow and cart; 1 Avery corn planter with drill ffl and check plates, and 160 rods of wire; 1 walking plow, 16-inch; 1 Good I j Enough 16-inch riding plow; l Rock Island lister; 2 sweeps; 1 hay rake; 2 ft H six-loot McCormick mowers; 1 grind stone; 1 stacker; 5 chicken coops; 1 §1 B manure spreader; 1 wage n and hox; 1 wagon and rack; 1 Ford car; 3 sets S | harness; 1 single harness; 1 saddle and bridle; a number of Pathe records; 8 ■ large water tank and filling pipe; disc pulverizer. p m 100 head Buff Orpington hens; 14 Buff Orpington roosters; 3 Bourbon Red f§ m turkeys, 2 hens and 1 gobler; 4 geese. 1 DeLaval cream separator, size 15; || jg 1 range; 1 heating stove; 1 3-burner oil steve with oven; 2 beds; 8 chairs; 1 ft jf table; 1 Winsor organ; 3 rugs; 1 dresser; 1 cupboard; 4 10-gal. cream f§ D cans; 160 rods barbed wire; 43 posts; 15 bushels good seed corn. H || TERMS—Nine months’ time will be given with approved security drawing Jf ^ 10 per cent interest. $10 and under cash. No property to be removed until S 9 settled for. 9 991 ♦ I T, E. Markey, Owner I I COL. JAMES MOORE, Auctioneer. NEBRASKA STATE BANK, Clerk. I HI i jii - -— 1 ■■ " — ' " V i * i ‘ ||| RevelstoJ:r ::i City of the Ski-Jumpers * A IfOBEL CQV*SMHJCt/*MPtO* ***** Sxr tAMWiffnm ertux, The town of Bevelstoke nestling among the Selkirk Mountains in tbs broad valley of the Columbia river. In British Columbia, la noted for two things: Its National Park, situated on lop of Mount Revelstoke, and Its world famous ski-jump where world records have been made and up to the peasant date not surpassed The Bevelstoke Whiter Carnival ex tends from February 0*10 inclusive During this celebration the four teenth annual ski-jumping tourna ment takes place oa February 7-8 rbe famous bill, where the jumps are made, baa a total length of 1,780 feet, with a runway of 500 feet. The dis tance from the take off to the farthest point at which a safe landing U es ured. Is 280 rest, or 40 feet beyond the present world record Nela Nelson, a br&keman on tbe Canadian Pacific Railway, established his world record Jump of 240 feet In 1925. The woman’s record Jump of 54 feet was also made on tbe Revel stoke ski hill In 1922. by laobel Coursler, a record which still stands. Little children In this mountain town who can do little more than walk begin to ski *s soon as there is sufficient mow and they are brought up to think no more of skiing than the average child thinks of walking The children have their own bill and little jumps from which they gradu ate one by one. RevsUtofce baa an unusually large skating rink for the stae of the town and there are four curium rinks. The dates for tbe Banff Winter Carnival are from February 4-11. making It poaetbto tor »par% enthusiasts to take / LJiBr u Net-sort, woRLtiS CHAMPION - 4.40 HT. s part In both events. Canadians are great lovers of the out-of-door* and winter sports are an Important factor ln tbs lives of young people In this land of the maple leaf. Quebec and Montreal are the two eastern centers for sports, Winnipeg ln the middle west and Banff and Revelstoke still farther west, West ern Canada has an abundance of sun shine and the weather Is all anyone could desire for It does not freeze and thaw alternately, postponing special competitions or trips, out remains a fairly even temperature. Canadians and Americana will soon realise tb* futility of traveling long distance and spending large sums of money *n enjoy winter • ports in Koran Sweden or Switaerland when " * are so many delightful winter i* • In the Dominies* of Osuade